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MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, Passenger train now leave Detroit and the severa tatiou ín thiü follows : (iOINü WEST. Lcave. Mail. N. Y. Ex. .lack.Ac. N'ightEs letroit 7. 20a. M. 10 A.M. 6,15?. M 9.30 P. M. nsilanti, 9.00 " 11.25 " 6.20 " 10.66 " nn Arbor, 9 20 " H.45 " 7 05 " 1110 " lexter 9.S0 " 12.10 P.M. 7.35 " 11.35 ■' 'hrlsea. 10.10 " 1230 " 8.00 " 11.55 " Ar.Cliicago, 10.30 " 10.05 A. M [ The mail train goes only ti) Michigan City. GOlNü EAST. I.eave. MIjhtEl. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Ex. Mail 'bicajro, 6 45 P.M. 6.30 J. Jl 'helara. 6.C5AM. 5.C0P. M. )exter.' '-S0 " 6-8 " Vnn Arbor, 5.05 a. M. 7 25 " 3 45 P. M. fi.lï '■ Ypnllauti, 5.25 " 7-riO " 4,05 " 6.40 " Ar. Detroit, 6.45 " 9.20 " 515 " 8.09 " The mail train starts from MichiirnD City. Trainí As not stop at stations where figures are omited lo the table. S-T-186O-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATI0N BITTERS. They punfy, strenthen and invigorate. They créate a healUiy appfttitö. They arean antidote to change of water and diet. They overeóme effeets of dissipation and late hours. They strengtlien the system and enliven the mind. They preveut miunmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the brvath ana acidity of the storaach. They cury dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diíirrhea, Cholera and Cholera iforbus. They cure Ijver Complainc and Nervous Headaclie. They are the best bitters in the world. They makt the wtak rnan strong, aud are exhausted nature's great restore:. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, andaré taken with tlie ploasureof a beverage, without reicanl to agc or time of day. Particularly reeommended to delicate persons requirinj; a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocerd, Druggits, Hotels and Saluona. P. H. Drake& Co. 202 Broadway New York. 6mH94 LYON'S KATfiAIRON. Kathairon is from the (ireek wor-ï, "Kathro," or 1 Kathairo," higuifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and retore. This article is whfit ita n iraenignilies. ForpreserTÏng, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is the reiuarkable preparation lu the world. It is agiiin owned and pat up by the original proprietor, and ie now made with the same care, skill and aitention which gave it a sale of over one million bultlen per annura It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eracicate i.-urf aud dandruff. It kceps the head cool nd clean. It maiii-s the hair rich, soft and glossy It prevents the hair from fallin offand turuing gray It reátoes hair ujion bald heads. Any lady or gentleiuan who values a beautiful liead of hair should use Lyon'n Katharion. It is known and usedtliroughout tlie civilized world. Sold by all re spectable dealers. GraS94 DESIAS S. BARNES k CO.j.Prop'ra, N. Y. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Retorative. IT IS KOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by tiupplying the capillary tub?B with natural ustenance, impaíred hy age or didëase AH ins'.avtancons dycs are cnmposed of lunar caustíc, deBtroying the riÍJÜty anl beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heimstriïet's Inimitable Coloring not only reiitoros hair to its natural color by ao easy process, but give the hair a litrcttrlant Bcanly, promotes its growtU, prevents it.s falling o(T, eradicates Jindruff, and iinparts healtb and pleaaantiipss to the nead. It has stood the tüst of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is conKtantly increasing in favor. Ued bi boih gentleman ana ladies. It is roM by all rcspectable dcalern, or can be procured by them of the commercial !L?nts, D. S. Barnes & Co. 'ZOZ Hroadwny, N'ew-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6mB94 The Great French Eemedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CEI.EBRATED SILVLR-COATED FEMALF. PILLS. The only certain and Safe Remedyfur all Uterine Obstructions, Moathly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all the other diseasea to wbich the Woraan, Wife and Mothr is peeulhily liabLe. Tlio-e l'iüs contaia no deletersou ingrediënt?, but are safe and certain in theiraction. They wi,I bofoundto exert Ü:e liappiest effect in all cases of ProlapsuB Üten, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they will be fouad the e:isieíitinl most certain Curetbat can e Jound. It ia on account of thin certrinty they should nofc le taken by Pregnant Fcmales {durhig the first thrce montks, om mhcarriage it certain.) to be brought on, but at other periodo tiieir use is peifectly aie. N". B. - One Dollar endone! to any autfcorized Agent, will ensure package of Pilis by return of mail. C. CROSBY, General Agent, Fort Erie, C. W., Buffalo, N. Y. Cautiox,- Beware of Cmnterfeits, the genuine have Ihe fïiinatureof C. CROSBY, on the out.sido wrapper. For salu by all rcspectablo Druggists. lyeow8S7 ,4 GOOD TREE IS KNOWN SY X_ ITS FRUIT. Su in a fool l'hysician ly his Succesaflil Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYOKS, THEGBJSAT ANI CKLKliHATKD PIIYSJCUN OF TUF THKOAT, VCXQÜ AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj as the Celebrated INDIAN HEKB D0CÏ0E1 From South Aojcrica, will beat his rooms, EITSKLL H0UE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19lh iutt. ,,o the same dale of d every subsequent mODtK during lgO'2 aod 1803, A l'AMl'HLOT Of the life,study Bd uteaalve trayelfi of Dr. Lyon i au b1 procured by all whodesireone, free of chürce. Ur. 1, will visit Ann Arbur, Jacison.and Adiiau Mtch. , as follows : Ann Arbor, Mouitor Houso. 20tli. Jackson. Ilihbard House, 21st Anrian, Ilrackett 11. nse, Sid and 23d. iMoob ar KiAMisATloN - The Ductor disrns disease bytUeeyes. ile, tkerefore, asKs no questionf aor re q 'ires patiënt tn explain ymptoms. Afllicted, com andhave your symptfuns and the locatiou of yur dis eab-eexplained free of charge. Money to Leiul. r CAN FUKNISII MOXEY on rrasonable terms ani i long time on good Farm security. , . E. W.MOROAN. Anü Aibol, Jaly 22, 1B62. 826tf THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN ÏKContinually ín peril if sho s madenough tonoglect or maltrcat those sexual IrïGgularïtiea to which twohirds of hersex are mure ov loss subject. DR. CHEESEMaN'8 PtLLS, pnpare-1 f rom the sime ormula which the inventor. füKXELlUS L. CHEE8EIVNjM. D.,of Xcw-fork, lias for twenty yearij useil iicceHsfully in an extended prívate pra el ice - iminedinteily e lieve without pain, all distúrbanos of the periódica! .íscharge, whether ansintj from relaxation or suppresion. They act like a ch.irm inremoving the pamrt that accempany difficult orimmoderate merstruation, and are the only safe and rvliable remedy for Flushes, Sick fed&cha,Palui in the Loïna. Back and Sidos, Palpltfition of the Heart Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, BpMms, ïroken Slcip and other unpleasant.ind dangerotis effectw nf an uniüitural conditinn of the cexiinl functions In he vont cases of Fluor Alhus or Whites, they effect a peedy cure To WIVHS and MATRONS. DK.CHEESKMAN'SI'II.I.Sarenfforeclas the only safe at;ms ot' renewinginterruptcd menstruation, but. IiADlES MUST BKAII IN MI5ÍD There ïê oner.ovditiov of thefemale system in ichich thi illn cmitiot be taken wi'kout prodiicmg a PECULIAR RESULT. Theamdilionreferrtd to in PREONANCY- he remlt, M1SCAHKIAGE. Sur.h a the irresistible mdency nf the medicine to reitors the. anual fiuicúons to a normal conrlilíon. that even the reproductiva poteer of nature eanñot reeist it. directions ttaling when, and when thry should not be uted. witk eseh Box,- the Pricc Olie Dollar each lox, r.önlain ing 50 PUI'. A TRlnaMe l'n npilet. t" be had free of the Agenta. Pilis sentliymall prompthj, by unclosillR pnce to nnj Agent. Solé by 20 Cedar-St., Ñew York. For Silo by MATST ARD STEBBIXS & WILSON , and GREXVILLF. t 1-ULI.ER. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. T.tUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN PILIS FOR FEMALES. ntallible in correctlng, regulating and removing all ob ütruetions, irura whatever cause, aud ahrays succesrtful as a preventive. The combination o' ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Femalos are perfectly harmlf bs. They have boen used in the private practice of Dr. Duponco over 30yeara,and thousands of ladies can teatify to their great and never failing succeRS in almost every case incorrecting irrejularities, relieving paiuful and lifttressin? menstruation, particularly at the change of ife. From five to ten pills will cure that common yet dreadful complaint, the Whites Nearly every female n the land suffers fn in tfaii complaint. The above Pili has permanently cured thousands, and hey willcure jou ïf you use thera. They can not liarm you; od the contrary. they remove ftll obstruction, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the vhole system. Ladles wIom health will not permit an ncrease of family, will find these pills a auccessful )reveutive. Iadiea peculiarly eituated, or thope supposing themselve fo, should not use these Pilis during he first three months, a they are certain to proïucemiscarriagt, "after which admonition" the proprietor atj.iumes no responsibility, although their mildoess will prevent an injury to health. The ingredients composing the above Pilis are inade knrwn to every gent, and they will toll you they are safe and will perform all claimed lor them. Price ïl per box Sold in ANN ARBOR, by STEBBTNS WHJ90N, Rruggists, W. A. HUN"T, Druggiut. Ladics living at a distitnee by sending them $1,00 througli the Ann Arbor PoKtofiice, can have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail, to any part of the counry Cree of postage. N_ B. - Beware of a bate counterfeit of these PUI. - You can buy the connterftitai'ticle at any price from 25 to 7fi cents a box (dear at tliat) . Lapiës your lives and ïpalth are of too much ralue to be trifled with, besides jeing impo?e upon with a worthless art cle. Therefore, uiy one offering you these Pills for less than $1 % box, avoid tUem as you would poison. They are bogus. None aregenuiue unless the name of S. I). HO WE is on every 5ox which has recently bef addedton account of the Jills being couterfeited. Sold atao, hy KiWK & MTTH, Ypnilanti. BLISá k. HKKBKJaokson, and by one druggïst in every village and city in the United States, andby HARRAN]),SIifcElEY Je CO. .General State Agenta, Detroit. g. D HOWE, SoleProprietor, 867yrs2 NW YoitKÏÏX TOBACCO- You ciin buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at frnm 50 oen.s to One Dollar ÖMOKILN'G from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND C1GAR STORE Sign - ReJ Indian. South side Huron street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 883tf i The Great Living Ilistory.' THE REOELÜQN RECORD ! A DUBT OF AMERICAN EVEXT3 Eaited by FRANK MOORB. Publiih:ng in parts, at L0 cents, each part illufitrated with two Portrait engraved on steel. FOÜR VOLUMES are now ready at aanexed pricerf, untü April 1 , 18G3: Cloth, S3 75 a volume Sheep, 4 00 " Half Calf, or half Mnroeco, 5 00 " THE ftEBEL.JLIOlV ICKC'OlcIl T8 INDISPENSABLE TO KVKRY PUBLIC ANO PRIVATE LIliKAHV. The four volumeH contain ; A FÜLL AN'3 CONCIBE DIARYOF ETE1TTS, from the Meeting ot' the South Carolina Conveution in Dec , 18K), tu LUe capture uf New Orieand, inclusive, ii. OverON'E THOÜSAKD OFFICIAL REP0RT8 and NAR RATIVES of all the Battles and tíkirmislitiB tUat have eccurred during the war. in. Over FIVE HUNDRED BONTGS AND BAIXaDS, both loyaland rebel. IV. FOUTY-SEVEN PORTRAITS, engraved on steel, of the most celebrated men of the time, and 'iVeiitynix Maps and Plans ot Battlen. v. Over TIIREETÍI0U3AXD Incident and Auecdotea of personal dar ing and bravery. "Asa work furcuuatant referenco it i s emiuently to bc relied on " G. P. PUTXAM,PubIiaher, 532 Broadway. CIIAS. T. EVANS, (-en Agt. I 448 Uroadway. SPECIA,. NOTICEOn and after April lt, the pnce of The Rebellion Record" will be advanckd F1PTY C'Tá. A VOLUME- From that date, the sale of Parts, from Non. 1 to 24 will be dis conti nucd. Back Sfts of the"KebeHion Kecord" will be s,ld only in volumes. Purchaners an( subdcribers who have not complcted the four vols must at once do so. The work will continue to be pubhshed Ín parts, at 50 cent- - each part illustratd with twi) imriraits oq steel. Volume V. wiU comprise scv en parts. Trn -ses ! RUPTUUE CAN BE CUREJ) BY A TRUSS of the nght kind, if properly fiited and dulyattended to Thís has b-en abunilantly demonstrated in innúmera ble instauces by theuheofthe Multlpednl Truss of Dr. Rlggg, dunnS' tlie lust few ynari. This TruHs being coveied with Hard Hubber, is perfeclly waterproof, may be used In bathing, aud ih always cleauly as well as indestructible by ordinary usago. lf not natisfactory after a fair trial of ixty day, it may be r - turned. It challenge s comparison with any truss known. Dr. RIGGS' uffice, No. 2 BA ROLA Y títreet. NewYork. BWtf -A.ttention Cornpany ! rpHE firm of Monre & I.oomis, are uow cloiing out X their busines in t 'ia city. and all those ndt;bted to the firm, either by note or book account, are respectfully invited to cali and Hettle the same únmediately and save coat. ■ Aftec the IGth, iust,.. the booka and accounts of aaid firm will be lelt wifh Mi. N. B. Oole, one door north oí Mesar, hchoff &. Killer 'i Bonkstore, Franklin. Bloek, who ia duly autburiütd to scttle thesatneMOORE & LOOM IS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 7tb, 1803. b&6t( Lost. ON Saturday, March 14th in this city, a Wallet, erntaining a Note given by Jacob HangstTfer to (ieo. Bush or bearer, h me time ia January, 18'3, pavable in one year. All persoon are cautioned aainst pur chahing the same, as paymeot has beon Btoppcd. A r'asonnble reward will bo paid for the return of Walr ïet and Noto - or tiio Note. &&9. GJCOROE BUEH.


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Michigan Argus