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ei' ALL KIXES Neatly Executed AT THE AllGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PKINTING AT THE MOST w REASONABLE RATES. We have reeently purchased a ROTARY CAED PKESS, and have nrlded the lat'st styles of Cord Type, which enables us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISFTING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest styles, and as cheap as any other house in the Stat. We are alo prepnred to print TOSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, L1LL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, TAMriILETS &Q, TIïJE ABGUS BOOK B1NDERY U in charge of l'IUST CLASS WQRKMEN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufaetured in best sttli at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfacción. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Oiïice and Bindery, cor. Main & Hurón Sta. J-. -Vr. IC3STIC3-HT, Agent fur tlio Phcenix Insurance Üompany OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS. COMPANY, Of IÏOSTOX MASS. hoitfttt TIonoraWy a'ijusted and promptly pu5 at thi Agency. OfflOfl Córner Maia and Huren Street, OTer tht Store of Racjï Sí P-j-rbson, Aun Arbor. Anii Arbur, Si-pt.19, 13611. POR SAI.E I fPWO of tlie mosi desiraWp b(uiítliatcltí in the City "f L Ann Arr, coataining os.h ozjf acre iidd nquaftt-i of jcround. TUoyare situiiiteiloö State Strot, near tn South weftt eorner of tin; Uuiersity qftre. Ft. terms, fcc.,inqiiii-tí at th ARCTö ÖKFjre, - -" W"-' -: -4 VKt.MVUi'jMMMi, x.i-.ii FKO.U l'l'JiLISnURS ." AX1) AlanufuctuviTöj ;i New and Completestock of LAVV & MEDICAL J3OOKS, School Boolii, Miscellaneous BooTcs, Blank Books, dan STATIOEJEH.Y! Wall and TCiadow F.-ipr, Drawinj$ iiirl Mfitlipmaiicallnr.trumetits. Music, Juvenüe Ubrariei, Lnvelopes, luk ;md Civr4a. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pencils Winilow Cornice, Shades and Fixture, POCKET CUTLEKY! Andeverythinp: pertaining to the trade, and more to whichtuey wonld invite the attention ■ f llie country. In conductinjjoui' business, we ahall dn all that can be donetao that no rc&sonuble man, womai or clüld sliall find any fnult. We posseBfi facilitifla which will enable us to supply or 8 tornera át tlie Lowest Possiblo Figures. We propose tosellfor READY PAY, ata smalla.dva.nce. TTt1 expuct a profit on our good.s, but, Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGURES. The "EMPiEKBüOKSTOiiK'iñ maancd by a good 'crew,' nd they will alwayw be t'ound n the "quarter deck," ready and willing to attend to all with pleasure, wko wil! favor thera with a cali. Uemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Artor, Mar, 1800. 74f Great Jleduction in the Price oí SINGO, & COS Standard Machines. YVell inowm to be the Best for Manufactitring Purpotts. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine,, formerly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for tnerly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the bost Machine in the world for Family Pewing and Liglit Manufactuiing Purposes ; (witt Hemmer,) and bfiiutifully (irnanitMitcd $50. Th e Nos. 1 and ü .Machines are of great capacity and apppcation fir manufnóturing purposes. Uur Nt'. 3 Machint-s are expecially adapted to all kinds of light and heavy l.'ithor Vork, in CawiagO Trimniing, Boot aod Shoé Making Hafness M;tkin,n,etc,tetc. " They are of extra size, and v, ith ;n arm long enouffh tu cake under it and Btitch the Urgest hv.v daahes. Ther is scarcely any part oJ e Trimmer Stitching that canoot be better done with them than by hand ; so, too, the Sftving of time and is vcy (freat. Thetableof these machines is 21 inches long, iud the shuttle will hold kix timesthe usual quantity'of thread, Thelarge machine worliH as fastas small ones. We vroula askfor our ette A Üachine, tlie special attention of Vest Makers and Di'ess Makeiü, nul all those who want Machines for light manu f aeturing pur poses, fhvy einbody the pridciples of the standard machines, making like thr-m tbeinteL'loclted BitoÏL, and ave destined to be as celeiiratyd for FaMïLy SSWINO ir.d light manufad uring purposes asuii stanlard machi nos are fur manut'acturinp; in gent; rulWe have ajwayaon hand, hkmminu ííks.sii.k twist LI.E-V ANP CíJTTUN THREAD , ON ÍSPOÜLS, UEÜT MACJUNE OILÍ11 bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our otn Xeedlcs, ;i nd won ld warn n.11 persons asing our machiues not tu buy anyothers. Wc know that fheria are needies solü of the, most inferior qualitn at hjgher prices than we chargi for the b$st, The ncedles sold bv us are manufa.ctured apecially for our ma liincs. A bad necdle tnay reader tlu btut machine almost úseles. Our customern may rest assured that al. nur Üranch Offices are furnished with the " genuine ictiia " In cstae of smal! pinchases, the mouey niay be sent in ptetayfl síHinps, or bank notes. Corréapondents will pïease ïvrite theirnames distlnctly. It in a!l inportaut tlwit we shouUl, ineaoiicase, kn.ow tha PmI Office, County, and Stal. J Ail persons requiring informalinn about Sewing Machines, tlieiv sizo, prices, werking capacitiijs, and the best methods of purcha.inp cui obt4n it by aending to US, or any of our BranchOliiceaioracopy of I. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazetts, Which ís a beautiful Pictorial Paper efitirely devoted to the subject- It will bc sent gratis, We have made the abu've RKDITTION IN PRICE9 with the tvo-full view of beneflting the publicandourselves. The public have been swuidled bj ipurioua machines made in ïmttation of ours. Tue metal in them, from the Iron casting to the smuüest peice, is ot poor quiility. Their makers liave not the means to do their work weil. They arehid away in secret placea, wliere it wou ld be impos.sible to have at their cooamand the proper mechanfeal appliances. It is only by doing a great business, md having'eáttensÍTe manufacturmg establish" menta, that eood machines cwn be made atmoderatprices, Tlie beat desïgned machines, BADLV MADE, are ahvays h-ible to get out of order, and are sure lo oost considerable trouble and money 1o keep them ín repaire The qualitiea to be looked for in a Sfachineare : cartaiuty of correct action at all ül speed, gimplicity of confltruction, great darability, andrapidïty of operation, with the least labor. Machines to combine these essential qualitiës, tnust be made of the best me:al aod finislu d tu perft chon. We havo the wuy and meaus,on a grand scale, to do this. The purehasers of machines, whosedaíly bread iimay concern, will find that tiiose having tlie aboveijuftlitieH not only work well at rapid as well as Blow rates cf Bpeed,but lastlonger inthfl fiaestpauible working order. Our machines, as made by us, wal earn more monoy with lcss labor tlmnany others whether in niitation of GüTftor aot. ïui'act, they are cheaoer than anyotber machines a gift. U M. ÜÍNCEH .V CO., 458 Rroadway New York. Detroit Ofllce, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) 811 tf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. NEW FALL.GOODS! BAGH PÍERSOJU Uave just opened a Clioico Stock of ♦ WOOZ, C0TT0N& S1LK OOQBS for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Groceries, which wil] bu sold CIÏEAP FOR CASH. GnlJ, received at IC por cent. prom. Silver, ' " 14 " " " Canadn, " " 11 " " Oíd demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cent. prent. BACH & PIERSON. Ami Albor, 8pt, 99, UfJ.


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Michigan Argus