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SPECIAL ISrOTICE. Aun Arbor Cüty 33 n. -reír AMeaimtti NOTICE ia herebj KÏveo that an assPKsment of thirty ptr cent, on the capital stook (beïng the riecond nstallment) haathia dáy been or.lered b.F the Board of Directora. The ;une will be due aud pagable on the lat day ofMay n-xt, to Voluey Cliapín, l'rt;s.(Ann Arbur. Bí Urder'of tbe Bíiard, C II MII.LKX.Sec'yofíln. Ano Amor, March 19, 1803. Ol'FICE OF THE SHERIFF OP WaSIITEXAW Co., Aun Arbor, Marc]i3, 1803. To the Eïectors of Waislitenaw County : You are bereby notiflert, that at the next General Klection, to be held on the Srst Moaday of April nest, in the State of Michigan, the foilowmg oflicers are to be elected, tíz: - One Asociate Justice of the Supreme Court; Eiülit Rosents of the State University; and a Circuit Judge for the Fonrth Judicial Circuit, of tW State, to which this County i altached. PHILIP WINEGAR. Sheriil of Wash Co. F-Ajrm: fok sale i I offer ibr sale my ftirtn situateil in the TowDhin of 3eio, o Washtenaw Qounty, on tlie maiu rond froin Aun Arbur to Jackstm; about Five miles West of Ana Arfoor, anl tli ree and a half milos f rom De x tor. The Punn ennsists of ONE BUNDREÜ & NIXETY ACRES OF LAND eomposed generalij ef a grarelly loam, Bu.ceptible of being workeri in wet or tiy veather, is veil waterd by a living str-am. it is mostly unfler imp:ovtmcnt, wnod laod ■: ' '■■'■■. '■ for the Farm . "building pn fencps tolerable good. örehVrdof fin fruit. All of which will be ïoM eheaD, oöehtf nf the purchase inonj lfiy on bomt and mortgage for a terra of rcars. J.'il. M. ANI'EKSON. Sco, HwchSO, !803. 3mS98 Chancerj Notice. QTATE OF MTI!K)A, Tl:e Cirouit Cocrt tor the Coi nt . o' Washtfnaw, in Chnncery. At Cliamber bpfore !I' n. E, J.awnme, Circuit JudgP, at ho ('ourt House, in Ann Arbor, on the tiwenty-íeventh áty oí March 1H63 AiOSZO GLAMt, "ï VS JLaban . Rargeavt, and olhora ) It appeaxÍDj by afiidavlt to the satisfartion of the oourt that aubpeefta pitï réBpondendum bas been ïwned in thifl case, dlrected to the defendtnts herein.ssd that tl ie -um' cinïd nnt bf seryed npon the sai-i L&bau A . Pargeant, by re&son of his couinni nib ea trnmthe State af Michigan, or conoealmeat therein, and the court being ra,tisfld thatsaid Laban A. Sargeant is not nnw a reMdcui nf tfae Stat?, and that his present ie.idence aDknowc; On qsotion of E.B. Wooi, SolicitOT for compUunant, it isoïdred ihat the sail LubnnA. Sargeant cause hl; nppearance to be entere in thi cause, and notice tbereof to b nerved oncomplainart's lolicïtor, witbm thice montbs [Vc-m the hite hereof, an'ï fhri1 in c'i-e of hia appoararjeo tbat he enuse hñ HBswer tn complalnant'a bill to beflled and a cojpy thoreof t :(' ■erve] on oomplaia&Bt'fl iolicitor within twtnty dfiys aftor nervice of a oopy of fiftirt blll and in ilpfiiuH ilipreof nald bill mfty he taken as confpssotl by hini. H is farther orderedj tbat withia twenty daya complainant ciuse tTiis order to bt pubiished ín the Michigan Art? lts a public nowspapef pobÜsbed nt Anti A:h'ir, in Baid Conilty, an ! that such pubif catión Mm costinued Ín aaid papr at least onco in each week fnr oirht sufcesive weeks, or that he canse a copy thermf to be pertonalïy serwd (in the said Laban A . Rargeant, at If-ast tw:'uiy daya before the expiration of the time above prescribid Por hifi appeftraBce. E. I.VWRKXCE, Circuit Judee, E. R. Wonn, Cttmplainanf'ti PoHtfitop. 8wF98 APFLE TEEES! From Eight to Ten feet high - four year Growth - at the Ann Arbor Nursery, (co. XV, Ailen, Proprietor, SUMMI'K APPLÜS. TÏCfl AntraclLtn, Yellow ITnrvpst% lied V.wnet. Bweel Bougb, Jersey Sweetmg, ine Qua Non, 1 ar v SI rawberry, Svvrct'ng, N. n-ucl], E .r'3" JuOj FA! L APPLES. rous Pippin, FVÍH Tipp'n, QoMen Pippin, Twentj oi. rippin, FallHirvey, Fall RiiBsctt, Douce Appïe, Fameuse, or inoif, f'oopov, Alexandpfj Black Detroit, Tl e (il4en Apple, Forbe'á Crab, Cunada IÏUck, WIXTER APPLES. N'oriliern Ppy, Kinf Anple, Apple, Khodc I. Greening, Balawin, Newtown 1'ippm, W'eiL 's Pweeting, Ladies' Swwting Ipple, Kaopu Spitzeobc rj,, l'luiliin Sp'tzenbcfg, St n Apple, Vellow B" I8owr, Ed Bellttewer, Black (illHower, Bed GMflöwer, Fteoit' Red Winter, Seek-no-furthfr, Romanit9, Bwaar, Roxbury liuswtt, Peaimatn, llni cii-Hiif, A' ,iu. 1 vero, Golden IIiHsett, 1-aiiy Applo, Paar Tree, Currnnts, Quince Trees, I'saoti Tieo, Cherry Trcü, PWn) Trees, Goodi berries KVEBQftBENS. Horway pruce, Dmible Stw iiffl, ftulsam Fir, Sorway I'ine, AuAtrian l'ine, Corsican Pine, ,, ]:nr, Wliitfl'ino, Amer Aib rWn:, llimloek, Uprlghft Juniper, Siberian ArborTÍtspt OKXAMEXTAL TRKgS. Frlnge Trees. Annn's Rod, 1 , n A-th . SöowtoalU , IFlowei iii Ahnomia. All of which will b? soW at priwü. iwSOS


Old News
Michigan Argus