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2?Hi3 KBBEÏ.LION I ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THB OLO & RELIABLE C L O T H I IM C EMPOEIUM ! No. 3 PIICENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAM now opcnlnn; a lnrge and varied assortmnni ni s, ring and SuroiuerGoods, and in view of the rebellón n higli prioea s irally, "11 oSfer tliem to tnyfrienda and oustomcis at the verj luiraat liimrc-s fur Casli.-rhose in want of a superkn articio oí Clotha, casbimereS] or Beady-Madc Olothing, -win culi onWm. WACNER, who bus just roturned from the East with a largp aasortmeit of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS whiib bare been purcluuod at tbelnU LOW PRICES! andcanofTtir themat a lowcr fiiro th;m ever bfore. Amoagmj Aaaortment aoay befound BROADCLOTHS, UASSIMERES, DÜESKTNS. VESTINGS of all descriptionn, tngetliri witli a upsrioí assnrlmcnt ol Hcndy-Mule ClotUIng, .-B-iTWkTRÜNKS, CAKTET BACS, UMBRELLAS, and htlcmen's Furnishing ïï-IthnumeioiiHotlierartJcIea uaually fouad in similar estRblishmentp. As ai EMPORimi OF FASIIION, tbc üttbs Ibcr !lnt'o-shim-lf, tl'M hls lung eiperience and .■;ilralsiic.-(-s.will soablehlmto .-ivc the greatest satiüfnctioE touli wliomay trust liiminthowaj ol EIF Manufaoturing Garments t.o order. WIL W AG VER. AimArbor,Apiü9tl.lse2. 848W THE KO.OTS AND THE LE AVES JL Vr'li.L bc for the. Heaüi.g of llie Nations. Bil.Ie. r-i-of. 3fsl. ïiTOJKrs, HIK GREAT .1X1) CW.KIUIATEI) I'HVSICUN cif the rHK0AÏ,LUXU8, IlKAliT, IJVhE A.VI) TUK lil.onll, Known all over the country as the CXLKBKATKD ' UNTOI-A-I-I HBBB DOCTOB 1 Üf "-■- riupeVior Street, Cleveland, Oiiio. WiU visit the followmg places, viz a:'1'o: iMF.NTs poll 1S02, 1863 and 1134. Prof K. .1. j.;.-oin cin bt! cousulteu. at the. fnHowing places every tnopth, viz: Detroit, Kuaflei House, oach mo-ith, lSth and 19lh. Auq Arbor. Monitor House, eaoh inonth, 2(hh. Jackson, Hlbbard &use, eacb motith, iil. Adrián, Bracket House, each rot.ntli 'Mand 93(1. Toledo, Uhio.Coihns House, each month, 2!th, 25th,. andSetn. Ui lis. hele, MM. , Hüladnle Hous, each month, 2Tth CbldvvatiT, Mich.. Soutnei-n Micliian ilouxe, t-ach monlh, 88lh. Kllihart. l'.lkhart House, each moDtb,29kh. Soutb Bend, Ind , st, Jo. Hotel, teh month, 30. LapiMtp, Ind., T' e Garden House, e:icli inonth 3!st. WüüÉiter, u.i ■), ïau I 11 Ëxchauge, eacli inontLr, Tlh and 8th. Mansfit ld, Ouio, Wiler House, eaeh moath, 9th nd Ittth. Ml. Vernon, Mer.yon House, each month, llth and l-'th . Ncwark, Ohio, Ilulton üouse, eacli rrnntb, 13lh and L4th, Falnesville, Ohio, Co wies House, each month, 4th ( I.rViUN'll, OHIO, RKSllitKOK ANU OFFICE, 282 SUPEUJÜR STREET. F.nsr, of the public sq'inre, ojipnsite the Postnfficp. Offiee .! ij's c;icii month, 1-t. 3d, 4ih, 5tb, tyh, lóih.-Office Iioura fVoai 9 A M . to li M. aan frem ü 1'. H. to 1 l'. M. ÜnSunday from '■) t 10 A. .M., :iud 1 to 2 l'. Bfl S'-iMiiNim strictlj; adfaered to - i i,nvc siK-li balm is haVe no tiife, Vh u;it;Mi or liic hi"-s Jt' üfe, VVith bioodmy banfia 1 n Ptr i.!;iin. N'oi poison men toease their iüo. l '■■■■.-■. Tu ■ !ii:,:in Doctor, ï.',. .f . l. UN3, n:-rs tlio fol ïowing ouinpiainta in the ii)ut obstinate s(,;ii's of their es i; steno. , V.; iroat, Lungfl, Heftrt, I.iver, Stom■ . ■ . ■ :.'■■; 1 1 ':.iii . Neuralgia-; Fita, ur i ';i IK, ■! ■!'■;.:.!■ -,:.- t! -ü o t!n'r UffVU8'lcrailgeDieB'B, Aïo alJ ■ o ' ■■ blood such aaScrofula, Erysip-y , and all other coniplicated cbronlc coiöplainis. . ilties attc&ded io with tbc h-appiei t ti " . lt is boped tlmt no onc TPÏI' (fcapalr of n. cure uijtil : have giveo the [ndian ib Uoctór's Medici Dea a fair and fehhfnltiia!. 3fc.l)nffng tin Doctor) travels lo Kurope, West Juilics, tiouth Aifterlca. and the United Staies, he hna been th instrument it Godfa hand. t o restore to liealth nnd vigOT thousanda wlio vei ■ ■ . n ; 1 proDounced incurable by ihe mosi eminent old schwol physicïans; nay, mort, thoui-ands who were on ti;(i ver(r of thé gr.ivp, are how living nts ;.i the ludi D fcferb'a Dóctor's skill jind ■ ; ,Rtidare ilaily exolaiming: "H'essed be h day wlien QvM tre Raw and partouk of the I ndian Üerij Üoctor's medicine." atisfactory referenresof éiircH wil1 bo gladly ar.l cheerfallj given w henpvfir required, Thslïoctor p'.i'il fes h,is word and honTj that lte will ir, no frïse, directly or índirectly, induce or cause anj nv.iü I ■ ■ medicine without (UeBtrongesi probauility óf ■. cure. v-j. M . ■ ':■■. (i - , v. '■ id i rntirelv ■■ , ' ;, , I :i'. I : to il'isci TU di: ■ en forf a ;ks no (jneations, nor ■ "'■■ ; ■ t ■ cv; 1 1,'nn ïynipt) mp. Oh II ane aDdali, i . ' heHyinptoms iril looation of your riio pom ■!■ ." ■ confiïdcred. . j -■ " ■ box ■- 1 :;:;- R. J. LYOXP, M P. Cïerei ind, Ob!o, Hot. E5, Ï862. 3yS8O 1833. SPE.IN3. 1863. - y- - - We ure is ow opening A Largo and Beautiful (issortment of STAPLE AMD FAMCY Dry G o o ds ! LADEES' DRES GOODS in great, variety, OSSk."CCIi 3 , 'iï I B 13 O 3M S , L3roaa c3?rix2a.Era.ixis3, cLjc. Also a largo stock of 'Cassimeres, Glolhs, &c. and a [uil :issortniünt of Ladies and Childreii's II ATS. CAPS, GROCETUES, ClLOOKEKY, Al! of wliicli we M'ill fel! at tlio LOWE5T POSSÏBLE L} J S3 3HC X3 X"-í ICE! iAGK & SGHMID, A.nn ArWj March 10, 'G& 890tf aiSDON&HENDERSOiN 33 TT O 3E5L S3 "Sf :S3 CRAIN DRILL, Grass Secd ower, Manufacturad at SpringSeld, Ohio. rpiIE VEKY LATEST IMKlOVEMEKT, nd betterthan 1 al! others; idapteö to souin=' Wlieat, Ityo, (Mts, Darle}1 íiuil Grasi Sí el . lí. 7 7;a.s a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Orass Seed. 3d. Ncver lunches the Grain éttJt. Wever breaks tte Chain. 5t7i. Soios Grasa Secd hrocidcast lehindllie Drill. GfJi. Has high wheeh and long Hoes. léh. Bas. long and u'lde steel poivts. Sth. It has a land measure or Sicrveyor. 9t. It has donóle and ingle rank drills. Qth. It has a self adjusting shut off tuide. It is neatlj and substantially made, Tlirro is a l'rül oïTered in tile raarkut but can boast of more or less "FIRST rtJiMIUMS" They aro about ik ïadiseriminntelv beatowed as the litle of " Professor," whïch is Ronoetimeu Rppïied to the llfidd!er" or ' bootblurJ;.'7 The y ceiisc to convey the idea oimerit. Tlift BackeyeDriïl lias bep-n on Exhibitron at quite a Qumber of State and County Ktiirs, and without aeeking favor it i he ha nda of any Comtitèe?, Uaa receii ed lts fullshare of Premiums. TESTIMONÍALE : " 0 We gfíve he followiiig namea of a Cor F.ifmcrs in th's ricinity wafl hure bought na 1 used the Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Mi lier, ScJq. J&eob i'ullici.uií, " , Jacob Tremper, Thomas White, NortbaeM, Jphn Urokaw, "hii iattan lía pp, " Ëdwiird Boy den, Webster. Jame Tr -tl. vuil, Aun Avbor, Daniel O'líar, " ' Joliii ti.Conk. I-o'U. : O. A. Miirshall, " L. Kdnuin-'s, PaÜnr. (.enrgt; Cropsov, ( Oak, Liv. Co. Wö arcaico Agcnts fur llio Ohio Bsaper & Mcwer, acknow'.eJged u bo t!ie vcry et 'm au. We arejust in receipt of 100 Gram Oradles Also n.largcíiriiirtment o Grrass ■ And tlio largest and best solected stock ot BENT STUFF FOK CAIÏP.ïAGESever bforc offered in thia market. Wc aïso keep a, large and full NAH&, GLASÖjPOTÏY, PAINT,:nl LiNfKF.D GIL. A complete nasortment of STOVES, TIXWAÜE, AND EAVE ahvnys on hand and put lip attlic shortost nnlice. RI3IX N .': HENDFTiPON Ann Arbor, June 2ta.l8fi-. SL9tf u a ; ■■ O. 33 Xj ISS fonW take this method oí Inforójlng hia oíd frlends . ml patrona and all öthcrs whn inay favor him with , heir patronage tl. _ t he bas jfreatly uiiíarged hifl , Stock and Assorimcut! aa 1 havíng a ïnpted the CASE SYSTEM I'OTÍI ISBCYIXG &SKLIISG prcpnrpfl to s'!l RooAn nt "? .- -■_ - - ?jl r " TkiT-o 3FT-'.ior3Sg, HM (wk con.-Ut hi part . oi cUe foltowipgï j. AMERICAX Ai,") OTHEE ftsJfefc, W a 1' c ii e s l aio' i ' aï;TH THOMAS LLOCKS! Fine Jewelry íetís GOLD CIIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLËUY ! Pazir; , i-'hortr-' . Fcïssors fin1! Rrnshei, ROUKRS PLATKDWAKE, tUe belt la miirket Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Fencils, TAPER nnl EXVELOl'ES, Musical Instruments, Stringx ff Enels fiir ]nsrvmni,t, of Gold, Silver, 5ící;. nvd ric.irtl, niüi PEfiiSCOPICGLASS, a supe] ior arliele Psrgonp haviru diCloulf watches to D( ritli .elnsps oan be accoinudatod, as uiy Htucti is larg am cuiiij il et p. I. S. Particular pbttetition tn tlio ofall kiu.l-s Watohw, such as Making and Setting ne-v Jewels, Pinten, Stofft, nni Cilhxlrrs. Ah-) CLOCES, Sz TE'ÍT'ELp-S' tipa,fly rppnirrrl .nml Trar-anted, ;it his i.M stanüaasi rtide of M;iia irtn-ot. C. ELISS, Ann ibnr.m-. ra, 1' i pocti - FAIRBANK3' Jl""! Stan flard M7 "■ ■ (íi OFAU.K'ITDS; Falrömk, (Srcenlenf & Co., 1T2 LakcStrert, Cliicajo. Pold n Detroit Iiy P.VKn M A % IHCIlVF, lx ■-- ■ j r i 1 I % J 'm V Jr Dit. HAD'.VAY'S ILLS. ÍER DPRiNLIPLES1NPURGATIOI il! lv; V.vY' DL BEÍT PCKGATIVi 10 Wi: I !. ui 111 ' ' y V' ' i tab'.o gubaliulM ., jr ■ nry vo rtiBCOVetcfl ( i.iiiiuisi 1 ofVc'mtab: l-.iMartiofOuraj, Ilnbi, l'.oati -"- Floive'S. : .. ■■ , e - l'arjfï- - Cilm- ii- luvigu and ilegulaw the Sysi.u. ■ KimHEN ITTïlCSiS OF . NFIvAMMATlON OF THE BOWELS. BIU s c iouq. i;;l;oí s fever. t.liyÜ i : :, ! i'VKK, . ,, L TOK, MEASLtS, 8CABLKT FEVEB, 3ZS TO ESO-Sa P21I.S iVKl iu ilio dtaoa e frn n Uio -ya in is SIX HOURS. ■r ,.-,.' t ;'■■ uvofUin nvnnaTwd tisew, lat tal c-f tr..fti lw;iy'd I'ILUS lio taken t onoj. r, , Si, curry the prtlciit out nf dimxor. li ii ojuiI .uel uso, ia smaller Uosos, will work a cjro. OOATMCD WITH 151, ., ,. ■ ■ i ;i'.visa".tly,naI ,. uu ETe'yclnao ihat I-t tilci-u M, ■ ■ "in. rielllg ;■ƒ'"■ , du uut .ojïj llio boweU cmlive, or the, IL i'i.' -■ QKE O?. TWQ OF 3?.. EADWAY'3 PILLS v [) üoouro a jood arpo'ito and healthy dlgeMloa. Tü TIÍUSE WI13 TASE PIT.iS, H ! IlDWAY'.S r.I.Lwülliofoandaaimprovomentoti ,tlvn ir r i lia tic pilla lu uso. O ie (ir twn pilH ii l ! foun 1 BUfflcieut 1 1 koeittho howota remi ir; aud ;. ■ ,-.'.- .en .-s :■";■' ml duoiredjh.S toHlUUI v!l lu six W'.irs thomwjh'yritrrje. QHE TG SlX BjXES WiLL CURE 3O1TIVENE3S, DÏ8PEPSIAI ; )NSTIPATI')N, MKASLES. CONGESTIÓN, MELANCHOLY, .1KA11T DISEASES, IIÏSTÜKICS, KEASES OF KIDNET5 AMCNOUEUCEA, AND IlLADDr.R, FAIN'TING, ::s OF I.IVEK, DIZZINES3, ;: LUlUSNUSS, RUSH OF ELOOD TO rvrin PiiVJEB, the iieap, SU.P FËVEB, OBSTRÜCT1ONS, UALI'INANT TEVER, EETBNTJOS OF PKISB I.OSS c F Ari'ETlïU, DRCrSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE F-RYSIPELAS, [r.TLAMMATION, BBAD iCHE, PALPITATiON-S, BAD ÜREATII, -caul;:t i-i:ver, infi.ammation of i;lLIOUJ FEVER, THE INTESTINES, JAUXDICE, APorLEXY, C )NGESTIVE FEVER, ENLARGEMENT OP SLEEPLESSNIWS, THE SPEEN, ÜENE11AL DEBIUTV, FCUIIVY, D1MNE-S OF SIGI1T, WIIOOPIXG COÜGH, FITS, WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAM8, EY-, ' ELEDEIST, ' s uto :il Complalnt of Womrii. roch m l-u DU.rfiarsca, CUloio 1, hngnlniltlra, -iifunifsion oï lUe Mewi. IiflammaUon nf Ihc') i.r J3'..a.lilci-, Ulfficillt MenitriiBiioii ;ui 1 zl Pther I.UcMOllirO' niitoiltV prud'ioeü UJ V-. V iíi ch irgo (ir Rupjwc-wioh ol the mcdsm "urttuií-ncú t ' wticíi laaioá aro (;o;iera!ly sulijoci. FAO I'S. iR IÏA'iv,"AV i tl": lbo atten'tlit-i of Ui Infrtlf.i i-, ., ,,., I . i, . ■ : i :■■■■■ !■'.■!. slimrinï Ui i ic ioriiyr hh ÏM. S.m pingativoji, uvur all uüier pilla ur purgdtivo mödiciiitd iu uju. ÏIIEIR GHE1T C0MBIXATIOX3. T.i'y ife ApTicmt, To'iie.f-iï A t rut:-o, itiiuibuit, Counter li'ritiuit, 5u4i -i:'AS EVACO XT', Theyaro mnrorcrtm 'il tinmn h tha-i t'io Dra-tic 1 Pilis "f A'.io-.or C o-m ir.i I H-i lom "il, ur.Uatoriuia ; uu-I more go tbing anij h ■■■ Ing ili ih Sonui,or RliuborU, or Tamuiinü--, of Cttster Oil. , ai.TI :: vTivi , hoy orrci i m ■■■ iiowe ful ! 'i!' ' vór 1V iírr n secretium tli m i' il' n.'l. ni sen ■■. !: : ■ p':l. li ■!- leir i iuul (5ii:u Mflc i iio,J.yittüiuo, Dyíiaii t, l:U,u. An x.s, IV i(hc.ícc. In the r '. cv. -.■. t ;:i r iüi-i-, rollo r.vpli"iJ,aiM uthor r" I t: i; !■' ver. tUey_r upcrlor t'o q mine ï-.i i;:!l : '■ '-''■ ■'' ■■''■ - nti'o sy I" ", i-i ■:!rc:-i ■: ■"■ ctm-ni it. id br.u-i:. p UlO lvi::x-':l ;il: I u :-l! ■ ' ' ■ i ■. M. ; !'■„'■ il;it .i.l Ty. ;í,"t-! . to I'IO II'll ' '■ " dlllÍM. ...... ni pul : -u' fru n Uie j (cm .-.. i. ■ ■ ■ . . ■ :-. ii . i ra. TI3R GAT 'IUES. A u-go (loi' of t i i' ■ UC l'ili i "i 1. ''■' ir itatlBít ílie nn.M s nwmhra it, !! ■ ' : " : ' ■ ' ' "' ""' Kintonts m tíio b ' ' ■ ' siKsrctimn u-e in-;'-" lort. -■' i -.■■;-. ''" !' ! ''■ iIm ■!■ ■■ ■ ■ ' ■■; ,ra ■ ' ■■■■' mera , :ripin paina,;nii ph, -::;:m'--. By i íh Increaacil unluluriilucii ni nf tho i ífíi.' thn sewct'cras nf Hio kHI morí1 i .r1" i -1' '■■'' "'■ ■ '■"' M" li""í if til kmnov-, iil nl'1 t, ii ■■■ i. i ■■■-. ti'ii'-.iinu-, gene-, ral prOoti'atioD, cosiivenoss, aud Imligfsiion. Wiiy Saáway'a Pilis Curo Small Foz. ín müiI! P'ix. Soirlet Kevpr, Kry-m ! i-, eiluw,Typiioil aod othor .■ ■ í - í1' ílo", ptkiiatow : W hlf Wíjn'ia! RbI f iwlmin -i t d i ■ "i DmUv l'n ..- ti irriiHtioa Uioy wnulil p minee üml tho telualipo uid tlepletibn th-ü miM f"ll 'w', wnuM !■■ llkdj : i prnva total. 11' plnv ci.iiK.iü thew tmjmnM Bíve I -I'WaY'S PiU3,lhsjf. w 'WLJiia yí " " ';ii;i "touw. In these d;-i'.i-.' ■ ■ ' an i p [ir'f Btimnlflthiit Inxlilve i.s ntqaired; wWèh la KMUfed by .ADWAY'j 1'lLLá. Wly lnTfeEt Pi5!s Grspe. rr" ca so M' g ipii ft, nausea, pícIuji s , t iu--;!us an l dol) hty, tlürt i-i i .ilii'i-l I a ise"f ilriwiic nli-', h mrIns tn thcir i'iporf t oncniilon if witli ili" i-w, Me il , ,. I ;,ni.i,-i,!:itii'i; fn llll' syslcu. rui i'X, , , . iv : rui! I bP li t liltió ','iin 'i' gripinfj. It lllli alipprwft of ih.; liili1 ;i:; 1 "tin"' 11 tuint wiiioh the : ■ ' ' !'■:■■■ "" "f th sy.-tom thatfcisioni the'p1''. I''.' ■■ ' tonls pTni'nated&ftap wvare grlping tliey wM Ivdfatíad Uiin aM walury. Tlic ti y nafo pills toííllífl :'."' ! "■ ''■■' '■ 'i'-.''M'e t!u- ure tlm only pills i il vv il i"i dopletiou, and t'X' 1 Jisön ■ ' Numorá f rtiAi t1e systein. cass o? dt:p3PHA 07320. Fnr min) yars I havo Ik-oi afflicte-i with i"r na-. Honal raimplaiat, nl'n I liripi i- mv nlfciinRi har b.-on a eonsUtit succus! ion '■: tnjn-u s I gppiU thniHiiiiils óf .lol! -r j itith t ie ho;innl r,-' : Imi'i cimfiitHann Irinqniility. All mo licsH in CtiJel t'iToltev me, nnt;I ! c iramiliice I It m llia Ju llcioiu aiv ■■( y.iilK-ivo mi nn tlvi Clll "I .n-:l. l!W A'it rio, afir i.sine jour l'iils I fsol II e upur.m-iiii (-'-l " .-ss yi, 'u may letter i id ico ihor -■'■' ■ i : vlctiirn u thia aocurseJ malaily, to i 'y t'i ■ urn: m n-, Vuura' tiïr.i', v rr?r,Mi'.n. r.ivn-vTy ;v:i?,X. J., April !8ttl, 18S0. Meisrs. itadway ë 'u,S. 1'. i!y. Letter fröm Dr, 8ahüoa SkinTter. . N'iw V"K,,I .iiiiuiij-, H . 7r Rtrhvay C Co .- 7 havo, diiriug : ■ - . ■ 1 .■■ i1 ■■"'- los, S ld li iv 00 IIWIl li' i tlli'10 I" "Ui : I r 1:1 lui i CuJIPUUXTS, inlcK-'ü N, I)ïW !.. 1 i-ni1,.;1 iv i:,-i .'; an I Hu rnlnti ik riil-í in 'iimloi) TItu :- tilatinir ni's ui-u in. KI i'i 'i!i''-i' ' I (teu-iA y eCTactirn. Tlio first dose fslwraM bo brc pVirtsh t'i pimiwnt f.iur ,,■■ He ;,aml a ■■ uw ■■■"■ ■ ■ ini-ti m o pi 1, unti rerliicPrt tn mm, au ■ ■" ' ■ ' fir :i week ur hm Ua s. A ioi-ia.iin.'.ii uu ..■ wili sui.eijf {r. lÍMÍwi-y's PH1 ai" Kll Vj' P?;" r filsis niifl Storc-Krfiers lll .encüil. i'iu ■; BoxcoiXainsyo I'JUs. Filie "15 lx. tier I.üx. For Rolo by STEBCINS & WÏLSQN DWTiCtlNG FOR SAI.K ! IFVOüwirfiti "'■ '"' ' ■■'.'iry 'Tick 'lwplllnir, convenient to the bu3ness part,oftlie City, with :nn' i :i ■■■'■. ril .: cliPil HVl chrfic rrnit"fnU kiiul, Apples. l'ciirs, Penclipa 1'lnrof, RasbfrjrieB, Or il tros; Slirubbérj, Jo.,Sc, :in"irp "' 'hn N..v. lt.lHM. AJSCUS ÜFKICE. Ayer's Cheyry Pectoral


Old News
Michigan Argus