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Reminiscence Of The United States Bank

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An oíd broker of foitv yesrè èxpenence itl Phihtdelpliia, New Yur-ft and BoátbrVj is a of '.' R&velktióDS cl the frtock Exehange," tbr the Bobton Com mercial Bulletin, aud in his lust gives tbe tollowini: lemincsience : Tlu: glory of the great regulator had all depaited. No crowds of men nor imllious of money resounded in the marble palaoe wliioli had been ereeted at a cost of half a niillion of dollars. Oniy an occasienal footstep rang vvith startling loud reverbratious in the high vaultcd banking rooms, ai:d all the offices around it .were silent aod deserted a grave. Tho'.iipson, the trausient clerk, kept up a shaduw of the old high estáte 'in a. dis tant part of the building, but intbo imïuediate business hall, alone, Mr. Patter bou, with his old gray headed porter, kept wateb aud ard, saetí á:y playiug the farce tiiat the bank stilt lived, ou' tbe ïcieutical spot where he had paid out billions and trillious of raouey. Une day a stranger enters, cvidently Irotn the West - far West. For a moment he is truck with the tomb-like apeet and deathly silence of the place, but discovering some one at the distant counter, advances The awakeued eehoes of his own stepF, give the ou ly gigns of aio. llustling a laige pile of notes he demandi-d - " Giye me the monoy for tliese." " Money ? 111 register them for you." " Kegister be kaiigèd. l'ay them ! Now." " We can't." " Cau't eh ? Where's the Presidentl" " There is no President." "VVho are y1)u ÏJ "lm the Teller. ' " Well, teil nio where's tbe Cashier, theo " " There is no Cashier." " What!" aud hesitating a moment he burst iuto a loud, shaip cry ot - - " '1 liere's no Cashier V" ■"■ From llie vaulted ceiling eehoed back in distinct words, 'J here's no cash here!' 'J'iie stranger starcd, lèofcd up to where the reply caine, stared at the teil er, and gathering up his bilis departed without another word. Mr. Patterson also started at the Delphic oracle, and his mind having, for .ome time, been uneaey under bis lalse position ind the sad memories it biOught, detcrinined to retire from the banking hall whose fame was dead, and post notes fled, all but lum departed." So little an incident dtcided hiin, and he luft the scène his for:i)er useful and brüliáut cureer forever. The remains of the bank were removed to sume back rooms in No. 76 Walnut streef, and the building gold, afcer a time, to the Federal government who now occupy it as a 'ustom House. - Upon the body of the dead monster there Bat for many years nn inijuest of glroúU, rich men of high standi.fg and chir.icter, who did not lieaitate to draw $3,5UÜ a year for each other out of the little left to so many widows, drplianp, and broken down merchante ; and continued to feast upon the cruslied orange till every drop of juiee was sucked dry, when they, too, rebigned ; and t.lie once glorious Jiauk of the United Statns becaine like the baselessfubric of a dream.


Old News
Michigan Argus