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The End Of The Polish Revolution

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From the N. Y. Tribune. Tbs brave and heroiu leader ol the Poliüh insurgente, Gen. Langiewicz, h;is, econer tban was expected, níet with the fute which the great di.-parity between the Polisb and the Kassian iorces made inevitable. The great bat tle between the Ruanians and the in surgenls under bis immediata com mand, vvhieh Langiewicz had anxiousiv endoavored to put off as long ::s pos eible, han taken placa, and, although the detailod accounts oí it have uot vet reachüd us,we know that the brave P le has been totally defeated, wounded, and conveyed to Austrian territorj The government of Austria is reportad to have assigned to him some Austrian town as hi.i place of rosidence, or, according to a Ínter account, to have conveyed him to the forirees of Cracow. His arrny bas been dispersed, and a argo portion of it hus likewise been driven into Gallicia. "We think it highly probable tLat this crushing defeat will be folio wed hy a speedy tiupprossion of the revoluiion Tho army of Langiewicz was the only oonsiderable body that the naiional DP.rty had been able to rally; its disjersion must, of course, spread eonsten;ation and dismay among tbeemaller bands ot guerrillas. Langiewicz, morever, was the only leader who had eainod a military reputation and cient diatinction to concentre upon hiraselt the hopes of the nation. Even if the insurrection should linger on for pome time, it will be difficult to find a successor to Langiewicz as dictator. Simultaneoosly with the defe t of Langiewicz, the English and French papers, and oven tha oíEcial Monitsur, were announcing that the ineurrection was still spreading bevond the five govenunents (YVursaw, Plocz, Lublin, Radon, Augustowo) constituting the Kiugdom oí' Poland, into the provincies belonging to Russia. Raczynski, one of the msurgent chiefs, is reported to have, after many engagements, succeed ed in leading his band, which had been continually increasing in numbers, to Piusk, in thu governinent of Minsk, to have occupied the town and proclaimed the national governmeot. In the governiiH nt ol MohLeiv, the insurgents bad been victerious over the Russians at Rudpika. Ia Podolia, the insurrection was likewise epreading, aocording to late accounts. But all this, will be of littlo avail. After the dispersión of the rnain artny, but little of art illory, and of ammunition R'ill be left to the insurgente, and the ocoupa tion ol the Galician frontiur by the Russian will put obstacles almo.-t insurmountable in the way of getting fresh supplies. The spoedy tormination of the insurrection is foreshiidowed by the latestnews recoivcd at London, adicating continuing Russian success. The hopo of an armed intervention in favor of Poland, which the more irdent of her friendshad for sotne time indulged, was destroyed by the official declaration of the Preneh government befo re the Fronch Senate. Butstrong diplomatic reprcsentations in behalf of an atnneety and far-reaching concessïons to the Polea will be made by most of the European governments, and, we ïope. not altogether without succesa. L:3T' Tbe Legialatore of Texas has passed a bilí assuining its proportion of ,ho Cottfederats inJobtoduess. riiey inItend passing a bil1 tn rcpeal tho stay law of the State.


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