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RISDON&HENDERSOA ZXavo ii ii o IB XJ O JBL 3EÏ ■L" 35! GRAIN DftlLL, and Grass Seed Sower,, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpnEYERYI.ATÍSTIMPROYEMF.NT, and bcttertliau X iill other.i; adaptad to sowini; Whout, l!ye, Oats, Bula; andGrass Seei. lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. W-ill sow all Mnds of Chain and Orass Seed. 3d. JVever bunches the Orain 4:ih. liever breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grasa Seed broadcost 1ahindthe Drill. Qth. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. lias long and wide steel points. St7i. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9t7t. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOih, It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is noatly and substantially made. Thoro :liardIyaDr!il ufferedia the market ia% can boast of more or less F1BST PREMIUMS They are aboutaslndÍBoriminately bentoitcd as the title of ' " Profcusor," which ia sometimes applied to the 1 "fiddler" or "bootMack." ïliey cease to convey the The ''ckeye Drill has beonon Exhibition at quite a number of a?1 n1 County Fairs, and without seeking favor at the han.. " of any Committee, bas received its full share of l'reniiuins. TESTIMONIALS t We give the following Dames of a few Farmers in tWa vicinity wáo Jiave bouglit and used the Buckeye Drill ; Go'lfrey Millcr, Sclo. Jacob Folbeiüus " Jacob Tremper, Thomas White, NorthfteW. John Brokaw, " Cliristian Kupp, ' Edward Boylen, Webster. James Trcailwell, AonArbor. Daniel O'Hara, " " John G. Cook. Loili. O. A. Marshall, ' L. Etlmons, Saliap, tíeurge Cropaoy, Greon Oak, Liv. Co, We arealso Agenta for the Ohio Heaper & Mower, ackuowlelged tf be the very best in use. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain oradles Wfoicli we wiil sell Clieap. Also alargea.isortment o G-rass And ihe-iar, 's; and bct selected stock of BENT -STUFF FOR CARRIAGE3 ever before offered in thJa market. We also keep a large and full NAILS, GLASS, PJTTY, PAJNT.and UNSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOYES, TINWAEE, AND EAVE TROUGHSalways on hand and put up at the shoitest notice. RISDON & HENDERPON. AnnArbor, June 29th, 1862. 859tf f ' - -v -r; ■ aHbr M""BWIIUIMllllllllllWlimilllUUIIIIIHillllUUIUllMIMll O. 3IiISIS Would take this mathod of informing his oM friends and fiatrons an.lall others who may favor him with their patronage, that he has greatly eularged hia Stock aud Assortment ! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BUYING & SELLING isprepared to Mil Ooods at HeaeonaK.1 Tices, His stock conslsts in part 01 the lullowing: - AMERICAN AND OTHER Watches I ÉiíÉí- SETII THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD QIIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLËRY ! iTazors, She.irs. Scissor.;aud Brunhes ROUKBS PLATED WARE, ths best in markot, Geld Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and EN VELOriïS, Alusical Instruments, Siringa !f Books for Instruments, S3?ECT ÜCIj I2Ï--S , of Qold, Silver, Steel, and Plaled witk PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons having ilifficult wntclies tontw-1,, -i,.,.,, canbe accomodated, u my stock 1. lar(í;auí Com 1. S. Particular attention to tho ofall kinds ofline Watehes, i,uch as Making and Setting new Jcwels, Pblioni, Stafs, and Oylmdcrs. Alm CLOCKS, 5c TEAíVjEX.S.-SC, BLISS. Ann ib(ir,Nov. 25, lSro %1fi rrrg' FAIRBANKS' ff1! Standard y c ik 6 sq 1 jBbgBgy--. " &■ E SMPl 0FALI.K1NDS. ---S8' - '"s0 ""'-"''''"se Trucks, r.eltcr Fairbanks, Grecnleaf & Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Poldin rvtroitliy PARII.VM) & . IIKt,T!Y. eS-Bt carcful to b-Jy tho gODuint'.- f 85yl JU w% v PAIN CURED! RftDWAY'S READY RELIEF Is tho moet Ltnportant medicinal curativo - for the imm&liate relief ot' the sufi'erer - of all variotlee of PAINS, ACHIvS and tNFIKHITlLS,aed tbe prompt euro of the sick whcre PAIX, elthor interna) op external, is a concoixiiiaut of Lhe dísvaao, that lias ever boen diáCovereU. IN A FEW MINUTES Aftor the application of tho RBADT RELRF externa! y,or iteadminifitratton iDternally, the patiënt - 1 willi tho mot exoraciatlag PaIns, ACHE3. i HaMI1:-, KHKL'MATISSI, XKUlïALGIA.GOL1 T, J.UMÜACO, KF.VKK AXI) AGUE. BPA3MS, SORE THROAT, INFLCKNZ.I DIPffiERTA. CONGESTIÓN or I.Ví LAMMATION , will oajoy case aad comfort. EADWAY'S READY RELIEF MS s&for to admf ulster, ouï stop pain qv&cher, than all preparaUuos of Opium, Mor ln ,o Vratnno, HyosciamoS] Aruicu, Ya, leñan, ('hlorofirtn, or Ether, ander whatevor prnrtd J-tir.u-h. .1 ; eitber Linimento, 7'am KillerA", Sooihing L-tvi , whtcU racrcly tuspends the feelinfr 01 paio by bvnuju ►ig II" l'ürccjjtivu f cultius and kilUvrf tht neree. The s 1 u.1 ministers Chloroform, Opium . i: ,1 r'.-iulrr n ; I thenerVee of porceptim- HAhUAY'á KK.i:Y j:LU ; top ; tlicj most t'Scruoiating pala, ai iü seunr?-; tbe p t the full posseásion, of bis soases. Tui ia the. uu y remo y i 1 geooral oso that wiü stop pain, so quick. th -t i.s f ue í'roin Opium,, or sume otber kiujJrct Jrig, burltui to the general UealLh. M& WÏSS3 ÏJ3Ï SÏ&SS, Gaard agaíiiSt Btckiród. Ob tbo lira i.iliitiir af pai-i or unearflness, if ín Üln sTuttAi II r &WKLH, ukí a tea-ípouulul of ti.j IíLAV ki.i.ïKt in a wiic gtasa of water. Jf i" tlio UMB3, JtU.VfS, HKip, llir.OAT, CHE8T, BATK, OíAe Íí-Í o id 6-Wy, ipply tle UtLIKP KCRtftXALtY - in a few minuta l pain, a,nd ftüoomfart willcease, Tliis simple application may break up n RnrmidaW ■ d!aafc lt i.-, macii cuiet to prx-veut dbease thu to cure ib. WEALTH FOR THE POOR. MKALTH is luí1 worídng m-in's c;i;:t.U T!:o :r man can ill ailor.l to tho burdena "f si knessor-puy doct"i-'ribilU. 0 .:f:TVKMfy KiVB CENTBOrTLKO8lRA0WAYl3RKAI1V KF.UfcF wÜljÍfBÍc1.íí.cur&hlra.qnickIanílea'iblebira to rosuuau hn iubors without oss íínte - aud,ff tiSdd rtw i paili ij í'.i expertenced, wiUstoptt mo-liaily. Keep tbu Rni'í-!y ;tiw.i sio tbo boiHO.anU uc it vbon you 1;l-1 pain ; ypa will iiUt tos6 oiic day ïljc a yoar by sicívujá. IMPORTANT TO FASVIEK8 ■ And othnrs, re.fiíiing iu si&raeíy pettlol Utri.;is, t1o-:' t is (hfü.-uL to geuuro Mie eorrtües if a jli v-i- nt RADWAV'd KEADtKEUlEF U inv.ilaabte. Uc.ii!)- asod wicU poBitlvè assurïttrtsQ o!' doiagfioJ i-i all cu-ewliorq painov cisco.-i'íríiscxporieni-í-cí.or ifteutd 'vit YU:., I ü'MiKHI '., SüSK TitHUVr, llv.i COlGHS,HiR-Klí -S,DU.1['S CUOI.l!:. TN'I'L M '. TI )N OF ÏHS l'.oVi.:iS, S'WMACH, LÜNG-!, 1.1VKIÍ, Ktl.XEVS, or wrth PMAl.l. ÍÓX, SCAKI Kl' KtAV.ii, MEASLBS.TYPHOIDFKVFR, BÍI.IOÜH KEVER, K.-.V I AND AGUE, or wtth XKUIIAI.CIA, IIKA1) A' HE. Th: nOLOKF.lX, TOOTHACHE, EAR ACHB. nr wUÜ I.ü.I UAÜ, PAIN IX TUK ISAOK or ItHEUMATISM, dr witli DIARKHWA CHOLERA MORRÜS or DTsENTBBY. "r with HUKN3, SCALPe or BSOTSES, or.wilh .-TÜAIY-. CRAMPS or SPASM.S Tho application of i:IIWAVS !:KA!)Y RKIJI'F vrill cure yon, of tlic worat oí luosc Coiaplaiuts m a f-'W Uours. Kl-IIil ÜM A.TI SjSL. yjHIS paluttal dlseoso tuu hütriod tho most skilful }' pliytí'i-i.Lrn uu 1 tojiulür remedies. Itisthoniol Gify (l:llicult of dsca--es to Iraat - yet RAOWAY'á !4j KKADif RKl.IKKUasuevorfu]e4 inairml nj; irartu'Uiiit-ï relief to lhe sullerer : aud in all of Acute, lüIUniinatory or Nervnas RheumatUm, lo dilecta H;rnianenlcuro. (Ia Ctjroïiic Rhumjili-Tii and Gout WAY'S CLEAKöBfG SYEUP, c.i;...l TtmmyUff Rit. tatverit, sbouldbo taku aj au adjuuct wlU Iko li.'MX Ktl.IEF.) ACÜTS CHSONIC RHETJMATISÏL The ibïlowlDg is wiittcn bytU) weil knowo CMvrespnudent of tho New T01 k, LniKton Times (Eolattd), iicw Orlcans Ticayuiie, Pulto Ciiarlcjton Mercury , kc. ; Wil. SIDXEY MYLLtS,ESq ,IIAYAN'A, CÜCA, ÜAVASAjCuba, Jn. 2,IS58. Mews. RadiocL'i tL Co. ; (km lskbn - t havo been a suflbrer fl-am Acuie Chronic Rhouinatism for tho last iwcnty yaars of my iifu; my suiterings d uring tbAtporiudjUfiiUor lougve nor pen oaa exprese. I havo speut a liitie fortune ou lXic'or.s' biUa. withontdoiivfnganyfl .b-tmtiil beue&t. Kecontly I iuul one of my frequent poriodjeu] at ck-. I was voiy ill for a week, and had n"t Blept an hour yl any onu lim. A Bpanlsb l'rieiid, to whom I rstatod my tferiug, lold mo ho had a remetty whicb won!. i giva me relief, and be kindJy p esenietl ma wiüi a borne 1 f R VDWAY'S HKAHY KKLIKF." AKhourh skupticai of deriving any advart.ige frmn its use, 1 tiwt üig t ftpplied it fieely on going to bed, and, U my great amaz.-nunt, feit reHavcd,and8leptsoanaly. Tho nextnlglit [ngain a;)püo tho LÏkadv Relict, and invokc in tlie muniing Ireo lrum pain, baving only u.sed about half the bottle. lïeartily do I relurn yi my butnbio ackuowloilg. ments for your invaiuabic ï, whicb niay woll bj calleil " a blessing t) nian.'' Thankingyou,from inyonl,for your wunderful remeJy, I have tüe bouor to subscribe inyseif, Yours, respeotfu ly, w. sidney my;:rs. NEURALGIA. (EXttISITE PAIS,') TIC DOLOKEUX, TOOTH-ACIIE, FACEACHE, SETARPSÜDÜEN PAJNS. Persons su fTer Ing witli Neuralgia experiouofl ihu acniOf exernciating pain. The ptroxysnifl aro ghnrp, stuf de.i, plunging, ütabbiiig, toduced iu-umtly- like aa eiectgui sbock, íávj ADWAY'S READY RELTEF is the only r&tnMyy _K bithertoknown, that will ffu d inimoilialefeli-óf Tí'tÍ to l0M w'i0 su"er Wlt'1 lbis toitiiriiigi Cutn. &) Hfc plaiut. (In cases of chronic Neuralgia, t;uQieausing Syrup, cailod RENOVATIN'G RLCSOLViáNT, will, expedito tho cure.) Iu recent attacks, tie, RKAi'Y RELIEF; applied esternally to tho parta wnere the in strikes, and a tüaspoonful of RELIKK to a glass of water, wheu tbc paroxysras appear, will eíTccta cure. EOW SO CTTS.15 A BAX) COLS ni'rwi'af bkd-iiük and oUnuisic. Ifseiicd with SORE THROAT, Hoarüenoï=_Bad Coujh,. iillicull Hroiitbiiiir. li'itl-Jii-lie, W.itery Diichiirges from tlie Noso and Kyes, l'ain in tho Bnctc ind .Joints, kc.-,. liatho tho 'ihroat, Cllv-st, tlead ;uul Juiutj wak tho KEADY KELIK1', and a HOT KEADY RELI3F SLJNO, By adding to lialf a i 1 bot nrater, swettcuod; with silgar, a (lossert-ífw ftll of KAIUVaY'S KEAFIY.' RKLIKK, and drink tliid on going to bed. Ih a. fet tninutos you will prsplrO freoly, stoep sauudly, auo wake iu viie morning curevl of your cold. (From the Vhrislian Advoca'e.) " Wi tcg to ]irosnnt to thü rpadn,s ()f flj Afu'rale the r.iUowing letter adürosicd t . ,„.. Riuhvay. Ui tho-o nülicted wftfi WEAK LÜNGS AND TIIKKATKNKIÍ WITÍI COSSUMP1TOX, read Tl-.o writor, Mr. .1 -VMIÍS" SAGK ia wcll kuowu iu Michigan as a pspolu hotol-koeier." KmBTSPj, Macomh Co., MtSh., Srpt. Í, 1862. T'R. RADWAV_Dr üi''; About four yenri si:ico, I was vorymooh offücluJ wita HISEA3ED LL'NUS. Myfriun.U Lhought ï had the I w.n entirely iintit f-vbusinrgj -ai54 h!aoil,inl ;y ove.y KympViln i.t tim ibovofatal disoaso. ünoniglit. on going Ui bed,] tboagiit [ Wüul.i take a swo;it, and touk y-nir IÍK.ny Iïkuiik iu liot water) ;is a stimutant U) RWuat mo. Jtitt so. tho pepspiraM"!! was of a sltmy s-:ht mco, Kid ..ffii.stvo 8mcli. I followcd ui ing ttio R&ov Rki,i RovMy.othvr Hight for foor trookatana ai too end of t'.i .t timo Wruí i'Uiirely welt. TUia is a trao ;-utouv'in f f.f.ts, wluch ï will testify to UQder ciath. Yo'lis. ote j ]ÁUa SAq, Sno'a Hotel, ilcnuiliis.Mich, FEVER AND AGUE. A Ubte-spOonfui of RAUWAV 'S IIKAHY KKiJliK, in a t'Kolili-r of Wtttor, buceo êvèry nn-rnm holori' liroakfast, wül prrent nttack oí' Kkvoï iui(1 ji? ■■, If rxpost-d to its nialarii. If BCtzod wi.ii t'iis c ■iu1ilaiit, takc llm samo doe, and hatlio tho Hoad, Nrock, II. ruk ji:id iplue ona Uour beforo tho ChdU ara ex i -cted ; Uii I wiU break up and curo tbe vrof i iniH i i . ,-■ esj-T!. RADWAY givc-s you, for 25 cents, a meilicjiia Al) v ili!' will prove Itn iftluiiry in .-i l -w hoiín, ;t;i (i'Cll euro you i fotd dwoajei til il.oudei Uiu rdiliary &KJt trcatrai-iHBf physiclau, uoul.l iiy you tii Tof .l.! . u.'.l. ■. and IO"lllll ;. 00 lli.l rr.y lint' k' M rompíelo when yon purohano, aud piirclmso liq RKAHÏ UELIKF iinle.sH tito fac irfmffe isn.itum of K.MiW'.v & c.i). is on tuo ont.-idi' lubol,(ind ii' iinni'-i'f i'AIAV Y & ('11. blow:i n ■ i i i feirh hollín II' [saoUl BV IlíUIGBISM íNil FiRE -KEETERS r'." I'VKRV V1I.1.A;E4M)TUW-V X TUK UNUKDSTATÈ3 AKDCANADAá. KADWAY & CO., 87 Maidou Uuo, X. Y. For Rule by STEBBINS & WILSON A.yer's Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus