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A Slight Drawback

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Many a glor'ous speeulation has failod for the saine good reíison that the old Texan raffger gaya when ho was asked why he didn't buy land when it iva? dog che.'ip ' WolJj I did come nigh on taki&g eight thouèan'd acres once't," said o!d Joe, mournfully. " Yon see, two of the boys eaiTio in ono duy f rom nn Indian hunt, without any shoes, and c.Hered me their titles to the two jllBt V)elovv hero for a pajr of boots.". " Fpr 9 pair of boots I" wo exclaime(l ' Yes, a pair of boots f ir eocb league." " But why on earth dd yon not take it ? They'd be worth one hundred thousand dollars to-day. Why didn't you givc thern tljo boots ?" "Jest becauso I didn't havo the boots to giy.e," said old Joe, as ho took aiiother chew of tobáceo, (uite as codiented as if he owned two o,r three hundred leagues oí land. L5T Old Professor S was one of tlio instructora of Darmoutli College, years ngo, and was wit'ual ahout as blunt and straight forward a specimen of humiuiity as ever walkod, being consideied a Titile crabbed bv intimates. 0,ie day in early, summer be was taking lii.s usual stroll about tiie viHage, keeping his " eyo out" for ar.y " fast " student who might bo " off duty," when he met Mr. Page, a sturdy farmer from K;;.-t jniover, with a load of wo.od, trud;iiig alung tlie road ij.;refootéd ; but lie was a lino representativo of " Nature's noblenien." " Hallo ! Mr. Pairo,-' growled the Professor, " I sliould like to know if all the pcople of lïanovcr go burefooted ? " 'j Part on 'em do, aud the rest on ein' niind their owq busiuess," was tho rathcr settliog reply.


Old News
Michigan Argus