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A Pretty Experiment

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Rogers has solved the problcm or seenig through amillstoue. In a paper read before the Scieutifie Association at Newport, he says : Take a sheet offoolscap or letter paper, roll it up so that the opening at one end shall be larga eaoiish to tuko iu 1'ull sizc of the eye, and at the othcv end, let the openiug be not half sa largo. Take it in the right liand, holding it betwen the thumb and the forefinger, place the largo end to the right eje, and look through, with both eyes open to the light. You wiil sec a hole through your hand.If you take it ïü your left hand and hold it to your loft oye, it will be the .sime. You will in both oases be astouished to see that you have a hole in your baad. The illusio.ii is most complete. Froin tliis and other experimenta; he coneludes that an impresskm made on the retina of either eye cannot of it sulf enable us to determine on whieh retina it is recgivcd, and that the visual j.eroeptiou bülongs to the part of the optical apparatus near or withiu the brain, which be. longs in common to brtthrfV. r" Seyenil iiupurLaui o.iuiuet consulfations have boeu hold of l;ite regard ing the course of the Biitisli goverimient in allowing armod vesaels to ba fittod out ín its owi) ports for the rebels, and so flagrant are some of the faota known here th-it assuranoes are given of' active moasures that will result in more sitisfaotion for allojed outrages, as wall as to prevent them in tlio future, than was recently given to Minister Adams whou he men tioued the snbjeet to Lord Pilm-3rston Perfeotly satisfaetory informatiou that ■ the robels ave Stting out iu Eügli'h ports ' a blusa of arrai'd stoamers 1 ke the Geor' gian bas been reuived here. Tlie tioi) of the issuance of letters of mn'rque and reptiaal will uot be deoided till this iiuportaut issue is disposed of. irfST 'ls asserCed in excellent quarters thut the tenor of Seoretary Seward'a last diapatch to Minister Adatn-t, on fitting out of rebel vessels in English portH, was to the effect that, ifthnse vessuls wero ullowed, it would be roüar (Uit! h u beltigerent act by thi.s governur'iit. In this ame con.neotion it is unduivtood the ijjovoniment regrels the publicati'Hi of the f'act that the ftinds h ive been sent abroud to puruhuso tliose vessfls.


Old News
Michigan Argus