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fpetial IJotkcs. nCHÏGAX (EVTIÍAL BAIIRW ' i Passenjroi train now leave Detroit, Chicago, and the 1 everal atatious in this Cuunty ,as follows : : GOING WEST. i Leave. Mail. Day Kx. .lack.Ac. NiglltEx. I etroit. 630a. h. 7.60a. H. 5 00 p ït 7.40 P. M. l psilaati, 6 55 " il 10 " 6 3.1 " 8.6S '■ DnArbor, 7.16 " 9.18 " 6 5" " 9 15 " exter, 7.40 '; PM 7 35 " 'f É helsea. 8.00 " " 7.45 '■ " ' r. Chicago, 6.30 " 7.30 a. M e The mail train goes only o Michigan City. GO ING EAST, Leave. Niglit Ex. Jack. Ac. Muil. Dny Ex, l'icairo, 7.15l'.M. 5.00a. M 7 ;J0 A. M. , helsea. 5.35 a M. 3.0.1 r. m. exter, 5 55 " 3.25 " 1 nnAihor. 4 15 a m. (S 00 " 3.50 P. il. 4 43 e. m, psilaut; 5 05 " (V55 " 4.15 " 5.00 " r. Detroit, " 8.15 " 5 40 " 6JO " f Traías lio aot stop at stations where liguresare ] edin rhe table. Trams eonoect at Detroit with the OJreat Western and ïranrl Ti-unk lailw;i% s ot Cana!a, and the Peirnitanl í [,.i,i, anl Detlfolt and Milwaubee liailroaUs, and evelrnul Rleamèra At tli. Company's Tickt Oflises at Detroit, Chicipn, ,'lnt nul Latftyetti. throuti licketa can be il i all the principal citie.s au.l tuwns in the L'uiteil taus n.l CnoadaH. LI'XlT.Iors SLEEP1NR CARS upon all night trains. R;itt;m's petebrated v,nrilating pnaiatus upon all ay irains - the hcst. (Utnt pryentatire in ust?. H X. Rlf'K.lii-nora'Supüriütendent. M. C. R. R. OÜÏct, April 17 , 1SI-3. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'8 PLANT ATI0N BITTERS. Tlicy puwfy, strcntlinn and invigoratc. Thcy crea'e :i he;ilÜiy ap-iifitite. Tlie}' are au antidote to cliange of wnter and diet. Tbey overeomt' eilocts ot' dissination and late hours. They sti'enUu'i) the system anJ enliven the mind. Tiiey prevent iQtasmatic and intermití ont it-vers. They i'urify the bnath ana acidity of the stomaeb. Tln-y curt; dyspepsia ;iuíi Con.stipati'-ii. Tliey cure Diarrhea, Choiera and Cholera. M"nrbus. They cure Li ver C'-mplaioc and ervmis EfeadacUe. 'bey are the bet bitters in tué wnrl . They inakt the vi-ak man stion;r, and are exhauted nattire's grent restore They aro m:ida of pure St. Crnix Rum, tlie celebratod C;ilia a B;irk, and herbs, andaré taken vith the pleasureof a beverage. without regard to age or time of dny. Tart cuhuiy recniumended to delicate „■rsons rt-quirinir a gentle stiinu iant. Bold by all Grosere, I'rug-ii-ti Hotels aad Saloon. P. II. Drakc&Co. 201 Broadway New York GinQi LYON'S KATHAIR0N. Ka th a i ron is iruin the Oretk word, Kuthro," or Kathairo," b!gDÍfying to cleanse, rejuvinate anl rvtore. Thitidrticle is w!i;,t it.s n mi; .-rgniiies. l-'.rpre,-tTving. i-t'i(H ■mi: and be.iutifying the human hair it li the must remarkable iroparation in the world. It is ;iain owuci iini put up by the original prop ríe tor, and noiv made with the same care, skill and attention which gave t a su ie of over one mi Ilion butties peï au num It is a most dellghtfttl Mair Dressing. It eraCicute sciuf aud daodruff. It keeps the lu-ad cool and rlean. ït makes the hair rich, soft aud lu.y It uevenis thö hair from failin oiïand turning gray It restólos hair upn bald heads. Aii}' lady or gentleman who values a bt'antiful head of hair should use I.yon's Katharion. It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectabfe dealers. 6m894 DKMAS S. 3ARXES & CO., Prop'rs, X. Y. HEIMSTREÈTS luhnltahle llatir ttetoratiye. ÏT IS NOT A DYR, But rtstöïeiPgraj hair tfffta original color, by Bttpplying the capillary tub" with natural sustenance, impüii't'd by agf or diseas }inetantauecus dyes re coroiwaedöf lanar caustíe, deroying the vitality m bt-auty oTt'ie. hair, and afFord of tlietne!vM nu dressing. Bfelmstwets Inimitable Cbloring Dol ónly restores hair to its natural color by au easy process, but give the hair a Lnxuriaitt líen uí y , pmmotes itfl growth, prevenís it.s falliug off, eradicatcs Jandruff. anHmparts healili aud pleaaaatness to the aeid - ït bli stoöd tae test of ttmejWetag the original Hair Coloring, and is cunstantly increasing in favur. Us-d b. both geaUemaD ana ladies. It is sold by all !-[M-rt iblc draler, or can be procurod by thora of tbc commercial agtnts, D. s. iïar:ios & Co. 202 Bfoadway, Xuw-Yorli. - Two sjzes, 50 cc-nts and $1. Cm89-i The Great French Eemedy! MA HAM IïOIVIN'S CELEIÏHATED SILVEIL-COATEI) FKMALK l'ILLS. The only certain and Safe Remedy for all Uterine Obstructions, Monthly Difllcultïes. lnegtil;i lilies, and all the other diseases to which the Woman, Wife a.nd Molher ís iiccuüiiilv üable. These filis coftt&in oo deleterióuíl ingrèdieöts, but are safe and cerfciin in their aetit.n. Tliey wi.l befoundto exert the httpplest effect in all cases of Prolapsus Uten, in Leucorrhea, or the White? ; they. will be found the tastest aii 1 most certain Cure that can be loumi. 'It is on 'iccnunt of this certrinty they sliould not be taken by Pregnant Fjiiki les (Haring the first three montlis, as miicarriagt is certain,) to be brouht on, but at other period-. their ase is perfectly safe. X.B. One Dollar enclosed to any auttorized Ageut, will ensure paoltage of Pilis by return of mail. C, CHO-B, General Agent, Y,T. Kiif, C. V, Bufïato,N. Y. Caution.- Beware of Cjunterfeits, the tienuine have the tgnatnre of CROSJiY, on the ötwitie wrapper. Fur sale by all re.specüitde Druggists, lyeow8S7 4 GOOD TREE 18 KNüWN BY . nFia:iT. Öo in a good i'hviciau by liis uccessfui Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TUK IÏKEAT ANI CElKBBATEfl IHVSH'IANOF TUE THKOAT. LCNT3S AN'l) ( HEST, ëCdowd all OTer tlie countr; aa ihe Gíitebrated INDIAN HERB pOCTOR! Froin --outh America, will be tU tiiu rooms, KOKLL iJÜÜSE, ïfKTlïcl'r, iti ilif lfith and 19th inst..tni the s&éa% dale of and every nubsequeut montii dMing I62 aud lfeö, A NE IT FAMl'HI.I'T Of 1 lic life,stuily and ftirnie travolfi of Dr. Lyons au procured Uy ajl whqijesireoiie, free of ph&rge. Dr c (fill visit Ann Apbor, Jacksun, aud Adrián, Mtcii.. :is fpllowa : xnn Arbor. Monitor Eïonse "iöth. JacksoiL.. Ui-bbard H.usí-, 21st Agrian'; Bracketi l fl, 2I ánd 23fl. MowiiïF KAJlNATOi(.- The Qojjtor discaTD? diseasca m tRe eyês. Be, thérfore,'a'fih8 no qaétions nor ro l I res patiënte to expHio syniiJii-m-. Afflicted, come in ■! li.-iv your uynapLoinH and tiie hica,tion oi' yuur dis?ase expTa1nê3 frcë of charge. Ayer's Ague Cure. A CARD TO THS LADiES. DR. DUPOxWS GOLDEN PILLSFOR FEMALES. InialliMe ín cofrectlng, regototing ftnj remoylng all obBtriietioDs, irmn whatever cause, acul alwaye ; n! &8 B p:rvrn; íve The combinación of ingrediënt in Dr. Puponco's Golden l'ill for Kemales are perfectly harmless. They hi t heen used in the private practice of Dr. Dupnnco over öO years.anil ttiou&anJs of latlie.s can testify to their great and nevor failin success in alinost cvcry oase in correcting iire?ularities, relievlag iminful and iiintreBÍng mens truatlon , partioularly at the chanpr "f life. Krom five to ten pills will cure (bat tMin .vet ireadful oomplaiut, the Whitos Xearly cvcry Camale D ie ïand suffere fn m t lii s eomplaint. The above Pillhas permanentlj curpd tliousands, and they willonreioii if you use them. Thcy can nol haini you; onthec'ontrarv. they reraovc all obstruetiODS, re store nature to ts iiropiT chiuiiiel, an.l n.igorate the nluik siii. LadtfS whosehaHh will not pcrmit an ncreaso of füinily, 11 lind these pills a snccessful )reveuUe Ladies peculiarly situah'd, or those BUpposing themsêlves po, sbo'uld not ate these Pills durlog tbè Bral ttiree montk, as tliey are certain to produce miscarriagt, "aftor which admonition" the propnetor assnmes no rsaponsib'ility, althongh their niildneae wil] pvcvont an injury to ln.ltn. The nredients niipo-in.s the above i'ill are .nade knowñ to every A.'nt, and they will teil you they ave safe and will peri,.rm all c-laimed lor thera. Priee $1 per box ?old in AN'N Ahi.OK, by STKpBINS. WIIiSOir, Bmggjste, W. A. lirS'L-, lni!i?mt. LsdieBHTlng ut a Slstunw by sending tliem 1,00 through the Aun Arbor Postoffice, cují Inte tua Pula ent (contidi-ntiiüly) by'mail, lo any liart o( the country [nr ol pojfcage. ÍÍ i. Reinare of a base af these PMs. - Pou i-.'iii buj tl ie coimtoHtit a'itïcle ;i l inv pricefrom 25 -,, 7; fi'isiJ.:! Hm (dMtattiiatJ. Ladim your Uwib and iealtjp i if tn" mud) Talue t.) bc tnilcl with, besides being inipi'-cil opuu wiih a worthless n ole. Tbertfiire, iny one offeringyon these Pilis for lese tliun 1 i box, ivoid thejB as yóu woald poison. Th.-y are bögus. None vrep-niiine uniesn the name of S. 11. HUWK ia on everjr box wbicb bas recently been added, on account uf the Pilis beiBjr oouterfeited-, Hold alsó, by -MTTILYpsilnnli. BLIS3 .V BEEBEJackson, indhy one druífí i"t in rvrry villaire and city in the United States, unll.v V AKRAM),SUEELEY& CO.. Genital state Agente, Detroit. S. I) HOWE, SolePreprWor. 8C7yrs2 1!w Vcikk. O TOBACCO - Tou can Imy the best ?rades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO nl frum 50 cenï8 to One Dollar SMOKIfiGfrom fouHeer. to twenty oentt it M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AKD CIGAR STORE' ign - Red Indian. South side Huron street, lew doors frora Cook's Hotel. M DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 11, 1862. 8H3tf Doublé Premium Offer ! Eclectic Mon-thly. New Initurcmcnt! ARTISTIC ATTRACTION. IiHE two match Parior Prints willbesent, pc stage paitt, after this dte, t kack cew suUscribM to Tuk ,t ihrijr Mac;azik who serids liia nauie ;md L6 in adH- 1 ti' e. 1. ltetaa-!i-cl fvom Mnrltet. ís ft beautiful enrayiog, by John Öartaia. ïhe pnarket-oarl has rcarned Ir'om the town; betritig i ricli t'reigíit of purh&ms tothe aelïitff youngpesple, who -n-v ceceivrijj ilirm with eagemess. Tlfc wüole taraily are asembïed on ór ui front 1 tíie Piazaá, vhieh, with the [aüsion appaars alraqBi exaoily Hke U.c Mount V ion home of Washington, with the old gcntlemao cated,and-adjusiinghïfl glasaeB to read the pi er, vho Knik-; liKf Vaabngton hiui-tiif. The wholeaceue ti the Large pnaraving is attractive aud böauülul, and forth a piiice on the parlor w ilM, 2. The pi int i Filial Affect Ion, or Snnday Io5'6siis :l!" engnivèd by John Sartain., at a cost ')i twêlve liuni!rcd dni;ir fbï boi jl u( tbem.. iarünsprice was $5 tor the two m tich priot, The scène n this otibÏ at tlïe fatnily home, and th view thro' be opóngale pwsents'the vjUage church in the disance, with ts spiie poindpg heavenward, and a beau iful ffil of Borne twenty -üroinera walts, Bible in i.and, hy the gü te, holdiag t open foï th egresa ot the f'amily. ;;, moilKT, stiilhandsome, atienda tho agèd grind 'ather with ihecliildren. the houscdog.itnd the donkey, nake ui the tamily -rro-.p-just departíng tbr woral.ip a "the viliage sanctaary. Botb ari beautiful match )rints,_easily obtained iofhi roa'nner. 3. Alarfie and fine parir, it oi the Hun. EDWARD ■A'KKKTi' wiil bE sent ba plee of either print, ;isa prenimn. postage paM RS.may le preterred 4. -í;inu:irv iinraber of the Kci.kctic í i embellish eé wiih doublé -hiaturie platea, witü tiëasures oi litera5. The Kebruary ivumber piatc hai five purtraits of ominmt tnen. ti. Tin1 Marfeh number plate is a prmí of Napc-leon I. at thebattle of Austeclrfz. 7. Tli eesupenoF platesi are in tïie hands of #i jirti-t 'or fature öifïnbea Now :s a sïo ui time to Bttbscrlbe. iüdresö W H. BrUWELL, No.5 Beetmantít , N. Y. 'The Great Living llistorv.' THE REBEILÏÖN REGORD ! A MAKT OF ASERICAN KVl:TS Edited by FRANK MOORB. Pnblishng in partí, f M cinta, eaíS par illiisti-atcl With two l'ortraitfl eogrs ve& OB atöL FOL:K VOIA'MKS are now ready at anaexed prict;s, uutil April 1 , 1863: Cl.itli, ■ 13 75 a volume Slieep, 4 (W " Hall C:ilf, or half Mvncco, 5 00 " THE REBEJ.K.IV BF.CORD IS NDISl'ENS iStE Ti)KVi:i:V PüBUC ASD I'MVATE i.1i;kai;y. ■ TUt! fuitv valuóles coii.-tain : i A 1 ri.I. AND CONC1 -K DIAHY OF EVENTO, from Die Meeting oí the outli ('imliiw .Oonventtoq in Dec , 1SÚ0, to Uie ciipuiru uf N-.v Ontans, inclusive. n OverOXE TÜOUSAM) OFïfClAL HKl'ORTS an.1 ARRAT1VEH ui all the. liAttleá an4 ákiroaUaea liit iiave occurred (turmg tiio ar. in. Over FIVE HUMDSED SÖXSg AND BAIJ-aBS, botb loya! aDd :ebel IV. FOP.TY-SKVKN POETRAITf, cn-inv,.,! „n steel, of the most celebvated men ■■! tLe time, and Tvi'iny,i Map.s and l'luus of iïattk-s. v. iivit TIIREETU0K3AVD Incidents and Anecdotes of persona) daringaQd bravery, "Asa i-ork fui üuiiauit ivt'erencii it is eminently to be relied on " G. P. l'UTNAM, tfnl.!)!M-r, Broadway CHA3. T. EVANS, s . 1 1 gt. 448 Broadway SPEOTAI, NOTIOE0o4ftfterAprlLlit, the pme of "Tlifl fteïjetlioö Record" will be adva.víkd FIÏTY. CTd A VOLUME,- Krom that date, the sate of Parta, from Nns. 1 to 24. will be liisci'iitinued. Back Skth of Uie"RebeUin Re ■ ord" will be b 11 only ia' volumes Purcbaxers and sabucrifterii wbo hay "" ooispleted the ftfut vbls, must at di) so. The vork wilj aou$riiie t b1 pu'lislied in parta, at 50 ci-nf--- art TiuRtratea. with frwo p-T ■ruits on steel. Volume V. wiU comprime sevcu jiarth. American Collccting Agency, No 240 Broadway, New York CHftfiBs of all kïadi aííainst l iie Genera Uovei'innc.t, State '■■ vcni ui-m, i li ( 'ty - ur private j irtiea, cuted ;iii-i collectcd h i ƒ txpeni nn.l ridk ,. nat private parties 1 po-ses upertor facilitics for GoUectin ctaas eveiyhtre in üi" United States anii Sêatiaiiin, relieviug itíerchant, asignfps, benkerb, au-; oi hcrs. ol the Oat e and all penpna'sth special attentiongiven to ol4 debts, hard caaes, U, vor ■, . ■ nCtttea, etc. Betng familiar wiih afilie details of tlie " Zn rwi lian nw La#fV I wiHatlend promptly tu the eollecHon Ol iir:iwh;irl., iind tiixtís overpiiid (hruc-li ignutftMe of the l:iw. SoMiera' pensiopH, pay, ftfid bminfy peicirred furtlinn (ir tlii-ir licirs. Kor thttt purporteáad &r ronecutnig cnfne aainsL the o vera nu-ut, I ui vv a lra uch uffice a.1 Washiugtuo, Vu charge madeunleaa clanns are col tected. All uoUliers dischasgeá 1 - rpason of woundts - how ever Imr , the l mie I licv iia vc Hftrved - ;i re tli'itkil to Oiif HundiTrl Üollarq iinuniy. All Mldir tttivingterve'l tvu veara,ar untïtled l' the 9 me v . The liihcst market prlee will bo pak! for iwldiei-Ts' claims, aini otlior' deni.wid.s against ilu1 Ueneral Governnier.t lut'ormatk'iii and npitnuiis gireik, and iovegtigation made without charge t upou claims propused lu bo placed iu my liands. For purticularK, addresa H. HUÏiTING-TON LBE, 930tf X, 240 Broadwav. N. Y UWËLLLXG FOK SALIÜ I IFYOUwish to buy a gnoM two-story brickdwJling, convenipnt to tlu; umu.s j-art of thf "üy, with groundf and yrds iféll itrtcl;od with choice Frtiltofall ktads, A-ppïefti ' ..1 ■. i''s l'lu.'n.i, Kasplicrrio, (Jroameotal tr e, tílirubbí rj, &p..&p., inqutre al the ■ Nov, 14, im. AJiüUS Ol'JilCK.


Old News
Michigan Argus