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THE OLD COIiNEIÏ EENEWED! with nsTEw stook:, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' UW CASH STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Millen.) I am uow opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY'GOODS CONS1SIINQ OF DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN fc BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &c. and everj thing that is keptin a Domestio House= also a fine assortment of BCOTS fc SHOES! AND YANKEE JVOT1ONS, A full stock of GROCEEIES constantly on hand. FARMER'á PKODUCE! IBought and Sold. Thankfu] to old friends and customers foi p:ist favors, I hope to merit a aliare of their patiouage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with 0. H. Milltn & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf CITY COOPER SHOP. Tholesale and Retail, O C. SPAPFORD Would respectfully announce to the eitïzens of Ann Arbur and vicm.ty , that he ís uow n: a nu i act uring and keep-scoustantly on hünd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Pork and Jider ftarrels, Itcgs, Firkins, Churus, Well Buckets, &c.? Wliich wili be sold cheap fur cash. CXTSTOM "VsTOE-EZ Mailt; tü order on short notice. Rc-pairiug dune with neatness and dispatch, 1 would cali particular attention to Merchants in want of Bntter Firkius Iammanufacturing tlie RrnTwk Stnte Flikln, which sa bettí'r Kirkin than has evtr bel'ore been of ferei] inthis market. I would invite all who want Firkins to Cali and exanine for tliemselves before purcliasinglsewhre, aad I will' coüviuce yOQ that you have called at the right place. 1 wouU also cali the attention of Brewers io want of BEER KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in lurge or small Iota, and of a Bctter Quality than can be liad in Detroit or elsewhere. 'A11 work warrantcd to give en tire satis 'action. Thanklul for p st favors and by a strict attention to biisiiicsa. I hope to meril a continued liberal sujiply of the public patronage. ÏS. Do ao't íurget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 8S8.vl All Losses promptly adjusted MERCHANTS'IÑSÜRANCE CO,, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $200,000. Total Assets.Jan. 1( , 1862, $237,3S7.05 Liabilitiee, .... 1.884.09 MARK HOVVARD, President . E. Thos. Lordell, Secy. The unuersigned has beeli appcinted Agent for the aoove reliable Company, and will effect insurance losscis by fire at reasonablerates. .T. W. KXIGHT. Ann Arbrr,.Iune2, 1862. 855tf liiile Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A. J Suthorland,] Manufiiet.urers of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouches Game Bags, and Evcrjother article in that Line. REPAiniTUG lone at the ihortst notice, and in the best raanner. i full asRortraent always kept on hand and made order. tjr% Shop on Huron street. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1862. 873tf Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN- Furth Judicial Circuit, in . lui nctTv. 8uït pemlïHg ín Ihe Circuit Court for the county of Viliteuaw, in riiaucery, in thecity of Aun rb..r,on the 14th áay bf Maren, A. Er.lRS. In tin ase where.n M rtha Mc in u compluiuan', anI William Stcin ia delendunt. Il appeai ii g ïy the affi d;tvit of Mi.rtlia Stem ihai the defendant, W4Uftu Sifin, is nut a rea 'deal oí the State of Michigan, bui wheo UhI heard Prona wts a ftsidenl of the State of Missouri : On mol ion of ï itcln'll nul Pracsv -niieitnt lor ompiaiitant. it is 01 licicl that naid Willjam tein cu hi appearanct1 t be éntered a'nd notTte 1 1n-re-. f 1o Be ser ved I on complainant'fi soMeitors wit hl at WO muir. h In ui Ihe 1 date i iliis order, and in case t hi aji-'a: anee tbat he cause bis answer to the complainentV bilí to be file aud a cojiy thereofto be served on the cumpl inant's suliciiors within twenty nays afte a perricr ol a cnpy of sftid bilí , and in defmilt thei t-ol that the Baid biU of eomplaint mar bc taken as confesaed agips1 binj And it is further or eied that within twenty days f rom the date hereof s ii'i cunipiaiindt eauye a co]y of tbis order to be publislied in the Michigan Arjius.a nevgpaper printed nul ptíblinhed in the crtjí oí Ann Ar kef ia tl e cniinty of W'iisbU'N-iM endítate of M at least once Ib eph weck for i BuecfesVii e v-e1 o that the coittplufneni ;i coj y herevl to bc (CTPonal y served on the said del en dan l William fin a1 least twenty daya before the timfe pre eriuefi for hii appar anee GKO. PANFORTH, Circuit Court Co mm s-üoñer fttrWafo. Co ,Mich. Twiiciikll & Fk.jz i BoUcitort lor Coni]flaiijant. Dated March 16ih,3ÖW. A truc c i;y : TÍ;ACY W. ROOT, Register. 6wH Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. 1.v Circuil Conri fr the County ot Wajditnaw, in Chaucery At fï'ambtrs before Hun. E. l.av ri nee. Circuit .1 1 ■ 1 v . ;it ihe t ourï House, in Anu Arbor, on the tweuty-seveniL day i March 18e3. AL020 Clark, " Laban , Sabgkavt, andothers J It appeftrïn by a Si da vit to the aiisfacitnn nf Ihe court tbat Bubpqána aud reejiojii cudMu bi i n ism in tbifi case, direct ed to ihe defèndCDtM hercin. and that the sanae could imt besörved u,pon the said {jibán A. Sargeant, by reaaon ol his cont nded anseifce fn ni the Stuit' ií ' .Michigan, or ccncealinent t}uTcin, and the court belng paiftfied tbat said La ban A, Sii(2;eí(nt in not now a resident of the State, and ih;it lus present i esi dence is upknown; On mntiocj of K. H. Wood . Si Jieitor for eompUi nant. it is onWcl ibat ihe tia&ft J.nban A. Sargcant eau Re his appcarance to be enuic' in tbis cause, and notice. tbereof to be seived on c mjaina' t's soliöitor, within tlncc monlbs from date. hereof, and that in case bf hiï ippenrance that hc caii=( his answer to oomplaloaat'a bill t be flïed ;iud a ?opy thereof to be servedon cotnplainait's Bolicitor itlnn tvntv aftir service of a copy of said bï'tl anr in default tbereof said b'll may be taken as coi'l'i s-ed by him. t is firtber ordcied, tbat witbin ( wen' v Aifya complninant cauiB tjbjf order to be j-uMi-hei! in tiiq Mickiffnn Ar r lis, a public hevrspi'per pttbiipheí a't ■ínn A:bfr, in said Gounty, airl tha,t sueh puhlicalinn he continued n said paper af phaI once in p:ch wek'fni eight snecessivf weet, or tlal lie cause a eopv ibercoí to be per-ionally served on the said La ban . & rean, at least twem y da; s bel ore the expirattoo ol tbe time abuve prescribed for bis appe&mnce. E. LAWI1KNCE.. Circuit Jvfle. E. B. Woon, CompliiinantV 5ofcttr. PuOS Estáte of Catharine Fitzgf.iuld. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County ol Washtenaw, rr._ At a eesflion of the PróbáleCourí lor tbc Cnunty off Washtf naw, holden at th Probate (Hice in ihe City of 4nn Arbor on Frid;tv the third day of Apjil. in the yt-ar one tboasand eight hundfed and ixtythree. J'reseat Thomas Tíinde, Judie of PryWte. In the matter oí theEstaie of Catharine Fitzgterald, deceased. Jatnea McMahon, Administ'ator witli the wiHannrxel on the Estáte of i aid deceased, comes into curt and representa that he is now prepared to render bis final account as such AdminífttnU" r Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the. eiL'hth. day of May ne&tj at tea Q'-eloi k m ihe lurcn.iun. be BRvtgned for the heurmg of said account, and that the dexjsees teg&tees an-t beirs at law o!' said leceased, snil all otli er perHons ioteiwsted in said estat .are required to ap pear at a eewion of saii". Court, tben to be liold.-n at the Probate Office, iu the Cjiy of Ann Ai bur in said County , an 1 show cause, ifany there be, whj the said account shouid not hè allo wed ": And it is further ordered.that said Admïnïstrator hive notice lo tbe persous iuterested in sai r estatf, of the penden cy of said account, and t!n hearing thereof, bt candinga copy of tliis-Oider t Ijc d in tbe Af 'tfhigait ArgiiB . b. uewapaper printed and cir'culátini in said Couuty of Washtenaw, tliruti sttccessive weeks, previous to said day oí hearing. (A true Copy.) THJMA:S NIN'ItK, Judge of Probate. Iieal Et-tate fr feale. STATE Ol' MICHKiA.V Cuuniy of Vah;cnav, ss.- In.the matter ol tbe K-tate of Laura Ida T. dd . of the Citv ofXew York intheftate of Xt-w Ytirk, Minor Notice is bereby pi ven, That in pusuance of au order gran'd to the under-igüed, Thomas M Ccojey.tuiaidian oE the Edtate of said mino:, bv Hon. Jui'ge of. I-'robate lor tbc Couniy o! W-htenaw, on the .vixtíi day of April, A I) Ig63, there will be gold at public vendue, to the bidder, at tbe south dorr of tb. 'onrt House in tbe ( ity of. Ann Ïbr4n the County of Washtenaw , in s;iï State of MJcfrifrato , on Satura a j the twenty third layoi May A. I). 16:}. at une 'clock ja the aiternoon of that day, (tlbjeCI trt all enci.njbrnc s hy mor i gage or atfaerwiae existing ai tbe tinje oí sale) thefaltowing Sescritied Real Estáte to it: M th .-f certaiii [jiect-s or paci-ls of lami sit na te in City of Ann Aibor, io the Coiioty of W'asliienaw and -t?te of ftichigan known and d signated as lots numbei fifteen au sixteen in block n mbe five south of Huroif Street, ! Range Kight Kast, aecordïng to tbe recoroed plat thereof. THOMAH M. COOT.F.Y, Guardiaft. Dated at Ann Arbor, April 6th,lF63. GODFREY DITCH SALE. THK uudersipncd will iter for sale to the lowest bi-1der at the house of Samuel 1Í, Poty, un Aiber. onTued,y May 12. 163, at 2 1' M. the mik;Bg of 15O Rods of Ditcb, in-accor dance witli the stipulaiü ns, siirveys, and table of culs. Said ditÖi 7s to De one toot wide on the bottom and afz tlepib as n)irkpii on each station stafce set in the line of said ditch and th bauks to slope oce toot for every foot in dpth. J. B. ST..RKt JÜSKl'H PKAR J. J. I'ARHAI.L, Prainae;e ComraisHÍoners for the Couuty pf Wa-htenaw, " 9'Dw4 ÏS63. spinö. Ï86a u We are uoav opening' ik Ziarge and Beautiful esortment of STAPLE AMD FANCY Dry Goods ! LAD1ES' DRESS GGGCS . in great vnriety, ■Fk IBBONS, X3ross Trimmings, efce. Also a large stock of Goods for Mens' Wear, Cassimeres, Cloths, &c. and a ful] assorlnient of Ladies and übildren'a HATS. CAPS, GROCETHES, CllOCKERY, All of which we will sell at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE CASIX PHIC33! MACK & SCKMID. Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. 898tf Fruit and Ornamental TREES, uft-T LOW PBICES. ÏHK SUBSCRIIíEKS are nnw prepared 1o receiye or ëer for'all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Treee, 3hrubs, l'lanty, Floner and V neg of everv de&criptioü and variety. fortbeFall of 16 'iaiHl Spring ofl8f._ We have "ft large stöcR now ejrowinc:, nnd intend to mjike large import at ion s from time tutinje as the n :ints of the country demand. We invite tlie people to mhke ttiemselves acquainied witb Our facililies for doinp business, bei'ore purclinsinir eUeJffee,re. We warrant al] varieties-to be true to name, and to be vigyrous aud healthy specimens. All commiinicntions will be protnptly íespotíSed to. Ourofficeis in Rogéis' Agricultural Store, Detroit ft. , Ann Lrbor,Mich . DuBOTS, CARR & CO. Ann Arbor, June 24.1862. 8"8tf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus