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What Is In The Bed Room?

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The importarme of ventilaling bedrooms s a fact which everybody is vittally interested in, and which few properly appreci ite. We copy the following from an exchange, which shows the injurioua effects which must arise from ill ventilated sleeping apartments : " lf two persons aro to occupy a bed room during a riight, lat thein step upon weighiog soales as they retire, and then ag:iin in the morning, and they will fiud their actual wcight is at least a pound lëss in the morning. Frquuntly thero will be a loss of two or more pounds, and the average loss, thrcughout the year will be more than one pound. That is, during the nigbt there is a loss oí a pound ol matter which has gone off from the bodies, pjtrtly trom the lungs, and partly through the .pores of the skin. The escaped material is earbonic acid, and decatfed animal m tter, or poisonous exhalations. This is diflFused through the air in part, and in part absorbed by the be] elothes. If a single ofince of cuiten or wool be burnod in a room, it will so completely satúrate the air with smoke, that one oan hardly breatbe, though there can be but ounce of foreign matter in the air. If an ounce oi cotton bu burned overy half hour during the cight, the air will be kept cnntinuaHy saturated with smoke, unleos there be an open door or window lor it to escape. Now, the sixteen ounces of Smoke "tb us formed is far lot poisonous than ihesixteen ouncss of exnilations from the lungs and bodies of the two persons who havo lost a pound of weight during the eight hours of sleeping; for, while the the dry smoke is tnuiuly taken into thu lungs, thé daiiip odors from the body are absorbed boih into the lungs and into the pores of the wbolo body. Need more be said to show the importance of having bed-rooins well ventilatod, and thoroughly air'mg the sheets, poverlids and mattresses in the morning, before packing them up in the fortu of a neatly made bed '?" %yiLr Take care of your neisjhbors; don't let thenl stir without vvatohing - they muy do something wrong if you do. To be suro, j'ou never knew them to do anythiug very bad, but it may be on your account thnt they havo not ; perhnps if it had not baar, for your kind ! care, they might havo disgraced themI selves and families long ago. Therefpre din't relax your effoi'ts to keep tir.ern whsré they onght to bo. Never ! muid your owu buainess - 'that will take care of itself.


Old News
Michigan Argus