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Vegetables Vs. Scurvy

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The miduivigiifu hlïs just reeeived advices frorn Chicago, per TLn. Mark Skixnkk, Presiden i. of the United Suites' Sunitary Gomniiiision, thnt the bruve and humane General Rosecrans sends a telegrapb to Judge S., tliat the Scurvy has made its appearance in the anny of the Cumborlund ; and be appea!s for i mm e help, in the sliape of vegetables. Shall the appeal go unheedod ? While our bravo héroes of tbe army are end uring tlio hnrdahips n{ camp lifo - toilsom jilm;hjs - "hard tack and bacün" - the damages of battle and j ti.e Vir, and wotnidd incidant to ihfcir exposurus, shall siieh a cali have no generous íwponse? ïhia should nol-nvit not be. A shipment oí' vegetables, (potatoet and onioas,) is now being made frorn this plaue. We vvish to end two car lottds. One is, in part, seeured. - Will not thé friends of the sick and wounded soldiers in this viciuity, at once bring, or seod, Uieir offerings in vegetables, (as many onions as possible), to the storo uf Messrs. Stebbins & Wilsoti, (put up n bosos or barrels ready for shipmenl), where they will be properly marked and shipped. SAMUEL DA Y, Chaplain 8th Illinois- Military Agent and U. 8. Sanitary Commissioner for the Northwest. Note. - Now ia the time to plant Iho " Sol dier's onion paick," in the garden, or the " Army acre of Polaioes," in the field. Top onions maturo earliost. - Suoh labor ís trilling. The good thus done great. BT Wc copy in another eolumu an article from the Boston Post, whioh speaks very nearly our own views the position the Demoeracy should and must. oceupy during the eontmuauce of the rebelliou. The Demoeraey must sustain the Government in all legitímate efforts to put down the rebellion, and must not make factious opposities to measures it doe's not approve. It may dissent, advise different action, and opposs measures under discussion, but when determined on, the administration upon whom the immcdiate responsibility ï-ests must be left to carry them out, provided always that it respects the guaranteed right of freedom of and speech. fi@" The National Fast day was observed yesterday by appropriate religious exeroises, and general closing of places of business.


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