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Provost Marshals

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The appointments for tbis State, under the onscription Iaw, aro announced: Activg Aast. Proiwtt Marshal General.- Uu]. B. H. Híll, of thu regular anny, officu at Delroit. This officer has supervisión over the district Provost Marahala and their nssistantg, and Communications from head quartera at Washington are made through him, and he s required to see all orders promptly executed. The following are the district Provost Marshals. Fint District - John S. Newberry. Second " 11. C. Dennison. Third " E. J. Bany. Fuwth " N. Builey. Fifth " . G. M. Walker. Siut " R; Striciland. Tho district Marshals raak as Captain of Oüvalry and get $160 per month, and tro allowed two deputies at sala ríes not to exceed glOO pur month. - Special Age nis and offiuers are allowed - not over fonr to a district - ut salaries of from $10 to $65 per month, to arrest desertors, epfes, disloya! persons, &c. An Enrolhng Gorrxaissioner and Surgeon is also appointed in each district, who with the Marshal constitute the board of enrollment, and have the appointment of an indefinite number of EnroHing offioors, who are paid 3 per day whüe on duty. The Cominissioner and Surgeon while on dutv get the pay of Assisiant Surgeon in the army, minus allowance for fuel and quarters. It s supposed tho enrolüng work wil! eommeneo immediately. In this district Senator Fowler, of Eaton, has been appointed Enrolling Oommissioner, and Dr. Shank, of Ingbaii), Surgeon. The district head-quarters have been estabiished at Lansing : An unfavor able desination we think. We believe Maj. Barry has ontered upon duty, and have no doubt ho wil! make an active, faithful, and impurtial ofücer. Jrr The Republican city government of Niles is about give the con tract ior the public print ing to the low est responsible bidrier ; wbile the Democratie amhorites of Aan Arbur, vybh the peculiar L'conomy and fairness ol of that party vvhen in power, haveTSar gained for the public; prinüng with a man of their Mripe, at i raueh higher price than it would bo done for at a Republioan office. - Detroit Tribune. Not su fast, Mr Tribune. Yoiir economical Republican frienda at. Niks, with wbotn you compare the authorities oí Ann Arbor, seem to have taken o second thought. Wecopy frorn their reported proceediuga : Mr, Rpbinson moved thatthe resolu tion relalive to letting the prinjing to thu lovest bidder be rescinded. He was not aware the feeling relative to it wu8 so great. He did not wish to difier with hij republican friends. Ue had t-.iiked t over since last tneeting and iound there was a good deal of feeling, &c. He voted ue he did laat meeting without con-sulting any ono. Tlio motion to recoiiaider wan carried. Mr. Platt moved that the priütiog be given to the Fr et man at earno rates aa heretoforo. Tho molion of Mr. Platt ior the Freeman was put and the response ior it ííiint, but the Mayor prooounced il cariied. Now what has the Tribune to say about " peculiar economy and fairDess ?" jL3L" We fiod in all our exebanges favorable reporta oí the growing wheat erop. Loss danoage bas been experienoed from tho open vviotor tbau was "eared at an earlier day, and at present an abundunt erop is promised ia all sections of cur State. Our farmers are improving thëtr time, and indioations are that they will get tlieir Spring crops rn the ground at an earlier day ;hat) usual. Grass j aiso looking finey, an,d its vigorous growth induces a hope that butter will soon be plentier, jetter, and oheaper.


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