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Council Doings

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A regular session of the Coramon (ouncil was held on Monday evoning, Mayor Wells presiding. ■Wugive a synopsis of the jouraal. All payod and caticellod orders wre ordered destroyed. Aldermen Devany, Siawson and R. S Smith were appointed a commiüee to have fence around the old Cometery repnired. Purmission was granted f o f the citizensof the Town of Anti Arbor to inter in Cemetery in bth Ward. Also of tho ciüzena of the town to mpouiKl caf.le in 5th Ward pound. Tbe Kecordtr was instructed to col]eot all license fees for haeks., and drays, and all manoys received by Justices for fines. Several petitinna lor plank walks wcre received and referred. ïho Recorder was iustriuted to examino records oí Couücil, and report what orders for constructing side walks buve not been complied with. Groas walks were ordered on east ekie of State street frotn Hulbert's cornar to University corner ; on Fourth treut, east side, across Ann treet; and' across Muine street, 5th Ward, at Dotj's corner. W Beiij. Martin, N. H. Pierce, and R. C. Dillon, were confinnud Deputy Marshals, and motion adopted asking. Mnrshal Martin to got along with thut nBinl)cr of deputies. Bonil of Recordar Colé was approved. Aldermon Henderi-'on and Rhodes were appointed a coinmitlee to co-ope rata with a like committee of Cemetery in drafting au ordinance relative to burying grounds. On motion of Alderman Düvnny the wages of laborera co streets was raised from $1 to SI 25 per day. The street paving, on motion of Alder.nan R. S. Smith, was ord-ered let to lowest bidder per yard. Interest was ailowed on old bilis fpotn tbis date to Deo. lst, 1563, at 7 per ent. S. M. Webster was unaniiouly elcc'.ed City Treasurer. Adjourncd until Mooday evfling next at 7 o'clock. jL2L" William Kinnjjï, soa of Mra., oí tho oih Ward, for two years a pi vate in thü Ninth Michigan Infantry, died suddonly o hospital at llurfreesboi-o, Toon., about a week mee. liis remaina ere brought bnme ibr iatennent, arriviog oa Wednesday, and the funeral exercises took placo o the Catbolic Churoh yeeterday, He was but 17 years old, but young as liE was had earned the reputation of being A good soldier. An only brolher 13 a private in tho 16th Michigan Iníantiy. SL Henry Compton, Esq , of Ypsilanti, or.e of tho old residents of that ity, and well known to our citiecns, died on Satiirday last. Judge Compton vviia supposed to bo recovering fi'om a severe illnesa aud diod very suddetily in a liin;ing fit. Ilis age was 60 years. He was univorsaliy esteumed ae a citizen, and loavcs a larga circle of relativos wiih wboge bereavement thü en tire community ympathise. JC" A. P. Mills has removed to h:g new store on Muin Street, and toGay will opon to tho public. He has notv nne of finest and most commo dious stores in this city, whicb will koou lio fillod with a largo and eeasonabl stock.