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TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA ! MORE VALUABLE TIIAN OOLD ! MORK VALUABLE ÏHAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, F R E IV C H PERIODICAL DROPS, FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, F R E i C II PERIODICAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Suffering f rom Irregularity , or Oustruction of the Mensen, froqi whatever, IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE ! IT IS .SURE TO CURE I it is [mposelble to enjoy the bloom of healtli, aiul mntHtj of spirits, oniess the Mensos are regular as tr Ihtïme, thnquantity, and qualily. Wlion .they are obstpuoted, nature maltes her . efforts to obtain for o someotlipr oull't.ana, unless these efforts of nature rs asslataS, the ptien 'ii.iM.nlly -xpcTiences Despondpncy, Ncfrtmsness, and [iniilly CON.SU Mi'TIOX aasumes its sway, aai prem -iturel Iwmlnatea a miserable Ufe. TT REMOVES ALL OTiSTRUCTIONS ! ET REMOVKS ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN MINÜ. BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT I GUARANTEE TH AT I GUAR ANTEE THATI GUAHANTEETHATI GUAR ANTEE My DROPS T0 CUftE StiJjpresBÍon of the Menso f rom iiatover eanse, though caro shonld be taken to ascer tuin ir pregantes bethe cause, as these DK6PB woul be sureto produce miscarriago ; theywil) also ceHainl :XTconception,if taken two or threeda foi tiie nionilily period ; tlierofore, I wish it distincí'y un derstood, tfaat I do not hold myself responsiblc whej Lised muler.sacb. circumstances. BÜY THE BEST I BUY THE BEST ! 1SUY THE BEST! BUY THE BEST! BÜY THE SAFEST BUY THE SAFEST BUY THE SAFEST BUY THE SAFEST BÜY THE SUREST ! ' BUY THE SUREST ! ÏÏUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! WHIOH IS LYON'S DROPS WHICH IS LYOÏTS DROPS WHICH IS lYOX'S DROPS WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS THEY ACT UREA CIIAK3I, by strengtliening and invijoralin, and restorlnft tlie sytoip to a lioaïiliv cond:tion. It moderatea all oxcess, oves -.11 übfiructions, anti a speedy cure in;iy be el:ed o'n. TO MARRIED LADIES, kv are peculiarly adaptei}, as tlicy bring en the y ptriod ivitbsuch perfect regulan'ty. URE TO DO GOOD I URE TO DO GOOD I UHE TO DO GOOD ! URE TO DO GOOD! CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT Dü HARM! CANNOT DO HARM! CAN NOT DO HARM ! I could furnish any quantity of testimOBials of Itfl effieac; from my own paiienls, hut the practico of parading bought and fictitinua ones before (!.■ public is prevalent I do not deern t idvhuble. .My object is o pbtce my medicine before the public, not alone to ake money, but t( do good. it i.s proverbially true of ie. American Ladiea, thatnotton perectly bealtby lea can be found in any one vicinity. BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! E WISE IN TIME ! Let not dÍBease destroy yoiir conscitution. Try a ottle of my PERIÓDICA!, DROPS, and you wül be tiafiea that I ara no impostor. Teil yoiu' afüictöd icnd what reatored the bloom of health to your cueeks, nd thereiiy confer :t faros mme raluable tbrngold. or painful or scanty Menstrnation it ig jnst the thing. laveno-v in my minl an nuance of a lady who had beensuffertngfrom paioful meDstruation two or thr"V year.s, eoxflniDfr her to her room ench time ; she barl appliod to several evinettl &hjtAcihia, without rWief , when one bortle of my DROPS entirely cured hr. ONE BOTTLE OTJRES f ONE BOTTLE OURES! ONE BOTTLE CURKS ! ONE BOTTLE CURES! In almoEt every caso, DO NOT BE 'MPOSRDUPON! DO NOT J!iï IMP0SE1) riPON ! DO NOT P,i; IMPOSED ÜI'ON I DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! But cat tbU out ani end it to youif Dtuggut, if he has uot gut it , ma!if hint bxxy itféryon; or, Itmay be obtamod oí lbo Gem.-nil Agyntafor the UnittidStí tes C. G. CI.AÍ4K; A CO., Wholesale D&uckiiatsj New Havkn, Conn. Forsalö by all re.-peclab!o Druggistp. Pricc,il.ri) ]5r btttle, aad by Slebbins & Wiïson, Grtnville k , Fuller, Eberbach k Co, ! rrnp.iTCd ly .Tko. I,. LtÖïT, M. P, ly9O2. P. B AC H Is now receiving A. LAEGE STOOK -OFWew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOT? CASH Since the Late Fall, AND VTILL BE SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH Cali and See ! LET THE PEOPLE FL ES JOICB, For Pfovidence has again Grovmtd our Arm with Succfss l -AÍÍDA. C, LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND ClOTBIlïfi UOLSE, aro now offerinf to the citizens of' Washtenaw c-nnty, and the State of Michigan geneially, A LAEGER AND BETTER LECTED STOCK OF SPRING & SÜMMER GOODS, (Ikiti wn-; ever before brouglit to tbis ei ty , whicli we will sell Cheajier than ani House west of New York ! Our stock consists of Ready-Made ölothing, HA.TS, TRUNES, VALISES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c,, an'l in conclRion w would Bayto all who want tobuy OOOD GOODS AT l.OW PKICES, to cali at tho Cleveland Clutking House, flye don ra west of Cook's Hotel, and vnn willsave monpy by aoüi o. a. C.LOEB. ■" B.- Dou't forgot tocall bfore purcliasing elsowhere. Ann Albor, Miiy l.-t. 18U3. SmC02 IÑ1W GOODS T! NEW GOODS!! DTCES3 GOODS, SILK GOODS, PLAID SHAWLS, GLOTES, IIOSIERY, SKIRTS, PARASOLS, CLOTIIS, OASSIMEEE?, Bomestius& G-roceries! Thoso Loo 's were purchaaed at mach red u eed cates, amï will be soUl far below the pnces they havebeeD tield at. IÏENION & GOTT. OILCLOTHS, CA N TON MA T TING S, Largest & Best in the city, Just Received at HENrON & GOTT'S. Aun Arbor, April 23, 1863: 901tf. JSTJ&-W QOODS, FOR Spring Trade T am no'.v reoelring an entirp "ow Stock of STAPLE AND FANOY DRY GOODS STRAW GOODS CHOICK CxU0C3RIES Ac, BUTEHS WITH CASH IN HAND re partieularly invitecl lo examine my Sock PRINTS, SHEETTN6S, PI-N'IVp, Sf HIt"E SHIRTINGS TICKINGSan.l al] DOMESTIC GOODS Al] bought for NET CASH since t)i XOolixa.O 3Iix Cholea. AND RUMORED FALL OF CHARLESTON". JOHN II. MAYXARD. Aun Arbor, April 3 'n l If-ft.j. Bissuumoiv. liIIK frOl'ARTNrRSIUP hertofore existiog I,(.,vc I theanderaignad, iinder the n.-uiic g{ Baoji & Pierson (llssolvertby miitual conseat. Thé bwiiness of the late lirni wSlbesettled bj I'hilip Bsch. riiTur RArrr, i. &. pierson. Ann Arbor, April 28, J86-5. Mk6 Kotire AÜ PEESONS Ddebted to tho late fl'na of BachS l'iorsun, eilhnr by note rr ,boo accouirt, are requi ■"[ to all an.l sottls without dcliv. PHILIP B vrn ■ i VrUoi-, April ÏO, tS(53. 90ü.i 8 FOR SAI, E ! mWOof tliPmost.l.e.slraV.p l,uil,lim;lns in 'hp HtYof í Ana Arbor, contaiuing eftdj' üuv aero a td a quaiter of T.hoyarü -im:iti pStnti Street, o es.r the South west iMri t ui tin; lu]-eril,v qu&ro. l'or tcr:iii, -c.,ioqiireat tlie Ai'-lii OfFICS ï, iir. 14 1S6J.


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