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The Michigan Argus

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Publiíhodevery Friday thetlnrd story bt .kCrck block, comer of Main and Bufón 5tS., AN'N RtíOK, Mich. Eutranceon Hurón Strem, opposite the KraDtlin. BLIHU B. POND, JMitor and Publisher. Tevms, $l,5O a ïtav In AUvaiicc. VrtvertHliig- One square (12 unes or less), one we'et 50 cents; .mil 25 cent for every nsertion theretfter, less th;vn three months. One square 3 mos $3.00 Quarter col. 1 yoar $20 One BqajM"6 OÍOS 5.00 Half column 6 mos 18 One square 1 year 8 00 Half column 1 year 35 Twosq'res 6 moa 8 00 One column 6 mos. 36 ■1V,i sq'res 1 year 12.00 One column 1 year M v4B Ailverticinonts i!iiaccoiii;aiiii'il by wlítteDOr rerföl directiona will b pubhsbed until ordfrud out, od cliargi'd accordingly. jiii! advertiaements, first insertion, 50 cents per folio, ?5 cents per folio fOT each nubsequent itscrtinti. Wne'ua postpcnement isadded to au ailveii smient the whole will be cliaro'ed tliesame as for lirotinsertiun. Job Printlng- Pnmphleta, Hanrt Bills, Circulavs, Caras, Hall Tickets, Labels. Blftuks, Bill Heirfi, anrl otticr varictics nf l'liiin and Faiu-y Job l'i'inting, i-wut . [ wilh protnplness. and in Uic liet style Canls- Wo have a Rugglea RotarjCard Pri i terge vanoty of the latest styles of Card type whjoh MnWcsita to priat ("ards of 11 Mnís in théméMeet ityle and cheiper ttaaD anj other house in tbc Business cai-ds for raen of all a vocal i ons and pr'p■-. Ball, Wi'ddingand Visiting Carrts, printed on short notice. ('all and see .samples. BOOK BISDIVG- Connected with the Office is a Bopk Riiili'rv in cliarge 'f two competeni wortinon. - ijdontj R( ■''-. Le Igers, Journals, and all Blank llooks o order, and of the besl (toclf. Pampbiett áqd Berti(lcals boiind in a ncal and inalinfi. al Deiroitprices. En trance to Bindery Lhrough íti Argus Office ____


Old News
Michigan Argus