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The Conscription Law

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The instrnctions for Provost Marshals and other officers under thö cöhsciptiou law are about to be issuëd by the War Department. The following is an extract from the regulations in regard to exemptions : 85. The following diseases and inflnuities are those whieh disqualify ior military service, and for which only, drafted men are to be " ïejecied as physically or mentally unfit ior the service, " viz.:' 1. Manifest imbecility or insanity. 2. Epilepsy. For thia disability the statement of the drafted man ia insufficient, and the fact must be established by the duly attested aflidavit of a physioian, of good standing, who has attended him in a convulsión. 3. Paralysis, general, or of one limb, or chorea; their existence to be adequately determined. 4. Acute or organic diseasos of the1 brain or spinal cord ; oí the heart or lungs; of ihe stomach or intestines ; of the liver or spleen ; of' the kidneys or bladder, sufficient to havo impaired the guneral heulth, or so well marked as to leave no reïïsonable doubt of the man's lor military service. 5. Confinned consumption ; cáncer; aneurism oí the large arteries. G. Invetérate and extensive disease of the skin, whioh will necessarily impair his efficiency as a soldier. 7. Decided feebleness of constitation, whether natural or acquired. 8. Scrofula or constitutional sypbilis, which has resisted treatment and seriously impairod his general health. 9. Habitual and confimed intemperance or solitary vice,in degree sufficient to havj materially enfeebled the constitution. 10. Chronic rheumatism, unless manifested by positive change ol structure, wasting oí the aflecied limb,or puffiness or distortion of the joints, does not exempt. Irnpaired motion of joints and contraction of the limbs alleged to ariee from rheumntism, and in which the nutrition of the limb is not manifestly impnired, are tn be proved by examination while in a state of anajsthesia induced by ether only. 11. Pain, whether stimulating headache, neuralgia in any of its forms, rheumati.-:m, lumbago, or añections oí the muscles, bones or joints, is a eymptom of disonse so easily pretended that it is not to be admitted as a cause for exemption unless accompanied with manifest derangemcnt of the general health, wasting of a limb or other positive sign of disqualifying local disease. J2, Great injiiries or diseases of the sk.ull, oucasioning impairment ot the intellectual fac.uliies, epilepsy, or other manifest ber'vous or spasmodic symptoms. 13. Total loss of sight; loss of sight oí righteye; cataract; loss of crystalline lens of i ight eye. 14. Other eeiious diseases of the eye, affecting its integrity and use, e. g.: chronic opthalmia, fístula, lachrymalis, ptosia (if real), ectropion, entropion, &c. Mvopy, unless very decided or depend' ing upon some structural change in tho eye, is not a cause lor exemption. 15. Loss of nose ; deformity of nose so greut as seriously to obstruct respirai tion; ozena, dependent upon carie8 in i progress. 16. Completo deafness. This disabilitv must not bc admitted on the mere i statement of the dnifted man, but must ■ be proved by the exislence of positivo ■ diseases, or by other satirfuctory evi dence. Purulent ottorhoea. 17. Caries oí tho superior or inferior i masilla, of the nasal or palate bonos, if in progress; c!e!t palate (bony ;) extens sivo loss of substance of the cheeks, or i ïaljvary fístula. 18. Diui:bncss; permanent loss of roice not to be admittod without olear md satisfuetory proof. 19. Teta! las of tongue ; mutilation r partial loss of tongue, provided the nutilation be extensivo enough to in.erfere wiih the necessary use of the )pgán. 0. Hypertrophy or atrophy of the Longue, sufficiont iü a degree to impair speech or deglutilion ; obstinate chronic ulceration of the tongue. 21. Stammenner, if excessive and sonfirmed ; to be established by satis'actory evidenco, under ath. 22. Loss of a sufficient nuraber of teetb to prevent proper mastication of Food and learing tho cartridge. 23. Incurable deiormities or loss of part of either jiw, liindering biting of Lhe eartridgc or proper mastication, or gi'eat'y injuí ing speech ; anchiosia of lower jaw. 24. Tumors of tho neck ; irapeding respiration o.r degjutition ; fístula of laryns or traclu'ii ; torlioollis, if oflong Bt'ahdíng and vvull marked i;5. -Delormitv of tho chest sufficient to ínpede respiialion, or to prevent the uarrying of arma and military equipments; caries of the r'fbv. 20. Deücïont amplitude and power of expansión of chest. A man five feet tliree inches (mininium standard height for the retrular army) should not measure les tlian tliirty inches ia eiroumference iuimediately above the nipples, and have an cxpinsive mobiüty of not less than lvo inches. 27. Abdomen jrossly protuberant ; öx'cessiVe obesity ; hernia, either inguinal 01' (eninral. JS. Artificial anus: strieture of thu reotuin ; pvolafisin anni. Fístula in ano iá not a poshire disqualiñcatioii, but m:. V be so if extensivo or coinp'ioated iih visceril disease. 29. Old aiul ulcèratecl internal liernoirhoids, if' in degree sufliüient. to impair the's efficiency, Esternal hernorrhoids aro no cause lor exemption. 30. Total }iss or nearly total loss of penis ; epüspadia or hypof padia at the iniddle or nesr the roots oí the penis. 31 Incurable permanent organic ptrícture of the urethra. o which the is passed drop by drop, or which is joinplioated by disease of the bladder 5 urinary fístula, líeient or spasmodic stricture of the urethra does not sxenipt. 32. Incontinence of urine, being a disease frequently feigned and of rare Oceurrenoe, is not oí itself a cause for exemption. Stnne in the bladder, ascertained by the introduction oí tha metallic catheter, is a positivo disqualification. 33 Loss or complete atrophy oí both testicles from any cause; perminootre tention of one or both testicles wilhin the inguinal cana! ; but voluntary re(raction does not exempt. 34. Confinned or malignani sarcocele; hydnwele, if oomplicated with organic disease ot tiio testicle. Vurioeele and crisneele aro not, in themselves, diaqualifviri!?. 35. Excessive anterior or posterior curvatura of thu spine ; caries of the apiñe. 36. Wounds, fractures, tumors, atrophy oí a Iinib, or chronic disease of the joints or bones, that nould impede inarehing or prevent continuous muscular exertion. 37. Anchylosis or irreducible dislocation of the shoulder, elbovv, wrist hip, knee, or anide joint. 38. Muscular or cutaneous contract ons from wounds or burns, in degree sufficient to prevent useful moiion of a limb. 39. Total logs of a thumb; Ioss of ungua} phnlanx oí right thnmb. 40. Total Ioss of two fingers of same Iiand. , 41. Total Ioss oí indyx fingerof right hand. ij 42. Loss of the first and secón d pha íanxes of the flngers oí right hand. 43. Permanent extensión or permanent contraction of any finger except the little finger; all the fingers adhorent or unitíid. 44. Total loes of either great toe ; Voss of any threetoes on the same foot; all the toes joined together. 45. The great toe crossing the ether toes with great prominence ot the articulation of the metatarsal bone and first phalanx of the great toe. 46. Overriding or superposition of all tbo toes. 4". Permanent retraction of the last phalanx of one of the toes, so that the freo border of the nail bears upon the ground; or flexión at a right anglo of the first phalanx of a toe upon a second, with antichlosis of this articiilation. 48. Club feet; splay feet, where the arch is so far effaced that the tuberosity of thescaphoid bone touches the ground and the line of station runs along the whole intern] border of the foot. with great prominence of the inner ancle; but ordinary, large, ill shaped or flat feet do not exempt, 49. Varicose veins of inferior extremties, if large and nurnerous, having clusters of knots, and aceompanied with chronic swelling'or ulcerations. 50. Chronic ulcera; extensivo, deep, and adherent cicatrice of lower extremities. 86. No curtifieate of a physician or surgeon is to be received in support of any point in the claim of drafted men for exemption from military service, unless the facts and statements therein set fWth are affirmed or sworn to before a otvil magistrate competent to administer oaths. 87. The exempts under the first provisión of sec. 2d of the aot for enrolling and calling out the natronal forces, &c, wiW generally be sufficiently well known to ttio board to obvíate the necessity of evidenoe with regard tothem. Should, however, the board consider itnecessary in any case, then the commission or certifícate of office of any person clairning exemption under the provisión mentioned may be required to be hown. 88. To establish exemption under the econd, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth provisions of section 2 of the act fov nrolling and calling out the national forces, &e., tte board shall requiro the affidavits of the perrons seeking to be exempt and of tvvo respectable men (heads of families,) residing in the district, that tho man in question is "the only son Hablo to military duty of a widow dopendenton his labor íor support," "the only son of' aged or infirm parent or parents dependent on hís labor for support," orotherwise aceording to the particular provisión of theeection under which theexomptionisclaimed. These affidavits ill be made according to the forma hereinafter prescribed, and must ín all cases bo taken before a civil magietrate duly authorized to administer oaths. Those forms of affidavit shall be publiwhed by the board of enroüment in the uewspapers of the district, for the ofonnation of the public, when a draft is ordered.


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