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Everything remains qnut on the Rappahannock, and if any movement oí the army ol the Potomac is contemplated, the reporters have uot got wind oí it. Our losses in the fate bat tles nre now put a3 high as 22,000, and the rebel loss still higher, though claimed by rebel authoritiea to be much less. In the Southwest all is activity, and Grant and Banks seem to be gaining decidert suecesses without great battles and graat slaughcer. Grunt has taken Jackson, th capital of Missippippi, and cut off al] the lines of coirirnuuicutioi) vvith Vicksburtr The evaeuation of the hittur uity is reporled and credited at Washington, but needs confirmation. it is a rebel game, however, to evacúate without a fight when success is not certain. It is suppoded the arrny of Vickaburg will try to effeet a unión with Bragg, in the hope of operpowering Rosecrans as a co.-npensatioa for being compelled to givo up Vicksburg, but we have confidenee in the ability of Rosecrans to maintain his position. On the whole no ground has been lost, and in all departments except that of Virginia the signs are encouraging. SiSST Several soldiere arrived home from the 20th Infantry, on Monday, od short furlough, baving left the regiment sinco ta recent flght. They say that not a man flinched. J33E" A Horse Sbow is to be held on the grounds of the Washtenaw Gounty Agricultural Society, in this cfty, commenoing on Weduesdíiy, June 17th, aud contiuuing throe days. The premiums offered amomit to about $700, one half of which has been subseribed by our citizens. The balance is to come from the eutry and gate fees, and the surplus of receipts, if any, is to be applied towards the liquidation of tho debt of the Agricultural Society. The Horse Show beid last year was a decided success, and the managers are expecting an improveineiit this seasou. The attendance of soaio of the best horses of the State is promised. iSST We uuderstaud that the Rev. M. Stbvüssok, late of Philadelphia, has been appointed to tho charge of the Cathoüe Church of this city, which has been without the regular services of a Priest sinee the death of Rev. Thomas Cullen. Profitablh Ewe. - J. D. Corey, Esq , of Manchester, has a Ewe that ra doing her share to met the drafts of the war. About three weeks ago she gave birth to four lamba and all are alive and doing wel!. Who owna hor equal ? f" From Leonaud Scott & Co , 38 Walker Street, N. Y., we have their reprint of the April number of The Edinburgh Review, with a list ■ of articles which will demand a careful reading. - among them are Kinglake's invasión of the Crimea; The Black Country ; India under Lord Canning ; and The Bible and the Church. - Also from the same the Weatminater Review for April, with, Austrian Constitutionalism ; The Eeformation Arrested ; The Jews of Western Europe ; The Antiquity of Maj, and other papers. For terms of these and the other reprints by Messrs Scott Sc Co., sec prospectus in another column. 2P From C. T. Evans, of 448 Broadway, N. Y , Genera] Agent for the Publishor, we have Nos. 27, 28, and 29 of the Ilebdhon Record, Edited by Frank Moohk. This publieation furnishes a full and complete record of' the great events now transpiring, in the forms of diary and narration, adding thereto the poetry and incidents of the rebellion. The documenta are lull and authontic. Each mouthly part centains tvvo portraits ou steel. 50 cents each part. Four volumes are now ready. ■ - J Ml il fc - - ___ AkOTIIEU DliSTRUCTIVE FlKE IN' RlCII mond.- On the löth instant a fire broke out in Ricbmood wLieh destroyed the Greeushaw woolon factory and part o: the Tredegar Iron Works. The Sentine of the 16th says, in regard to the losses at tlic iron works : " A portion of the machine and blacksmith shops, and also one of the buildings in which gun carnajes were fiuished were also destroyed. The fire also cousumed a large number of old pattcms ; Dut the gun patterns were saved, together with the new building for carting, and the maehinery for boring heavy guns, and this operation will be resumed iu a few weeks. It is gratifying to know iurther that the rolling mili and spike factory, as well as the foundries for casting shot, shell, and car wheels, and all the ordnance on hand were saved." TiibTkuth fko.m Mexico. - the United States Consul to Mexico, Mr. Ottenberg, bas arnved in Washington with voluininous dispatches from our Minister, Mr. Oorwin, whose liealth which has heretofore been critica!, is now good. Mr. Ottenberg left Mexico on the lOth inst., and Vera Cruz, May 1. The political condition of affuirs at the capital was entirely satisfactory to the Juárez governinent, The opinión of well informad Amencans in the city of Mexico is that the freuch expedition has already received its deatli blow. Desertions from the French army are very large, nearly two thousand soldiers having goe over (o the Mexicana within the last three months. Diüease is also at woikinthe' ranks of the French.


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