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Jfywfal pote MICHIGAV COTRAL BAILROAD, Pagsengertrains now leave Detroit, Chicago, and tlie neveral átations iu thisOounty,as follows : GOING WEST. Leavc Mail. Day Ex. .Jack. Ac. NightEx. Detroit . 530a. m. Ï.SOa.ï. 6.00 p. m 7.40P.M. Ypsilanti, 6.55 " 0.10 " 6.30 " 8.55 " inn Arbor, 7.15 " 9.28 " 6 55 " 9 15 " Dexter, 7.40 L( p.m. 7.25 " ' Chelsea, 8.00 " ■ " 7.45 " - - " Ar. Chicago, 6.30 " 7.30 A. M. The roail train goos only to Michigan City. GOING EASÏ. Leave. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. Mail. Day Ex. Chicago, 7.15 P.M. 5.001. M 7.30 A. M. Chelsea. 5.35 A.M. 3.05 l [. Dexter, ' - - 5.55 " 8.35 " Ann Arbor, 4.45 a. m. 6.30 " 3.50 P. M. 4.43 r. M. Ypsilauti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.15 " 5.00 " Ar. Detroit, 6.05 " 8.15 " 5.40 " 6.20 " Train?, do not stop at stations where figures are omittedinthe table. Trains connect at Detroit with the Great Western and Grand Trunk Railways of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and MiJwuukee liailroad.s, and Cloveland Pteanwire. At tht Company's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Jolietj and Lafayette, through tickets can be purchased toall the principal cities and towns in the United otates and Cañadas. LUXURJOÜS SLEEPING CARS upon all'night trains. Ruttan's eelebratcel yerftilating Apparatus upon all day trains - the best dust preveatative in vise. R N. RICE.Uoneral Suporiutcndcnt. M C. R. R. Office, April 17, 1S63. S-T-1860- X. DRAKE'S PLANTATIOÏï BITTERS. Tliey punfy, strenthen and invigorate. They créate a healthy appetite. They arcan antidote to cbango of water anti (Het. They overeóme eftects of diwsipation aml late hours. Theystrengthen the system and euliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure dyspñitsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and XervousHeadache. They are the best bitters in the worli. They makt the i weak man strong, aud are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the cclebrateá Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasurcof a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels aud Saloons. P. H. Drako& Co. 202 Broadway. New York. 6in89-4 LYON'S KATHAIR0N. Kathairon is from the Greek word, "Katliro," or ''Kathairo," wignifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and restore. Tliis article is what its namesigniües. Kor preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair itis the most remarkable preparatiou in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the samo care, skiil and attention. j which gave it a sale of over onc milUon bottlesper ' aura It s amostdelightful Hair Dressing. It eracioates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and gloss,y It prevenís the hair from fallingolïand turning gray It restores hair upon bald beada. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use Lyon's Katharion. It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. 6m8ö4 DKMAS S. SARNES & CO.Prop'rs, N. Y. ( HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Huir Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, Qut restores gray liaír to its original color, by supplying the capïïlary tubes witli natural sustenance, impaired by age or diseaso. All in s tantán eous dijes are oompoaed of bmuremutict destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves 110 dressing, llcimstreet'sIniiaitableCoIoring not cnly restores hair to its natural color by an easy procesa, but gives the hair a IiU.xarln.nt Beauty, '- -■' promotes its growth, prevenís its falling oif, eratlicates Jandruff, and imparts liealth and pleasantness to the nead. It hasstood the testof time, bemg the origina! Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Üsed by botL gentleman ana ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of tM commercial agents.D.S. Barnes & Co. 202 Broadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and SI. 6m894 A CARD TO THE LA DIES. DUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN PILLS FOB FEMALES. Infallible in correctlng, regulating and removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and alwaya successful as a preveutive. The combination of ingredienta in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Fomales are perfectly hannltss. They have been used in the privatu jiractice of Dr. Duponco over 30 years,aud thousands of ladies can tc-stify to their great and never failing succes.s in almost every case in correcting irreularities, relieving painful and distressing menstruation, particnlarly at the change of Ufe. From'flve to ten pilïs W11 cure thát comraon yet drtadfulcompiaint, tlie Whites' Xearly every female in the land suffers frf m this complaint. The above Pili has permahcutly cureü thousands, and they willcure you if you use them. They can not harm you; on the contrary, they remove all ob-structidu.s, re atore nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the wholc system. Ladies whrse health will not permit an increase of family, will nnd these pills a successful preventive. Ladies peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves bo, should not use these Pilis duríhg thefirst thrce months, as they are certain to produce iniscarriagt , "after which admonition" the proprietor ass'umes no responsibility, al-though their mildness will prevent an injury to health. The ingrediënt composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, and fcbey will teil you they are safe and will perform all claimed for thera. Price $1 per box áold in ANN ARBOR, by u STEB11INS& WILSON, Bruggists W. A. HUNT, pruggiat. fjndies living at a distance by sending them SI ,00 through the Ann Arbor Postofïice, can have the Pills sent (confiduntiaily) by mail, to auy pari of the country free of postage. ƒ. B. - Beware of a base counterfcit of these Pills, - You can buy the counterfeit article at any pricefrom '25 to 76 cents a box (dear at that). ■ LAÏHigtf y&Ot lives aud health are of too much valué to be triíled with, besides being mposed upoil wíth a worthless article. ThercIVirc, any ose oÉfttringyou these Pills f ar less than $1 a box, avoid them as you would pofsoo. They are bogus. None aregenuipe unless the name of i. 1). HOWE is on every box which has recently been added, on account of the Pilis being couterfeited. Sold also, by KiNXE k 3MITH, Ypsilanti. BLTSS &BKKBEJackson, andby one druggiftt ín every village and city in the United States, andby KARRAND,SHEELEY& CO.. General State Agents, Detroit. S. D HOWE, ÖoleProprietor, 867yrs2 Nnw YOWC. AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a good I'hysician by his Successful Wurks. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GKEAT AND CEI.KÜRATED l'HYSMAN OF TH F TIIUüAT, LU.NGS AXI) CHEST," Known all over tbe countri aa the Calebrated INDIANHERB DOCTOR! F ruin South America, will be at lii ro(ims, , RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Outhel8th ;md 19th inst.,on the sanje dale of and every subsequent ïnonth during 1802 and 1863, A NE AT I.'AMPJJLET Of the life,study and extensivo triivels of Dr. Lyons can bc procured by all whodesirüone, freo of cluirye. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jaokflon, nd Adrián, Mtcli., fis fbllowa : Ann Monitor Hnuee, 20th. Jackson. Hibbard House, 21wt Adrián, Braoktt U use. 2id and 23d. HOBl OP Kxaminatin.- The Doctor discerns dlaèftBStt i", theeyefl. Be, therefore, aska qo qnestiuns nor rea 'lires patiënte to explain symptoins. Aflate ted, come an.l hare your symptoms and the looatiou of jrour disease expiained free of charge. MAmiOOD; HO WLOST, HO WRESTORED Jmt rubliïlwd, in a Sealal Enmlnpe. l'rice Siz Cents. A Lecture on tlici Nature, Treittiïient an'i ïladic-il Curo of Rpermatorrhcea or Samizia] '_;iI1riesHJ Sexual Debilit.v,N rvtnisn'',ss, and Iiivjiuntary Emissions, nilucinfí Impotency, Consuniiilion, and Mentaland l'hysica] Debiliiy. BY ROB'T J. CULVERWELL, M. I). The important factthat tho awful consciiiicncos of Self-Abase inay be eifectimlly remoVed vithooi. internal m'lK!ins or the dangeroufl appUcatton of caustics UiftrnmgntB, njedicated buugies,and ot1er emjiirieal devici'-, höre clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and lnghly successful tiatmt as aJopted by the celebratod author, luliy explained, by meana of .viiicli veryono iaenabled to cure hinslf penfectly and at the least potsfble oost,' tliereby avoiding all th tdyertised nontrunis of the day. The lecture will prove a boon to thousauda an4 tfaouaauds. ' Sin! i: ml !;■:■. mI.;i . blaini Qvelope, to any address, "■'' ' " f twopojtage stamp, by addressing tíu' íu:li,-i: riIAS.J.C KUXF f; CO , 900tf 1; Bowgry, Now York, Poet Office IJcix,4586 U" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 eenïs to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourtcen to twenty cents at : M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR ■ STORE S!gn - Red Indian. South side Huron street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANT. Ann Arbor, Deo. 11, 1862. 883tf 03" TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO-xi Mb. O.C. BaisTOi, a distinguished Chemist and Druggiet of the city of Builiüu, N. Y., iuvonted and manuf.icturcd iï compound known a8 BHISTOL'S BALSAM OF HOAR1IOUND, wliich is a perfect stecific for OOUSHS, CO1DS, or any]ALor Luxa mFfici-l.TiE arismg from damp, cold, or sudden change of the weather. Kvery person who lias ever taken BOTSTOL'S BAI.SA1I OF UOAUHOÜND, pronounces it tho best article ever iiivented ; and so justly celebrated has it tiecome, that the raarket ia already full of imitations, countorfeits, and most dangerous compounds, under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound, Therefare, alw.ay bc careful to cali for Bristol's Balsam, and see that lus WKITTEN signaturo is on the outside label of Ihebottle. Makk. - This invaluable Medicfne has been now some tweuty-ono ycars.before the public, and without any effort on the part of the proprietor, its sale has become very oxtensive, and is daily increasing. The low price at wh!ch the Medicino is sold (25 CENTS) enables ALL to partake of its healing qualities. C. CROSBY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Solé manufacturar, to whom all orders should be addressed. For sale byall rpspectable druggists. Iyeow888 1853. Miay. 1B63. HST IE "W SPRING ANB SUMMER 600DS, AT TUE "Old Corner!" I am now receiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF EW C OODS9 FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade, CONS1STINO OF 3TAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, EOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS,r&c, &c. Also a full assortment of Family Groceries! all of whioh were bought low and are to be SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The highest Market prioe paid for 3r o E 3L. l C. E. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sts. (90-ltf) Ann Arbor. A GREAT BOOK POR AGENTS. To be Sold only by Subscription. ' JJIARY OF THE American Revoiution. FROM WI1IG & TOK Y NEWSPAPERS. ' And Original Documente. IBST FRAKTK MOORE, , Editor of the Rebellion Record, etc. One thick 8vo. Volume of 1100 pages. Illustrated with Twelve Superbtíteel Engravingi by Kitchie. $3.50. Thi.s important aad vjiluablc .book will be founrl of great interest toevery intelligent American- ifinn]iirthe only living and truthful indication of the spirit, the fiery freshness, the daring language, and gigantic scktmcs,)í the Po.vs f Ijkhhty, m their mauguratioii and struggle for Independence ; while it the name time t exhibits tlie various of Xhp Tory opposiiion, their crafty insinuatio-is, their cautious doubts, timid counsels, and open eninity. ■ Here men, some alrcady , knnwn, many lnnji sincc furottcn, but all active partisans on either sido, pri vt unre.served vent to tfielr ' I.aírioti.-:m or píWflon, their teni)or;iry fciirw or lof I -■ ;isplratiöBS, indivi-lual suiTerintjs and irivate - fortunes. , Tlie maierial.s of iliis vork are takon frora VPiug and ' Tohy Nkwspai'ek , poblisbed during the American Kevolution, Private Dia rics, ftndothërconteipporaneoua writiugs. Thef present to the student of tliis day the saine view the readers of the Revolutionary perfod tnjoyed- the mannt-rs andcustom.s of the peogrie, iind the moral and reliyiousfi well as political ieaturesof the time. The work containa not only thecurrent acenunts, by both Whig and Tobt wkits&k, of tbe different skirmlnhea ' i and battles by -sea and land, but, at the same time, gi ves a clear idea of the effect of thone occurrenccs upon the pcop.e and their honioK. i It algo embraces accounts of the baila, partio3,-marrtftgvfl and lïeaths, criticisms upon men and books, wed éing partios, slefgh-rldes, the Whigs tarred and feathered by tlie ToT-ies, and viceversa; fux-liunts bj theofficers of the liiitish army ; surpiises, birthday celebra tions, practical jokes by men whoin we have been taugbt to believe wore of the most seriona natural dlspoMtion; pattïotic songs and bailada ; horse races, games, raaoqueradee, review ; aneciotes of the most eelebrated men an 1 women, popular merriments and uaages, and he cèlobrations of natío aal feaiirttlea . The work oarries the reader back into the homos, apoö the very hearthstones, the liihwuys and ' ficlds of the Kevolution, nnrl Iets him hear the Whlgn I ' and Toniea lanipoonaal abuse each otlier, andsee.the armies Rjrbt in their own wav" Readers nho wlshto kaow exactry how tlie pcople of the American Itevolution thouirht and talked adout GENERAL WASHINGTON AND KING GEORGE THE THIRD, must havo Iliis book. It is tbe LANOCAG8 of the Aincricrni Revolution.11 KXl'KÜIKXCKI) ('ANVAPFERS are wantod to canvas for the work, to whom liberal commtaaions will be givou. Apply by letter (o the Publiiiber, CHARLEST.EVAIÏS, 3w904 448 liroadway. j Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ' P. BACH Is now roceiving A. LARGE STOOK -OFNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOB CASH Since the Late F all, AND WILL BE 80LD VEIiY LOW FOR CASH. Cali and. See ! BOOT SJUOE (Successor t Mooro & Loomia,) luis openda store in 6 FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mam street, Ann Arbor, and lias on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SEQES & RUBBERS, manufacture! from the best material and warranted to give satisfaction, consisting of MKtTS KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, OOU15L.E3 SOLBD_ MEN'S BUFFALO OVKRÏlTrOKSl of all descnptions. LADIES G-.A.X'X'EUS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feil OoersAoes, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & TMek Boots, together wüh a varíe ty of CHILDKEN & TOUTH'S SHOES. I aun also Mantifnctua-liig WAREANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Men's Fine French Calf Boots Peg-ged and ÍSewed. Givomeacall before purchasing elsewhere. I will sell my KOods cheap for cash. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTIOE. N.B.COI.E. AnuArbor, Jan. 13th, 1863. 887tf iTËW COODS! NEW GOODSÜ DRESS GOODS, SILK GOODS, PLAID SHAWLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, PARASOLS, CLOTÍIS, OASSIMERES, Domestics& Groceries! These goonp were purchased at much roduccd rates, and will bo sold far below the prices they have been held at. HENION & GOTT. OARPETS, OILCLOTHS, CANTÓN MATTINGS, Largest & Best in the city, Just Heceived at HENION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, Apfil 23, 1803. GOltf. 2st:bw qoods, FOR Spring Trade ! I am now receivinp; an entire Xuw 5tock of ,- STAIJLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS STRAW GOODS CHOICE GROCERIES fcc, BTJYERS WITH CASH IN HAND are particuUrly invited lo examine my Stock of PRINTS, PIIKKTLVGS, DEN1MS, RTRIPK SIIIRTIXGS TI(JKI.'(iS and all DOMJESTIC iOOI)S All bouglit for NET CASH sinec the Beoline Xia. C5-olc3L AND RUMOREO FALL OF CHARLESTON". JOHN H. HAYNARD. Ann Arbor, April 2nt 1?(J3. 1) ISS O LUTÏOIV. T1HE COI'AIÍT.N'líHSIlU' hertoforo extotlng botween l theandersigoikl, uu, Ier the Dama of Bach k Piecnon !s dfsurlved by mulu:il uonaent. ïhe buaioMa of the late iirm wül be Kettled by l'liilip lïach. 1'flII.lP BACH, ■ ■. I. S. PIKUSON. Ann Arbor, AjirilCn, 1865. 90-2( Notice ALT, PERSONS Indebted tn llie late lirm of Bnohft l'iorstm, ;ither by note or,book account, :ire re'luestedto cali and settle without delay. PHILIP BACH; Ann Arbnr, April 29, 1S63. 9026 FOR SALE. Oj ACRKS of excellrnt timbered land- the S. ',-í vi ■ O' fi. W. !4 of Sec. 2,'I'oivn ö N. K.-inge 3 W.,!iiitonCotinly. It ík in a good Retghborbood , about four mi es fro;ii ifeW'iti and ten frum Lantring. Kor tcrnU nfuire at or nddross, ARGÜ8 OFFICE. Jan i;o;h,l.


Old News
Michigan Argus