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TOÍHELADIESlÍFAMLR!CA! MORE VALUA1ÏLE THAN GIOLT) ! MORE S S . V GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE TJ1AN CiOLD! MORE VALü ABLE TIIAN 0.1. 1) ! Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S F U E IV C II PERIODICAL DROPS, F R E 1 i1 II PEBIODICAL DR0P8, F RENO si PBR10DICAL DROPS, F RENCO PERIODICAL ÜROPS, FOR FEMALES. FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, Fon FEMALES, Suflfering from Irrcgularity , or ObslrucMon of tho Mosacs, from ivhatever cause, IT IS SÜRE TO CURE ! IT IS SÜRE TO CURE!" IT IS SÜRE TO CURE 1T1S.-SURE TO CÜRE! it la impossible to enjoy the bloom of healtli, and vivacity of spirits, unless tbe Jlcnses are regularas to t!io lim?, thoquantity, 'and qunlity. WI.iti tliiíy aro obslructed, tature makes har Jeíorta to obtnin for w sraneotlier,outk't,an.l, unless ti: ese eITurts of nature are assisted , the paticnt aisunlly experiences Despondoncy, Ncrvousncss, ai)d Sually CONSU SIPTIO.V assumes lts sway, and preinatureiy tormfñatos a misera- ble lite. [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUOTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUOTIONS ! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUOTIONS! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT JS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN 1IIND, BEAR IN MINI), BEAR IN MltOD, BEAR IK MIND, THAT IGUA.R ANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THATl GUARANTEE THATI GUARANTEE My DBOI'S TO CÜRE Suppression of the Menses from nhatever cause, though care should be taken to aseertain f pregnancy be the cause, as these DROÍS would be sureto prodaae miaoarriage ; theywill aJso cerlainly PREVENT conception, if taken two or three days beforc the monthly period ; therefore, I wish it distinctjy undcrstood, that I do not hold mysclf responsiblo when used under such circumstances. BUY THE BEST I BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE S4FEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST 1 WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WIHCH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. THE Y ACT LIK E A CIÏAUJM, by strengtliening and ttmg&ratiBg, and restoring the System, to a healthj couditiou. It mmlerates all excess, anil removes aJl obstructioiis3 and a spettly curt'niaybe relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES, Thpy are peeuliarly adaptcd, as they bving on the monthly period withsuch perfect regularity. SURE TO DO GOOD ! SURE TO DO GOOD ! SURE TO DO GOOD! SURE TO DO GOOD! CANNOT DO HARM! OANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM! I could furnish any qnantity of testimonials of its cfíicíícy from my own paticnts, but the practíce of paradina; bought and lictitious ones before tito public is so prevalent I do not doem it advisablo. My object is to place my medicine before the pabilo, not alone to make mone}7, but t( do gcod. It is proverbially truc of tho American Larlies, that not ten porfecLly lionlt Jijones can be found in any one vicinily. BE WISÈ IN TIME!. BE WISE IN TraU! BE WISE IN" TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! Let not (liseaKc desfroy your con?t':tution. Try a bottle of my PKMODICAL DEOJ, and you will be sniisfieá that I ani no impostor. Teil your afliicted friend what restnrod tbc bloom of health loyour cheeks, ftnd thoroby confer a favor more valuabjo 1lu.i:gold. - Fop painful or scanly Menstruation is just the tliing. Thaveuow inmy mïnd an instance of a lady who had bi-'cn suffcrinfï from painful menstruation tftro ov tbrea years, confín i n; her to her room each time ; she had applied to Krvoral erninrnt physiclnn, without relief, when onc bottle of my DP.OFS entircly cured her. ONE BOTTLE CURES ! ONE BÜTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES ! ONE BOTTLE CURES! In alinoBt every caso. DO NOT BE ÍMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON f DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! But cat thiaout anï send it to your Druggist, and if he has not got it.raako him buy it for you; or, it may ba obtained of üig General Agents tot the United StaJs O, G. CLAUÏt & CO, WlWI.KSALIÏ DRlTiUIRTB, New IIavev, Coxn. Forsale by all resprctaMe ïfruggtëèë. Trice, S1.00 per bittle, and by Stebbins & Wilaon, Grenville & FuUffiP, Klx'ibach &Co. Prej aredbjjxo. L. Ltoh, M. r, i ■ :o2 Bíackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews PR1CF2S CÏIKAl AS EVER, tothos1': wiKH'AV mío .ü't;,v advanwl - Notwii ' .-t;; n ir.; i ]:i (;'■: : oj líopríntíng these Period] icals bas mow fchas doubled in coriseouence ol Lhd enormotts ris; in tlio prloe of' Paperanöof a general ad vanoe n all other exp a ■ and aotwithatandin otber publishers are re lucing Üie i zü or i ■ i ■■■ ; ;.if! publica tious, we ifUuil oonüñife, tur thu Yi-:n ! "'ü'i. t ■ i 'i :-;ií';h OltrS roiuptr?!1 . 8 I h (retOTÏire } at th1 olJ rates, viü. :- TOE L0ND03 QUARTÉEtLY (Conservativo), TIIEEDIN'. ' E0W (W%) TIÏENOUTII B1UT1SII RKVIEW (Free Clmreli). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) JïLACKWOOD'.S ElUXtíHíMl MAGAZINE (Torv). TERM. Per ano, Forany onoof tlie four Reviews, - - ■ For anytwo of the four ReviewR, - - - 5 oo For any threo of tlio cour Keview-, - - 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 Furniaofewvor] a Mnjinc, .... - 3 oo Yi.ï l,ivUwatnliiñ one Rt-vicw, - - - 50(1 ForBlactwoodand two Reviews. - - - 7 00 ForBlackwoodand three Pevlews, - - - 0 uü For Black woodfind the fourRevieirs, - - 30 00 These wlll be our prices to all who pay prtnr to tlie Ist nl' April. To thoaa who defer PffJQg till af tur íhat time, the pricea wfll be lucreaFfld Ut sucb extent as Lhc luereased cost of Reprint may ilomand - thereCcrr, SEND IN YOUU ORDER8 AND BAVE YOÜR MONET. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., Pubiir.hers No. 38 Walker Street, New York. THE' REBËIiilÖN 0N HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTIIING, HAS COMME?ÍCÍD AT THE 0LD & HELÏABLE OLOTHi HO eivefokixjisj: i No. 3 PÍKENIX BLOOK, MAIN St. rAWEnow opening a Urge and varied aesortmoni of SpBDgaASumroerGoods, and in view of the rebellion on liiyh prices (it'iieraüy, will (jíTtT themto myfriondri and oustomera at viie very lowast figuraa for Casï.- Thoseiü want ot a superior article of Cloths, Q4.S6Íraerea. or Glothing, -will cal! onWi. WACNEft, who bas just returned frora the East, with a large assurtment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS ■which have been purchagod at the late HOW PEICES! and can offer tliem at a lnwer figure than ever before. Amongmy A.ssortment may be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of ;tl! ddBerlpifonS toetliT wrth a superior assortment of Ready-Made ClotUing, flliL-j vj. T RUNKS , OABPET BAGg, SSiiMl Ü5IBRELLAS, and MMjBGentlenieii's Farnisliing CrOOBB7 with numeious otlierarticles usually found in similar establishment. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the subscriber flatters himsolf, tliat lii iüng expurif-nco aiul fiftirral BUCC688,vill onable him to gÏY6 the greatest satisf'uction toa[! who may trust him in t!u' ivay oí ty Manufacturing Garments to order. WM. WAGKER. AnnArbor, Aplil 9th 1862. 84Stf TToiilfl tahe this method of informing hi.s old friends and patrón s and altthcrs wlio may favor him with their patronage, that hehas greatly eulargcd bis Stock uu 1 Assortment ! and havjug fidopted tho CASH SYSTEM BOTII IN BÜYIXG & SELLING Sa prepareri to sell Goods at Ür8.5Lt,? blO ïirioeSj Hia siock oonslsts in part ot' the lollowing: jr-= AJIKUIOAN AND OTHER t "Watches l í&fréiiSÍfalkei? SETHTHOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CITAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLË11Y ! Fazorfí, Plioai'H, Sci.ssnrsaii'l firnshr.s, ROÜERS PLATIil) WAUK, the best in markot, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Strlngs Sc Books for Instruments, s:e:ie3OTia.oxji:e3ís7 of Gold, Silrer, Steel, and Plaled, whh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior ariiclo. Persons having difficult trátciies to fit with glasses can bo accomodated, as va y stoelt is large'and complete. P. S. Particular atteniion to tho of all liintls pf fine 'Watchcs, such as MakiHg and Setting ïew Jewels, Phiiovs, S-'ajf.i, and Oglinderê. Alci CLOCKS, Sc TE-WELBY neatly repaired and 'war-anted, at bis old Ktantlcast 6ide of Hain Street. C, BLISS. Ann 4rhor, Nov. 25,isr2 826tl MTAWHOQJU 5 HO WLOST, 110 W RESTORED Sust Piibluhcd, in a SecUed Knvélope. Price ■■ ■ . ; . . A Lecture on tho Nature, Trcatment an'I Radical Curo of flpermatorrhoea or Seminal ■;illí 'sfi, Sexual Itility,Nervousnr'ss, and Involuntfllry Emissioae, inJucinff Impotency, Consijinption, and Mental and Phyuïcal Debility. BY ROB'TJ, C0LVKSWEIX, M. P. The important fact that the awful consequencs of Self-Abusc may be effectually removed without intertui mdiciaes or th.e danrous application of caustfcH tnitrumonte, medical ed bougies, and othi c i device.s, is here clearlv öemonatratedj and the entirely new and higlily successful t.eatmcnt as oiopted b'v the celebrated author, fully explainedï i-v meana of wbiaheveryone isenabled to ourehimselfperfeptlyand at the least posaibla cost, thoroby avoiding all thft advertiaed nofitrums of the day. The lecture will prove n hoon töfhouaamdf and thousandg. Sent uuderae&l,lii a plaincnvelopr, to any addrea poi patdon receiptof two postale Btampe,by ad dressing thepublitibcrii, CIIAP..T. r rijyr CO , í?30íf 127 Bowery, New York, Ptwt OÍH Box ,4589 Ai:i: xow o['i-"", D3FHECT VKOM PüBíáSíJÉRS XI) Jlíitiuí;icUu-ors,a New aml Complete stock o] LAW & MEDICAL 11OOKS, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dun Wall aml Pper, Drawing aml Matliomaticitl Instruments. Music, Juvenilc Librarles, Eiivelopes, laks and Caté. ' GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pencis Wiudou' Cornicp, yhad! riv Fixfurp, POCKET CUTLEKY! Andeverything pertainii. to the trade, anti more to ■i-hichtiicy votild mvlte toeattenatton of the couTInconductingour" business, wö Lnalldo all that enn tedone,fio that no reasonable man, wOiaD )r chlld shall flnd any fault. We possess faciïities whicli will cuable üs to supply om .-lunns's at the Lowest Pospïbio Figures. We propose taselifor READY PAY,nta8mallftdvftnce. '.''c Sxpect a proñl on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGTTRES. Thê "EMriEKBoonSTomv'i; raannecl hy agncH'orow,' nel they'" will always l)f fmniit ou 1lio "ifüarter deck," rpady and wilüng to attendtü all wi-th plcasurc;, wko will fayor tliem witb a cali. liomember tñe "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. "WEBSTER & CoAnn Arbor, May,1860. 14 f SCHOFF & MIL LEE A RE STII.L ON HAND at tlieirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Bloek, withtlie most complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PEEFUMEEIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLEES, COEDS, TASSELS, - GILT CORNIOES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEEEOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Market ! and they would suggest totliose in pursuit cf anythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! hy purfibasfng frora this sfoclt, as eaoh purchiiser getf in atlditiüiiül present of Jewelry, &x. , Eanging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. jg" Thpytruat that theirlong experionco infielectiqg toodsforthismarketjandstrict attentiou to the w mts pf Cu&tomerSj may entitle -them to a liberal share oi Patronage. Ann Ai-bor, Doe. 5. 1860 TTTtf Rifle Factoiy! Beniïer êi. Traver, [Successora to A. .1 3utberlandr] ManufaoUircrs of nrnl Doalirs in Guns,Pistols, Ammuïiition Flasks, Pouthes Game Bags, and Everjotber article in that Line. All kinds of done at the hortest nutíce, and in the best mnnner. ii ful] assprtment always kept on hand and made order, s5tïEï hopon Uuron street. Ann Arbor,Oct. 8, 186& 8T3tf LJ3T THE PEOPLE xl JtLm I OJLOÍIb, For Providence has again Crowntd our Arms ivith Success ! -ANDA. C. LQEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTMKG HOUSE, aro offering to Ibc cltizena of Washtenaw countyj and the State of Michigan generalij, A LAEGER AND 15ETTEE SELBCTED STOCK OP SPRING & SIJMMER GOODS, ihan evor befare brougbt lo tliis city, wUidh we Cheaper than any House toest of New York f Our stook consista of Ready-Made Ciothmg, HA.TS, TIIUNK3, VALI3ES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c„ anfl in ctfncTBftioti w would aay to all wbö want tobuy GOOI) GOODS AT LOW PRICES, to cali at the dei eland Chthing House, (Jve doOTB weiï of Cook's Hotel, andyou willsm money h doing 80. 'A. k C.I.OEH. N.B. - Don't forget to cali before purchasinjj Aun Arbor, May lst, Ï86"3. Sjn! 02 FOR SATE ! 11WO nf the most dosirablc builüinelot-s in tbe City of . Aan Arbor, oontainlng eacli "in acre a mi a q u:[[ ter of (fpound. Theyayesitaated on State Street, neajp the South west cnriuT of the UaiversHy Square. For term1:, itc.inq'iiro at the AKGUá ül FICE Nov, 14 182.


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Michigan Argus