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Cost Of City Railroad Horses

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The Philadulphia Ledger publishos the following nformation (from the Auditor's report,) relative to the cost of horses on the railroads of that city : ïhere are 18 passenger railroads, etnploying 2,300 horses ; the feed, shoeing and barness of these animáis eost per anuura, the sum of $182,181. In adaition to this expense, the cost for afables, &e., amount.s to a sum total of 232,204, not including expenses for wages for ostlers, and the loss upon the animáis that die during the year. Taking this great expense into eonsideration, the Ledger advocates the adoption of steam engines for city railroads. It says : " By the uso of dummy engiues the railroad company get rid of the expense of keepiug large stablen, of the attendance and the expense of keeping from 100 to 300 horses each, the eost of whioh would doublé tho figures above givon. - E ach. car ha ving the motive withiu ltself can be drivcn, we aro ti.ld, with a consumption of a couple of bushels of coal per day: giving the liberal allowance of four bushels, and we have a consumption of coal of but a ton a week for eaoh car, or fifty-two tons a year, which, at a cost of 5G por ton, would be $312, annual cost. There iro 470 cars in use on all the roads, which, at the above eost to run with üleam, would make a total of $136,040 for kecping eighteen roads in working operatjon, agaiust $232,204-, (he annual expenso of merely feeding, shooing and hamessing, &c, the horses on the lines of but ten of the railroad com panies. Adding the other incidental ox penses, iPgivcs n sum probably doublé tht: ainuupt. These figures show what would he savêd to the public by the use ol dummy cugim. s, and how much capital is actufljlly ihrow away in us Dg a power moro i'.vjnsive and not uearly so safe and rcliable." f3LT Soma shabby fellows in Hartford', Conn , on Wodrjeday night, ' took to frighten ladv passers by with a ini-al bug stufifed with straw, which they suspended over the sidewivlk, and let dovn suddei:ly in front of every woman that carne along. Abou't 8 12 o'clock, two ladics coming from the upper part of Ann street weio fiightened, serenuicd, and ran back, w'nile the fellows laughed and mulé insulting remarks to thcai. - Tliey nitnrncd for re-enforcements, ud three otlior lady i'ricnds- one of them anned wjth her father's horsewliip, ] orjeted ander hev mantle - m:rchod (uiot ly up to the batlury. Down oame the stuit'ed bag igain, but instead of soroaming or runniii away, the young lidy with tho horseuhip ran iiito the yard oud laid it lustily ovor tho faoes and backs of the three sneaking rascáis, who ran like whijiped curs. Ilaving routcd the ene my, tho ladios then captured the battüïy, ' cairying off tho bag aud cord aa trophics.


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