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I aira Bomid íor M. GUITERMÁN & CO'S ! o Dispute tlie í'aet if yon can, It tals tho TAILOK after all to give appearancc to the on ter nnui. lt" yon wisli to appear well You must accordingly Dres? Well. Go to ffl. Guiterman & Co's,, Theré you will find things oxactly SO. SONBHEIM always roady to take your mensuro, GÍTITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOViTER than you will find n : he State, Take lieed - call early, else you are too LATE. The iNDüCKJiENTS are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING oí our own getting up, Filling our Store í'rom Bottom to rop. STUDENTS espccially will find it to THEIR ADVANTACH, For it takcs but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVERO 3 ATS of Oloth, Beaver, íind Be:ir, Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of out OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. Frorn England, Belgium, Germany and Franco, Suoh as you can stand up ín. or wear at the dance. Pañis ! Paiits ! ! Pants ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOE SKIN of everv grade, We sell them írom ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VEPTS, &C, of everv descriptioTi, You will tínd it so without fiction, Furnishing apparels From SHIETS to UMBRELLAS. This is all -we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, II. GÜITERM&N. & Co., RÏSDON & HEÍí DERSOA 13 TT O SS. S3 -ST 33 CRAHN DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. Til E VEUY LATtSI IMPKOVÈMENT, and better tha :ill oiliors; ELdEtptdd to sowing Wlicat, Kye, Oath íiarloy üti.l (i rasB Seed . lé-. lt lias a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grait and Grass Seed. Sd. liever bunches the Grain ith. JVever breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast be Jiindtlie Drill. Qt'h. Has high wheels and long Hoes 'Jlh. lias long and wide steel points 8th. lt has a land measure or Sur veyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. 107i. lt tas a self adjusting shut off dide. It is neatly and substantially made There is Uardly a Drill offered in the market but ca boíiyt of more or loss F1RST PEEMIUMSP Thoy are aboutas indisoriminately bestowed a,d the tiíl of ' Professor,1" whích ís sometiines applied to thi "Jid&ler" Oï ltbootblack," They cease to convey th Idea ofmerii, Tlie liuckeyeDnil baa boon on Exbibition at quite D amber of StQteanU County Fafra, and without seekïn favor ut Ihe hands Q( any CommitUv, lias ruceived it fu.ll sliare of Premfuitis. ÏE8TIMOJSTIALS : AVo gtvc tlie folloWing Dames of a few Farmers in th;s vicinity wao havo bought and ased the BuckeyeJUrill Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob Polheraus " Jacob ïrotn per, " Thomas White, NorSbilold. John Brokaw, (( Christkin Ka pp, '( Eclward Bojden, Webster. Jarnos Treadwell) Aun Ai'boi'j Daniel O'Hara, " " JobnO.Göok. Lodi. O. A. Marshall, l L. Edmonf's, Saline. (Jcorge Cropsey, Gre( n Oa'k, Liv. Co. We arealao Agenta for lbo Ohio Heaper 8 Mcwer, aokaovledged to be the very best In uso. We arejust in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we will selLClieap. Also alargeasBortment o Grrass Scytlies. And the largost and best selected stock oí BJEISTT STTJFF FORCABRIAGESaver beforooffared in thia inarket. We alao kep a large &ad full NAl' IV, IWlNiVindUNSEEDOIL. A . om] lete ■ lortnaent of SÏOVES, TIN WAKE, AN'li EAVE IROUÖHS always on hand and put up :it the sliDitest notice. RISDON fc IKNDFRSON. Ann A.W, Jane 2"tb,lfnJ. e59tf w 1868. 1868. J SPRING COODS! i c AT Í Re duce d Frices I ! i Just receiving at O. H. MILLE M'& MAIN STREET, ANN AEBOR. April 17, 1803. 4w900. 1863. SPRING. 1863, o - We are uow opening JL Lar ge and Beautiful assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry G o o ds ! LADIES' DRESS GOOOS in great vnriety, 3Rl IB B O N"S , Xress Trimnaïnge, eteoAlso a large stock of doods for Mens' Wear? C'assimeres, Gloths, &c. and a full assortment of Ladies and Children's HATS. CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, AH of which we will eell at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE C A. L 3C JE IEÍ. X O E ! MACK & SCHMID. Ann Arbor, March 19, 'G3. 896tf OITY CÖOPESK SHOP. Wholesale and Rctail, O C. SPAFFOR1) Would respectfully ánnoimce to the citizens oi Ann Arbur and vicinity, that he is now rnanufacturing and&eepseonstantly on hnd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! auch as Porie and Cld r lïavrels, Kcgs, Firkins, Cnurns, Well Buckets &c. Which will be sojd clieap foi cash. CTJSTOM 7-O3RI5: ifade to order op sluipt notice. RepaifUtg done wiü neatness and dispatch, 1 would cali particular attention lo Merchants ia want of Biitter Firkins Iammanufaciuriii tlie Kw Voik State Flrkln which is a betíor Firkin tban has evtr böfore bi m of ferod inthi.s niarket. I would invito al L who want Fir kin-i to Cali and exanine fbv tliemselves bef'-ro purcliasing el.sewhrc, and I will conviace you that you have citlled at the-right plnoe. 1 wuiiil :ilso cali the attcniion of LUewevs in wa of BK EU KEGS, I aui uow prepared to inanufactare Eights, Quarters and half Ebls in large ox small lots, and of a Better Quality than can be had in Detroit orvlsowhcrc. J-A11 work warrantecl to give entirc satis fkction. Thankfulfor past fa vors and by a strict attention t business, I hope to meril a cuntmued libera] supply o Uu.' public patronage, U %, DO'UOt iurget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Mich. gfS.v'l GREAÏ.GREATER GEEATEST BAÜGA1KS EVER OFFEREÜ 1859. v-vl859, Iu thÍ3City, are uow being offered ut the OHEAP.CLOOK.WATCH, & Jewalry Store 11IÜC Snbscriber would say to the oitizeneof Ann Arbor, i-. particular, and the rest of WnshiPnnw Cnuntv in genernl, that hohasjust 1MPORTED DIHKC'J'LY from EUIlOPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! All of which ho bindstiimselftOBell CHEAPKR than can be bonghl wrst of' New York City. OpenFaco Cylinder Watohcs (rora . S6 to SlD do do Lever do dü 8 to 21 Ilunting Casfi do do do 14 to 35 do do Oylindor do do 9 to 28 Gold Watehes from 20 to 150 Í have also tne CJEJLERIIATED [.AMELGAN WAT CHES, wblch I will seïi Ur 35. Kvüry Vvatch warranttd to perfonn well,ortliü monoy pefnnded. ClocUs, Jewelry, Tiated Ware, Fnncy GoorJa. Gold Pens, Musical Instrumenta aud Stringi, Cutlery, &c, uuí in tact a variety of cveryf.hinir UBiially kept ay Jewelfirs can be boughtfor the next ui net y days at ynur O W N riHOES! IVrBone traylng anythtug ut this well known establistirni' ut enn rt'ly upon rotting cood1 exitctly as repreaenti d, reCuded. Oallearly und seI cure the be3i bnrgains over offered in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : We nrn preparad íu malte any repairs onfine or cominon Wfttchea, oven tomakintoer the ent! re wntcb, if necesanry. Repairïng of Cloclcê and Jéweiry as uaual. Also to m.tnnfacturlnp oí RINGS, BROOCHS, or attyt] '. Krom California Gold on short notice. Engravine '] Hits branches exoented vll%-nrai, neas ana iliapfitci J WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jftn. 2Sthlfi59. Mw Ayer's Ague Curê, Morrtgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a eertuin mortgage, exec itod by Nicuol&d Poody and irldget Doody, lis wfle, ot Eexter, Mïchigan, o John tabbit, of thësair.e place, dated t'e thirtieth day ofe une, A. I'., eightèeo hundred aod sixty, and rt corded. hè thinl day of July, 1860, ín the office of the Register f Deeds of tire County of Wub hiena W, ttate of Slichi. ■uu. in Liber 27 of Morlgages, on page 93, at fOo i'cloeK in 8 irinni,!). u inch eald .Marl ga ge via Aa y assigned bv said Julia Kab bit to Richard Walsh, by.Leed ofassignmetib ariiut date the 22d áS& of. Janruary, A. 1. 18(JU,md FSt&orded in the said cflioe oí; .he Register ot Deeda for said County of Washtenaw,, )n the öfth day cl M&rcn A.D.l63,at two and a halfs' vcltck in the afternoon, in Liber '27 of Muitgages, oa age 93 . iK)Ti wliich morlyagt Ihere is clainit'd tü #- the date of this noüce, the sum of oiie hundred sighteen dollars and sefnty. iour cents ($118.74), and-, 00 suit Qiproceeding ii ïaw having been institutc-4 ) recover :m paaftthereof': Notiee, is thert'l'ore, herjtygtven.tbal onaturday, thol8th iny July at??, ; 12 n'clock. noon, Ishall S--I1 at pullij uuction, t i ie hig]n;-L bidder, at the frontdoor oftheCourt lou-cir. the City of Aan Ar bor, County ot Washte ttw, the preraisefs coiilainefl ín taM mortgagë, or ko uch thereól asshal! bi necessary te satiafy t he ssaonnt uu on said moxigage ten per. cent interest , ml legal costa, tog Lher wilh all reasonable chur is as an Attojiaey fee ooveo ated foi tberein, "that ia i .i . , &}] those (■■; lain tric a or pareéis of lund, situted iï the yillftge of Deiter, Couajy and Statt aforeild Uii' ■. and deacribed as follows, to it : One j.arct-i bcginniog at thfi börlll-west cnrnerof and .sol'l bj Jobn Waldo,in block lö oi raid village. by oonfractlbom ámvel W Bextut tb the said John Vnldo.and beariñg date the 28lh day o! July, A. 1). 843 ■ tfttoce üoath-easterly on iheAnn Arbor road 28 ■t-t: thocESOttth 39degres west 8i feet to an alley f: feel wide; Hfööce wetierlj on the north line ol iiil aHey tp tfce : t line of said Waldo's land : thence ortheilj on 6aW w Ido 's west line to tbe plat uf be iiüngi; beisg tin samt Ioi coctïpcttu by the taid umR-l'w. Dextei to John V;m Fieet, by contract bear tg date the iltíi day r-fMay, A.D., li44. AJUo tliai ücíng at ;i state n the a... ,'.-,. ... rfutheasrerly frora th nortfa erbffhetract ef land, on block 18, wbich tjieaid cnatrfteted to ■ a Walt o. o the ïl8ih ayof July 18'. and running thence ; outh 64 degreea rs1 25 fi-'-t and7iocbea on the Bouth ltoe of JiAid Aitn Lrbpr.road ; thence south 39 degreea west 81 feet to an lley ld feet wide ; ihence along saiö alley north 64 derees weit 25 feet and 7 taches; thence north 29 clepast8I feet to "tbe place oi lictrinning." Dated, Ann Arbor, April 23d 1863. RH HARD WAILH, GEO. M. DANFORTH, ---l nee ot ' Mortgagee, Att'HT.rV 'JOltd Cbancery Sale. IN PÜR3ÏTANCE and by virtue of a deeree of the Circ-tilt Court for tbe Ocuaty of Washtenaw in Clianery, ma ie i n the ecünd day of Febrmiry, A. D. 1883, n a C'iusc therein petodíng, wherein Alfred B. Wood ia .ini.iind 4obE W. idaynard Mary J Maynard , Villiitm S. Maynard, La ther l'ana, Abijan W Farrar, leoygc HysÖe, Alonzo Farram Senry W. Cliandler, Vashmgton Warren, Rdward ÜAinbert, William H. Maor, HenryStone, William W. Wright, Dwlght M. - nbcock. JohnKickülson.. lames J. Perry, And re w Ketchm. .F 'lm R, Jaffiray, Arthuv W. Jaffray, Kdward S. Jafr&y, and Richard W. Jaffray are delendants. Notie s herebv gïven, thnt I sb.aU sol 1 at public auction, to he iiighest bidder, at twelve o'clock,noon, on Sat irday, theOth day of June next, A. D. 38G.3,atthe rent door of the Waabjtenaw County Court House in he city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, tbose certain pareéis tí land known and desciibedas folio ws, to-wit: Sitúate u the city of Ann Arbor, County of Was 'tenaw, com men eins one hundred sixteen and a half feet nortb f rom ,he south-east corner of block nunaber one north in -ange thtee east: Ihence west one bundied and twn feet; thenee norlb fiftten and a half feet to the soutl ine of lot number eicrhteen in said block; thence west thirty feet to nost fine of said lot; thence north niño and a half feet; thence east along the south line of Charlea TÍayera laad and along the south line of Charles Th lyer's store, on MnBdy.'a Block, to Maiu st.; tlience Routh to the place of beginnirg; ■ xcepting so much of wfiid land as is covered by James T. AHen'.i store, being a strip about two feet four inches ivide, ;he leugth of aid Allen 's store; the premises herein ntended to be described beiug the same conveyed by R. Parsons and wife to H. W. Ilyatt, by said llyatt to John Lock wood, and by said Lockwood to John W. May-. GEORGE PAXFORTH, Cir'Court Com.Wash. Co., Mich. O. TIawkin?, Coinplainant's Solicitor. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1863. 903td Chancory Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, in Chancerv, Buit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in Chancery, in the City o? Ann Arbor, on the 27th day of May, A. D. 1863. In the cause ,Thunelda ï'. Boehman is com- plainant.and David Boehman is defendant, it appraring on thf iiilidavit of 1). S. Twitcheil, that the defendant David Boehman is not a resido nt oí" the State of Michigan, but is now, or was, not long since a resident of the State of Missouri, on mot ion of Twitcheil k. Frazer, Solicitors for complaiiiant. it is ordered that the said David Iïuchman cause his appear&ncd to be e tered and notice thereof to be serred ou the coniplain, ants solicitors, ivithin two months from thedateof this or Ier, and in case of his a p pea raneo that he cause his answer to the complainant's bill to be fik-d and copy thert'of to be served on the cdiïiplainant's solicitors vithin twenty days aftera service of a copy of Raid bill, and in default tlicreof, that the said bill of complaint may ue taken as coniessed against him. And it is f.srther ordered, that witbin twen tv days from the date hereof the s:üd con-.plainant a copy of this o:der to be published in the Michigan Argus a newsp&per pnnted and pnbliahed in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washttuaw. and Staf E of Michigan, &t least once in each week, for six succespivo weeks, or that the complaiiiant cause a cöpy hereof 1o be persbnally aervd on the said defendant David Bnchman, at least twenty days before the time prescribed for his appearance. GÈORGE IiANVORTH, Cir. Court Com. (A truu copy.) Teacy W. Root, Hegipier. Twitcheil h Fbazkr, fiolicitord for Cotupïainant. Dated, May L7th,. 1663. NEW""COÖDSi NEW GOOÜSÜ DRESS GOODS, SILK GOODS, PLAID SHAWLS, GLOVE3, IIOSIERY, SKIRTS, PARASOLS, CLOTilS, CASSIMERE Domestius &, Groceries! ïhop goo3sn-ere purciiased at mc rcduceil rutes, and will be sold iar below the prices they have been held t. Ï1ENI0N & GOTT, OARPETS, OILCLOTIIS, CANTÓN MATT1NGS, Largest & Best in the city, Just Heceived at EENION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1863. 901tf, piSSULUTJOiv. 'pHE COPAKTNERSHH' hertofore existing betweq ! i the andersignud, under the name of Bacli k Fiorsn is disaolved by utual consent. The business of tb late tirm will be settled by Philip Eacli. rmup dacb, I. S. PIERSON. Ann Arbor, April Í9, 1863. 002 0 Notice AU. PERSOXS indeoted to tl10 late fiim of Baclii Pierson, either Ty note or ,book account, are requesU'dto cali and setxle without, delay. PHILIP BACft Ann Arbor, April 29, Iffi WiáivO All Losses promptly adjust4 MERCHANTS'IÑSURANCE CO,, OF HARTFORD, CONH. Cash Gapital, $200,000. Total AcL;,.I::ii.lst,lSG3, 2Sï,'8.j Uabilities, - - - ■ - li.834,09 MARK HOWARD, 'resident. E. Tiiqs. L.opniL, Secy. The umtcrBigneil has been aprinted Agent for tbe aoove roliablc Conjpan, nnfl will effect insuranc6 a ratlst I o sast díe at reaonablerats . J .T. W. KMGTIT. Ann Arbor, Jnne 2, 1SB2. S551I' Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus