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fuste Jfhtctflïjj ==ÓüÑty15IBLE SOCIETY. ' QnOKV of Bibles and Testamenta at the So JjVty Pes at c Voorheis'. T. D. TOOKER. nffllBBMPHOTOGRAPHER, Exchange Blook, Ann "irtor.lficnigan. " JCWATTS & BEO. rvgALERS in Clocka, Watches, Jiwelty and Stlver [) ffareHo. 22,Níw Block, Ann Arbor. c. bliss. DSATjEÏI in ClockSj Watches, Jewelry and Silvcr ffsreNo,22,New Bïock, Ana Arbor C. H. MILLEN. DUIM in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockcry, Sc. &c. iStreet Aun Albor. BACH & PIERSON. DE.lI.rRS in Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, Bo.flfr . &c, Main st., Ann Arbor. Ü. COLLIER. MAHWACTURER ;iod dealer ia Boots and Shoos, one , -:h ot' tut! Post Oilico. N. B. COLË7" D: in Boots Shoeaj Rubbers, &c. Frankiiu Blwk, Main Street, Ann u-bor. RISDON & HENDERáON. DEALERS in Hardware. StOYes, house furnishing PinWare, kc , &c ., New Block, Mainst. 0. 0. SPAFFORD. irmUFAOTUKER of all kinds of Coooper Work , [VI (it Coojier .Siiop. Custom wurk doue uu short uotice. üeirit Street, Ann Altor. A. J. SUTHERLAND, iQENTfor the ííew York Ufe Insuraace Company, l OffiStí ou liurmi street Also has on hand ;i stock of the in '.st approve se ving maohinefl. 6851 f GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT UARKET- Huron S'.reet- (icneral dealer in Fre-sh and SaU Meató, Beef, Uuttun, i'ork, llaius, Poultry, l.avd, Tallón-, Sc, i;c. SUHOFF & MILLER. DKAI.ERS ai HUwllansoug, School and Blank Books. Stationpry, Fapex Haoglngs, c. . .Main at, Franklin HIHA.M J. BEAKE3 ITTORNEY anj Counsellor ut ..nd Sohcitor in A Cliaucery . Office n City Hall Block. over Webster" Bok Slnre. W3i7lewitt, m. d. pHYSlCIAN and Surgson. Office at hU residence, 1 nortli siile of Iluion street. and second house west ot División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Clotbing, Importers of ClothB, Casmeres, Docskins, tte.,No. 5, Plwenix Block, Main st. WM. VVAGNER. DEALER in Made Clothiog, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vetinï3, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c, Pturtiix Block, -Main street. SLAWSON & GEEIÏT" fjROCÉRS, Proyision and Coraraission Merchants, and Dealen in Water Liine, l.anl Piaster, and l'.'aster ! Pris, oue east of Cook's Hotel . ï. B. FBEEMAN. BARBEE and Fashionable Ilair Dresser, Main street, Ann Artxir, Mich. Hair Fronta and Curl kept ronHintly on hand. J. SCO'fTT" IKliROTYPEaud Photogtaph ArtUI , n tlie rooms il over Gampion'a Clothing store, Phosoix lïlock. PerWt satis lationgiven. W. WEEKS. QURYEYOIÏ and Civil Ënglneer, continúes to give iray medíate attention to all orders. Office a-t his resi ce at tl corner of Catherine and Hiayei sta. 869yl C. B. PORTËR OT8UE0M HF.NÏLSÏ. Offloe Corner of Main and Hurón u 'treets, „ver Bach ;c Pierw n's Store. All calis Promptlyattendrdto Aprl859 JB, WEBSTER & CO. [jEALERSm Law iid Medical Boois School Sooks, " lnk Bboks, Mlaecllaneous Bookn, pen, ink, and "! variety of Stationery, Huron st. , City Hall Blook. C. B. THOMPSON. rjEALERin Di-y Qoods and Groceries. Boots andöhoea, Produce booght and aold, at the old .stand of ""impion & Millen, Corner .Main and Washington sts. MACK & SOHMID. HKALERS m Foreign and Doraestic Dry Gond, Crocey ríes, lints and Cnpi, Boots and tíhou-S, Cruckery, i Corner ol Main i; Liberty sts. Ö"TrivËLLEY, DHOtOQRAPHEK- Corner Fourth & Huron strseto, ■ An.'i Arbor. Cases frames and Photograpli Albums "■Haotlj on hand, and at lower rates Lhan eau be " elwwhere. ' Iy891 ANDREW BELL. jy.AI.F]R in Groceries, Provisión;. I-loor, Produces, "-"cc, Sic,, corner M.iin and Waitaington Streers, trod '' 'le u'ghest market jirices paid lor country I. O. O. F. WaSIITENAW Lodge, No. '.), of the Independent Oraof OddFellows meet at their Lodgo Room, y FriJay Kvening, at 1% o'clock. J-8o.vniiE,M. N. G. 1'. B. Ram, Sccy KIÑGSLEY & MORGA N . 4W0EXEY3, Counsellor Solicltora, and Kotariea la.Pllljic,liavü Books a n . Plats showin.í tilles of all . ,, 'nth fJiinnW, un I attfn 1 to convc vancinir and ,"",'." -emands, anl to paying tajte and school iuM"""J liart of the state. Ofiice cast of the park. D. DeFOREST. TtTHOLESALK and retail dealer in Lamber, Lath, te! =JM?les,í i. Doors, Blinda, Water Lime, Grand f'1friU' f,P! terP.iria, and Nails ofallniiBS .'. HjJ Preet assortment of theabove, Bnd al! otlier L, K'""} ng loatonals constantly on bar..' at the Pjilio Pnibl ratas, on Detroit st., a few rodsfromthe Piieatr . vi" Perating extensively in the


Old News
Michigan Argus