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I am Boimd íor M. GUITERMÁN & CO'S ! Dispute tbe fact if yon can, It takes the TAILOK at'ter all to give appcarance to the onter man. li' you wish to appear well You must accortliiigly liresí Wcll. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, Thero you will find things exactly SO. SOND HEIM always ready to take your measure, GTJTTERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in ihe State, Take lieed - call eaely, else vou are too LATE. The iNDUCEMENTS are now greater than ever, Our Glerks you will find obliging and elevar. Wo will show you eood CLOTHING oí our own oetting up, Filling our Store í'rom Bottom to roí. STUDENTS especially will find it to THHIU ADVANTAGB, Fot it takes but L1TTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VBRC3ATSof Oloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn [JBPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relatiors, From Englnnd, Belgiura, Germany and France, Such as you enn stand ur ín. or weae, at the dance. Pauta ! Paute ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí every grade, We sel! tliem íroin ONE DOLLAR up to EIOIIT, YE?TS, &c, of every description, You will fina it bo without íiction, Furniishing atparels From SHIRTS to'UMBEELLAS. This is all we Eay now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GUIÏEKMAN. & Co., RISDON & HEJM DEIÍSOA 33 XJ O I5L E2 ST E3 CRAJN DRILL, and Grass Seed SoY.rer, Manufactured at Springfie'.d, Ohio. THE VEKY I.ATEST IMPUOVEMENT, antl bettertlian all otliers; adapted to sowing Wlieat, Hye, Oats, Barlej and Grass Seeil . lst. It lias a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 8ow all Jcinds of Grain and Grass Seed. Sd. liever bunches the Grain tíh. Never breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadeast beliindihe Drill. Qth. Has Mgli wheels and long Hoes. Ith. lias long and wide steel points. 8t7i. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOtJi. It has a self adjusting shut off elide. It is neatly and substantially made, There is hardly a Drill offeredia the marktt but can boast of more or less FIRST PREMIUMS?' They are aboutas iniHscrhninately bestowed na the title of "Profesor," whicti is somotimea applied to the ufiddlcr" or ' bootblack."' Theyceaseto convey the idea uimerit. The LJuckeye Di'ill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of State and County Kairs, and without seeking favor at the hands of any Conimittee, has received its ful! sliare of Premiumd, TESTIMONÍALO : We gtve the folluwing Dames of a few Farmers in th's vicinity wao luivebought andused the Buekeye Drill; G(j(irrt'.y Miller, Sclo. Jacob l'olheraus " Jacob Tromper, íl Thomas White, North field. John Brokair, ' Christian Kapp, " Edward Boyden, Webster. James Trcadvsll , Aun Arbor, Daniel O'Hara, M ' Johu tí. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmou s, Satine. Geoi'ge Cropsey, (irt'en Oak, Liv. Co. We arealso Agenta for the Ohio Heaper &. Mwer, fteksowledged te be the very best in use. ïïe are just in roceipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wiiicli mv yiii sell cticnp. Also a large assortment o G-rass Scytlies, And tho largest and best eeleoted stock of BENT STTJFF FOR CARRI AGES ever b&fbre offored in thia market. We ftlao keep a Larga ;md í'ull NA1LS, GLASS, ri'TTV, PAIN C, and I.TNSEED OIL. A coiii lete assortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, AND EAVE IROUOHSalways un banfl ana put np at the ahortest nutice. RISDON íc HENDERSON. Aun Albor, June 39rti,1862. 859tl 1863. 1800. SPRING COODS! AT Reduced Frices! Just receiving at O. H. MILLBWS (3O3&!? (B&SQ STOL MAIX STREET, ANN ARBOR. April 17, 1863. 4w900. 1863. SPRING. 1863, We are now opening A Large and Beautiful assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Go ds ! LAD1ES' DRESS GOODS in great variety, HIBBONS, Oresa 1"riiia.r23.ïiiss, fee. Also a large stock of troeds for Mens' Wear7 Cassimeres, Gloths. &c, and a ínll assortnient of Ladies and Children's HATS, CAPS, GROCEEIES, CROCKERY, All of whicli we will scll at tlio LOWEST TOSSIBLE MACK & SCHM1D, Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. 896tf O?TY COQPBR SHOP. 1VlioIcsiIc und Retaiï, O C. SPAFFORD Would respectfulïy announcs to iho citizens oi Aan Arbur and vicinity, that he ia uow te anufacturing and keeps couatanüy on hund a Large Assortnient of Cooper Work ! sucH as PorU and Clder Barrels, Kcjjs, Firkins, Churas, Wcll Euckcts, &c. Which will be aold cheap for cash. CITSTOM A7" OEK Made to order on short notico. Hepairing done with uenlueis and dispatch, 1 would cali particular attention to Mercliants in want of Butler Firklns. I am ïnnnufacturins the Kcw Yoi 1c State !FIrk]n, which isa better Firkin thanha.sever before been of. fered inthis I would invite all who want Firkins to Cali and exine for themselves before purcha.sing elsewlire, and J will convince you that you have called at the right place. 1 woul'l also cali the attontioa of Biewers in want of BEER KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls, ín large or small lots, and of u Better Quallty thau can be had ia Detroit orelsewhere. A11 work warranted to give entire satis fection. Thanklulfor past favors and by a strict attention to business, I hope to merit a contmued liberal Bujpl; of the pubiic patronage, O, Do not íurget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St, Ann Arbor, Mich. 8S8jl GREAï.GKEATER GREATEST BARGAJNS EVER OFFERED 1859. q159. I u tLis City, are uow being offered a t the CHEAP, CLOCK.WATCII, & 3T O"V757 elry StorerjïiKStibscriber would sny to thccitizenpol Ann ArL bor, in particular, and the rest of Wnflhtenaw Cnuntv inscnernl. that hohasjust ÏMPORI'ED DlRECTLY from KUKOPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! Ali of which hn binds bimself to ep.ll CHEAPER than can 1)0 boughl west of Nnw Yorli City. Open Face Cylinder Wstches I rom S6 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 91 lunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Oylinder do do 9 to 28 from 20 to ISO I have also ttie CELEBRATED AMER'CAN WATCHES, wbichZwll] teil ter $3S. Kvery Wntch warrantbd to perfurm we II, or the mon;y retundetl. C loc kg, Jewelry, Pinted Ware, Fancy Goods. Gold Prns, Mustctil Instrumenta and títringe, Cutlery, &c, and in fnct n variety of every'hinïï usually kept iy,Iewel er 6 can be boughtforthe next ninety days at vur o w n p E I O E 8 I Persons buyinjr aiuything nt thls wcll known ostablishme ut can rely upnn gettlng gooda exact' y as reprosent''d, orthrmoní'y refundid. Oalleuriy and secure Uin best bargaii ever offered in ttai City One word in regard to Repairing : We are prppared to malte any repnirs oníine or coinmon WhU'Iips, cvii to miikincc er the entire watofa, lf necesaary Repairtng of C'locks nd Jewelry as uaiinl. Alsot'io maBufaeturinir ol RINGS, BR00CU9, or aaything rtesired, from California Gold onshortnotice. Enffrajirï Ín allitsbranchesexnented witlincntness and1idpatch. J C. WATTS. Amr Arbor, Jan. 28thlP59. 7L4w Ayer's Agüe Cura. Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT having been made in the condition of a cert;iin uiortgage, executed by Nicholaj Doody and Bridget Doofly, his wife, of Dexter, Michigan, xo John Kabbit, of the samt place, Uated tl'C thirtieth dar of June, A. I)., oightecii hundred and sixty, and ri-corded the third day of July, 1800, in the oflice of the Register of Deedsof tbeCounty of Washtenaw, átate of Michigan, ín Líber 27 of Murtgages, on page 93, at two o'clockin the afternooo, whicíi said Mortgage was duly aasjgned by saíd John Eabblt to Kichard Walsh, bj deed oi assignment, hearing date Éhe '2 day of Janruary, A. D. 18Gü,and recorded in the said office ol the Register oí Deuda fix said (Juunty of M'asbttnaw, on the litth day of Mareta A.p.lhG3, at two and a half O'clcck in the afternoon, in l.iber '21 of Moit gages, on page 90 ; ii pon wliich mortgage tliere is clatmed to be due, at the date of thi.s notice, the sum of one hundred eighteen dollars and sevntyiour cents ($118.74), and nu snit or procouding at law having been instituí ed to recover any part thereof : Notice, i therefore, hereby given, that ou Saturday, thelSth day July next, at 12 n'clock, nuon, I shall s?ll at public auetion, to the highe.-t bidder, at the front door of theCourt Houp,in the City of Ano Árbor, County oí AVashtenaw, the prémises contained in i-aid mortgage, or o much tbereof assball be noctsary tosatiafy theamount due on said moitgage with ten per. cent interest and legal costs, togtther with all reaaooabie chargaa astts AUorney fee coven.inted for therein, "that i tosay, allthose certain tracis or pareéis of land, situated in the village of Dexter, County and State atoreRaid, knowu. bountied, and described as tbllowg, to wit: One purcel beginning at the north-westcornerof landsoldbj JuhD block 38 of taid a contract Irom Samuel W. Dexter to the said John Waldo, nnd bearing date the 2Sth day of July, A. D. 1843 , thence soutb-easteply on ;lie Ann Arbor road 28 feet; thence south 39degree.s west 81 feet to an alley 16 feet wide ; thence westerly on the north line of íi i t alley to the wS t lino of said Waldo'a land ; thenc northeily on said W.ldo's west line to the place of begining ; being the Knme lot contracted by the said Samuel W. Dexter to John Van Fleet, by contract bearing date the 21st dav of May, A.D., 1844. Also that othr parcel Ol land, commencing at a stake on the Ann Arbor road, 28 feet nouthea.sterly f rom the northwest corner ofthe tract of land, on block 18, wliich the said Dexter contraeted to John Waldo, on the 28th dn y o'f July 1Bi;j. :im! running thence t outh G4 d eg rees cast '2') fee tand 7inches on the south line of said Ann Arbor road ; thence south 3'.) degrees west 81 feet to an alley lf feet wide ; thence a long said alley north 64 degrees west 25 feet and 7 in ches ; thence north 30 degrefs east 81 feet to theplace of beginning." Dated, Aun Arbor, April 23d 1863. KICHARD WALSH, GEO. M. DAXFORTH, Assignee of Mortgagec. Attorney. 901 td Chanciery Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fjurth Judicial Circuit, in O Chancerv , snit pesdiog in tlie Circuit Court for the Counly of Washtenaw, in Chancery, ín the City of Ann Arbor, on the 27th day of May, A. 1). 1803. In the canse v he re in . Thusneldu F. Bochman is complainant.aud líavid Bochman is defeudant, it appearing onthe affidavit of D. S Tvritcheii, that the defendant David lïochman is not a resident of the State of Michigan, hut isnow, or was, not long niñee a resident of the átate of Missouri, on motion of Twitchell & Frazer,Solicitorfi for complalnant, ït i.s ordered that thd ia id David Bochman cause his appearanee to be ea te red üiül nnt ice t lic roo f to be ser ved on the eoiiiplainants solicitors, wtthin two months f rom the date of tb la or Ier, and ia case of his appearaoce that he cause hid aoswer to th@ cuinpl.'iinant's bilí to be tiled anda copy theréof to be served ou the complainant'a solicitotfa withia twenty day fl aftera serrice of a copy of eaid bill, and in default thereof, tliat the said bill of complaint muy be taken as confessed again! him. And t is further ordered, that wiihin twenty day date hereof the said complalnanl cause a copj of thia o: dt r to be pablished in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper prmted and publtehed in the city T Ann Arbo] , in the County of Wa shtenaWj and State oí Michigan, ;,t least once in each week, for ix succes.siTe weeks, or that the qomplainaxit canse a copy hereof to be personally aerTOd on the said Öefendant David Bochman, at least twenty days befoK the time preacribed for hts appearanee. GEORCE DANFORTH, Cir. Court Com, (Atrueeogy.) Tiucy W. Root, Register. TiriTCHEiL & Fbazbr, Solicitors for Complainant. Dated, May 27th, 163. NEW COODS! NEW GOOÜSÜ DRESS GOODS, SILK GOODS, PLAID SHAWLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SKI HTS, PAEASOLS, CLÖTHS, OASSIMEKE, Boaiestics& G-roceries! Thee gon:l.s ivore purclia?C"il at much reduccl rates, andwill be sokl far beluw the priees tbey hite !)■ held at. IIENION & GOTT. CABPETS, OILCLOTHS, CANTÓN MATT1NGS, Largest Best in tlie city, Just Received at HENION & GOTT'S. Ann Avbor, April 23, 18G3. 901tf. D1SS. LUTIOIV. THE COPARTNERSHIP hertofore exisüng belween theaiider&igned, under the name of Hacii & Pierson is dissolvetl by mutual consent, 'ihe business of tbE late lirm 11 be scttled by l'hiüp Bacb. PI11I.IP BACH, I. S. PIERSON'. Ann Arbor, April Í0, le63. 902 6 Notit-e ALL PERSONS ibbted to the late 8rm of Bach Pierson, eitherby note or book account, are requestedto cali and settle without delay. i'HII.IP BACH. Ann Arbor, April 29, 1?63. 002w6 All Losses promptly adjusted MERCHAMTS'IÑSURANCE CO., 0E HAETF0RD, C0NN. Cash Capital, $200,000. Total Assets,Jan. lst,1862, $237,357.05 Liabilities, .... ir,. 834,00 JIARKHOWARD, President. E. Thos. LoHDiir.L, Secy. The undersigncd has t)con appcinted Agent for th aoove reliable Company, and will eilect insurance agaijst loAseB by üro ;ii ceasonableratee J. W. KNIGIIT. Ann Arbor,.June2,lS02. 85511 FAEM FOR SALE ! O I offer for sale my farm ntuated in the Township of Sein, in Washtenaw County, on the main road f rom Ann Arbor to Jackson, about Five ïïles West of Ann Arbor, and three and ;t half mlled from Dexter. The Farm con sista of ONE HUNDRED & NINETY ACRES OF LAND compoatd generally ot' e g;rai ally loam, Ruseeptible of bemg woikeii in wet or diy ireather, is well watorrd by a living utr ;mi;. 11 is postij unneriroptovementj wood land suffleient for the Farm, bmldinga nnú fenecí tolera bly good. orchord of fine fruit. All of whicb will be sold cheao, one balf of the purchase money hiy on ben i aad mortgage for a term of years. J.H. M. ANDKRSON. Seio, March 30, 1863. 3m898 For Sale, Two Dweiling Houses ! I TWO STORSFBAMEDWEIAING HOUSE and I.ol 1 4 x 8, uow occupied by J. 11 Burlecon. Poasessioa givcnOot. l.i 14 8TOKY FRAME DWELLING OOl'SE, HA1ÏN and LOT, 4x8, now i iti by 1). R. Kelley, powwiwio given April lat, 10 . ;;o ■.! cellars, cisterna aod out al t the premiseB. Property adjolnlngtB house of L. C Risdon un W illiam street, Ann Arbor.- For lurther inquirc of ANUEEW BKI.L. Ann Arbor, May H, 9ü4tf ' Ayefs Sarsapariila


Old News
Michigan Argus