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rtye last issue of the Aroos olosed the ear of our oonnection with ït, and 9'this number we enter upon our lOth " We are grateful to our friends CliaTe enoouraged us with paying pat re, ana eliall be cxoeedingly grateful '""n wbo have patronized without paying ■f they w'11 see that their accountB are Ll,noed ' an early day' The First National Bank of iArbor opened its doorn for business )Dth first inst., and we notice that deitors we by no means limited either 'tumteror amount of deposita. We Lerstand that the application of the rat0r8 of this Bank was the first ap1 ed by tbe department at Washington, tst its certifícate was the first granted, nd that it is the first Bank to go into ,clusl operation undsr the law of Cong, We wiah it a sucoessful career. 0()L Wool refuses to move. Not to eioeed 4,000 lbe. hac been bought ia tbi, market. Yeslerday 660 was paid íor a small clip, and we may .note frora 60 to 66c. We noticj ,bout the Eame quotations in other pUcei. t


Old News
Michigan Argus