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TO THE LAD1ES OF AMERICA! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALÜABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALÜABLE THAN GOLD! MORE VALÜABLE THAN GOLD Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S F U E N C II PEBIÖDICAL DROPS, FRENGD PEMODICAL DROPS, F R E IV C II PER1ODICAL DROPS, FREüO PEfflOSriGAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Suffering frora Irregularity, or Obstruetion of the Mensos, frora whatever cauM, IT IS SURE TO CURE !! IT IS SUHE TO CURE! IT IS SUHE TO CURE ! IT IS .SURE TO GURE 1 it is impossible to enjey ttae hioom. of health, and v-ivacity of spirits, unless the Alenses are regirlar as to the time, tho quantity, 'and qunlity. When thi'y ave obstrueted, nature makLB her ellorts to obtain l'or iv snme other outlet, and, tiene efforts of nature are assistcu , the iatient asu&lly experiences Despondency. Nervousssv' and linally CONSUMTTIOM assumos its swit.y,anil prcmutuu-cly tcvniiuates a miserable life. [T REMOVES ALL OB3TRU0TIONS! IT REMOVES ALLOBSTRUCTIONS! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTUUCTIONS! IT TS A PERFKCï REGULATOR! IT IS A PKRFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PEKFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN MIND. BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND,, THAT I GU AR ANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE My DROPS TO CURE Suppicssion of tüe Mensos from ivhatever cause, thoueh care should be taken to ascertaiuif pregnancy bethe cause, as these DROPS would be snre to produce miscarriage ; they will also cerlaiuly PREVENT conception , f taken two or three days before :he monthly period ; therefore, I wish it distinctjy unlerstood, that I do not bold myself responsible when .ised under sucb. circumstances. BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BtTY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFLST ! BUY THE SUREST 1 BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! WHTCH IS LYOU'S DROPS. WHÍCH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. THEY ACT LIK E A CHARM, y strengthening; and invigorating, and restoring the yptem to a healthy condition, Itmoderates all excess, nd removes all obstructions, and a spcedy cure may be elied on. TO MARRIED LADIES, 'boy are peculiarly adapted, as they bring on the ïunthly Ájpd withsuüh perfect regularity. URE TO DO GOOD ! ; URE PO DO OOOD ! URE TO DO GOOD ! FRE TO DO GOOD ! CANNOT t)O HARM 1 CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM ! OANNOT DO HARM! I could furnísh anj Cf-uantitj' of testimoniáis of its fficacj from my owb patients, bilt the practica of bradlng bought and fictitious ones befare íiie publio is prevalent I do not deern, it advisabie. My object is ,o place my medicine be f ore the public, not alone to aUü money, but te do good. ft is proverbial ly true of he American Ladies, thatnot ten. pejfectly healtby nes can be found in any one vicmity. BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME 1 Let not disease clestroy your con.stitution. Try a ottle of my PEKIODICAL PRQPS, and you will be atisfied that I am no impostor. Teil your aiïlicted riend what restored thebloomof health toyour cheeka, ndthereby confer a favor more valuable tbangold. or painful or scanty Menstruatiatt it ia just the thing havenow inmy mind an instance of a lady who had een suffering from painful menstruación two or threö ears, confining her to her room-each time ; she had pplied to several eminent physiedans, without relief, vhen one bottle of my DROPS entirely cured her. ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES ! ONE BOTTLE CURES ! ONE BOTTLE CURES! In almost every case. D3 NOT BE TMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED TTPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! But cut tuis out and send it to your Druggist, and if ie has not gotit, malte him buy it for you ; or, it may 6 obtained of Ihe General Agents for the United Sta tea C. G. CLARK & CO., WHOLESAIK DbDGGISTS, New Haven, Coxi; For sale by all respectable Druggists. Price,$1.00 per btttle, and by Stebbing & Wilson, Grenville & Fuller, Kberbach & Co. Freparoú hy Juo. I.. Ltcw, M. 1 ly902. Blackwood's Magazine AND THÏÏ firitfsh Reviews. PRICESCHËAP AS EVER TO THOS'C WHO PA Y PROjfPTLT INT ADVAKCE. Notwithstandin;r tho ebst nf RopHnting these Perioi icals lias more than doubled Ín conscquoncc of 11 enorm o us riflö ia the pricO of Paper and of a g-;nera advance in all other and notwithstand'n otb.erpubtish.ers are roducing the si.e or inercasing th price of their publicatíona, we BbaJl continue, tbr th year 1868, to fufniáh ours complete , as horetoforo, at th old rates, viz. :- 1 THELONDON QU ARTE RL Y (Consjrvative), n THE EDIXBURGH BEflBW (Whig) THE NORTII BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (LfberaJ) BLACKWOOD'S EDKDURGII MAGAZINE (Torj). TJSIIMS. IV r ann ForanyonPof the four Reviews, - - - %'. 00 Kor any two of the four Reviews, - - - 5 00 For anythree of the four Reviews, - - 7 00 Por al] four of the Reviews, 8 00 Forfilaokwood'e Magazine, - - - . - 3 00 For Blaokwood and one lio view, - - - 500 For Blackwuoii and fwo Kcviows. - - - 700 ForBlaokwoodana tbree Beviews, - - - 9 00 Foililackwoodaml üiie four Reviews, - - 10 00 These wlll bo our prices to all wbo pay prior to the Is of April. To those who defer pnying lili aftnr tha time, the prices will be increased to such extenf as th increased cost of Reprint may demand- therefcre, SEND IN YOUR ORDERS AND SAVE YOÜR M0NE HEChWVRD'SCOTJT h CO., Publïshers, No. 38 Walker Street, New York. THE REBEL'LION 0N HIGH PRICES POR CL0TI1ING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLD & RELIABLB CLOTHI NC EMnPORIXJJSd: ! No. 3 PHGENIX BLOOK, MAIN St rAMnnw opening alargo and varied assortmento Spring indSummorGoods, and in view of the rebel ion on Inghprieesgenerally, willoller thetn tomy frieni and customers at the very'lowest figures for Casli.Those in want of a superior artiele of Ctot1karCsS meres. or Beady-Bïado Clothing, -wUl caü onWSVI. WAGNER, who has just returned frora the East, with a large assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS wliich havebeen purchaeed atthelate LOW PRICES1 and canofTer themat a lower figure than ever before. Amoug my Assortment ma,y be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, VESTINGS of all descriptions, together with a superior assortment of Ileady-Made Clolhing, mm S YfrTRDyKsr CARFET BAGS, Jffi=L=M U.MBREIXAS, and iüixoGenllemen's Furnishing GrOODB, with numeioijñ other articles usually found in similar ïstablishmenta. As an EMPORIÜM OF FA8HI0N, ,he subscriber flattershimself, that his long experience md general success, will enablehim to give the greatest atisfaction toali who may trust himinthe way oí Ï3F Manufacturing Garments to order. WM.WAGN'Eñ. AnnArbor, Apiilflth 1862. 848tf ■■■■BisiuiEinmiraiiBnsiijraBOBurnimrainiiiimnmwiTimiñTmraii rould take this method of iiïforra-ing his old friends Ebd patröns and all others who may favor hini with ïeir patronage, that kehas greatly enlarged his Stock and Assortment ! and having adopted the ASH SYSTEM BOTH INBÜYING &SELLING prepared to scll Ooods at Roasona3íl Irioeiaii His stock consista in part ; tUe following: j AMERICAN AND OTHER áWj. Watches ! Ml 3fc T-c- W'SETHTHOMAS ;LOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts ÍOLD CHAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLERY ! izors, Shcars, Pcissorsand Rrnshes, EOGERS PLATED WAKE, the best in market, rold Pens, Steel Pens, Penciís, PAPEK. aod ENVELOPES, Vtusical Instruments, Strings Sf Books for Instruments, :e:e;oii.a.o oess, of Gold, Silmr, Sleet, Plateó,, wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior artiele. Persons having diiïïcult watchea to fit with in be accomodated, as my stock is large'and comtete, P. S. Particular attention to the n m x= jz. ir x int Gr 'all kinds of fine Watches, such as iaking and Setting new Jewels, Pinionsy Stajfs, and Q& lindera, Also 2LOCKS, Sz TE"W"EXiIÏ.-5r 5atly repaircd and 'warranted, at his old standeast de of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann irbor.Nov. 25,1862 820tf MANHOO1) ; 10 WLOST, HO WRESTOEED ust Publishcd, in a Sealed Enyelope. Price Six Cents. Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure ■ Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Sexual DeUty,Nervousnesa, and involuntary Kmissions, ïnclung Impotency, Consumption, and Mentaland Physloal r ebility. ( BY ROB'T J. CUJ-VEIiWF.LL, M. D. The important fact that the awful consequences of elf-Abuse may be elïeclually removed wíthou c . ;il medicines or tfie dangoroua application of caustios if trumonts, medicated bougies, and other empirical evices, is hcre clearly demonstrated, and the entirely T ew aod highly succeasful tieatment as adopted by ie celebrated author, fully oxplamed, by means of f hich every one is enabled to cure himself pcrfectly and t the least possible cost, thoreby avoidiug all lbo lvertiiifd nostrums of the day. The lecture will prove 1 boon tothousands antlthousands. j Sent auderseal, in a plainenvelopo, to any address, ï nt paidon receipt of twopostage stampa ,by R ig thepubliBhcre. i riI.VSï.J. C. KLIN'E k CO., DOtf 137 Büwerj, New York, roetOffice Box, 580 ARE NO W OPENING, UIKECT FROM PÜBLIRHKRS AND Manufaoturers, a New and Cúmplete stook of JLAAV & MEDICAL BüOKS, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dan Wall and Wiadow Paper, Drawiug and Síathematicallnstruments. Music, Juveuile Librarles, Euvelopes, Inks and Cards. ' [T-fiiiriffiirr - ifo-'T'fcrr3" GOLD And all olJter 7cinds of Pens and Pencüs Window Cornice, Shades andFixture, POCKET CUTLERY! Andeverythingperlaming to tile trade, and more to whichtliey would invite tke atfesníion of the country. Inconductingonr business, we shall do all that can be done, so tbat no rcasonable man, woman or cllild shall flnd any fault. We pnssess facilities which will cnablc us to supply ourstomers at the Lowest Possible Figures. We prepose tonellfor READY PAY, ata small advance. We expecta profit on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. The iíEmpiheBü0K Store," is manned by agood 'crew,1 nd they will alwaya be founrt on the "quarter deek," ready and willing to attendto all with pleasure.who will favor them with a cali. Kemembor the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May,180-. fjg SCHOFF & YÏ17LËR A RESTII.L ONHAND at tbeirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, witb tliemost complete assoríment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CURTAINS HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c Ever offered in this Market 1 and they would suggest tothose ín pursuit cf anytbingin SANTA CLA US' LINE that they fan secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! jypurchaslng from thia stock, as e8n purenaser gete in additional present of Jewelry, &c. , Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. i6f" Theytrust that tlieirlnng experíenco in Relecting ■oo-lfi for this markat, and strict attcntion to the ivants tt'Customers, may entitle them to a liberal share o] atronage. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1860 777tf üifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Ruccessors to A. J. Suthcrland,] Hanufacturers of and Dealers ia Guns,Pistols, Ammunition lasks, Poushes Game Bags, and Everyother artielo in that Line. All kinds of HEPAIRIWG 3ne at the snortest notice, and in the best manner. "■■!■ .mm„ f uil assortment always kept on hand and made order. Shop on Hurón street. Ana Arbor, Oct. 8,1362. 8ï3tf L,ET THE PEOPLE Ft ES JOICE, ?or Providence has again Crownid our Arms with Succcss l -AWDA. C. LOEB, OF THE !LEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE, renow ofFering to the citizens of Waahtenaw county, ud the State of Michigan generally, L LARGEE AND BETTER SELECTED STOCK OF PRING & SUMMER GOODS, aan was ever beforo brought to this city, which we ill sell Ihcapcr than any House west of New York ! Our stock consista of &eadyMade öiothing, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ïents' Furnishing Goods, &c., nd in conclwsion wp wonld Rüy to all who want tobuy OÜD GOODS Aï LOVV' PKICES, to cali at the Cleveland Clothing House, ve doorsweet of Cook's Hotel, andyou willsave mnney ydoingso. A. &C.LOEB. N.D.- Don't forget to cali beforo purchasing clsehere. Ann Arbor, May lst, 1863. 3m!)02 Auctioneers JKTotice. YRON GREKN, havii; applïed for a license, now J holds himselt in rt-adinertt to attent! to all calis. avinp hadexperience, he is positivo he can give good ,tif)factton. All calis promptly attended to. Charges asomtble. -Apply at the Franklin Hoase. BYROV fiRKEN Aan Arbor, Ot. 24, 1662. g75tf. L am Bound for HGIIITERMANÍCffSI o Disputo the fact if you can, It takes the TAILOR after all to give appcarance to the on ter man. If jou wish to appear well You ïnust accordiugly Dress Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's.j There you will find things exactly SO. iS OND HE I1T al ways ready to take your mensure, GXJITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in the State, Take heed - oall early, else vou are too LATE. The induoements are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will fiüd obliging and elever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our ovvn gemino up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS espeoially will find it to THEIIt ADVANTAGE, For it ta.kes b.ut L1TTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VEHC0ATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for ahnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our Oïïn IJirORTATlOX, For w arded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up ïn. or wear, : at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of every grade, We sell thena freía ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishing appabels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truiy, ever so, M. GÜIÏERMAN. t Co., RISDON & HEJ DERSOiX X3C.-rO tía.O 13 TJ O XLL IE3 Y JE3 GRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpHE VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, and better than X all others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley andGrass Seed. lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all Mnds of Grain and Grass Seed. Sd. Never ouncTies the Grain éth. Never hreahs the Grain. oth. Sows Grass Seed droadcast iehind the Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ilh. Has long and wide steel jpoints. Sth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOth, It has a self adjusting shut off r slide. [t is neatly and substantially made. ThereishardlyaDnllofieredin the market but can loast of more or loss "FIRST PREMIUMS." They are aboutas indiscriminately bestowed a. the title -)f " Professor ," wliich ia sometirnes applied to the ' fiddler " or " bootblack," ïhey cease to convoy the dea oïmerit. The líuckeyc Drill haa been on Exhibition at quite a uniber of State and County P'airs, and without seeking avor at the hands of any Committee, has received its uil share of Premiums. TESTIMONIALS : We gire the following Darnos of a few Farmers in this icinity wiio have bought and used the Buckeye Drill: (ïodfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob Polheraus t( Jacob Tremper, " Thomas White, Northfield. John Brokaw, " Christian Kapp, Kdwiird Boyden, Webster. James Trendwell, AnnArbor. Daniel O'Hara, " ■ JohnU.Cook, Lodi. f O. A. Marshall, " L. ijdmonds, Saline. ( George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. ] We arealso Ageuts for the Ohio Reaper & Mower, cknowledged tobe the very best in use. 1 We aro just in receipt of LOO Grain Oradles Wliicli we -will sell Clieap. '. ï Also alargeassortmeut o G-rass And the largest and best selected stock of BE1STT STUFF OR C ARRIACES ever before olTered n this market . r "We aïso keep alargeand full A1LS, GLASP, rrrrY, PAlNT,and UNSEED OIL. A complete assortmeut of STOYES, TINWAEE, ND EAVÉ TROUGHSalways on hand and put up atthe ïortest notice. RISI1ON & HENDERSON. AnnArbor, June ath,J8C3. 8Wtf 1868. 1868. SPRING COODS! AT Reduced Prices! Just receiving at O. H. MILLEN'S 1 aoa&i? mm stol MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. April 17, 1863. 4v900. I8S3. SPRING. 1863, o We are now opening' A Large and Beautiful I assortmenfc of ; STAPLE AND FANCY Dry (Joods! LADIES' DRESS GOODS in great variety, SHAWLS, I IBBO U SI . -Dl'OSS TrimTYiiT-igcij cfco. Aïso a }arge stock of G oods for Mens' We ar , Cassimeres, Gloths, &c. and a full assortraent of Ladies and Chiiaren's HATS, CAPS, GKROCEBIE8, CROCKEKY, All of which we will 6ell at the' LOWEST POSSIBLE C-A.SH PRICE! MACK & SCHMID. Ann Arbor, March 19, '63. 896tf CITY CQOPER SHOP. : Tholesaleand Retail, O. C. SPAFFORD Would respectfully announce to the citizena of Ann Arbur and vicinity, that he ia now rranufacturing and keeps constantly on hend a Large Assortment of Cooper Work I such as Pork and Cidtr Barrels, Kcgs, 'Firkins, Churns, Well Buckets, &c, Which will be sold clieap for cash, custom wo:r:k: Made to order on short notice. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch, 1 would cali particular attention to Merchanta n want of Butter Firkins. Iammanufasturing the Ncwïoik State Flrkln, which isa better Firkin than has ever before been offered in this market. I would invite all who want Firkins to Cali and exanine for themselves before purchasing elsewhre, and I will convince you that you have called at the right place. I would also cali the attention of 'Brewers in want of BEER KEGS. I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or small lots, and of a Better Quality than can be had in Detroit orelsewhere. IÜPAll work warranted to give ■ entire satis Cacti on. ] Thanklulfor pnstfavors and by a strict attention to I business, I hope to meril a continued liberal supply of the public patronage, ï, Do uot íurget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. O. C. SPAFFOKD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 8S8ïl GREAÏ.GREATERGREATEST c BAKGA.1NS EVEK OFFERED . 1859. 1859. ' BS ir_ ''WOn &&&ii In tbis City, are uow being offered at the CHE AP, CLOCK, WATCH, & Teveeliry JStoxOTHR Stibscribor would sayto the citizen sol Ann Arbor, in particular, and the rest of Wahtcnaw Cnunty inpieneral, thnt hohasjust 1MPORTED a RECTLY from EUKOPE.a a Tremendous Stock of Watches! 411 ofwhichhe binda himself to eell CHEAPER than can he bought west of New York City. -i DpenFace Cylinder Watches Irom $6 to $10 J do do Lever do do 8 to 21 iluntingCase do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 c 3old Watches IVom 20 to 150 5 1 have also the CELEBRATED J AMER?CAN WATCHES, chichi wlll sen ttr $35. Every Vvatch warrantad to )erform well,ortho monoy refunded. Clocks, I Jewelry, Piated Wnre, FancyGoods, Gold Pens, Jusicallnstruments and StrinRs ■ Cutlery, &c, ind in fact a variety of everything uaually kept byjewelftrs can be bought for the next ninety days at your O WN PRICES! 'ersons buying anylhing at this we!! known estahsnme nt can rely upon getting goodï exact'y as repcsentPd, orthemonoy refunded. Oalleurly and ae:ure the best bargaina evor offored in thls City. One word in regard to Repairing : ,Ve nrn prrpnred to m.nlie any repairs onfine or comnoii Watchos, even tt) mikingo er the eutirc watcb f nnceesary. Repairing of Clocks Rnd Jewelry as' o laual. Also the manufiicturint: oí IÍINGP, BROOCIIS ir auything dosired, from California Gold onshortnoL ice. F.njrravlmr in all ts branchesexeented witlineat. a loss and diapatch. D J C. WATTS, h Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. 7L4w F Ayer's Agüe Curo. - . -I ,. , m Mortgage Sale. DEFAVLT having been made in the condition of c tain ïuortgage, executed by Nicholaá Doody , Bridget Doody, bis wife, of Dexter, Michigan, to Jo' Kabbit, of the same place, dated tle thirtieth day June, A. D., eighteen hundred and sixty, and n-cord tbe thirdday of July, 1860, in the office of the lïegiM of Deeds of the County of Washtenaw, State of Iftc] gan,in Liber 27 of Mortgage, on page 93, at fa o'clackin tbe afternoo, which said Mortgage wasd y assigned by said John Kabbit to Richard Walsh deed of assignment, bearing date the 22d day of ja ruary, A. D. 18G3,and rccorded in the eaid tffice tlie Register oí Deeds for said County of Wafihtena on the of Marcb A.D.lP63,at two and ah 0 cIgcIí in the afternoou, in Liber 27 of Moitgages page 93 ; uponwbicb mortgage there is claimtd to due, at the date of this notice, the fium of one hundí eighteen dollars and sevnty iou cents ($118.74) a no suit or proceeding at law having been icstiti to recover any part thereof : Notice, is tberefore he lsy given, that on Siiturday, thel8tli day July jie: at .12 o'clock, linón, I sliall sell at public auction the highest bidder, at the frontdoor of tbe Co House, in the City of Arin' ArWr, County of Uash naw, tin; premisea sont&Iirtd in raid mortgape, or mucb thereof as shall be nececsary tosalisfy iheamoi due on said moitgage with ten per. ct-nt Inferí and legal costs, togttlier with all reasonable cli gerf asan Atturney fee covenanted for therein, "that to say, all tfcose certain trad s or parcele of land, sil ated in the vülnge of Dexter, County and State afoi said, known, bounded, and described as folloms wit: One parcel brginning at the north-weist corner land Kold by John Waldo, in block 18 of -aid villags, a contract Irom iramuel W. Dexler to the said J1 Waldo, and bearing date the 28th day of July, 1843 ; thence south-easterly on i-heAnn Arbor rcad feet ; thence south 39 degrees west 81 feet to an all 16 feet wide ; thence westerly on the north line said aliey to the w g t line of said Waldo 's land ; then northcrly on said W-ldo's west line to the place of 1 gining; being tbe same lot contracted by the Bi Samuel W. Dexter to John Van Pleet, by contract b ! ing date tbe 'ilst day nfMay, A..D.., 1844. Alsa tb other parcel of land, cororoencing at a state on 1 Ann Arbor road, 28 feet touth earerly from tlie norl west corner of the tract of land, on block 18, whicht saïd Dexter enntracfed to John Waldo, on the 28 day of July 183, and running thence i-oulb 64 degrt ea,Bt 25 feet an-i 7 inches on the south line of said Ai Arbor road ; thence south 39 degreea west 61 feet to alley 16 feet wide ; ihence along said alley north 64 c grees west 26 feet and 7 incbes ; thence north 39 c grefs east 81 feet to tbe place of beginning." Pated, Ann Arbor, April 23d 18C3. RICHARD WALSH, M. DANFORTH, Asfiigneeof Mortgtg. Attorney. 901td Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Rmrth Judicial Circuit, Chancerv, suit pending in tbe Circuit Court for V County of Washtenaw, in Chancery, in the City Ann Arbor, on the 27th day of May, A. I). 1863. In the cause wherein .Thusnelda F. Uochman in coi plainant. and David Bochman is defendant, it app ; ing on tbe affidavit of D. S Twitchell, that the defe dant David Uochman is not a resident of the State Michigan, bat io.owor was, aot long since a reside of the iHate of Missouri, on motion of TwitebaU Frazer, Solicitors for complainant, it is ordered iï tbe said David Bochman cause bis appearance to be e tered and notice thereof to be served on the coaiplai ants solicitors, within two months from the date this orler, and in case of his appearance that he cam his answer to the complainant's bill to be Öled and ! copy tbereof to be served on the complainant's soli tors within twenty days aftera service of acopy, said bilí, and in defaull thereof, that the said bilí i complaint may be taken as confessed against him. And it is further ordered, tbat withi twentv daj from the date hereof the said complainant cause a con of thiso:der to be published in tbe Michigan Argu$, newspaper pnnted and published in the city of Ad Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and State otMicl ' igan, &t least once in eaeh week, for six successii weeks, or that the complainant cause a copy hereof t be personally served on the said defendantDavid Boel man, at least twentydays before the time prescribt for his appearance, GEORGE DANFORTH, Cir. Court Cora. (A truecopy.) Tb-acy W. Root, liegister. Twitchell& Fbazhh, Sulicitors for Complainant. Dated, May 2Tth,;iB63. NEW COODS NEW GOOÜSÜ DKESS GOODS, SILK GOODS, PLAID SHAWLS, GLOVES, HOSIEItY, SKIRTS, PARASOLS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, Domes tics Sc Groceries! These goodswere purchased at rauch reduced ratel, and will be sold far below the prices thev hare been held at. HENION & GOTT. GARFETS, OILCLOTHS, CANTÓN MATT1NGS, Largest & Best in the city, Just Received at HENION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1863. 90Hf. D1SSOLUTJON. 'pHE COPARTNERSHIP hertofore ejisting betiftet 1 theandersigned, under tlie name of Bacli iï Pierfon is dissolved by mutual consent. The business of tbl late firm will be settled by Philip Bach. PHILIP BACH, I. S. PIERSON. Ann Arbor, April 29,1863. 9026 Notice IX PERSONS indebted to the late firm of Bcht IX Fierson, either by note account, are rejuested to cali and settle without delay . PHILIP BACH: Ann Arbor, April 29, 1863. 902w6 Al! Losses pi'omptly adjusted MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO., OF HAETFORD, CONN. Dash Capital, $200,000. Total Assets, Jan. lsi, 1862, $237,387.9! LUbüities, .... lr,.S34.0 HARK HO WARD, President. E.Thos.Lobdell, Secy. The undersigned haK been appointed Agent for tb# ■oove reliable Company, and will effect insuranc gaijst losses by fire at reasonablerates. .1. W. KN1GHT. Ann Arbor,.Iunc2, 1862. 855tf O I offer for sale my farm situated in tbe Townshipof icio, in Washtenaw County, on the maiu road froio inu Arbor to JacUson, about Pive miles West of Ann Arboï? .nd three and a lialf miles from Dexter. The Farm contsts of )NE HUNDRED & NINETY ACRES OP LAND omposed generally of a gravelly loam, susceptible of )emg orked in wet or diy weather, is well waterfi ty "a living stream, it is mostly under improTement, vood land sufficient for the Farm, buildings and t'ences olerably good, orchardof fine fruit. All of which wi'l ie sold cheao, one half of tbe purchase money laj ond and mortgage for a term of years. J. H. M. ANPERP0V. Scio, March 30, 1863. 3m898 For Sale. Two Dwelling Houses f 1 TWO STORY FRAME HWELLING HOUSE and U 1 i x 8, now occupied by J. 11 liurlefon. Posseseiop venOct. 1 . 1SR3. IX STORY' FRAME PWEI.I.ING HOUSE, BARN aa 'OT, 4x8. now occupied by D. R. Kelley, possessie11 ivcn April íat. Iótí4. Lood cèllaa, cisterns nod fu' ulldiogfl about the premisos. Property adjoiningth ouseof L. C. lïisdnn on William street, Ann Arbor. or (urther particulars inquipe of ANDREW BEI.L. Ann Arbor, May 14, 1863. 90f Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus