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The State Fair

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Extensiva preparations are being mad at National Park for the coming Stat Fair. The grounds are being put in the proper condition, and suitable building are being erected for the use of the sevoral diflereut departraents of the Society. A Floral Hall, 50 by 100 feet it now in procesa of construotion. The Hall will be ornamented in the best possiblo styl j. In the oentre will be placed au elegant Fountain of water froia which the supplies for the varioua want of the Society will be taken. Ooiinected with the Floral Hall is a Fine Art Gallery, 30 by 50 feet The construotion of this Gallery will be uuder the direction of Beu. Cooley, Esq., one of the best artists in the country, and it will be so arranged that the light admitted into the Gallery will give tha best possible effect to the pictures and statuary, and in such a manrier that they cannot be injured 'by visitors. This departnient will be one of the most attractive features of the Fair, as assuranoes have been reeeived froui a larga iiuniber of the most eminent artists in the country that they will forward their works for oxhibition here. The Mechanical Hall will be about 50 by 100 feet. In this Hall will be placed a magiiificent engine now being built by a prominent New York firm, for the express purpose of exhibition here. It ig said to be one of the finest pieces of meeh.inism ever built on this continent. It will be used for driving the various pieces of maehinery on exhibition, Another immense building is being ereeted for the exhibition of Agricultural Implements, Carri'ages, etc. Thia will be one of the most useful and interterestiug departments of the entiro exhibition, and will be well filled. Still another building, 50 by 150 feet, will be ereeted for the exhibition of Farm Products, etc, and will be one of the chief poiuts of attraction of the Fair, Onefourth of a mile of Cattle Sheds are being oonstructed, in addition to an endless number of pens for the exhibition of Shoep, Swine, etc, which will encompass noarly tiie entire grounds. All these buildiugs, (and gome otherg we have )-et to mention as soon as descriptions are furnished us) are additional to the buildings of the National Horse Fair Association, such as the Grand Stam!, Judges' Stand, Offices, Diuiug rooms, refreshment saloons and the immense of box stalls for horses. Indeed, we may well question whether the Societies of any State in the Uuion furnish botter acoomodations for the peopie, or more superior arrangements for their exhibitions, than will be found here. As thia is the fitst time that the State Fair ha3 ever been held in Western igan, wo hope that every citi?en of tliig portion of the State will feel that he ia diroetly intorested iu ts success. Let the rich agricultural countiea of Galhoun, Jackson, Branoh, St. Joseph, Barry, Casa, Berricn, Van Buren, Alle gan, Kont, etc, pour out tlieir field products, their choice stock, and their manufactures. Let every nvin and woman vvho has anything wortby of exhibition bring it forward. Let us make it tha most interesting exhibition ever held ia the State, Ampie accomodatious will be provided for the comfort of all who come. The "latch-string" will be out of every house, public aud private" - Kalamasoo Telefraph. TËW Why should hanging be entitled capital punishuient, when it is k.nown tbat a mil) of capital has always a better chance to escape puuishment tb,an a poof mau ? The Tjdlegrapiiic Censorship. - It ia understood that the censorship is abolished, and hereafter the news will como over the wiros without speoial government supervisión.


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