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Jtyerial potteer ncüSTi ímTralIíilboad, .■■Iv..,:.-::,..-:.--;,;,, Passcngei traína now leave [etroit.ChicagOjRiid tbe se ver al Stations in bilis Cuunty ,as fu lio w s : GOING WEST. Leare Mail. D.iy Ex. .Jack.Ac. NightKx. Detroit. 530a. M. 7..50A.M. ñ.ftOp.M 7.40P.M. Tpsilanti, 655 " fi.10 " 0 30 ". 8.65 " a un Albur, 7 1) " 9.18 " 6 55 " 9 15 " Dexter, 7.40 " P M. 7 25 " ' Chelsea, 8.00 " " 7.45 " Ar.Chica.go, 6.30 " 7.30 A. m. The mail train goes only to Micbiga n City. GOING EAST, Leftve. :hi Ex. JaeU. Ac. Mail. Day Fx, Chicago, 7.15P.M. 5.00a. m 7.80a. m. Chelsca. - - 5.::rA x. 3.0SP.M. Oexter,' 5 -': " 8.S5 " AnnArhor, 4 45 A. M. 6 Ü0 " 3.50 P. M. 4.48 r, H, Ypíilaittí, 5.05 " C-55 'I 4.15 " 5.00 " Ar. Detroit, 0.05 " 8.15 " 0.-40 " 6.20 " Traint cío imt tnp atítations whereflguresareomit' teilin rhe table. ; connect at Detroit wHh tlic Great Western añil Qraud '1 'i nul; Raüwtfys of Canada, and tbe Detroit and Tulerlo, and Detroit" aad MiJwaukee Kailroails ;iiul Cleveland Hteamers. Atthe Compání'a Ticket Qfflcee at Detroit, Chicago, Joliet and Lafayette, through tickets can be parchased toall the principal cities and tuwns in the United States atad Cañadas. LUXURIOUS SLEfcPING CAES upon all niglit train. Ruttun's celebrated Ventilating Ajuiaiatii-s upon all day trains - the iest dual preventativfeio áfih'. l N. KICK, General Superintendent. M. O. B. R. Office, April 17, 1863. tVsitiibkia. DE. DEQLÜBO'S DIPTHEMA SPECIFIC. CEETA1N CÜEE FOE DÜTHEBIA AND CROUP. Inthe past year over 200 CASES OF niPTOVI1! '. D and around Rochester, N. Y., CQNSIDEKED H0PELE3S, liave been cured witUthis medicine. Ñames and resideiices can be given. ALL THE PHYSICIAN9 THERE NOW USE IT. It never has failed to cure 1 (iet a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For sale by EÜERBACU & CO. Preparfd and sold by Iy9ia W. K. EKIN.S'ER, Kociie=ter, N. T. ELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BÜCHU. THE GI1EAT DIURETIC. V lELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. TUK GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU. TUE GREAT DIURETIC. IELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCI1L'. TUE GEEAT DIUKKTIC'. , nd a Posüáve and Speoiflo Remeuy for Diseasea of the V Bladder, Kldney, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weaknes3. Q And all diaeaaea of the GrinaryOrgana. ee Advertisement inanother Column. Cut it out, and eud fur tbfl tfedicine at once. BEWARE OF COVNTERFEITS. 2m008. I S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. ] Tbey punfy, Btrengthen and invigorate. They créate a healtliy appetite. Tliey arean antidote to change of water and liet. They overeóme eiïects of dissipation aud late hours. They strengtben the system ml enlivcn the mtnd. - They prevent miasma tic and iutermittont fevers. " They purify the breath ana acldity of the stomach. Tbey cure dyspepsia and Constipation. Tbey cure Diarrhea, Cholera anrl Cholera Bforbus. Tbey cure Ijver Complalnt aod Nervoua Ileadache. _ bey are the best bitters in the worlc . Tbey makt the &. -tak mau strong, aud are exbausted nature's great oi estorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, tbe elebrated Calisaya Bark, roota and herba, and are taken ■itb the pleasureof a beverage, without renard to age r tune of day. Tarticularly recommended to delicate ersons requirinj; a gentle stimnlant. Bold by all Groers, Druggista, Hotels aud Saloons. 1'. 11. Drakö&Co. O-íBroadway, New York, 6mW LYON'S KATHAIRON. Kathaixaaia from tbe Gfreek word, "Kathro," or Kat h airo," tsignifying to, rejuvinate and - ore. This article is what its n imealgnifies. Forprcerving, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is ie most remarkable preparation in Ihe world. It ís gain owned and put up by tlie original ppoprietor, and now made with the same care, skill and atteution " hich gave it a sale of over one million bottlesper nuum . It. is amostdelightful Hair Dressing. - It eracicntes scurf aud dandruiï. It keepa the head cool nnd clean. E It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy 11 prevente tbe hair from falling off and turning gray It restores huir upon ball beads. I Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head f hair should use Lyon's Katharion. It known and sedtbrougbout tbe civilized world. Sold by all rejectable dealers. u 6m894 DEÜAS S. BARNES & CO., Trop'rs, N. Y. rrïWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO-Xfl 't Mb. O. C.BaisTOLa distinguished Chemist and Drugst of tbe ciy of Búllalo, N, Y., invented and i( LCtured a compound known aa ERISTOL'S BALSAM . OF HOARHOUND, which is a perfect stkcific for 0UGH9, COLDS, Or any BROXCHIAL Or I.UN( DIKFICUI.TIES a rising from damp, cold, or sudden change of the j, 'eatber. C Kvery person who basever taken BRISTOIS BALSA M g F HOAKHOUND, pronounces it the btst article ever s ivented ; and so justly celebmted has it become , d he market is already full of imitations, counterfeits, p nd most daxtgetoas compounds, under the name of O Balsam of Iloailiound, Therefore, ahvayi be careful ] o cali for Brïstoï'a Balsam, and see that bia WBITTEN 1! ignature is on the outside label ot 1he bottle. -. Makk. - This iuvaluable MecTícfne has beeu now some wenty-one years before the public, and without any Hort on tbc part of the proprietor, its sale has become ery extensive, and is daüy iacreaaing. The low price t which tbe Medicine is soid (25 CENTS) enabk-s ALL . o partake of its healing qualities. j G. CROSBY, BÜFFALO, N.Y. t Sole manufacturer, to whom all ordeía should be ddressed. a Fur sale byall respectable druggists. Iyeow888 A CARD TO THE LADIES. i I DR. LUPONCO'S GOLDEN Í TILLS FOK FEMALES. nlallible in correctlng, regulating and ïemoving; all obslructiuns, trom whatever cause, aud alvays successful as a preeutive. The corabination of ingrediente in Dr. Dupouco' I Goldi'ii I'illsfor l'eniales are jierfectly liarm'u.-i. 11. iv { lave been used in private practico of Or. Duponco ■. ver oO 3'ears,and thouaii'lrf of ladiea can testify to -I litir great and never fniling BUOoesa in almost every ase iocorrectinjr irreularities, relieving painfnl and n istressing menstruation, particularly n tüe change of J ife. Krom flve to ten pUls -ill cure that common vet L readfuloomplaint,the Whites Nearly every female n the land suffers fn m this complaint. , The above Pili has permanently ci:rfM thousamis. and hcy willcurejouif you use them. They can not liarm „nthecontrary.thcy remove all obstractions, re j torenature to its proper clianrel, and imigorato the ] ,hol( system. Ladie whose health will not permit au norease offamily, will tin.l these pilla a saccessful , re. Lftdies peealiarly eituated, or those supi ,r,v,n"tlu'm-''lvesFO, should not ufe these l'ills during ha Brst three months, as they are ceitain to pro' lucemiscarriagt, "after which admomtion" tlie pro1 iriétor asaumeB no responaibility, although their mild1 icsswill prevent air injory to héaltn. The ngredienta oomnosins the above Pilla are Jiade known to every i leont and they will teil you they u-c sale and will per' orm all claimed or them. l'i 'ii-e 1 per box Sold in AN-X ABBOS, by gTEBBIN9 , wMn,i Br s_ W. A. lli'NT, nmgïist. Ladies living at a distance by sending them $1,00 hrough the Ann Arbor Portoffice, can ha-re the Pilla ent (coníidi-ntially) bij mail, to any part of the ! Tr 'b._ Beware of a base c.ounterfeil of these Pilis. - _ Yon' can buy the countcr'.t-lt article at any pricofrc m L5 o76centsa box (dearat that). I.ahik your live and ïe-ilth are of too mucli value to be tnfled with, imposed opon with a worthleas article. Therefore, i 1K ,",i fferingyou these Pilis for Ies8 thauSla. box, ] ivoid them aayouwould poiaon. They arebogns. None . ,n. reouine unles's the name of & I). HOWKis on every . iox which haerecenUy Ven addeil, on account of tlie ' „Isbeingcouterfeited. L &ITII. Ypsüan.i. '■ BLIS3 h BEEBEJackaon; ( andby onedruitci"! i" every villaje and city in tlie ] Unite'd States, and by KAHRAND,S11KKI KY is CO. ,Gn, ral ítate Agenta, Detroit. ' S. I) HOWE, Sole Proprietor, 867yrs2 -'iW Yokk. ; AGOOD TEEE IS KNOWN ]3Y ; ITS FRUIT. So is a good Physloian by his Succeaafnl Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYOKS, THEGREATANÜ CKI.KBRATKI) IMIVrK'IAX OF THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEaT, Known all over the cnuntr.' as the Olebrated INDIAS IIERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at hia rooma, RU&SELL HOUSE, DETROIT, dnthelSth and 19th inst..on the same daie of and every subsequent month during 1862 and 18Ü3, A NICAT I'A.MI'HLF.T Of the life,study and extenalve travels of Dr. I.yor.s can be procured byall whodesireone,free of cbúr&a. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbor, Jackson, and Adrián, Mtch-, as follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20Lh. Jackson. Hibbard 3oue,21st Adrián, Brackett II' use,23d and 23d. Mode 01 Siamimatioh The Doctor discern diseasos bytheeyes. Be, therefore, aaka no quetionsnor req lirespatienta to explain syrnptijms. Aülicted, come añdbave yonraymptomsand thelocationof your diaeageexplained free of charge. HEIMSTRKETS Ipiinitable Huir Restoratiye. IT IS NOT A OYE, Rut restores gray hair to its original color, by aupplying the cspfljary tubes with natural anstenance, irapaired by age or Sisease. All histantaneous ilijcs are compoaed of lunar caustic, deatroying the vilality anJ beauty of tife hair, and afford of theraaelvea no dressing. Heimatreet'alnimitahleColoring not only restores hair to ita natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Iiuxurlaiit Beauty, promotes its gr rvth, ire ents ita fa-ötng olT, eradicates andruff, an I imparta health and plea8antne8B to the nead. It has stood the test of time, bemg tlie original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by bolh gentleuian and ladiès. It is Rold byall respectable dealer, or can be procured by them of rt-i commercial ig( nis, 1). S. liarnos & Co. Broadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. Cm891 O TOBACCO - You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO til, frnm 50 eenis to One Dollar. SMOKIiN'G from fourtecu to twenty cents at M. UEVANY'S TOBACCO AMD C1GAR STORE Sigu - Red Indias. Soulli side Huron street, .i few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Anu Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 833tf ÍOOÜ )ne Shilling per Pound ! TEA, light Ehiliings per Pound ! 3EST KEROSENE O1L .. SHILLING S F 'EU GALLON! ÍHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, eparetl of Coffee and Chiccory fresh ground ovorv ly, and warranted superior tu anythiogin this market ■ the money refuúded, iT 2 SHILL1NGS PER LB. CEOCKEEY, 1LASS WARE, TABLEGUTLERY, LAMPS, FRUIT CANS. Qd ill other goods at about oíd prices. A.'DsFOREST, AimArbor, June 23, 1863. GlOtf. J) Tiie peculiar taint or ijvU. _ infection whioh we cali v?':' g5 Scrofui.a Inrks in ' ? yT W tho constitutions of cS? rfëyN multitudes of men. It ' Bváffij ct!iel' produces or is í5j=JCNS5BE. produced by an cn'■SjjSiw 1l'J!ik reebled, vitiated state }SI0mo{ tho f1'00'1, wherein -%SB ,yjl that fluid becomes inürabplÍHHI uÊÊMcomvetent t0 susUlin '■' i ly.ÏMSËS&L vigorous action, and ■'■c?fe?1SR-' Iimvcs t!! syi-tcra to ïf igag-SSC' feil iiito disorder and - -v-r;- decay. Tlie scrofulou3 antamination is-variously caused by mercurial isease, low living, disordered digestión from nhealthy food, impuro air, filth and filthy :ibits, tlie depressin vicos, and, above all, by ie venérea! infection. Whatever be its origin, ; is liereditary in the eonstitution, descending from parents to cliildren unto tho third and mrth ponoration ; " indeed, it seems to be the ad of iiim who says, " I will visit thc iniquiies of tlie fathers upon their children." Tho soases which it originates take varióos ñames, ccording to the organs it attacks. In the mgs, Scrofula produces tuberclcs, and finally íonsumption ; in the glands, swellings which uppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the tomach and bowels, derangements which proneo indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver comlaints; on the skin, eruptivo and cutancous fFections. Theso all having the same origin, aquiro the sanie remedy, viz. purification and ivigoration of tlie blood. Piirify the blood, nd these dangerous distempers leave you. Vith fecblc, foul, or corrupted blood, you canot have health ; wiíh' that " life of the flesb." ealthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla 5 compoundod from the most effcctnal antiotes that medical science has discovered for liis afllicting distemper, and for the cure of the isorders it entails. That it is far superior to ,ny other remedy yet devised, is known by all fho have given it a trial. That it does comiine virtucs truly extraordinary in their effect ipon this class of complaints, is indisputably iroven by the great multitude of publiely ;novn and remarkablo cures it has mado of he following diseases : King's Evil Of ïlandular Swellings, Tumors, Erupions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Eryipelas, Kose or St. Anthony's Eire, Salt ■theum, Scald Head, Coughs from , )erculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and jyphilitic Infections, Mercurial Siseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole cries of complaints that arise from impurity f the blood. Minute reports of individual :ases may be found in Ayer's Amekican lmanac, wliich is furnishcd to the druggists 'or gratuitous distrilmtion, wherein may bo tlie direetions for its use, and some of he remarcable cures wliich it has made whon ill other remedios had failed to afford relief. Those casos are purposely taken from all secions of tho country, in order that cvery reader nay have access to some one who can speak to lim of its benefits from personal experience. Bcrofula depresses the vital energics, and thus caves its victims far moro subject to discase ind its fatal results than are hcalthy constitu;ions. Henee it tends to shorten, and does jreatly shorten, the average duration of human ife. The vast importanco of these considera;ions has led us to spend years in perfècting a romedy which is adequate to its cure. This ,vc now offer to the public under tlie name of A.ter's Sarsaparilla, although it is comDosed of ingredients, some of which exceed the nest of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By ts aid you may protect yourself' from tlie sufferng and danger of these disorders. Purge out he foul corrupíions that rot and festcr in the Dlood ; purge out tho causes of disease, and rigorous health will follovv. By its peculiar piitues this remedy stimulates the vital func;ions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk vrithin the systcm or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsapariila, that promised much and did nothing ; but they will neither be ieceived nor disappointed in this lts virtues nave been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which hui been before the pcople, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever boen available to them. CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Eemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consuraption, and for tho relief of Consumptive p atienta in advanced stages of the disease. This bas been so long nsed and so univcrsally known, that we nood do no more than assuro the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may bo relied on to do all it bas ever done. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analijlical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists evcrywhere. STEBBiN'S fe WILSON', A ,u Ai-lior, E. SAM ON, ypiilanti A EWIN'li, Oester, WHEKDO ! & HATCH, .!. Wlioh'-alcbv FAHRAHDSHELBY SCo 1 ctroit. C. E. COBTJRN, Travelling Agent. J. GREEN & E. B110WN, have pui chased tlio Iïorsea and !airiages of "ï. Green, . p idedsume very Eice Hoises & Carriagea ■ oove Btocb in iaroebarn,80 tHat they can suií j in all on ■ le terina. Cali and Seo! Aun Arbor, Jaly 14ih, 1S63. For Sale. 6) f A1'l7:s of very cholee land, witliin linlf a mile (J ó uf tlie citj ol Aun AjUu, abuut li.dl' of it improved aBd cnclosed witli a good fence, i!iu balance timbered and well watered. Knquire tt tliis office. 2inl3. DWBtLI.VG FOJl SAI..E ! I y vor wisli to bny a good two-story britflfïlwellirg , veniontto the business part of the City, iil Kreunde and yard well stocked with clioiro Kruitofal kinds, Jiij1os' Pears, Pache,Plums, Baspberrie, Or namertaltroei, Shiubbcri, Sc.,&c, inquirí attbe IlüV. 11,186.2. AKGUS OFFICE. P. BACH Is now receiving i ; I A. LAKGE STOOK -orNew Spring Goods, i BOUGHÏ FOB CASH Since the Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLD VERYLOWFORCASH. Cali and. See ! ISTIEW BOOT SHOE . te; - ET. B. COLS, (Succcssor to Moore & Loomid.) has opened a storo in C FEANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Ann Arbor, and has on hand a larg;e aasortment of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, mauufactured from the best material and warrant ed to give satisfaction, consisting of MEN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLED. ME2P8 BUI'FALO OVÊRSHOES, of all descnptions. LADIES GAITERS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feit Overshoa, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Caif & Tliick Boots, togeiher with a rariety of CIIILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I am also Manufacturlrig WAREANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Meii's FineFrencIi Calf Boots Veggeü. and Sewed. Givemeacall before purcbasing elseivhere. I will sell my yoorl-s cheap lor cash. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COLE. Aun Arbor, -lan. 131h, 1S63. 887tf I8@3. ]VIay. 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE "Old Corner!" I am now recoiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF iEW GOODS, FOR THÉ Spring and Summer Trade, CON'SISTINO OP STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TKIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &o. Also a full assorlmeat of Family Groceries! all of which woré bougfat low and are to bo SOLD CUE AP FOB CASH. The higheet Market price paid for "W O O X 2 C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' Now. Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sis i (OOltf) Ano Albor. THE American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims uf all kinds against the General Government State üevernment, the City, or private partïes, prose;uted anrl collected at my expenite and risk. Agninst private parties I possess superior facilitiea 'or collecting: claims everywhere in tht United Statefl ind Cañadas, relieving merchants, assignees, bankert, indothers, oi the caie and all responsibility , Special attentiongiveu to old debU, hard cases, di, forzj willa, estatus, etc. Iïeing familiar with all the details of the " ïnUrnal Revcnue Law," I willattend promptly to the collection f drawbacküj aud taxes overpaid through ignorauc f the law. Sul'liers' pensions, pay, and bounty eecured fort hom jr their heirs. For that purpose, and for prosecuting ïlaima against the Government, I have a branch ofïice itWashingtoD. No charge madeunlessclaima are collected. All Koldiers diachargcd by fêason of ivounds - howïver short the timethey have served - are entitled to 3neHdndred Dollars Bounty. Allsoldierti havingserrcd two years,ar entitlcd to tho same. '%$=' 'il ie highost market price will be paid for solliers' claims, and otïier demaudu against the General juvernment. Information and opinions given, and investigation ■nade without charge, upon claims proposedtu be placed n my hands. lor particulars, nddrrss H. HUNTINGTON LEE, 900tf No, 240 Broadway, N. Y 'piIE BOOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the Ucalii.g of theNiitiojB. BilAe. HIU GREAT AND CEI.IÍBRATED PHTSIC14JJ of the CaEOAT,LUNGS, 1IEART, UW AND THE BLOOD, Known iillover the country as tho CKI.EÜRATED rasrxjiaLisriiEïiB doctori Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the following places, viz APPOINTMENTS FOK 1862, 18C3 and 1864 l'rof K. J. L.vons can be consulted at the fnliowinir )laces every month, v!z: b Detroit, Russl House, each month, 18thand 19th. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each montli, 20th Jackson, Iiibbard House, each month, 21. Adrián, Bmoket House, each month 22dand23d 1 oléelo, Ohio, Colhn.silouso, each month, 24th 2jth and 2fit!ï . ' HillMlalo, Mich.jHillaiIalo House, each month 27th Coldwater, Micli., Southern Michigan House, each Elkhart, Hlkhart House, each month 29th South lïend, Intl., St. Jo. Hotel, each month 30 Laporte, Ind., Tee Garden House, each month 31st Wooster,Ohio,Crandell Exchango, each montk, 7th Mansiield, Ohio, Wiler House, each month, 9th and Ht. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month, llth and Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each menth lSth and 14 th, l'ainesville.Ohio, Coivles House, each month 4th CLEVELAND, OHIO. RESIDEKCE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of the public square, opposite the Postoffice Office days each month, lst, 3d, 4ih, 5th, (th 15lh - Office hours from 9 A. M. to 12 M, aud from 3 1'. M 'to 4 1'. 11. OnSunday from 0 to 10A.M.,and 1 to SP. M JgMaxim.STitrict]y adhered to I frive such balín as have no strife, Witb nature or the lava of üfe, With bloodmy hands I never stain, Norpoison men toease their pain. Ileïs a physician indeed, who Cures. The Indian Hero Doctor. R. J. LYONS, cures the fol lowing complaints in the most obstinate stages of their ezistenee, viz: Diseasesof the Throat, Lungs, Heart, I.iver, Stomach, Dropsy inthe Chest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Fits. or FaUing8ickne8S,ftndall othernervoustlerangements. Also all diseasesof the blood, such as Scroiulaf Krysip. elas, Cancers, Fever dores, Leprosy, and all other complicated chronic complaints. All forms of female difficulties attended to with the happiest results. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until they have given tho Indian Herb Doctor's Medicines a fairandfailhful trial. (Durlog the Doctor'f travels in Europe, West Indies, South America, and the United States, he has been the instrument in God's hand. torestore to healtU and vigor thousands who were given up and pronounced incurable by the most cmim-ntold school physicians; nay, morf, thousands who were on the verge of the grave, are now living mocuments to the Indian Herb's Dóctor's skill and successful treatment,andare daily exclaiming: "Blessed be theday when first ve saw and partook of the ludían Herb Doctor's medicine." fatisfactory reforencesof cures will be gladly and cheerfully given w henever required. The Doctor itledges his word and honor, that he -nill la no WÍ8B,directly or indirectly , induce or cause any invalid to take his medicine without the strungest probability of a cure. Mode of examination, which is eniirely different from the faculty. Dr. I-yon professes to discern diseases by the eye. He therefore asks noquestions, nor doeshe require patientsto explain symptoms. Cali one and all, ind have thesymptoms and Iccation of your diseaseexplainedfree of charjre. Phe poorsfaall be liberally considered. iKPostofüce address, box 2663. R. J. LYO.NS, M. I'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. C5, 1862. lyE80 WONDEEFUL 8UCCESS. ÜfOF The attentinn and research of the most dïstinguislied Chemists and Physicians for years have been devoted to the production of a remedy for tliGse mostdistresBing raaladies Neuralgia and Rhsdïl&IiSic. Alter long study and many experiment-?, a specijic preparation has boon discovered. WATSON'S Nenralgia ïnternal Remedy ,a curin, ihotisauds of cases whereall otlier remedies have utterly failed. We are assured thatit is no mere UANO)YNE," relieving for remaius, but is a perfect SPKClFlCand CURE for those painful diseases. The v;is( niimber of Liniments, Embrocaiions and Esternal Medicines, which act as gtlmulanta of the .surface only, aremerely tempofaiy In their eiïects and of doubtiiü virtue The NEÜRAIGIA KING reacbee the source of all trouble, and cflectually bauishes the disease from the systcm. Price - One Dollar per Bottle. Frepared by C. R. "WALKER, lySS7 BufTalo,N,Y.,indFort Erie, C.W. jFAIRBANKS3 ïri Standard LÁSCALES! fflpBmBñh OF ALL KINDS. EjijgHËlPj Álso, Warehousc Trueles, Letter Presses, SfC. FairRmiïIcs, Greenleaf & Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by PARKND & SHEL15Y. 5=Be careful to buy only the genuine.ú)ft 885yl Tobacco I Tobacco ! I AM SEI.L1NG GOOD FINE Cüï CHEWING TOBiVCCO At from Fifly cents to 1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Albur, Mich., Deel", 1802. 8S3tf jJissOlntfon Wotice, mHB FIRM OF CHAPÍN, WuOD b CO., was dissolvec -LJonuiirv ifi, l1 ■', by mutual consent. C A. Cbapir and A. Iï. Wood will settle theaccounU of the firm. (' A. Cit.u'iv, A. Bl Wood, V CjiaI'in, E. W&LLS. Ann Arbor, June 2í, l?6o. CÓparínerstiIp. TE ÜNDSREIGNED entoretl Into pnrtner.ship J:in 15, 1853, by the h'rm name of Cha pin & Co., ani will continue the business of manufacturing printicj and wrapping papsr. C. A. CuAJ'lN, N. Chapín, V. Cbapik. Ann Artor, June 24, 1803. ü'.Otf. Dissolution Notice. rplIE FIKM of Ilunt and I.orlng has this dny dlMolTn A by mutual consent. All accounts wil hereaiterbe nettledbj Mr, Barnes Loring, sucecssor t( the lirm of Ilunt and Loring. W. A. I1UNT. 907w6 BARSKS 1.(1111X0. JNotice. AYSUTESAW COÜMTY Cl.ERK's OFFICR, 1 J.ily 2, 186-i. ƒ ■vrOTlDE 13 JffiREBT GIVEN that the Ssafflon au: li of 18Ö8 have been peeeived aadareroa for di[ 1 nbiition , also thoScUool B'inks to be distvibuted b tlio Townsliip Clerks. TB AC Y W. ROOT, Clerk. Trusses ! RDPTURE CAK BB CURED BY A TRCSS of tli right kiud, if properly fiited and duly attended 1( Tliis has been abuodantly tomonatrateo1 in Innnmen ble instancesby the me of the Mnltlpcdnl Trus of Dr. Rijr!isi durrng Uw bistfow years. This ïrus bcinu' oovei&d with Hard Rubber, is pcrfoclly v.ntp: proof, niay bo uaed in báthing, and is ahvays cleanly i well :is l'.v nrdinary usage. If not snti faclory after a fair trial of sixty dayp, it mny ri turned. It challengis corapaiison uith any trui , DÏ. RIGGS' üfflc. No. 1 BARCLAY Blrèst. Nev York. B8S ■ád n$ ïi5i l Tl Y1) PAIN CUREDf RADWAY'S READY RELIEI Ia tho most important meJicín;il curativa- for iht nmedíate relief at the sufierer - of all varietiea öfPAlN'S ACHEti and INFIRMITIESj-and tho prompt euro of fh Blek whero TAIN, eïCbcr iííternal or external, Is concuiciiODt of the 'discase, that has ever been diBCOTarL Ii A FEW MINUTES Aflcr tho appllcation of the READY RELIEF xtr. nally ,or iLsadniiuistration interna lly, the pation t - seised with tho most oxcrnciiiting PAINS, A CHES. CRAMr-S, KJ1EUUATI.SM, NEURALGIA, GOUT, LUMBAGO, FEVKR AXI) AGÜE, BPA8MS, SORE THROAÏ, INFLUENZA, DIPTHERIA,CONGIÍSTI0N or INFLAMMATION, will joy caso and comfort. ïtADWAY'S READY RELIEF MS sofer to administer, and will stop pain quichvf tliiu all preparatiuus of 0iium, Morphine, Ver trino, IIyosciamus, Árnica, Valer ;an. Chloroform or Ether, under whatever namo dïstinguishetl j mtlier Linimento i Pain Killers or Soolking Lotions ,wbicli niercly suspends the feeling of paiu by benumbing th perceptivo fciculties and Jcüling the nervet. The surgoon n l ministers Chloroform, Opium ,fcc , to reader insensihl the nervcs of perception- RADWAY'3 READY KEIJEJP Stop the most escruciating piiiQyud securea tho patiesl the fall possessiou of bis S0HB68. ThUis the only remody in general use that will'Stop paán,so quick, that is tv- from Opiumy Sïorphine, or sumo other kiutlred druy, hurtfül to the'genoral hcaltb. sa W2SE im rsxsaa. Qtrafd against sicknoss. On tho first indietion of pai.i or uueasiness, if in tho STOM ACH or B0W&3, laks a teaspoonful of tho KEADY RELIEF in a win gla-iS of water. If in tho LIMOS, JOINTS, HEAD, THROAT, CHBT, BACK, or other parij of the body, upply tlio KkLIEF extkkxally- in a few minuta olí pain and discomfort will ccase. This gimplo application may broak up a formidablo diseasov K U uiucll tMitr to prevent árcase Iban to cure it. WEÁLTH FOR THË POOR, MSALTII Í3 tho working man's capital The poof man caa ill allord to boar tho burdens ofsickncssorpaydoctor's bilis. 0NETWENTY-F1VB CENT I50ITLE OF EADWAY'S READY KEUE3P will, ifsick, cure him quick, audenablehimtorïaumo hi hümrs vMkout loss of lime-&nii, il useivthan puin i jlrM experienced, will stup it immcdiately. Keep tUis Remedy always in tho houso , and use it when yofecl pain ; you wlU úot loso ouo day ia a year by sickne3Si IMPOKTANT TO FARMERS And othors, residing in sparsely ?ettlod ilistrWi . whf r it is difflouU to socuro thu sorviuos of a ].lij-ici, KADWAY'd READY RELI1ÍF Í3 invaluablei It cn b uaed with positivo assuraaco of duius good iiï all cas whoro vainas discomfort is oxperioncud, or if ieiitiw%ih INFLUENZA, IjII'TiIERIA, SORË fHROAT, BAD COLGHS, H0ABSBNÏS8, BILIOUS CÏTOLIC, INFtAMMATION OF TUK B0WEI3, SXOMACH, LUNGS, LTV'EK, KIDNISi-S, or with SMAI.L POX, SCARLET FF.TKR, MEASLES.TYPUOIDFEVFR, BIUOÜS FEVER, FKYUÍ AND AGÜE, or with NEURALGIA, HEAttACfiETIO DOLOREUX, TOOTHACHE, EARACJÏE, or illi ÍX1IÍBAGO, PAIf IN THE BACK or RHEUMATISM, or Ilh DIARRIKEA, CHOLERA M0RBÜ3 Or DYSESTCRY, or with BUHXS. SCALD3 or BRÜI3ES, or with STRAIiM, CR4MP3 or SPASMS The application of RADWAT1 REL.VDY REl.IFJ' will cure ju of ÜM wor oí Om Co plaiats in few hours. EIÍEÜMATI8M ummIUS painful diseaso bas bafQcd the niosï ikilfel Cu};5 physlcians and popular remedies. It is tb ml GÜV0 difflcult or diseases to treat- yet RADWAT1 cué READY REIJEF has never failcd kiaSirdiaf iiruuiliato relief to tho suffcrer : and n alteases of Aul, Inflamnlatory or Nervous Rheurflatism, to eToot ■ ff manont cure. (In Chronic Rhuumatism" and Gout, KABWAY'S CLEANSINü SYRÜP, called Henoiaiinf Ktolvent, ehould bo tikuo ai au adjunct with U KBAUf KELIEi'.) ACUTE CHRONIC RHEUMATISlt Tho following is written by tho well known corrtsaoa dent of the New York Herald,London Times (EngUwc), New Orleaus PicayuBO, Delta, Charleston Mercury , h. i Wil. SIDNEY UYERS, ESQ , HAVANA, CUBA. j Havaxa, Cuba, Jan. 2, 15it Messrs. Radway tL Co. t Gksileukn - Í have been a sufferer irom Acute Chrtni Rhcumatism. ior tho last twenty years of my lifa ; n7 suiferings duriDg that period , nekherr tongue nor pen ca& express. I have spent a littlc fortune' on Doctors' bill. without derivitig any subUintial beneüt. Receaïly I haa ono of my frecjuent periodical atlacks. I was very ill for' a week, and had not slept an hour at any on tim. A Spauirih friend, to whom I relatcd my suiFerings, tol4 me ho had a remedy which would give me relief, an4 ho kindly presented me with a bottle of " RADWAT' READY R1JJEF." Although skejjtical of derïTiaf a advantago from (3 use, I that night applicd It trljr on going to bed, and, to roy great amazement, tilt rliovcd , and slept soundly. Tho next night I again appU4 tho RitADï Reuef, and awokc in the morning tr tra pain, having only used ahout half tho bottlo. Heartily do I return you my humblo ackuowlê4 menta for your invaluablê medicine, which may wll called "ablessing to man." Thankingyou,from my soul, for your wondorful rm5A I havo Uio honor to subscribe myself, Yours. respectfuily, W. SIDNET KTia NEURALGIA. (EXQ.UISITE PAI.V,) TIC DOLOREUX, TOOTH-ACHB, FACE ACHE, SHARP SÜDDEN PAINS. Persons sufTering with Neuralgia experienco th aera of excruciating pain. The paroxysmsaresbarp,sudden, plungicg, stabhiag, induced inataatly- liko au lectric shock. #., ADWAY'S READT RELIEF Is tho only remedr CÍ_'X hitherto known, that will afford immediale rlief (Jffrav t tlioso who suffer with this torturing ComiJfclL plaint. (In Cases of chronic Neuralgia, tb cleaiisiiigSyrup,callod RENOVATING RESOLVENT, will cxporlile tho euro.) In recent atfcicks, tho READT RELIEF, appliod extornally to tho parts whero the pat ttrüca, and a teaspoonful of REUEF to a wmo glas f wator,whcn tho paroxysms appcar, will effect a eur. HO W TO CURE A BAD CO LD BETWEEN BEU-TIME AND SUNRISE. ir sciized with SORE THROAT, Hoarsenoss. Bad Cough, dilïlcult Breathing, Head-ache, W.itory Discliarge3 frons the Noso and Eves, Paiu in the Back and Joints, ke.t batbe the Throat, Chest, Hoad and Joints witi üw RBADS RELIEF, and mako a HOT HBADY RELIEF SLINO, By adding to half a tumblar oí hot water, swoetenï with sugar, a dessort-apoonful of RADWAY'S READT Ri:UEF, and drink this on going to bod. In a few miuulea you will perspiro freely, sleep soundly, and walte in tho morning cured of your cola. (From the Christian JStxcaU.) [ " Wo beg to present to tho readers of tho Advocad the fuliowmg lotter addressed to Dr. Radway. Lctthos afflicted with WEAK LUNGS ANDTHKEATENED WITH C0NSU1IPTI0X ,. read The writer , Mr. JAMES SAGE, ' woll knowa in Hioiigax as a popular hotel-keopef." Mhmphis, Macomh Co. , Mich. , Sept. 4, 1863Í Dr. Riiway- Deur Sir: About four years since, I Wa vory mui-.h affected with DISEASED LUNGS. My friend thought had the Consumption. I was entircly unOt for ; business, raised blood.aud cvery symptom of tb abovo fatal disoaso. Onouight.on goinff tobed,I thougbr : I would lako a sweat, and took your Rkadt Kiijii (inbot water) as a Btimulaut to Bweat me. It did ea Tlie per.opiraüon waa of a slimy substance, and olfonsirr amell. I followed takiog tho Ready Bklh cvery other night for four weeks, and at the end of tliat time waa entiroly woll. Tbis is a truo statement of facta, wtuoh f will testify to uuder oath. Yours, etc, JAMEB SAGE, Sago's Hotel, 3 Momphis, Mlcb. PEVER AND AGUE. A tablo-spoonful of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, 11 tumbler of water, taken every morning beforö break. fkst, will provout attacks of Fever anti Aguc, if exposed to its malaria. If eeiznd wilh this complaint, take lh samo dose, and batho tho Head, Ncck, Hands and Spino ono hour beforo tho Chills aro expected ; thifi Will break up aud euro the wor. t forma of Aguo. ■ RADWAY givcs you, for 25 cents, medicina 7[JV thal will provo its cöicacy in a few houra, and ' nrOI euro you (Tola disoases that, undor tbeordinftry &kdJ treatmentof physiciana, would lay you up for days, wèflks and months. "eo thftt every botüo i conlplcto wben you purchasc, and purchase no READY Kl-.LIKF unleaB the ac simile Bignature of RADWAT & CO. is on tho outsiile liibel.aivl the name of RADWAT Sc CO. blown on the filass of each bottlo. c IT F3 SOI.D BY DRt'GUIsI'S AN11 STORE-KEKPERS IN 1 BVERY VlUME ANO TOWN IN TUK UNn'ED 3TATia 1 AilD CAÑADAS. , s EADWAY & CO., 87 Maiden Lañe, N. T. ;s For Rale by STEBBINS & WILSON Ayer's Agüe Cure.;


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