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fjwkt floto, Keady for an Invasión. J DkFobkït luis fortitied fov a regular siege in the Crock ery and firocery line. Quarters given. Such as ters (if more is not wanted) c sets oi Crockeiy.- , Quarters (and anyamount more) of Tea at $1 per " that means something more than an alphabetical f ter. Quaiters of a tun (more or less) of nice sugar, for oiio shilling per lb. Coffee furniahert at two MlHog nerlb that makes the consumet "tarry over hls cups," -„uicbcheorsbut don't inebríate. Warranted letter than any othcr Coffee in this martet at faj price, or " the minwy refunded. y.r DkFobbst senda thisdlspatchto the 10,000 readers or the Argus, and invites them Ml to cali at tbe People's Headquarters, na Arbor. íee advertidment. m S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATI0N BITTERS. Theyporify, strengtben and invlgorate. They érenle a healtby appi'tite. They arean antidote to cbange of water and die. They overeóme ellects of dissipation and latehours. Theystrengthen the system anJ enlivcn the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They p'-rify the hn-ath una ucidity of tbe atomactt. They cure dyspepsia and Constipatinn. They care Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera orbus. They cure l.iver Complaint and rJervou Headacbe. They are the best bitters in the BrW . They maki the ak ma strong, and are cxhauted nature' great ! Thoy are made oí pure St. Croix Rum, Mm oelebrated Calisaya Bark.rootsand herb, andaré taken with the pleasureof a beve-rage, without iJ to ag or time of daj. Tarticulady recommen-led to del.cate persons reguirta a gentte siimulant. ïold by all Urocers, DOUU, I2l and Saloons. t. II. DraUe & Co. ÍWi: BroaO-wav NW York. e"'9i LYON'S KA.THAIRON. Kattaairon is from tbe breek word, "Kathro," or Kathairo," „ignifying to olease, vejuviaato and retore ThUarticleiswhatitsn.inBf.ignili.. iorpre„ving, restoring and beaut.fying the ba h 1 be most rwoarkable preparaüon lu thé wortd. lt is Kajn owned and put up by the original proprietor, and friow"a4eWiththe same care, ikiU and attenUon ihithgavcitasulcofover ooe milUom otU JHK """il is amostdeligbtful IUU Dicssmg. Iteracic.ites scurf and dandruff. It keeps the liead coo] and clean. It makes tbc huir rich, soft and glossy . It prevenís the hair fro (aUtag off and turniugray UrestoiailuptmbaUheads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beauüful Tieafl ,f hair sbould use Lyon's Katharion. It U too ' edthrougbouttbecivüUed world. Sold by all reipectable dealers. 6m894 DEMAS S. BARNESCO. Y"Ö- TWEÍTYoÑírrYEARS AGO-XJl Me. 0. C. Bristoi. a distinguished Cbemist and Druggist of the ciy of Búllalo, N, Y, inrented and mauufacturad a .cmnpound knmvn as BRISTOL'S BALSSAM OF HOAKHOÜND. which is a períect sracinc fof couoiid, COLT.S, or anyBEO.vcoiALor:loiuli-ci.TiEa ariamg fram damp, cold, or sden Tiang oí the weatbei-, Evevy persen EoTial ever taken BrTISTOI-'S BALSA M )F 11OAHHOUND, pronounces il me mat ■" nvented ; and so justly celebrated has it become, that ;hc market is already full of imitations, countcrfeits, ind most daojerons componéis, unler tho name of Balsamof Hoarhound. Therefore, alwayf be eareful ío cali for Bristol's Balsem, and see that hia W RITTEN iignature is ou tbeoutside label oi the bott'.e. Mark.- This invaluttble Medicfne has been non some fc twenty-one years before the public, and without any tffort on the part of the proprietor.'itssaie has becomo very extensive, and is daily incroasing. Tlie low ïrice! at tiick the Medicine ia sold (25 CENTS) onables ALL, to paitake of its heuling qualities. ', C. CKOSBY,BUFFALO, N.Y. Sole manufacturer, to whom all orders should b addressed. For sale by all rcspectable druggists . lyeowSSS A CARD TO THE LADIES. 1 DR. TjUPOÑXÍ'S GOLDEN PILLS FOK FEMALES. Iniallible in correctlng, rcgulating and remuving all obstructiunslrum whalever cause, and ahvays sucuesbful aü a prevcnUvi:. The combination o' ingredients in Dr. Dupanco's Üoklen l'ills for Fcmales are perfuctly harmltss. Ihey have been used in the private practice of Dr. Duponco over öOyears.andthousnnds of -Jadíes can testify to theirgreatandnever failtag soccess in almost every. caseincorrecting irreularities, relieylSg p&inful and distressingmenatruation.particularly ;U the chnnge of i life yrom flvf to ten pills will dure that' comCihn fel ,lrtadfulcc)nu'1ai"ttlle Whites Nearly every female in tne land suffers fn m tliiscomplaint. Theabove l'ílíhas permanently cured thouaands,and tliiwiU cure jou ifyou use tbem. Thcy cannot harm vóu on the .ntrary.they remove all obstructious re ator'e nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the Srease of f.imily, will tind these pilU a successtul preventive. Ladies peculiarly situated, or those supninL- thémselves so, shoutd not nee these l'ills during the flW threo months, as they are certain to prol -pmiscarriaKt, "after .vhich admouition" the pro. „ïietör assnmes no respon.ibility, although their mildne„ will prevent an injury to healtu. The mgre.lients cömpoinR the above P.Us are .nade knmvn to every a nt aml thev wiU teil you they aTe ,1e and wtH perfíím aü cllimed lor thetn. Frice $1 per box Sold in ANN ARBOR, by fc wn:SON. BtaigisUf W. A.HUNT, PruRffist. i ,i,„. living at a rtistance by sending them $1,00 throu", heASnn Arbor Ho-ioHlce. can have tbe Pilis s"nt(conndentiMly)6"ii7,tuanyparl oí the coun"V T-Barê 17 a base. comurfeit of ihe.e Püls.YÓu can buy the article at any pneefrom Í5 t„ 76 cents a box (deur at tl, at). LiW your lives and "Jfth re f t„. mucb vah.e to be trifled with, bes.des Ï.T" mposod i.p.m with a worthless article. Thoref,.re, any nne olMini you these PHUfoj less than $1 bo, „'j tHem u vouwould poison. The.v arebogin. None "iataï aniess rte name of 8. D. I10WE is oD every i,r,x"whicb bas n-cently been adiled.on aeuuuat of the „lls bei„g couterfeited. fflj yps]aot. BLISS & BKEBt.lackson, „,,,. „ne druer'-ist in everv village and city in the gnited SU tél.Tndby KARRAND.SHF.ELEY & UO.. General State Agents, Detroj,. ROW lelr„prietol.t 867yrs2 XliW Yol"i_ DR. DECLUBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CEKTAIN CURE FOR DHTHEBIA AND CROUP. Inllieimstveai: nver 200 ttUt) OF mPTHSFIA in „4 aroun.l Roobe.ter, N. Y., 0O.V81DERED HJPÍLESS, Mvbe9H cured with tuis lüedicine. Mames ana residences eau be gU'en. AI.LTHEI'ln'SlCIAN1? THERE NOW HSEIT. It never has fallcd to curel Uet-a bottle; it'cuits 50 cents. Forsaleby EBERBACII&CO. Prepared aud sold by Iy913 W. E. RKINN'EH, Roerester, N. Y. HELMBS KXTR.VÏT BTKH " HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU., Dpn 1IKLMB0LD.3 EXTRACT BUCHU UELMBOLD-S EXTRACT BDÜT „J AnrtaPositiveanflSpeciflc Rvoiedy lor Disiascs of tbo BfiSder, Kidney, Gravel. UrOfT, Or.-inic Weakness. Andall 4iioaüe nf DrinaifASr-e Wvcrtiffin.Mit inauot'ncr Coluruu. Cutitout.and HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, Bnt raten Kray halr to its original color, by lüpplyugtbecapiUary tubes with natural suxtenance, lmpred bj age or Sisease. AU instaniaveous dyes are ciimposcd of íiínor comtic, dcatroyini; fbe vitabty ana beauty oftho halr, and afford of thomselves no dressing Helmatreet'sInimitableColoring not only restores hairto it natural color by an easy proces, but gives thehaira Luxarta,lt Bcnuty, promotes its grovvth, prevents its hWng off, erad.cates Jandruff. and imparta healtb and pleasantness to the acad. It has stood the test of time, being tho origuml HairColorinR, and is oonstantly incroaning in favor. Uaed bj both gentleman ana ladies. It is vM bj all respecuble dealere, or can be procured by tbom of rH comnwioial agent, a-S-Baraesfe Co. 202 B(oaówy New-Tork. Two sizea, 50 cents and $1. 6m8!U T'TrlÊliATÏoNrL COFFEE Two sliUUBgsperpouoqav ET TOBACCO- You can buy the best ades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at nm 50 cen;s to One Dollur. SMOKING from fourleec to twenty cents ' DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE gn- Red Indinn. Soutli side Hurou Street, few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dcc.ll, 1862. 883tf "RY TH3 NATIONAL 0ÖÏTEE. Two L hillingsperpoundat A. DnFORSSPé. I QOOB TREE Itá KNOWN SY Su is aV1" Hli.vslcian hy hts Succeislul Works. PROFESSOR K. J, LYOKS, IIEGREATANU CELKBRATED ftí VHCIAK OF THE THUOAT, U'NGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countr.. a the Olebratíd INDIAN HER 15 DOCTOR! rom South America, will be at hH room, ftBoöBLL HOUSE, DETROIT, nthel8th :ui(l 19U) nt.,(.n the samo aU of uil i-ery subsequent inonth duriiig 1802 and 16Í3, A NKiT PAMI'HLKT f the life.Btudj and etU-nsive travle of I)r. Lyona ín be nraoured by aHwtodwir". tneof chrjue. T)v. L ivill vislt Aun Arbor, Jaokiwn.aad .idiian, tch.,aslullows : kan Arboi', Monitor Soase. 20th. Jackson. Hilibird Hi.URC.21st Airian, Ittacfcett H. use.íi'l and 23d. MODE OF KXAMIÏAIIOW.- The Doctor M8TÜS dl.;csfs Ttheeyea He, tVurelore.asts no qui'-rions üoc re 'lrespittanti w expíala joiptóms. AfWcU-d, come nflhave your symptums an.Hhe loeatiini of iisaseexplained tree of charge TRY THE NAtToNaL COFFFE. Two pound at A. DüTOREST-g. 18E3. May. 1863. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT TUK "Oíd Cornerl" r o I am now receiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF V IMEW GOODS5í ; 0 t Spring and Summer Trade, CONS1STINQ Olí STAPLE DRY GOODS, DKESS GOODS, TEIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also a full assortment of Family G-roceries! 11 of which were bought low and aro ;o be SOLD CHEAP FOB CASH. The highest Market price paid for ■}& O O 3L, l C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main mid Washington sts (904tf). Ann Arbor. Tobacco! Tobacco! I AM KKI.L1N; GOOD FINE CUT CI1EWING UAUUU At f rom Fifi y cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, Frnm 1 1 cents to 20 cents. per. pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann, Mich., Doe. 17, 1803. 8S3tf iïissohitlpn .Nutice. mHE FIRM ÓF CHAl'IN, WoOD & ro., was diisohcd ljxnujiry W, l1 , l'J" mutual consent. C. A.fhapin urrtA B WooJ will settle thcaccounts of tliefirm. C A. Cu.iriN, " Woooi v ciapin, E. WttA. Ann Arbür, June ít,JP6. CopavIneTsIiip. TTE UNDERPI'iNKIl entcim into partnershiri Jan ld.liK!, bj' the ürm name of ('lii]in & Co.,an will coiriiuuo the buBines of Bpiwfaoluring prinUA anrt wrapplfeg paper. nmht C. A. ClUFI-V, N.CUAPI.N, V, CijAriN. Ann AiVr, June 24, 18BS. BMW. Oval Pieture Frames LI SIZBS, StXIXt nd PlllCJM just receivert au AfotaltícHOFP&MILLEE'S. 1860.Dee.2i, 78Otf THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES X WI1.I. befurthellcalii.gof the NationB. liiblc. Prof. 1H.. J". Xji-STOKTSSI, :I1K BBEAT AN'l) CKLEBRAÍEÜ PHYSKUN rf tho ■HROAT", LU1ÍBS, IIKAKT.UVI'.K AND TUL lü.OOI), l Knownallovertliecouutry as the UKLlCURATKl) t3STI3IA.Isr"I3:EK.B DOCTOB1 Of 2S2 Superior Stieet, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the fullowing Jjliiccs, viz AI'I'OIN'TMEN'K ruit 180'2, 1863and 1864. ?rof K. J. Lvons can be conaulted at the following placen everv month, viz: ' Detroit, í ussel House, cach inontli, lSth mul J9th. Ann -Aibnr, Monitor House, a! month, SOih. Jackpn, hibbard House, mch muntb, 21. Adrián, Urncket Home, eaeh tooiith 22d ana 33a. Toledo, Uhio,Colhns Uouae,oaeh uiouth, 2Jth, 3Slb, H ilUdale, Mich. , Hillsdale Ilousu, cüth muiitb , 2Ttb. („1.1 water, ilich.. .Suntnern Mlcbigan House, each nimiih, 28th. tülkharl . Klkhari House, eaoh inontli , .'fftn. South Bend.Ind., St. .(.. Hotel, o.icli nuxith, 80, Ljiporte, lnd., Tc-u Garden House, eacli montli 31t. Woo8ter,Obio,Cranaell ExqUaiiBo, eacli muutL, 7th apdSch. Manslicld, Oliio, Wiler Hüukc, eacli niüntli, Otb and Mt. Veraoa, Konyun fiouse, each montli, llth nod NeVark, Ohio, Holton House, cach SOSth, JStS and rahicsvilli'.Oliio. CoiïIrpHoU'i.oaCh month,4tli CLEVELAND, OHIO, REfilDEÍÍOlS AND OFFICE, 282 SUPEIÍIÜU STKEET, I'ast of the public square, oppoaite the l'usti.fiice. UÜi.t iliii .- oacii muiilh, lst: d,4Ui,5Ui, Wh, IjiIi.- Ollice liouM fnotn 9 A. M. lo lü M. anii 1'ruiii 2 I'. M. to 4 1'. U. OnSiteday irom 9 to 10 A. 31., and 1 to 9 P. M. fla-MaxlmÏ6riotlj adbersd to- 1 (five sueli balm n.s have no strif;, , Witb nature or thf las oí ufo, VVitlibloodmy hands I never staie, Norpois(tn men toeane theirpaln. Heii a pltysician indeed, Fvho Cwet. The ludían J'oeUir. K. ,[. LYUS'S, turen the lol lswing compiainuinthe must obstinate tgfes of their existeuce, víeí DiMiasisotrhcThroat, I.ungs, Heart, Livor, h.ornach.DrolJSV in the Cllest, lilleumatism , Neuralgia, Mts. orFa!Hng!iieknes,andallothortaefïou8deiangement8. a1m vlldiseasesofthe blood Buco:aSciolultt, Hrysipfla.s, Cancers. Fever Sores, L.epi osy, and all othor eomulicaloú' ul.rotiic comj!aiiils All forma of lómale dilliculties atlendcd to with the iai'iet resulta. lt is hoped that noone will di'spuir of a cure iiulil hey hav,' Kiveu tin; ludían Hrb llnotor's HeJinun a .lii'imil trial. (SUBuring the Doctor t travis in Kurope, Wesl Indics, boutli AmjBiica. anti tho Jnited stait, he Uoa been the kisirumeut Ut God's hand, to restore to healtli imd vipor ihousaii'ls who wert giveu up RQ'l pronouucod incurable by 1k' roosi eminent old school physlcians; nay, more, thouwandl who were era the vergu of the tiiave. are now livinp: to the lndii.n Herb's Hnctor's skill and successful treatment .andaré dmly exclaiming: "TJi'smm! ! e thcdav when iirst we saw and partooli of the ludían llerb Doctor's medicine." atil:u:to:v references of c.irs vill be gladly and cbeerfullv given whenevor required Thfl Doctor pledffefl his word and lionor, that he will o no wisivlm-ctlv or indirectly, induce or cansu any invalid to take his raredfeincwithout the strunfjest probability of a oure. $&■ ModeofexaminatlüB, which is eptlrely different from thefacultv. l'r. I.vnn professes to díacem 'lineases by the eye. He Hrerefore aaka noquestionn, nor does !!■ require patiënt) te esplain symptonis. Cali oírand all, itul bave tl!esvmpi"uis and location of your dlseasc explaiucd tree of chargé. CThe poor .-hall bc libei-a.ily considere!. fifr'ostoincr addre-ss ibo-x 2t63. K. J. LYOXS, M I'. Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 24,1862. lyf 80 UN1VEKSAL ' JJL0THE8 WRINGER, o No. 1. Larik Family Wbi-vobb $11.00 No. 2. Medium " " """ tio.i'A " ' " No. 3. flii.1 " " 5 i0 No. R. LabukHotbi " 'f00 No. R. UbobHotb, " "-l" i No, is. I.Ai'Nmtv f torunby ) 18 110 So 2-2. Linas " 1 sicamor 30.00 ' hand. J Nos. 2L und 3 havo uo CogB. AU olher; are 1 'l)o 2 is the sizo generally used !n private families. Oluraa Judd, oí the "Aisu-ncin Agricultura says f the JNIVBRSAÏi CLOTHES WRINGER. .-Achud can reatjlly wring out a tubfaK VpL2a, ,a ror minutos. Ittt lo n-:il':v a Cl-.OIHt.ft SAVEB I TIMESAVERI od a StBNGTH SAVEK I The saino- of ganaenta wiU alone pay a lrge perctntsgeon i "ast. iv thirik the .uohTtie.nnch more tluui PXT8 ')K 1TSF.LF i'.VJ-.HY YKAli in the 8ftio4 of garmente! 'hül-e are overal kinds, uearly aiike in fcneial cmirction but we ctiru-r it Unpoitant tliut tue V'riuner be littwl wltli O'og, otherwbe a mftM ol garaente may 3.ig the rollrs, añ.d the roücra upon the rpk..haft!pand tsar the cío hes, or the rubber ,rek loo from the shaft. Outra. is OM_o : fte irítmake.and it is ncarly as OÜOI) AS Mitt artel learly FUUS YEABS' CUNSTANX UíSJS " EJvery Wrirgei with Cog Wheels ia Warranted in every Particular. 10 WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITHOUT Cöfi MBBLS. A eood CANrASHER wante 1 in uvei-y town. i t O réoeipt of the prioe from places where no ne s selling, we wUl senJ the wringer FREE of ex Kornarticnlars Htid ch-cubirs address 9i5tf K C. BKOWNIN'U, 347 Bruadway, N.Y. For Hats, Bllee, Koaclics, Ants, Bed Bugs, ïloths In Fuis, Wooltns, &c. Instcts on Plants, Powis, Animáis. Sic. "Only infallible remedies known." " Free froín poiFons." " Nüt dangjious lo the numan I-amily. " Hata ccjme out of their holes to die.' Sold Wholesale in all lavgc c ties. Sold bv all Druggiít ana Retailers evei-ywhere $f ! l 1 i awí 1 1 I of ...U worthtóss ,m.tat,ons. J-See that '-Costak's" name is on each Box, Hot iStó''SÍKiS OOSTAK fAmciual Depot, fío. 428 Broadway New York Sobí by all the Wholesale and Eetail Drugg.sts A.ÏSArbor, Mïch. ■ 9l5.n3 ZZ1" FAIRBANKS' Jh-n Standard F SCALE8' g S AUo, Wnrchowsí Trucks, Liïlcr Iy7'esses, VcFairtoanks, Greenleaf & Co. 172 Lake Street, Chicago, Soía in Detroit by PAHR M & SHEIY. S-Be careful to buy only the gcnuiue.-Ett 88oy: aöoTT One Shilling per Pound ! Eight Shillings per Pound! BEST KEROSENE OSL 4 SIIILLINGS PER GALLON! CHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, Prenare.1 of CofTee irnfl Cliiccory frell gronnfl cverj Say, and warnLnlr.l ipertor t. „ m thi. mark'-' or thu money rt'iuïi'U'il, AT 2 SHILL1NGS PER LB OROCKERY, GLASS WARE, TABLEGUILElll LAMPS, FRV1TCANS. and all oilicr goods at about olí priccs. A.Ufi'iir.R-T. Aun Arbor, June 83, lsl s'Wtf rjrRY TnE"ÑxVTIOÑAL COFFEE ■ X Two bhillit.g'. per fduifa al I.'TOVülUW-'S . ■ The peculiar tahit or iv ")u infectioTi vhieh we eall Wr NL-? t'10 constitutions of ._, M J0m multitudes of men. It " B-JmIlÍM citlior produces or, is tafijiiWt!vs-of tlie blood, wherciii WC--3feJ 't iiSthat flul(l Recomes '?' lÊÊÊgÊi íiÉ!ll5''!c vital forcs in tlieir Srü' jv- - '""""'' the system to jHfall into disorder and contnmination is-varíously caused by mercurial discase, low living, disordcred digestión from nnhealtliy food, iinpure nir, filtli mul hit ïy habite, the depresslng vires, and, abovc all, by tlie venereal infccti;n. Whntcver be lts one, it ia heroditary in tlie constitntion, descending "from parents" to children unto the tlnrd and fourth iicncratioii ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Kim who says, " I will visit the imqnltios of the fathers upon their children. Jlio diseases which it origiaBtes takc various names, according to the orgaus it attacks. In tho lunes, Scrofula produces tnbereles, and fanally Consumption ; in the glands, swclhngs wliuh Buppurate and become ulcerous sores ; m tlie stomach and bowels, dïangem6nts wluch prodtice indigestión, dyspepsia, and livcr complaints; on tho skin, eruptive and cutaneous nffections. These all liaving tlie same ongm, require the same remedy, viz. punfuation and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, nnd these danporous distempers leave you. With fceble, foul, or cormpted blood, you cannot havo health ; with that " lift of the ilesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous diseaseAyer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from tho most effectual antidotes that medical science lias discoverccl lor this afflicting distemper, and for tlie cure ol tlie disorders it cntails. That it is far gupenor to any other remedy yet devised. is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtuis truly extraordinary in their eflect upon this class of complaints, is indisputabiy proven by the great maltitudfl of pubhcly known and reinarkable cures it lias mado ot the following diseases : King's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotehes and Sores, Erysipelas, Kose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposita in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphüis and Svphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the -hole series of complaints that arisc from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases mav be found in Ayer's American Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some ot the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had iailed to aftord relief, ïhose cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader mav have access to some one who can spcaU to him of its benefits from personal expenence. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and tlius leaves its victims far more subject to disease , and its fatal resulta than are healthy constitu1 tions. Henee it tends to shorten, mid does ■preatlY shorten, tho avorage duration of human life 'Tho vast importante of these consideratioñs has led us to spend years in perfectinga j„ „rTiioTi ïa ndt-niiiitil t(t ltS CUrC J.IÏ1S ie nov offer to the public under the name ot .yer's Sabsapaiulla, altliough it is comiosciI of ingreclients, some of which cxceed the icst of Sarsuparilla in alterativa power. By ts aid vou may protect yoursclf trom the sufferntrand Banget of thesa disorders Purgo out he foul corruptions that rot and fester m the puree out the causes ot disease, and rigorouB health will follow. By its peculiar íirtues this remedy stimulates the vital funcions and thus expels the distempers which 'urk within the system or buret out on any ?aWe know the public have been deceived by many compounds of .Sarsaparida, that promised much and did nothing; but thcy will neither be deceived nor disappointcd iv this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and tliere remains no question of its surpassing excellence , for the cure of the affiieting diseases it is ratendcd to reach. Although under the sume name it is a very different medicine from any ther 'which has been before the people, and is ar more effectual than any other whicb. naa ver been avaüable to them. CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Eemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advaneed stages of the disease. This has been so long used and so universally known, that we need do no more than assüre the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by XR. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analylical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhen Chtlsea Wboie.fliileby FAURANDSHKLBY it Co., Ca tro.t. C. E. COeUBN,, Tnivelling Agent. WONDEEFUL SUCCESS. &g The attention and research of tho most 1'k tlnnisbel Cbcmists and Physioiana tef years havi béeridèïotedtotlie pi-oduction of a romy for tt m maai aiatreu'sing maladies NeCRAI.OIA and liHKL'M.vr 8M utcr Ltmg stody aii'l niany experiments, a tpeCtfi preparatión has been .l.scovered. WAl.-ON 'S ifenralgh Kiiii; uu Interval Ilcmccly.ïf cnring thomands ot casoi whfete alï otBer remedies have uttmlv failiM. Weri assureJthatitis no mere ' AttODYSf.," rclievingfo the rnoni'-nt rause r'.'ln.üns. bnt is a perfee h]'KC1!-K' ani OUflË Por those ralnfnl dïwaflia. Th nunilu-ic.f I.iniinents, Embtooaitonï ani) Kïterna Medicines which net as sttmulr.nts of tho snrface onlv uremerelytamporaijrln th.-iv effeétt and of doubtCu viitü,: SH BALGIAKING reacjies tht sonree d alltrouble, and olloctuaUy banisheK the disease froi thesvstem. l'rlce-Ouc -Dulbr per Bottle. Preparen by C. K. WAT.KERt l,.sfiT Títiffaln. Y , .üi.l Fort l'i-if. C. W. American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of allkiudsnaainst t lie General Governmect, tale (i'ïern nint. theUty, er prívale prtÍ9i, proseuted mul eoliaoted a1 my expense andritk Against pxivate paríies 1 posae Bupefior facllities orQllecting olaieü tmry wh i 1 1 - 1'nitcl Staips md Cimaiíu, n-ii.-iiní; im-rcluinl, aigne,biikerk, mjollirtí. "I tli. eme and all tOTponsibilitj . Special atu-ntioiiKiven to oíd detrtí, liani cases, di, vorsds. wills, estatus, ttc. Bein? familiar whh nlltlu' tletailsof tile " ni mal Revrnni L-tw," I willatlend promptlj lo khecoHeotion ot drawbacka, ts# uíl1:1!"'"! through ignotauéo Soldier' pensions, pay, and I.ounty secured forthem or theirh.-irs. For that parpóse, and n.r proeecoting claimsagnDttlieovertment I n.ivsa brwieh offl at Washington. No charge made unloss claims are oullected. . , All aoldiera dlscbarg4 1' rpasn rf wouans- avevershorithe timetheybttye erved- are eutltled fo Oni" Ilundrod Dollar Bount V . All MildliTS havingsorved twoyeara,ar entiUcd to ths same. 0. The highest markel prioe will be paid l'or solrilefs' cintas, aadothor demauis against the (eneral Go -irnment. Inftmnlltloil and optntófl' siven, and invf .tiïat:on mile without charge, npon propoíedto be placed 1q ny hands. arH!HUNTINGTOW LES, gontf Un, 240 Hri'adwav. N.J' Trussea ! RUl'TURK CAM IUÍ CVHFH HY A TKVSS of hn rrjrht kind, t voerly liitrd ai.d dulv al t.Mi.led to. Thishas Ven ahimiantly .1. inonFtn.lcd in nmimera ble nstánces'bv thounnorthe Blultlpcdnl Tiras i.i Dr Rlgg("'lwrrni5 tliolnstfcw yoafa. ITiia Truss beinnoovwed witti Hard Rubber, is pciTeollj prouf, may bo n.-edin haüimí. andis CKnnly lt well as indeítfautlblo by ofdinijf j nsage. lt' not ratifactory aflora f:. i r lii.. 1 c,r.-r,ty day, lt m.iy !.■ ri ■ turnad'. H compaiison with ai. y trusa "lir'RlGGS' .;:iici', Na. í BAROBAY si . ,,,t Neir Y..rK '" I ut , a.,, nesr 111 PAIN CURED! E&DWAY'S READY BELIEF U tba moet important medtainal curativo-; Ihi immolíate rdicf of lio Buíterer-of all vartotíra ui I AINS, AC ÍES umi [NFIRMIHEd, iml Uie prmfllf euro qf tin siuk wliere i'AIV, caber iritortial or eïlernal, 1 a on. OJlLÜSHt ol ib diiaao, ttlW luis ever Ucea discovored. Ó A FEW fllïNUTES Aftor Iha appTleiitlon ..f Uw KICADY RH.1EF gxtar Vv i AíUF SPASMS, PORE 'IHUO.Vf, INFLUKKZA, or lNtLAMÜAÏlUN, will oy ea3 mu comfort. BADWAÏ'S ïtEADY RELIEF Uu: taa i ibu guueral UattKlii 33 WISE IW 22MCB. ., t,. i . ■ i. r the REA1IY Mtï.IEF lo win SSiTlS I? n the UMUS JUWJhv-HSg. ,,,,,,:, HIUKF BTKKWU.T-Í ƒ! II Min aJ düamfwt wdl catee, 't liH 'Pi" ..pplitr.ii n prevent dlioa'O ibau 1 1 curo i. WrALTH FOR THE POOR. ;:ALTHfc.tliowortNím,.nM capital Tl.o poor Mmnn c;ui 11 uJIord lo üwr Uw b ■"?":" ' ' uoasoruaydOüfcá'sUHIs. 0 .ETvVESTï H B CTBOm-KOFRAIIWAy'B.RItAñYlíieiffl wi l iiOt lo cc Jay ia i joar by siukoM I.MPOlirAXT TO FÁÓJIERS AnJ otter, , re Mlng ta ■ ctu.,l m ■LLL t i-iMin-il t -.uro t!ic a.'vtewol ti pluMc.m. piaints In a !'■ liours. RI-IEU1IATISM. M-wMIS LJatufuI atacase hís baflfed tho iiMwlakirlW vFÜpS physidans anj popular remedies. Jl uihe m.; I Cm ülfflourt of dsoaos to t.o.a-yet UA1)A a ila Rk Mii' KELUFhasneyerfailel inall rrl nsMmnZnate relief tolhasafförer ; and in all casos or Acuw, lnümimatory or Nervous Rheninutbm. to effect a .pormaunt cure. (In Chronic Bbeuntatlna and Hout, RAli■MwtTaboiMIM taUen u au adjunct witU tbu Kh-UJY U1.UEF.) ACUTE CHRONIC KHEUMATISM. Tho (bTfcwlag is written by tho well known crrespdeiit of iho New Vork Horald, Louilon Times (tajland), New OrleaüS Picayone, Delti, Cüariostou Mercury, &c. : WM. SIDN'EY MYEKS, ESQ , HA VASA, CUBA. Hívaxji, Cuba, Jan. 2, 1S58. Masrs. Badwaii dl Co. : BKlLiaoM- I havo boon asuílerer fi-om Acule Chronlo Ehoumatüm i..rthc last iwemy ye ir.; of rny UEj i mr sofferinga uring that period , neither to.igne nor pen caa lietess. 1 lü'.vo apeut v. Httio fortuno uu Doctors' MlUi „rPh.,utde.Ivlngany,suljítaBtialBeoeat. Keremly I hui ono of !H frequent peiiodical üt-acki I was trory ill for a week, and not slept an hour at any oue timo. A Spanish frlend, to whoiti 1 relatod my v llorings told mo he bad a rcmedy -.vlnch would give mo elief and he kiafllv prc-euted mo wilh bottie of RADtt Al a RSAUY ki LIKK." Althoogh skeptlual of deriviug any advantage Irom iu uso, 1 ihat ing it applied it tVecly on eoing to bed, and:, to my greaj amazommt, lelt re, lieved aodeloptsóuDdly. ThoneïtuititlagstoappHea the Kkady KtuEF, and awokc in tb moralBg (ree Irota nata havlng onlv usaá about half tho hottle. 1 Ho'artily do I retara yon my humblo aoknowlodR. 1 menu for your invaluablo mediotue, which may well b calloii "a'blessing ti man.'r ïbanklng yon , frota my soul , for your wouderful rcmedy , I hayo luo Uouor to subscribo qaysqlt, Youre.rospecttu ly, W. S1U-NEY MYICK3. ISTEUR ALGrlA.. (EXCIXJISITE PAIS,) TIC DOLOBEUX, TOOTH-AüHK, FACEAGHE, SHARP SUDÜKN PAIN8. Tersons suíienní th Neuralgi i experienco rha'act ofoXeruolaUne mía. The paroxy.sms are sha'üe.i, plunging, staübiug, iaduoed iootautly-hke an ehwtrlo shock. MDVAY'S READY RELIEF Is tho only remedy hitherlo kuowu, that 111 iiffiidiinmliatc relief lo ihoso who sulfer with this lorturini; Doianlalnt fin cases nf dirouic Neuralstu, til ,8iugSyrup,called REN'OVATIXü RESOLVg&T, wiU expedíte the cue.) In recent attacks, the KiíA,,Y 1M 1 IEF aoplied enernally to tiio parta where the p 'i ■ ' strUces and a teaspoonful 'o! KEl.IF.K to a wine glass of , i water, when th jaroxysins appeir, wtU eilecta cur. KOW TO CURE A BAD CO LD BCTWEF.N' BK.n-TIME AN'I) ÍUNRBE ' Tf aálzed with SORE THROAT, Iloarseiies;. Bad Cougb, i íí,U,o íe íhroat.'cb.-st, Hü anU JomU t lh. i ' KEADY ESELIKF, and iniko a, . HOI READY RELIEF SLUST&, Ry addi,,g to half i ttBDbhr u .hot XffiJfigfi KKLIFK a.Idók Uön Volng to bed. In a fevr S'fes'j ou will perepire freoly, sleep sJimdly, an4 wake ia Uio miuii curod oryour cold. (.iVom Lit; CfcwWïSit Adwca'e.) Wc boe to present to tlio readers of tho Adwat4 tho f..l!owmg letter oddressed to Dr. Radway. Let CONSUMPTION' reiid The writor, Mr. JA MM AGL, u weil küowu ia IIicmigas m o popötat botel-keciKsr." MKMrnis, Mwsomb C , ■ Sent. 4, 1&S2. Tio Rai)WY- DatrSir: About luur years Binoo. I nu 1 Hine-iS raUed blood.uud evl y Symp)OT 01 til T wmild mko a Bweat, and took your Rkadï üujjjí ; wïï) os süiülaal to .went me. H ,1.4 L ■hui nonpiniM n wm of il sli.ny ubstuni-c, and (ens t i , ïtoltovrfe tesina the Bsadï Rkli.jt ,-very othor wUtytoundero,, Jleuyiaii, Mioh, FE VER AND AGUE. A tftWe-SBOOnM of RAUWAY'S ÜKADV HKUIT, lm tumblcr of waler, t.diun BTOljr m.irning beftve lrlL. Cast will provout aitu.-.ks of Kever and Agu, u eipnavJ to iii inahuw. U' Beijea Wilh this onmplan.I, lako tho itte duso, balho .ho Head, Nock, lands and Ipiiie oiio h'n.r boforo the Uliüs u-o expi-cieü ; tliu w.U 'j.Kik up aud curo ihe wor t fornia oí Agup. BPv TtADWAY gives yoü, fov C5 cents, a merticin l'hat will prftVQ lts'em-aey in a K-w hOlirs, and oui-eyuui.foUdiaKtóuaVlui.ui. x tiiu omn.ary treatmiïnt of pbytloiar, uM lav yo.i ti for day, oeka auM n.ontl,,. : ec Ui .t vyi .v ióv b b completo wtien yoa paVotase, a.ul (iurchaso no READY tolEF nnleis tlio ƒ s.- íi(fnl.iro. IUWAT & IX) ia on tlio yutpido label, aod il : naiucuf KAUWAÏ FVIT.Y 'VIL1.AGEA.ND 1UW.V l- T.„ l'M.KUolA HA CAKlbAS. kadway & CQi 87 Maidon Ijioe, K. VFor Sale by STEBBINS & WILSON 1 TT THE NATIONAL COFFEE J


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