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Sheriffa Sale. T)Y VIRTUE of one execution, issued out of th n DcuitCourtfor the County of Waalitenaw, u ,ï, Mate of Michigan, to me directed and delivered imiï thegnoda anl chattels, linda and tenement of Pt! Schaferand Wüliam Sclmltzer, I did on the eTent dayof August, A. D. 1863, levy upen and tab .11, Tlgh%, tttle and Intel e tof toe aid Peter íícliaftr i William Fchwita, o and to tlie one ceriain pared ■ lot ut land known and doscribed as foilows stn.i! in the t)Wn„,i f .Manehetter, county of Wa,ht„,t and Mate of Michigan, being the parcel tnown a il, propeity of Peter Scbafer and uSed fora black shop, boun.Ied fu tho west by the latds of Y A fut nip, on the north by thnlands of Conküii, and on th-tui and south by land nf K. A I'artridge. being forty fu mdth hom north toiouth and sixty feet in lmethiiï and west, being in a square foim ; said land bM om particularly dencribed a folio : BeinK part of w tion numoer oni„ townhip four south and range th,„ st.inthehtttteuf Michigan, beginning at a ttíkt t," ro.lsand two l,nk west of the blacksmitl. hop, Mt, piedm 1855 by Conra.1 Butler, in the Village of ftll MKnc.iest.ii-, running thence ea.iterly parallel with Ibi south line of land heretofore owned by Granser ui Frantzsixtyfeet, thence North tosaid outh line ion, t-.-t, thnce long aatd outh feet to the plact i beKinmng, incluing the .hop a'foresaid. Whicli ij rlttt, title and interest I Bhall expo.e for sale at put auotiou tothehighMt bidder on the thirtieth di.. September nt,at noon, at the front door of the Court "asMe'niw f AM Arbür' " M '"" " PHILTP WIXEGAR.Shei-ilT „ . . By Pjtkick Wall, Under Sheril' Dated, Augtfit 13th, 1863. A WORD ABOUT MEM WATCHES ! AFPERA THOROÜGH TRIAL OF MORE THAX 1EN YEAItS, th) time-piecea mnnufactured br the American Wateh Co., oí Waltham, Mass., han gainad a ñrm hold upon the favor of the public, aad now, no lesi than "5,000 of thern are peaking (or thcmselTe in the pockets of the people. From a Tfrj insignifleant beginning the businesi ha increated n. til we are justified in stating that WE MAKE MORS THAN ONE HALF of all the watche. .old in the Initcd States. Rcpeated enlargcment of our factory buildiiti and the labor of 603 operatives, itill find u umqjil tosupplythe constantly increasing demand. Mint may hero observe that notwithstanding th high pri of labor and materials , wo actually eell our producti it lenp prices than those current fi8 yearg ago. We refer to these facts onlj for the purpoae of prof. erly ntioducing another subject relative to our munfacturo of iratcbea. Hitherto our chief objict hu been to tnake good watchei for the mülion at the lowiil posnibl price- something to take the place of the mk believe watchei ca lied "Ancres," "Lepinef," ':Engliili Patent Lever, " c, aonually thrown upon thin m ket, in countlesa number, bj European workhopiwatches which are the refuse of thoir factorle, unuliable nt home and perfectly worthless everjwhere. Thia object we have accomplished, and now w hm to announce, that we have commenced the manufacture of watcbeH of the very HigJiesl Grade of Chronomctry, unequalled by anjthing hitherto made by our.felres nd unsurpassed by anythingmade in the world. Tor thii purposo we hare Iheamplest facllities. We have ree ted an addition to onrmain building xpressly for tbli branch of our bunness. and have fllled it with the beil workmen !n our service. PrunUng by our long e.tptrieace, we have remodelled the form of our watches, in. troducing such improvements as hav6 been suggested and proved to be good Trom time to time, and haT instituted new and evere tests of isochronisra, adjuitment and compensation. New machine and appliD. eep have been constructed, which perform their work with consummate delicacy and exactitude, anti tb choicestand most apprcved malcríala only are used.- N'othing in fact is wanting either in mcchanical principies, material or workmanship to ensure prfection In the result. We continue to manufacture our otber well-knoni qualitioi under the fol lowin namei : "APt'LETO.V, TRACY & CO." "P. S.BARTLETT." And the "Soldier's Watch," "VM. ELLVRY." The latter the lowest priced watch we make.ii a 10V siantial, rehable time-piece, cased in sterling, gilrer- hunting patiern,nnd is not Jiable to get out of ord either in marching, riding or fighting. All the abo described watches, including the Jinest, which is namtA "Americait Watch Compaxy," are sold by watch dut ers generalij throughout the country, ROBBINS & APPLETON, AgeDtsfor the American Watch Ompwj, ieow4m 1S2 Broadttay,N. T. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILAliELPHIA, PA. Dlscnaes ef the IVervous, Seminal, tlrlnary and Ktxual Systtnu-new and reliable trttment- ia Reporta of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION- tent by mail in sealed letter eovelopep, free of charL. Addreti, Dr. J. SKIU.IN HOUüHTO.V, Howard AmoaV tion, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Phila., Pa. 916jl Jjissolution Notice. mHEFIRM OF CHAPÍN, WuOD & CO., wn dissolrej 1 Jnnmiry lb', 18ö3, by mutual consent. C. A. Chnpin acd A. B. Wood will settle theaccounts of the firni. C A. Chai-i.v, a. B. Woon, V Chapi.v, e. WEL18, Ann Arbor, June 24, 1863. Coparínersliip, rpTE ÜN'nERPIiíNED entered into partnership Jn. I 10,184), by the flrm simt of Chapín & Co., and will continue the business of manufacturing printing aud wrapping paper. C. A. Cbapix, n. Ciurm, V. Chapín. Ann ArSor, June 24, 1863. PlOtf. THREB GRAND TR0TT1NGJIACES ! To tiike piace on thcGroumls of the WashtenawCouny Agricultura! Society, Ann Arbor, SATURDAY, AÜG. 22, 1863. lst Match - Purse $100 - inside stakea $50 each. B ;ween the Trottirg StulliOna STOCKBRIDGE CHIEF. of Adrián and HENKY CtAY, of Ann Arbor, o 3d Match- Purse glO- inside Stakes $10 ach. B1 wi'pn "Mollie írturk," 'Baj Sara," owned bjr íamphfl! h Co., Ypsihinti, Thomas Barton'g Browa eldiiig, and "Lady Hooper." 3d Match - T'nrse $10- nside Stakes $10. Betw" fuky." í.'vncd by S. Benhura, of Aun Ai-bor.and Joba - tieer's White Horse. TROTTING COMMENCESAT IK O'CLOCK. t&t. The abobe Races nre to be all to harness, and ile hents bet 3 in 5, and governed by the Detroit ules. Admission 25 Cents. B. GREEN, Sup't. JOHN r. DArX, TrB. FRED; HOOPElf, Mf. ■-.?


Old News
Michigan Argus