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Jf erial ftotteu Keady for an InvasiónpEFoitESThiis fortified for a regular siege in the Crockery and Grocery line. Quartera given. Saoh as quarters (ïf more is not wanted) o' sets oi Crockery.- Quarter (anj nny amnunt more) of Tea at $1 per lb. that meaiu 60 met hing more than an alphabetical letter. Quarters of a tun (inore or less) of nice augar, for one shilling per lb. CofFee furnished at two shilling perlb. that makes the conamner "tarryover hia cups,'1 - which cheers but doa't inebríate. Warranted better than any other Coffee in this market at aDy price, or the ninney refiinded. Mr. DeForest sends thïsdispatch to the 10,000 readers of the Argus. and invites them all to cali at the People'p Headquarters, Anc Arbor. See advertisement. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTEES. Thcy purify, strenthen and mvigomte. They créate a healtliy uppetite. They are an antidote to cliange of water and diet. They overeóme efïects of dissipation aad latehoura. The strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They parify the breath ana acidity of the stomach. They cure dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaiat and Xervous Headache. They are the best bitters. ín the worlt? . They makt the wcak man strong, and are exhausted nature'a great restorer. They are mude of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya Bttrk, Cpota and herbs, andaré taken with íhe p lea su re of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recoramended to delicate persons requirinj: a gentie stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Drugguts, Hotels andSaloona. P. H. Drake & Co. 202 liroadway, New York. 6mf94 LYON'S KATHAIKON. Kathairon is frnm the (reek worJ, uKathro," or (1Kathairo,;' nignifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and restore. This article íá what its n imesignilies. Forpreserving, restoringand beautifying the humau hair itia the most rein urka ble preparation in the world. It is again owued aud put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill and attention which gave it a saleof over one million bottlesper annuro Jt is a mostdelightful ITair Dressing. It eracicítes scurf and dandrufl. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy . It prevenís the hair from fallinoffand turning gray It restoi-es hair upon balJ heada. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use Lyon's Katharion. It is know-n and ueed throughout the civüized world. Sold by all respectable dealers. 6m894 DfiWAS S. 3ARXES k CO., Prop'rs, N. Y. The Great French E,emedy! MADAM BOIVIN'3 CELEBftATED SILVER-COATED PEM4L8 PÏLLS. The only cortain and Safe Remedy for all Uterinf Obstructions, Monthly Diñiculties, IrregulariÜes, and all the othei disea?e.s to which the Woman, Wife and Mot her is peeuliarly liable. These Vüls contain no deleterious ingredients, but are saTe and certain n actiën. They wi.l be found to exert thehappiest effect in all cases of Prolfpsus Uteri, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they will be found the easiestaad most certain Cure that can be íound. It is on nccount of tliU certrinty they shüuld not be taken lv Pregnant Pernales (during the Jirst three mojithn, as mi&carriage is certain.) to be brougbt on, but at other periods their use is peifectly safe. N. B.- One Dollar enclosed to any authorized Agent, svill ensure package of Pilis by return of mail. C. CROiBY, General Agent, Fort K-ie, C.W., BuLfalo.N. Y. CautïOH, - Beware of Counterfeits, the penuine have :he signatureof C. CROSBY, on the o.utfiide wrapper. Kor sale b}' all respectable Druggists. Iyeow887 A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILIS FOK FEMMES. Inf allí Mein corrcctlng, regulating anri removing allobstructions, from whatever cause, and alwaya suceessful as a preventive. The combínation of ingredíents in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pílhs for Females are perfectly harmltss. They have been used in the private practice of Dr. Duponco over 30 years,and thoii&ands of ladies can testify to their great and never faïling success in almost every case incorrecting irreularities, rclieving painful and distressing menstruation, particularly at the change of life. From five to ton p:]Is will cure that common yet dreadfulcomplaint, the W hitte Nearly every female in the land suffers frt m thi.s complaint. Theabove Pili has permnnently cured thousands.and they will cure jou ïfyou use thera. They can not liarm you; onthe contrary.they remove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper channel, and in vigora te the whole syatom. Ladies whosö health will not perrait an ncrease of family, will Hnd these pills a successful preventive. Ladies peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves fo, shouid not u?e these ï'ills during the first three months, as they are certaino produce ïniscarriagt, "after which admonition" the proprietor assumes no responsibility, althóugh their mildness will prevent au injury to healtn, The ingredients compnsing the above i'ills are inade known to every Agent, and they will teil you they are safe and will ptrform all clairaed ior thera. Prfce $1 per box áold in ANN ARBOK, by STEBBINS k WIL90W, Pruggists AV. A. HirjíT, Druggtat. Ladips living at a distance by sending thém $1,00 througli tlie Ann Arbor Postoffice, can have the Pills sent (contkUititially) bij mail, to any part of the country frce of poPtage. Vf. B. - Beware of a base counterfeit of these. Pills. Yon can buy the counterfeit article at any pricefrom 25 to 76 cents a box (dear at that) . Laiies your Üves and health are of too much value to be trifled with, besidea beinc: impnsed npon witha worthless article. Therefore any oDe dtfuring you thrse Pillsfor lesa than $1 % box' avoid them as you would poison. They are bogus. None aregenuine unless the name of 8. D. HO WE is on every box which has rccently boen added.on account of the Pills being couterfeited, Sold ülso, by K1NNE & 3M1TH, Ypsilanti BI.ISS SJBEEBEJaokaoo, nndhy one icagf ist in every villnfje and city in the United States, andliy KARBAND,SHEEI.EY& CO. .General State .ágGQts, Detroit. S. D HOWE, SoloProppietor, 867yra2 SEW Y0HK. TTJIPTHERIA. DR. DEGLUBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECIFIO. CEKTAIN CURE F0R DIPTHERIA AND CROUP. Inlhepastyear nver 200 CASES OF PIPTHSRIA in and around Rochester, S, Y., COXSIDEREI) HOPSLESS, have been cure d with this medicine. Ñames and residences can be given. AU, THE PHYSJCIANS TIIERE NOW ÜSEIT. It nevcr has failed to cure ! Get a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For sale by EBERBACB & CO. Prepared and fiold by Iy913 w. E. SKINN'ER, Roehester.N. V. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHÜ. HELMBOD-S EXTRACT 0 "" WÜRETICHELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUC,', ' DIURETIC. II.LMBOLD-S EXTRACT BTCHü" "" . THE GREAT DIÜRETIC. AndaPnpitivcandSpeciDc Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel, Drotsy, Organic Weakness. And all diseaseR of Ibe Unnary Organs. Sec Advertisement in annther Column. Cut it out and ?nd for the Medicine at once JiEWARE OF COVFTStTTTTti. 2m"0?. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Rcstorative. IT IS NOT A DYK, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustcnance, impaired by age or disease. All inatantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselvea no dressing. Heini3treet:s Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy procesa, but gives the hair a L.uxurlant Beauty, promotes its growth, preventsits fallin ofF, era-licates JandrufF, and imparts healtb and ploaaantness to the uead. It hasstood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and s constantly increasïng in favor. Jseá bv bolh genLloman antt ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be proenred by them of t commercial ngents, U. S. Barnes & Co. 202 lïroadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6m894 O TOBACCO- You can buy the beat grades of FINE CHEWÍNG TOBACCO at frnm 50 cen;s to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. Soutli side Huron atrc-et, a few doors from Coo-k's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Arm Arbor, Dec.ll, 18G2. 883tf AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN SY ITS FRUIT. So is a gooú Physician by hls Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CELKBRATED PHYSIUJAN OF THE THKOAÏ, Lt'SGS AND CHBST, Known all over the countr; aH the Celebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at his rooms, RUsííKU. HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th an(M9th inst.,on the same dale of and every subsequent nionth during 1862 and 1863, A XE AT PAMPHI.ET Of the life,study and exteimive travels of Dr. Lyona can be procured by all u-hodesireone, frce of chr-re. Dr. L will vUit Aon Arbor, Jackson.anU Adrián Mtch., as follovs : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20th. Jackson. Hibbard House. 21 t Adrián, Bracketfc H uoe, 3ïd and 23d. Modk OF KXAMI-.(TION.- The Doctor discerns discasos bytheeyes. Be, therefore. a.sks no que-Jtions nor req ilrea patiënte to explain syrnptoms. Afflicted, come and have your symptoms and tbe location of yüur diseaseexplained free of charge 1863. May. 1863. 3t:epw SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT THE "Oíd Corner!" I am üow reoeiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF NEW G OODS, FOR THB Spring and Summer Trad.e, CONSISTIDO OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, . TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND 8HOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also u full assortment of Family Groceriesl all of which were bought low and are to be SOLD OEEAP FOB CASE. The highest Market price paid for XrtT O O JL, l C. E. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and "Washington ste. (904tf) Ann Arbor, SEED WHEiLT. Tl HE CNDERPICXED has for sale 800 Bushels of Treadwell Wheat, No. 1 in o.uality, ;rown on now land, and free from chesj,, coeklo, sraut or any other injuiious artiole- just the thing for soed. Cali early at the Union Sohoo! House, and satisfy yourself by examlning it. 9;6ml HOBERT SCOTT. Ann Arbor, August 4th, 1863. garFAIRBANKS' Jj Standard LÁSCALES! (MWMb 0FALLK1NDS. tV'-íiPíS? Alm, Waréhmist Trucks, Letter Presses, ffC. Fairbanks. Greenleaf & Cn . 172 I.ake Street, Chicago. Sola in Detroit by FARHASD & SHEL1V. -CéS-Bc careful to buy only the genuine.-L8 885yl Grand Trunk and Veimont ANOTHERGREATREDUCTION! Detroit to Rouns'l Hebt, St. Aiban, Burlinirton Mnntpclier and White l,ivr Junction, only 12 Iletroit to Boston via Ogrten.sliurg or I'ortiand!.".". 14 Detroit to Bo.stcn and return .'"' 25 PtUOng piircha.-ing Botton and return ticket'' caii go via llontreal, Gorham, (White Mountain), Mand Fond, and Portland. Keturning vía l.owell, Nashua Concord, Burlington an.l Ogdensbuig, Kivïng the 'pais' enger the benent of both routes Tickets good until November lst, J863. Through from Detroit to Boston in 36 hours. Two express trains leave Detroit daily (Sundajs excepted) by Chicap o time at 6.05 A. M. and 6 20 P M Spletidid sleeping ( arion night trains and Ruttan's Pat' snt Ventilators on auy ta ns. Tickets can bo obtaineü at!he Grand Trunk üaihvay riciet office, lü .leffcrsou avenue, a few doors above ho Mit'li'güD Excharjgo. ELCCrMSTHOSIPSONT, Agente, Btro!t, TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA MORE VALUABLE TIIAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S F 11 E N C n PERIODÏCAL DROPS, FRENCH PERIÓDICA!, DROPS, F R E N C II PERIODÏCAL DROPS, FRENCII PERIODÏCAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES. FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Suffering frora Irregularity, or Obstruction of the Mensos, from whatever cause, IT IS SURE TO CURE I IT IS SURE TO CURE! lï IS SUKE TO CURE ! ITIS .S'ÜRE TO CURE! lt (s mpossible to enjoy the bloom of health, and vivacity ot' spirits, unless the Menses are recular as to the time, the quantitv, and qunlity. When they are obsiructi'd, Ufaré raak-s her etforts to obtainforii) someother Outlot. and, unless these elfoits of nature RTe uatsted, the patiënt usualjy experiences Pespondency, NcrTousniiSS, and linally CO.VSUlIrTI()-N asaiunes its sivay, ttild prematurely termínate a miserable life. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCT1ONS ! IT REMOVKS ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT TS A PERFKCT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR' IT IS A PERFECT KEGULATOR ! BEAR IN MINT, BEAU IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT I GtTARANTEE THAT I GUAIUNTEE THAT I GUAKANTEE THAT I GUARAN TEE My JlKOPá T0 CURE Supprossion of the Mensc Trom wliatever cause, thouch care sliould be taken to iiscertainif (ri-giiaucy betlie cause, as these DROPS wuuM be sureto produce miscarriage ; tbeywill also oerfalnly PBE t.NT conception, If taken two or three doys before the m.uilhlv period ; therefbre, I wi.ih t dittiñctly understood, tbat I do not hold myself responsible nbeu used under such circumstancek. BUY THE BEST I BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BU F THE BEST ! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! ë BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST 1 "WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS WHÍCH IS LYON'S DROPS, WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS THEY ACT LIK E A CHAUM, by strengthening and nvigorating, and restoring tht system to a healthj condition. ltnioderates allexcess and remtrrea all obstructionn, and a petdy curelnay be relied on. Tü MARRIED LADIES, They are peculiarly adapted, as they bring on the Lnonthly period tvithsuch perfect regularity. SURE TO DO GOOD ! SURE TO DO OOOD! SURE TO DO GOOD 1 SURE TO DO GOOD! CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM! I could furniah any quantity of testimoniáis of its fficac,y from my own patients, but the practice of larading bonght and fictitioui onea before the public is o prevalent I do not deern it advitable. My object is o place my medicine before the public, not alone to make money, but t do gcod. It is proverbially true of ,he American Ladies, thatnotten perfectly healtby ones can be found in aDy one vicmity. BE WISE IN TIME! BE "WISE m TIME I BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIMEI Let not rtisease destroy your constítution. Try a bottle of my PERIÓDICA! DKOPS, and you wilï be Ratisfleá th at I am no impostor. Teil your afflicteí friend what restored the bloora of health to your cheeks and thereby confer a favor more valuablñ tbangold.- For painful or scanty Menstruation it ie just tbo thing Ihavenowinmy mind an instance of a lady who had beensufTcring from paínTul menstruation two or thrna j'ears, confininR her to her room each time ; be had ipplid to several eminent physiciaiis, without relief tvhen one bottle of my DROPS catire ly curd hör. ONE BOTTLE oURES ! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES ! ONE BOTTLE CURES t In almost erery case. DO NOT BE TMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED HPON ! DO. NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON I Dut cutthisout and end it tó j-our Druggist, and f he has not ffot it,make him buy it for yon ; or, tt enalbe obtaiaed of (he üeaoral Agontn for the United Sta tes C. G. CLARK & CO., WHOLKSJIE DnüGGISTS, New H.1VEX, Co.VK Fornxlo by all rehpcchible Druiigists. l"rlce,$1.00 per btttlo, and by gtebüiss i Wi!, Oroartlle 4 Fuller, Etriiï Co. THE ROOÏS AND THE LEAVES WILL, be for thu Healii.g of tho Natiom. SOU. Prof. H_ O". LYONS, AND C1ÍI-EBRATED PHYSIC1AN of the niRÜAl.LLNGS, HEART, AND THE BLOOD, Known all over the country as the CEI.EBRATKD nXTDIAïvriIEIilB DOCTOB! Of 2S2 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit tho follomng places, viz APPOI.VTMENI FOK 1862, 1863andlS64 X-V..T &"" C C"D8U"ed a' the fn"0WiBi Detroit Hu.sel House, each month, lstli and 19th Ann Albor, Monitor House, each montlj 20ih Jackson.Hibbard House, each month il Adriaa, Bracket House, each month 2d and 23d. and OBth' Col)'ns House, each month, 24th, 25th, Hiïlsdale, Mich., HillsdaleHouso, each month 27tb monlhW28th Mih" SoUtneln 1IcWR' Uoitn, eaoh Elkhart, Elkhart IIouso, each month "9th South Bend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, each month 30 Laporte, Ind., Tee Glrden House, each month 31st and8hter'üh'O'CrandellKXOl'aUgeCach mou"'. 7'th ioth"seId' Lio' Wiler House' "ch mGIlth. 9th a"i laJJ v"nou , Kenjon House, each month, llth and Nj-'wark, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13th and l'ainesville.Ohio, Cowlc-s House . each month 4th ULLVtXAND, oiilo. RE8IDENOE ANti OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, ruSül0' the l"hUc finare, opposite the Postcffice. Oftce days each month, lst. 3d, 4lh,5th, 6th lölh - Oihce hours from 9 A. M. to 12 M. and from 2 1'. M 'to 4 1'. M. OnSunlayfrom 9 to 10A.M.,and 1 to 2 1' M ■Maxim.s.strictly adhered to . I give such balm as have no strife, With nature or the lawg of üfe, With blood my hand.s I nuver stain Norpoison men toease tlieirpain. lic s a physician indeed, who Cures. The Indian He,v Doctor. B. J. 1.YOMS cures the fo lowing compiaints n the most obstinate stages of the existince, viz: Diseasesof theThroat, Lungs, Heart, Ijver, Stom ch , Dropiy in the Chest, Rheumatinn, Neuralgia Fit jrha]lmgSickiiess,aiidal]othernerv(iusderaugcments Alo all diseasesof the blood, such as Scrofula Krysip. .las. Cancera , Fever Sores, I.eprosy, and all other complica tetí cltrouic complaints. Allforms oí female difliculties attendcd to with the aappiest results. It is hoped that no one will despair o! a cure until ■ hey have Kiven the Indian Herb Doctor' Jiedicin a air and failhful trial. gDunn the travll In Kurope, Weit Indies, South America, and the nited States, he lia been ihe insirun.ent in God1 land. torestore to health and vipor thousands who veregivenup an.lpronounced incurable by ihe most imnentold school physicians; nay, more, thoutands vhowereon the verge ol the grave, are roiv Uring to the Indivn Herb's Dor.tor's skill and uccessfultreatment.andaredailyexclaiming: "Bes. ed bethéday when first no aiv and partook of the ndian Herb Doctor's medicine." 'j ■vii.iru.CTui üuri's win oe eiaüly anc checTfuirj given m henever rsqutred. The Doctor pledges h!s word and honor, tht he wil] in no wise.directly or indircctly, induce or cause any nvalid to take hit medicine v ithout Ihe strungeat prob. ability of a cure. Moileuf examination, which ís entirely different from the faculty. Dr. Uyua profrsses to discern diseasi-s by tlie eyo. He therefore ask na quertionï, nor doeshe requirt ftktlentsto explain svrnjitomK. Callone and all, tnd have thesymptiuns nnd loeatiou of your dlsewK explained free of charge. I-Jy"Tliep)orshnll bi liberullr consldered. irPstolllceaddreas, bux 2C63. _ ' R. J. I.YONS, M t'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. C5. 1S62. lyf80 UNIVERSAL CLOTBB8 WRINGER. o No. 1. Late F.iMiLT Wri.vger S10 00 Ho. 2. Mkuick " ' , 7 oo 2i " " " '■'.'.'.'.'. (i.00 No. 3. Small lt ,_a; g 5Q No. 8. I.AKGB Bl)TXt " ..." 14 00 No. 18. Mkdium LxusDKr C torunby V 18 00 No. Si2. I.AXGli " J steam or L 30 00 (. hand. j Nos. 2% and 3 have no Coga' All olhcr.i re wairanted. No. 2 is tho size generally used in private families. Oiuiius JccD,of tbe "American Agriculturist " says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES -WRINGER. "Achiid can readily wring out k tubfull of clothe na few minutes. It is in reality a CLOTHES SA VER A TIME SA VER! and a STRNGTH SAVEK 1 The sa ring of garments will alone ïay a large per centageon its cost. We think the machine niuch more tluin I'AYS FOK ITSE1.K EVKRT YEAU n the saving of garments There are severul kinds, nearly alike in genera! conMruction bul we considerit important tliat the Wringer be litted with Cogí?, otíierwiíe a mass of garinenta may clog the roller, nnd the rollers upon the crank-ghatt Blipand tear the clo'hes, or the rubber break ioose frtjm the shaft. Our own r one of the flrst make, and it is nearly a G0OD AS NEW' after nearly FUUK Y1CABS' CONSTANT USE." Every Wringei with Cog Wheels ia Warranted in every Particular. NO WRINGER CM BB DURABLE WITHOUT COfi WHEELS. A gooï CAN'VASSIiR wanteil in every town. Í On receipt of the price from places where no one is Belling, we wil) stnd the wringer free of kxpbnsb Kor particulars and circulara arlOress 915tf IÍ C. BROWNING, 347 Broadway, N.Y. For Knís, Jilee, Jloaclies, Anta, Bed Bugs, Motlis In Pars, Woolcns, Stc. Inatcts on Planta, FowU, Animáis, &c, " Only infallible remedies known." " Free from potrons." 11 Not dangíroiis to tlie Human Family." " Kats come out of thoir hules to die." 49 Sold Wbotenalein all large cties. Soíd by alt Druggtets aud Retailers every where. ! ! ! í'xawark ! 1 ! of all worthless imitations. 4S Soe that "Costak's" uame is on eacli Box, Bottle and F!, before you buy. 3"A.liÍrea HERÍRY R. COSTAR. &&- Principal Depot, No. 428 Rroadway New York. t Salé by all the Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Anu Arbor, Mich. 9J5rn3 Tob a eco ! Tob acco ! 1 AM SEI.LING GOOD FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Al from Fifly cents to 1 per pound, SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 í cents lo 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ánn Arbor, Hicta., Dec 17, 1862. 883tf GOOD One Shilling per Pound ! Eight Shilling3 per Pound BEST KEROSENE OIL 4 SIIILLINGS PER GALLON! CHOICE ARTICLE OF COFFEE, Preparad of CofTeö and Chiccory fresh groiind ftrcry ilay, and nrarranted superior to an3'thiDgin tisi market or tbu money refunded, AT 2 SHILLÏNGS PER LB. CROCKEEY, 6LASSWARE,TABLECUTLERY, LAMPS, FRVITCANS. así aü oihér gowlí at abot eH frtrh. ' Ana Arhor. Jan-ai, 1?IB. CJÍtf. ' VOO. ' SlillDr SCBOFULA AND SCE0FÜL0D3 DISEASES. From Emery Edes, a well-foiown mtrchant of Oxford, Alante. " I llave sold large quantitiesof your Sarsapar. ILLA, bnt nevcr yet une botíle whlcb íaitcd of the desired effect and lull satisfuction to thoee who took it. As fast as our people try it, they agree there lina been no medicine íike it beíore iu our community." Eruptions, Pimple. Blotohes, Fustules, Ulcors, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Iiev. Itobt. Stratton, Bristol, England. i( 1 only do my duty to you and the public, wheB I add my testimony to that you publish oí the medicinal virtues of your Sarsapauilla. My daughter, aged ten, liad au atflicting humor iu her eari, eyes, and hair lor years, which we were unable to cure until we tried your Sarsaparilla. Sha hju been well ibr gome iuoutb.8." From Mr. Jane E. Rice, a wellhnown and muA eeteevied latly qf Dennisville, Cape May Co., N. J " My daughter has suflered for a ytar past with ' 8Crofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothingaflbrded any relief until we tried your Sau6APARILLA, which fioon coiupletely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., othe toúlthi-knowv firm qf Gage, Murray Sf Co., manvfaclurtn of eitamelled papers in JVashua, N. H. " J had lor several years a very troublesome Au mor in my face, which grew constantly wor6e ntil it disligured my leatures and became un intolerable añliction. I tried almost every tliing a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief wbatever, until I took your Sarsaparilla. It inimediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new ckin began to form undcr the blofches, and continued until my face is as smooth as anybody's, and 1 u without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. 1 enjoy perfect lu-ulth, and without a doubt uwe it to your Sarsaparilla." Erysipelas - General Debility - Purify the Bloed. From Dr. Holt. Sawin, llnuston St., W. Y. Dr. Ayer : I seldom fait to remove Eruptions and Scrqfufous Sores by the persevering use of yonr Sarbaparilla, and 1 have just now cured au attack of Malignant Erisipelas with it. No altcrative we possess equalstbe Sarbaparilla you have upplied to the profeseion as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnslon, Esn. , Wakeman, Ohio. For twelve years 1 liad the yellow Eryeipela on my right arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physicians 1 could reach, and took hundredi of dolíais' worth of mediciues The uJcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. 1 began taking your Sarsaparilla. Took twobottles, and Bomeoi your Fills. Together theyhave cured me. I am now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody iu this community, and excites the wonder of all." From Hom. Henry Monro, 31. P. P., ofXewcastle, C. W., a leading member of the Canadian Parliament. "I have used your Sarsaparilla in my family, for general debility, and for purtfying the blood, with vcry beneficial re6ult?, and Ceel confideiice iu commending it to tüe üflucted." St. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Rheom, Soald Head, Sore Eyea. Front Uarvey Sidder, Esq., the able editor of the 7'unckhannock Democrat, Pennsylvania. " Our ouly child, about three years of age, wa attacked by pimples on bis forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loatlisome and virulent eore, which covered bis face, and actually blindcd bis eyes for some days. A skill'ul physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apfiarent effect. For tuteen days we guarded bis bands, est with them he should tearopen the tèstering and corrupt wound which covered liiswhole face. Having tned every thing else we had any hopefrom, we began giving your Sarsapakilla, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal wben we had given the flrst bottle, ftnn was well when we had fimshed theeecond. Tba cliild's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole neiebborhood predicted tbat the child must üie." STphilis and Mercurial Sisease. From Dr. Jliram Sloat, of St. Louis, Missouri. "I find your Sarsapaimlla a more eflectual remedy ior the Lecondary symptoms of Syphilit, and for syphilitic discute than any other we posees. I The profession are indebtect to you for some of the best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass., mho is a prominent member qf the Legislature nfMassachusetta. "Dr. Ayeb - Hy dear Sir : I have found your ! SAitSAPAitiLLA. an excellent remedy for Syphilis, ' both of the primary and secondary type, and effectual in some cases tfiat were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know wbat we can employ with more certalnty of success, where a powerlul alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Liew, of New Bruntwclc, N. J., had dreadful ulcere on bis !cgs, caused by tbe abuse of mercury, or mercurial ilisease, which grew more and more aggravatcd for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could beaDulied. until the ! persevering use of Ayek's Sarsaparilla relieved nim. Few cases can be found more invetérate and distressing tlian tbis, and it took severa) dozen bottles to cure üim. Iieuoorrhcea, Whites, Female Weaknesa, are gcnerally produced by intern al Scrofulous Ulceration, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this Sarsaparilla. Some cases require, however, in cid of the Barsaparilla, the skjlful application of local remedies. From the well-knottm and widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of dncinnati. "I have found your Sarsaparilla an excellent alterative in dieeases of femalee. Muny cases of irregulaity, Leucoirhoea, Infernal Ulceration, mnd local debility, arieing from the scrofulous diatheais, have yielded to it, and there are few tbat do not. wheu its effect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, miwilling to allow the publication qf her name, writes: " My daughter and myself have hoen -cured of t very debilitating Leucorrhoea of long standing, by two bottles of your Sarsaparilla." Kheumatism, Gout, Livep Complalnt, Dtb. pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scroula in the system, are rapidly cured by this Eít. Sausapabilla. ayTrs cathartic pills íossess so many advantages over the other purratives in the market, and their superior rirtues are so universally known, tliat we need not do more than to assure tho public their quality ia maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all hat they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co, owell, Mass., and sold by SÏEKBINS & WILSOX, Aon Arbor, E. SAMSON psilanti, A. tEWIN'ö, Dexter, TVHEKDOX ft HATCH ' helsea. Wholesale by FAUKANDS1IELBY & Co. De C. E. COL'URN, Travelling Agent. WONDERFUL SÜCCEISS. V3 The attention and research of tlie most disinguisbed Chemists and Pbysicians for years have teen devoted to the production of a remedy for those ostdistressing mabuHea itemuiou and KlIEt fter long study and many experimenta, a speciñc rcparation has been d'Cúvered. W ATSON 'S Ne; aga iwt-'r. latmml Semed. 1 turlu chousands of 'cases where all ctae'r remedies have utterly failed. We are assureil fhat it is no mere ' ANODYNË," relieving for the moment uhiletho cause reraains, but is a perfect ÍPEClnCand CUUE for those r.ainfu] tüseases. The vast number of Liniments, Enibrocalion.s :nd Kxternal MedicineB, wbieh actas stimuliints of the surfaceoniv, aremerely temporal y in their offects nnd of doiibtfül virtue ïhe NKURAI.UIA KING reache the sonrce of alltronble, and cfloctually banlshes the disease from thesystepi. l'rice- One Dollar per Bottle. Propared by C. R. WALKER, Iy887 BufTalo,N. Y.,and Fort ICrie, C.W. TH2 American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all kinds against the Genera. Government State Governuent, the City, or private partios, prose' cuted and collected at mij ez-pcnse and rifc Against private parties 1 po.=fes.s Hiperior facilities for collecting claims eveiywhere in tin l'nited lítales and Cañadas, rclieving nierchants, ansignees, uankerh and otliers, oí the caie and all resnonsibilitv . Special Kttcnti on given to old debts, liard' cases, di, vorias, wilU, estates, etc, Heing familiar wilh all the details of the " Int mal Rcvrnut Lam," I will atlend promptly to the oolleetron of drawbacks, and taxes overpaid tbrongh ignorauce of the iaw. Soldiers' pensions, pay, and bounty gecurod forthem or their heirs. Kor that purpose, and for prosecuting claims against the Government, I have a branch office at Washington. No charge made uoless claims are collected. All ioldler dlscbarged by reason of wounds- however shor', the timetheyhave served- are entitled to One Hundred Dollars Hounty. All ooldicrs bavingserved twoyears.are entitled to the same. 0, The highest marketprice will be paid for sollicrs' claims, aud other demauds against the General Sfï ■ernmpr.t. Information and opinionn given, and invostigation na Ie without charge, upon claims proposed to be placed n 'ny hands. For particular), addresn H. HUNTINGTON LEE, SOOtf Ko, 240 Broadway, N. Y Truscs ! RUPTURE OAN BE CURED BY A TRUSS of the nglit kind, it' proporly Bltcd and duly atteuded to. 'his ha baen abundantly demonstrated In limmaera le instances by theuseoftho Alultlpctlnl Triiga .f Dr. UisK, rturing the lust few year. This Truss leingcoveicd with Hard Rubber, i perteclly wateriroof, niay lie used in bathing, and ia ulwuysc'leanly as i-ell as indestructible by orilioary usage. ïf not satilactory after a fair trial of nixty days, ?t may be rt. urucd. It cbïllongis comparisoo with any truso no'Ac. Dr. HlCaS' ra-e, No. 2 BARNAT Strèt, NeV o.-k. t%t{ DR. RAÜWAY'S PILLS! NEWLY DISCOVERED PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION DR. RAOWAY'S PILLS ARE THE BEST PURGATÏYC Pilis in tlio WorM, and ihe only Vegetable Substituí for fa omel or Merrury ever diBCOvered. oinpof (i oí" Vegetable JKxtracts of CrMBM Plan ttf, Herbs, Koot anti Klotreru. They I'urgo - Cteanse- l'urify- Hcal- Soothe - OUm- Sireugihen - Invigorate - aud Kegulate the SyiUm. ijr sunoEjr .ítt.hks o ir INFLAMMAT10N OF THE BOWELS. BIL IOUS CHOUC, BILIOUS FEVER, ERYSIPELAS, CONGESTIVE FEVER, SMALL POX, MEASLES, SCABLET FEVER, SIX TO EIOHT rzi.ll Will purge the disoase from the system ia SIX HOURS. If seized with eitlior (ff thfl abovo-named dlseacs, lat eix or titght of Dr. Radway's I'ILLS bo takon at ono. This single dost will carry tho patieat out of dongor. Ihülr cuntiuued uae, 'm smallor doses, will work , cor. I COATED WITH GUM, They are pleasantto take. They opérate plBnllf , etturally, and thoroughly Evcry doso that is takea imparts HrengtK to the enfeobled gystctn. Being perfect purgativa they do not leave the bowtlt cottivt,or the pliL-ut wcak. ONE OE TWO OF DB. EADWATS PILU Will secure a good appotite and healthy digestioo, TO THUSE WHO TAKE PllXS, )R. RADWAY'S P1LLS will bo found an mprorement on %l purgativo or cathartic pilLs In usü. Ooe or two pillt ■Tül bo found suíDcient to keep the bowela regular ; and 41 cases where a brisk opuratiou Is doalred, SIX lo KIGHT will in six hours thoroughly purgt. , ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE. ' costiveness, dyspefsia, f constipation, measles, i congestión, . melancholt, t heart disease3, iiystebici, diseases of kidney amenoerhtea, and bladder, fainting, j diseases op liver, dizzines3, b1liousness, rush of blood to typhus fevek, the head, ' ship fever, obstrüctions, malignant fever, retention of duut loss of appet1te, dropsy, indigestión, acute euysipela. inflammation, headache, palfitations, bad breath, scarlet fever, inflammation f bilious fever, the intestink8, jaündice, apoplexy, congestive fever, enlargement oí sleeplessness, the speen, general debility, bcurvy, dimness of sight, whooping couqh, fits, worms, lowness of spirits, bad dreams, qü;nsey, pleurisy, As also all Complalnt of Women, inch M Xlystcria, Leucorrlkoea or White, "V-kntng DUchargcs, Ctllorotls, Irrt-gularltl, Sujpr-ssloii of lile Mensrs, IitfiannnaUon of the Woml or Bladder, Olfllv uit Jleiutru tlon,and all other Di.scases orComplaints producod bf cxce.iSivc dischiirges or suppressiuu otthc ilcosej. Ladle8 who desiro to avoid the suffürlogs and incoaveniünces of theso irregularitie3, or nrgaoic obstrtfctions, sliould not omit to rogulat their systenu bj monm ofonoor twoorRADWAY'S PILLS.oncoor twic a woolc, and thm bo f ree Trum the many and Kreat Itw couveuiences to wbich Iadie3 are generally subject. WEIGH FACTS. DOCTOR RADWAY luvitea the attentlon of tho IntaDK geut reader to tho factt here preonted, showlug tb superiority of I1I3 PiLlS, as purgativï, over all uthtf pilla or purgativo medicines ni uüc THEIR GREAT COMBINATIONS. They are Aporient, Tonic, Va itive. Alt .Tatir, SUmUut, Counter Irritant, Sudonflc. AS EVACUANTE, They aro more certain and thoroui;h than tho DrMtlo Pilis of Aloe, or Crotón an-l Sar Ie m (í!, or ilatorm ; and moro soothiog and healipg than Sonua, or Khubarb, or Tamarinds, or Castor Oil. AS ALTERATIVAS, Thoy exerciso a more poivo.Tul iiifiueoce ovor the llrar ani its secretions thau caloinel, mercury, bluepill.heuc their importancein casos ofLiver Complaintsaad Spleca Difflculties, Jaundice, i), Bihous Attacks, Headacho, &c. In the trcatment of Kevers, eithcr Bilioui Yellow, Typhoid?and other reduce g Fcvcm, they ar superior to quiniue. Their iuflucncu cxtends over th entire systom, controlling, strengtheniiig, aud bracior up the relaxed and wasting energiL'8, and regulatinf all tho secretioua to the natural performance of their dutiti, cleaasing and purifying itic blood,;ind purgiug from lh ■ystem all diseasod deposita au-i impuro hunurt. THE CAUSE OF PII,KS. A larga dose ortho Drastic PHte will, by irriUtiní th mucoua membrane, produce a violent expuláion of lh coQtents in tho buwold, büt la so tluiug utüer secretiou are suspended. ín such cues, the stoola will be founé to be Hght-colorcd and w.itery , and attonded with crampa. griping pains, nau-c.i, sickuiws. By tliis increased nanatural action of the b wels. tho soorotions of the kwl-_ neys and pancreas aredL"niniihed,followed by alfectlnoaof the kidneya, bladder, urelhra, piles, teneiuiu, general proátratioü, cuhUvoucsm, iuiJ indigesika. Why Radway's Pilis Cure Small Pox. InSmall Pox, Scurlet Fevor, Erysipela, Yollow,Tfphoid and other reducing f'evers, pukiíatio.y ís hihlp tuaifial. But to admioiriter a dose oí Drastic Pilis tti irritation they would produce and tho relaiation and depletion that wculd follow, would be likely to proy fatal. If physiciaus, in these caaes, would gvo líAi)WaY'S HLLS, they wmild alwiy.s cure their patiënt. In these diseases a mild, snnthing, healing and ent I7 stiraulating laxitive a lequiroJ, wliicH is secured h ÜADWAY'á PILLS. ' Wliy Imperfect Pilis Gripe. Tlie cause of giiping, n;uisoa, sieknes, traemui RnJ debility, that is indu;ed by a dao "f drastie pills, is owJng to their imperfect oporation. U w:th tho f aceu , th diseased humorst left circulating iu the syatem, were expelleil by thoso jiills, ihnro would be but little puin or griping. It is the absence of iho biie and other humor which tho imperfect pilla fnl to furge out of tho pyttem that oocasions the pain. By cx:iinining the stoola'evacuated after sevcre griping hoy will bo fuuuU thÍD ij4 watery. THE TRUE PILLS TO TAKE. The only safo pilla to takc are Or. R-idway'., beu tbeyaro tho only pills tlmt securi; puratiuu without d pietion, and expel diseaáed humora fruin the systom. CASE OF DY3PEP3IA CUBED. For many years I tium loeu afTlicted wlth our nv tlonal oomplaint, calleJ. Pyspepsi i- my suíTorings har buen a cuusUnt succession oí horrors. I havo ipent tUousaiids of dollars wiih tho hopo ot rcaüziny a Huí comfortand tr.inqinllity. All modi ent Ion failed to roliera me, until I commeneisd to act upjn tlio judiciou aürie yougave me on the 6th or April, 185S. AuU now, aftar iieing your Pilis, I fecl likc a now man. God bies yoa, and may this letter ioducc othcr snflhrlng viÜíai lo ihit accursod malady, to try tho samo mean.!. Yourá ferventlv, W. CARPEÜTpH. CARFKmnmLL, N. J., April 16th, 1859. Mtssrt. Radway d Co. , iV. Y. i ity. -t; . Letter from Dr, Salmón Skinnpr; New York, Jauuary, 1800. Dr. Radway L Co. ; I havo, during iho past four ycars, used your remedies, and have rocoinmemled them to othcrs fur Bimc Complaibtts, Ixpiobstion, Dyspkpia, lie. I conider Üi Ready Relioí and Kegulating Filis ntH'qtialod. Th Rejfulating Pilis aro mild tu thoir operutiuus aod thprouhlr eíTective. Tho flrst doso should be largo enough to prgw y four or flvo, and cach successivo útmo bu timini-ihed on pill, until reduced to ono, aml then rce;tc I every dny for a week or ten dars. A pormationt curo will surel follow. Yours, x., DR. S. SKIXN'ER. jr Or. Radtrny's Pilis nru solcl by I)ru{t gl.nts and Storc-Klc:cicrs ín generiU Each Box contftlns 30 Pili. I'rhc 5 -U, pe r Uox, For Sale by STEHBINS & WILSON Oral Picture Frames ALLSTZES.STYLEE aad PRICE6 just receivéd an4 forsale 5CH0FF & MILLER'S. 180.Dfc.í", 70tí Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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