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FAEM FOR SALE! O A Pinall Farm for Bah nr fxchange for city proprty( n Aon Arbor or Ypsilanti - til ís fartn id tituated on th middle Ypnlanti road, about í mil from tht Cnrr. isity , and about 80 rods Irom the city limmiti- good Two Story Dweiling House, "íarn and out honsei, and a choice variety of fiuïti.- r'or particulars inquire of John N. Gott, Add Arbor r tr Q. H. Philips, on the premises. tfLS. SberifTa Sale. BY VIRTUE of one execution, isued out cf tht Circuit ('ourt for the County of Washtnaw, iu tb State of Michigan, to me dirccted anl delivred, 1(tkídi1 [he goodti and cliïittels, land and tunemeotg of Ptttr Schafer and William, I did on the leTenth day of August, A. D. 1863r levy upou and taks U thi riííht, Htleand inteieet of the said Peter Schitfir od William Fchwitzer, in and tu the one certaio parecí or lot of land known and duñcribed as foilowK ; Sitnuted in the township of Manchester, county of Waihteotw and State of Michigan, beinjj the parcel known as th property of I'eter Schafer and used for a blackxmith .shop, boundcd on the west by the lards of E. A. Partridge, on th north by tht landa of Conklin, and on the e&it and south by liitids of K. A .Partridge, bcíng forty fetiia flidlh from noith tosouth and sixty feet in Ungth kit and west, beini; in a fiquare forra ; said land beiDg mor particularly described as follows : Being part of m tioti numöer ont in township four south and range thri eastTin theStateof Michigan, bí-ginninf; at a stake two ro-Js and two links west of the blacksmith ahop, occupied in 1S55 by Contad Butler, in the Villago of Etit Manchester, running thence easterly parallel with h south line of land herctnlor owned by Oranger iij Frantz sixty foet , thence Norlh to said south lioe forty feet, thence alon-? aid south line wesierTy niity fftt, theoco Bouth tatty feet to the place of t g nnng, incl cinp the shop aforesaid. Which said rtght, title ani b. terest I shall exposé for sale at public aoctioD to th higheiit bidder on the sernth day of Oetober neit,t noon, at the front door of the Court House ïn tb Citf of Ann Arbor, in said county of Waihtfnaw. PHILIP WINEGAR, Sheriff. By Pateick Waxl, L:nder Sheriff. Dated, August 13th, 1863. A WORD ABOUT AMIICM WATCHES ! AFTER A TfíOROUGH TRIAL OF MOKE THAN TEN YEARS, tho time-pieces manufacture b; the American Watch Co. , of Waltharo, MasB. , hn gained a firm hold uon the favor of the public, 4 now, no lcss than 75,000 of thero are npealtinj fsr tbcmselves in the pocets of the people. F rom a rttj nsignificant beginning the business has íncreased untilwo are justified ín staling that WE MAKE MORE THAN ONE li.M.V of a)l tho watchea sold in th Vtlttté States. Rfpeated enlargement of our faetory builditji, and the labor of 509 operatires, still 6nd ui unequil to supply the constancly increasing de mand. Aid may here obeerve thnt notwithstanding the high frif of labor and materiala , wo actually U oar producli t less prices than those current five reara Lo. We refer to these facts onJy for the purposo of proferir ïnttoducing another subject relatïre to our mn facture o f watchea. Hit hert o our chief object bu been to make good for the mi Ilion at thc lowit poaaible price - something to take the place of the mk believe watcfrtrs called "Ancres,'' "Lepínef," "Engliili Patent Levers, " &c, annuallj throirn upon thii mfcrket, íú'counfless numbers,bj European workshopí- watchcs which are the refuse of their factorie, nmlable at home and perfectly worthleis eTerywhr. This object we have aceompíished', nd now we bti to annouoce, that we have commeoced thr manufiietir of walches of the very Highest Grade of Chronorpetry, unequalled by anything hitherto mado by ourselTa id unfliirpasscd by anythingHvade in the irorld. For Vbw purposewe have the am'plest facilities. We hare trted an addition to our main buildings expressly for thii branch of ourbu'ineüs, and have filled it with th bit workmen in our service. Proüting by our Iong eiperience, we have remoctelled the form of our watchei, iitroducing auch improveinonta as haT been suggíitsd and pToved to be good time to time, and hat iastituted new aird severe tosts of ísochronism, adjuit-' ment and compensation. Xow machinen and applitnefp have been constructed, which perform thfir work with consumittate delicacy and exactitud, and th choicestand ïoost apprcved materials only are oitei.- Nothing in fact is wanting eíther in mechanical principies, material nr workmanihip to ensero perfection ii the reeult. Wecontfnuo to manufacture our otbtr wll-kaow qualítit'S inder the following namet : " AIM'LKTO.V, TRACY t CO." "P. S.BARTLETT." And the "Soldier's Watch," "WM. ELLERV." The latter thf lowest priced watch we innke,if a ! stantial, relinble tinio-piece, cased in iterling iilter- hunting pattern,and is not liable to get out of ordr either io marching, riding or fightíng. All the abo" described watches, including the jintst, which ís naro "Amkricají Watch Compíny,'1 are sold by watch dolers generally throughout tho country, ROBBINS & APPLETON, Agentsfor the American Watch Comptnj, ieow4m Broadway,N. T. Jjissolution JNotice, mHE FIRM OF CHAPÍN, WoOD k CO., was diasolá X January 1, I6t3t by mutual consent. C. A. Chapia and A. B.'Wood will sett le the account of the firm. CA. CfcUFlH, A. H. Wooö, V. Cdafin, E. Wblu. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1863. Copartuership. TTE UNDERglGNED ontered into partnership J' 16, 1865, by the firm name of Chapín Ac Co., " will continue the business of manulacturing printioí and wrapping paper. C. A. Chapín, ■ Cnrw, V. Cxatix. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1S63. íIOtf. THREE GRAND TROTTING RACES ! FïlEIvriXJIvaiS $280 0 To takc place on theGrounds of the Washtenair Con tj Agricultura! Society, Ano Arbor, SATURDAY, AUG. 22, 1863. o lst Match- l'urse 100- nside stakes ÍÍOcuch. W" tween the Trotting tt.illiuns STOCKBRIDGE CHIEF of Adrián and HENRY CLAY, of Ann Arbcr. 2i Match- Purse $10- inside Stakcs {I each. üclvrcon "Mollie Statk," ''Bay Sam," ownci J Carapbell i; Co., Ypsilaaü, Thoma fcarton's Bro Gelding, and ïlooper." 3d Mutch- rnrse10- insido Stakes $10. Pet1 '■Suky." oioed by S. Uenham, of Aun Arbor, and J0"" R. Geer'a White ílorse. TROTTING COMMENCES AT IK O'CLOCK'. SÍ5, The abobo Races are to be all to harness. n beats best 3 o 5, and goverued by the Pe" I ules. Admission 25 Cents. B. GREEN, Sup't: JOIIN P. PAI.E, Treas'r. IKtD. HOOI'EB, WT1 "jdÖwaed associatiox, P1IILAI1KLPHIA, PA. DLeixcKoftheNervoMS, Seminal, W'1""' and Stiunl Sj-steinn-nf and rdi 1ISL. ment- in üeports of the HOWAKH ASSOCIATIE ientby mail in sealed letter envelóle, fri f "'"". Addre, Ir. J. 8KILI.IN HOWiHTON. Ho ■''"" tioa, No.2 South N'inth Street, Phila , " ■


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Michigan Argus