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fpwl potte ííícíiígIFcbntral raílroad. Pasaengertrainsnow leave Detroit, Chicago,and the Sö ver al Stations in thisCounty ,as follows : GOING WEST. Leave Mail. Day Ex. Jack. Ac. NightEx. Detroit. 530A.M. 7.5OA.M. 5.00 p.M 7 .40 F.M. Ypsüanti, 655 " 9.10 " 6.30 " 8.55 " AnnArbor, 7.15 ' 9.S8 ' 6 55 " 0 15 " Dexter, 7.40 " P.M. 7.25 " ' Chelsea, 8.00 " " 7.45 " - " Ar.Chicago, 6.30 " 1.30 i. M. The mail train goes only to Michiga n City. GOING EAST. Leave. NightEx. Jack. Ac. Mail: Day Ex. Chicago, 7.15P.M. 5.00.. M 7.30a. Si. Chelsea, 5.05 a. m. 3.05 r. m. Dexter, 555 " 325 " AnnArbor, 4.45i. M.6.30 " 3.50 r. M. 4.43 r. m, Ypsilanti, 5.05 " 6-55 " 4.15 " 5.00 " Ar. Detroit. 6.05 " 8.15 " 5.40 " 6.20 " Traimdo not stop atstations wherefiguresareomittedinthe table. Train cnnnect at Detroit with the Great Western and Grand Trunk Kailwajs of Canada, and the Detroitand Toledo, and Detroit and MiJwaukee Railroads, and i'levehi'nd Steamers. At tht Company's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Joliet and Lfaytta, throagh tickets can be purchased toall the principal cities and towns in the United StfttM and Cañadas. I.UXURIOUS SLEEPING CARS upon all night trains. Ruttan's celebrated Ventiluting ApDaratus upon all day trains - the best dust preventative in use. R N. RICE,enral Superintendent. M. C. R. R. Office, ApriU7, 1863. , S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATI0N BITTERS. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They créale a healthy appetit. They arean antidoto to change of water and diet. Thev overeóme eflects of dissipation and late houra. They strengthen the system anJ enliven the mind. They prevent miafimatic and ioteruaittent feverfl. Thev purify the breath ana acidity of the stomach. They cure dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera an-1 Cholera Morbua. They cure I.iver ComplainC and Nervous Headache. They are the best bitters in tne world . The? makt the weak man fltrong, aud aro exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasureof beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommeaded to delicate persons requiring a gentle atlmnUnt. Sold by all Groceri, Druggins, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. Drake 4: Co. 202 Broadway, New York. 6ratf)4 LYON'S KATHAIR0N. Kathaironis from the Greek word, "Kathro," or "Kathairo," MRiiifying to clense, rejuvinate and restore. Thi article is what its n imesignifies. Forpreserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair itis the most remarkable preparatiou In the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and made with the same care, skill and attention which gaveit asaleo'f over onc million bottles per annum It is amoatdelightful Hair Dressing. It eracictes scurf and dandruff. It keepfi the hcad cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and gloasy It prevenU the hair from fallinjoffand turuinggray It restoi-eshair upon baM heada. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use I.yon's Katharion. It il known and usedthroughout the civiliied world. Sold by all respectablo dealers. 6m894 DEMÁS S. 3ARNES L CO.,.Prop'rs, N. Y. O" TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO-XB Hr. O.C. BalsTOi. & distinguished Cbemiat and I gist of theciy Of Buifalo, N. Y, UTcnted I factured a compoimd known as BHISTOL'S BALSAM OV HOAKHOL'ND, which s a perfect srKCIFie for COCGIIS, COLPS, Or any BRO"CÏIIALOr LCNü UIKFICCLTIES arising from dampcold, or sudden chango of tho weather. Every person whohasever taken BRISTOL'S BALSAM OF HOARHOUND, pronouncea it the but article ever invented ; and o justly celebratedlias it become, that the market s f all of ïmitatiom, counterfeits, and most dangc'roua compotmds, under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound. Therefore, alway be careful to cali for Bristol's Balsam, and seo that bis WRITTEN' signature is on the outside label oí ihebottle. ' M.uík. This iuvaluable Medicfne has beeD now some Iwentyone years before the pubhc, and without any effort on the part of the proprietor, i ts sale ha become very extensive, and is daily increasing. The low price at which the Medicine il sold (25 CENTS) enablei ALL lo partake of its healing qualities. C. CROSBY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Solé manufacturar, to hom all order ahould b addressed. For sale byall respectable druggists. Iyeow888 A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. TjUPONCÖ'S GOLDEN TILLS EOK EEMALES. [olallible in correctlng, regulating and remoTÏng allobstructioDö, l'rom whatever cause, and alwaye succKsful sis a preventive. The combïnation of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis fur Keuiales are erfectly harmlesa. They have boen used in the private practice of Dr. Duponcu over 30 yearii,:utd thousands of iadies can tesüfy to their great aod never failing success in almost every case incorrectïng irregularities, ielt;ving painful aod dïstresfiing menstruation, particularly at the change of Vife. From five to ten pills will cure that common yet dreiydful coraplaint, the Whites Nearly evcry female n the land Huffers frtm this complaint. The above l'illhas per manen tly cured tbousands, and they will cure jou if you use them. They cannot harm on the contrary, they remove all obatiuctionn, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the whole systera. I-adies whose healthwill not permit au increasê of family, will tind these pilla a successful preventive. ïadren peculiarly situated, nr those .supnosing themselve po, should not use these I'ills duriog the nrst three months, as they are certain to produce miscarriagt, "after whicn admonitlon" the proprietor awsumes no responsibility, although their mildness will prevt-nl an injury t" titoftïtft. The iogredieots compoütnír the above INIls aïe made known to every ecnt, ftiid tb tl teil you thuy are safe and will pt-rform all claime'd lor Vrice il per box old in AVN' ARBOll. by STEBBTN3 WII5ON, Dmgglsts, W. A. HUNT, Pruggist. Ladies living at a distance by sending them $1,00 throuh the Ann Arbor Postoflice, can lmve the Pilis sent (confidentially) bymaü,to any part of the country free of postile'■.■ j b, Beware, of a base counterfeit of these Pïllê.- Yon' can buy the counterfeit article at any pricefrom 25 to 76 cents a box (dear at that). Lames your Uves and health are of too much r&lue to be tritled with, besides being imposed upon with a worthlesa article. Therefore, any oot; offering you thí"se Pilis for less tlian $1 % box, avoid them as you would poison. They arebogus. None aregenuine unlefs the name of B. HO WE is on every box"wbich bas recently been added.on accouat of the Pilis beinecouterfeited. Sold also, by K KINNB x 3MÏTH, Ypsilanti. BLIS k BfcEBKJackaon, andbv one drugtit in every village and city in the United States, and by KARUAND.PHEELEY k CO. .General State Agenta, Detroit. S. D. IIOWE, Sole Propretor. 867vrs2 Nkw York. TIPTIIEIUA. DR. DEGI.UBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CEr,TAIT CURE FOR DIPTIIERIA AND CROUP. Inthepaiityear over 200 CASKS ÓF DIPTH'ïHIA n and around Rochester, N. Y., CONSIDERE!) UJPELF.SS, have been curvd with this medicine. Ñames and resideoces can be given. ALLTUEPHYSICIArH THERE NOW USE IT. It never has failed to cure 1 Get a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For Bale by EBERBACH k CO. Preparrd and Rold by Iy913 W. E. SKTNMER, Rockester.N. V. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOI.D'S EXTRACT BUCHU. TUK GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMROLD-S EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. AndaPositiveandSpecidc Remedy for Diseascs of tho Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Drofy, Organic Weaknes.v And all dipeases of the Urinary Organs. ?ee Ad7ertiaement in another Column. Cut it out, and nend for the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF COUNTERFErTS. 5m0O8. For Sale. Q e ACRES of Terr chotee land, withtn hlf l nolle O O of tbo city ot' Ann Arbor, alviot half of it improved nfl eiicloecd with & goód fenee, tb bluro titubf--ei, sod wel! wnttred. Enouirc at thia office. HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, I But restores gray bair to its original color, by supplyingthecapillary tubel with natural sustenance, mpaired by age or diaease. All instantantom dytl are composed of lunar caustic, destroyins the yitality and beauty of the hair, and attord of theroselvea no dressing. Heimstreet-sInimitableColoring not only restores hair to ts natural color by an easy procesa, but gives the hair a _ Iiiiiurlant Beauty, ] promotes its growth, preveats its faltiug off, eradicates . Jandruff, and imparts liealth and pleasantness to the uead. Ithasstoodthe testof time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constautly increasing in favor. Uaed by both gentleman ana ladies. It is fiold by all respectable dealer, or can be procured by them of IM commercial agellts.D.S. Barnes & Co. 202 Broadway New-York. Two siies, 50 cents and $1. 0m894 O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 cenïs to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M UEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign Red Indinn. South side Huron treet, ■ a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Adq Arbor, Dec.ll, 1862. 883tf AQOQÏ) TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So iv a goo1 I'hysician by his Succecstul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREATANB CELKBRATED PHYSK'IAN OF TUE TIUtOAT, LUNGS AHD CIIEST, Known all over the countr; as tbe Clebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, wül be at his rooni, BUbtfELl. HDÜ8K, DETROIT, On the lSth and 19th inst.,on the sanie dale of and erery subsequent month during 1862 and 1863, A NE.VT I'AMI'111-ET Of the life,study and ctenive travets of Dr. Lyoni can be procured by all whodtitiireone. free of charge. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtch.,as followfi : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20th. Jacksan. llibbard House, 21st Adrián, Brickett H. use, 221 and 23d. Mode OF Eiamination. - The Doctor discerní! diseases bytheeyes. He, tlerefore,!isk8 no questvons nor req -ires patients to explain symptomn. Afílicted, come and have your symptom an.l the location oí your dis. easc explained free of charge 1863. May. 1863. HSTE'W SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT TIIB "Old Corner!" I am now reeeiving a well SELECTED STOCK OF NEW GOODS, FOR THE Spring and Summer Trade, CONS1STINO OF STAPLE DKY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, Jtc. Also a f uil assortment of Family Groceries! all of which were bought low and are to be SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The highest Market price paid for C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sta. (9O4tf) Ann Arbor. SEED WHE T. THKUNPER?IOXKDhas for Fale .%0 Bushelft of Treadwell Wheat, No. 1 in quatity, grown od new landfand free from chess, cockle, sraut or any other injurious article - just the thïng for seed. Cali early at tlio Uoion School House, and sntisfy yoursflf by examiaiog it. 916ml ROBERT SCOTT. Ann Arbor, August 4th, 1S63. v. FAIRBANKS' ïpTj Standard CSCALES! (JHMSb OK AI.I. KINDS. ÍSFmR Also, Warehouse Trucks, Letter Presses, re. Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co., 172 Lakc Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by FAURAND &SHELBÏ. Ö"Be careful to buy only the geDuine."L5 885jl Grand Trunk and Vermont Cential Kailwajs, ANOTHER GREAT REDUCT10N ! Detroit to Koiise'n Tornt, Pt. Aibanu, Burlington Montpclier and White liiv-r Junction, only $12 Potroit to Boston via Ogdensburg or I'orttand,... 14 Detroit to Boston and return ....; 26, Persons purchaj-ing Boston and return tickets can go via Montreal, Gorhnm, (White Mountains), It;ind l'ond, and Porlland. Iteturning via Ioyoll, Nashua, Concord, Burlington anl Ogdenhuig, giving tbc pasngfrHthe benefit of both route. Tickets good until Novt'mber lst, 1863. Through from Detroit to Bonton ín 36 hourn. Two expres trainn leaven Uetroitdaily (Sundaji eicepted) by Chicapo time at fi.05 A. M. and.2u P. M. Spleudid sleepiug i r en night traína and Ruttan' Patent Ventilatord on iy tift'BS. TicVctH oan be obtaioed at ïhe Oran-1 Trun Kailiray Hfket fffic, 1H Jffpf.n ví-du, a few doori abore io Mirbigan Facb-ango. 1 ei.ocrM & thompsov, Ageats, Detroit. TO THE LADIES OF AMERICA! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! MORE VALÜABLE THAN GOLD! MORE VALÜABLE THAN GOLD! MORE VALÜABLE THAN GOLD ! Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S F il E N C II PERIOD1CAL DROPS, FREKCU PIRIODICAl DROPS, nnn periodical drops, F R E S C II PERIODICAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES. FOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Sufl'ering from IrreguUirity , or Obitruction of the Mensen, from wbatever caus, IT IS SURE TO CÜRE! IT IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE Í IT IS SURE TO CURE ! lt Is lnipossibïe to enjoy the bloom of hftalth, and vivacity "t fcpirita, unlesn the Meuse are recular a to the time, tho quantity, and quality. When they are oböiructtd, nature maktfs her eífurts to obtaín for D Home other outk-t, and, unlefs these elïorts of nature are aBsisted, the patiënt usually spfriences Ilespondency, Ni-rvousneas,' and finally CON'SUllPTION' aiMimM its (iway , and prematurnly teruiinate a miüeriLble life. T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! T REMOVKS ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN MIND. BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT I GUARANTEE TH AT I GUAU ANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE My DKOPá TO CL'RK SupprCEsion of the Meniei froro vnatever caue, thouch care übuuld be taken to MG9rain if prt'gnancy be tbc cause, au these I1ÏOPS wouid e uure to produce miicarriage ; tliey will also ceriainiy PItEVKST conception, if taken tiro or three days befor he monthly period ; therefore, I wish it distinctly underfltood, that I do not hold mywlf reiponjiible when used upder uch circumstancei. BÜY THE BEST I BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST! BUY THE BEST! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST 1 WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYOX'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. THEï ACT I.1KE A CHARM, by strengtheniiiff find invigomtmg, and restoring the sv.'ti'iii to a healthv condition. It moderatcs all excont , and removes nll ob-ilructioofl, n'l a speed cure my bf relied on. Tü MARKIEi) LADIES, They are pt'culiarlv ndapied, bi ther bring on the monthly period witlisuch perfect regulari:. SURE TO DO GOOD ! SURE TO DO GOOD! SURE TO DO GOOD ! SURE TO DO GOOD! CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM t CANNOT DO HARM! I could furnish &ny quantity of testimoniéis of ïts etïicacj from my wn patients, but the prActice of paradina bought and fictitioui ones before the pu'blic ii ro preralent I do not doem it artvicable My object Ís to place rny medicine befare the public, not alone to m.'tkü rooney, but tt dn [jood. it ís proverbially true of the American Ladics, that not ten periectly hoalthy ones can bc found in any one victnity, BE WISE IN TIME! BE WISE IN TIME I BE WISE Itf TIME 1 BE WISE IN TIME! I.Pt not disease destroy jour contitution. Trv & bottle of my PEB1ODICAL liKOI'S, nd jou will be sulisfiea that I am no impostor. Teil your afflictd frien.l what reHtored th(;bloomof health to your checka, and thereby confer a favor moie valuabln than gold. - Kor painful or scanty Menötruation it ia thd thinp; I have now inmy mind an instance of a ladj wlio liad been suffering from painful men.ttruation ttro or thrs years, confiiiinpr her to her room each linie ; flhe had applied to several emjnent phyBicïans, without relief when one bottle of my DIÏOI'S entirely cured her. ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! In almost every case. DO NOT BE TMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! But cutthisout ni end it to jour Druggist, and If he has not got it , make bim buy it for jou ; or, it mi j bo obtaincd of lbo General Agenta for the United íta tes C. O. CLARK A CO., Wnouctuii Parecían, New UateXjConw. Forjáis by all respectable DtogfiMf. Trice, $1.00 per bittl, nd bj ptbtJB3 Wllson. Greorlll t ruller, Etrbr.h fcCo. Trepired Jxo. L. Liox, M. I, :


Old News
Michigan Argus