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The Draft In New York

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All honest, pntriotic raen desire to iiutain the laws of tlie land. Start with tbat proposition, and we shall all agree. It is co part of a citizen's duty in sus ttioing a law that be shall support every arbitrary act of the subordiuates who are cmployed as euforcers of tho law. It ifar frotu duty, or even from right, to encourage oiEcers of the law in wrong Uw, by the bold assertioa tbat the law mast ba put through any how. That wild be bad law, bad logie, and bad policy. Let us look at the matter of the drsft calmly, in the new light afforded by Ibe astounding report of Judge Advocite Witerbury. This report must orerwbelm with wouderment every one who reads it. The enrollraent of the first class in .w York city inc'udes more names thiQ the entire male population within the requisito ages, by 16 percent. IntheSecond Ward the whole populatioa in 1860 was 2,507 ; males, 20 to 40-847. The enrollment of the first class in this ward is 1,746. The full rote of the ward is only 450. Nineteen districts which gave a vote of 457,257, with republican majorities, nre to furnish 3i),6'26 conscripts, while nine districts which gave democratie majorities, on a vote of only 151,243, are rejuired to furnish 33,729 soldiors ! Tivelve distríets which gave Seyniour majorities, on a vote of 186,355, are to furnish 40,ü87 conscripts, while sixteen dislncts, which gave Wadsworth majori lies, on nearly doublé the vote of the other twelva, to-wit, 353,621, are to furnish fewer onscripts, namely, 33,068. Seven ■ districts in New York and Brooklyn are to furnish two-fifths of the whole draft, while tweuty-oue other districts only furaish three-fifths 1 These faets are unimpeachable. No one will pretend to deny theni. Lookport, Aug. 6. 1S63. Totlw EJilor of the New Vork Times . Tlie draft, which has just been completed in this [the Twenty-ninth] District, shows that extensive frauda have teen perpetrated upon the democracy of Niágara coun tv ; and, from reliable reports, the other ceunties of the district kve suffered in the same way. In the town of Somerset, wlncb, at tte last State election, gavo Wadsworth, forGovernor, [278 votes, and Seymour ", a Di3jority of the persons drawn are demócrata. Tbe town of Niágara, wliich gave Wadsworth 257 votes, had 122 tames drawn from the box, of which 115 "ere demócrata and 7 republicana. The town of WheatSeld, which is inhabited } Germans, and is almost unanimously democratie, was placed with a town of 'hcopposite kind in the box, and the reuit showed thatthe Wheatfield Gerraans ad to furnish the quota for both towns. In the town of Ilartland, which gave ndsworth 117 majority, three-fourths f the names drawn are demócrata. In the lower ward of Lockport wliere fte laboring mea reside, and where there ire oot enough rcpublican voters to perfect an organization, the names wcre put "Ii two other wards, ;ind the lower ward 'urnishes nearly all the men. On one fwd;in this county there resides six democrats and six republicans, the six democrats were drawn, the other six all sucedcd ia getting off.


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