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ARE NOW OPENING, UIK15CT FBOM PUBUSHER8 ANIJ .Mauulacturcrs, a New mhI Complete stock of LAW & MEDICAL BOOKS, School Books, Aliscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dan ST',ia-rXIC3Xr:E!3Ft.TZ-! Wall and Wíndow Paper, ,, . , Drawing ana Mathematlcallmtrunjents, Music,JuvemleLibrarie.s,liuvelopes, lnks and Cards. GOLD And all otlier kinds of Pens and PenciU WindowCornicü, Shades andFixture, POCKET CUTLEKY! Andeverythingpertaming to the trade, and more to wliichthey would invite the attentioa Of the country. Incondnctinptour business, we shall do all thatcan he done, so that no reasooable man, woni5 or child sliall nna any funlt. Wepossessfacilities whieTi ivill onabíe us to supply ourstomtrs at tho Lowest Possible Figures. Wo propose tosellfor READY I'AY, ata snlallad vanee. We expecta profit on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. The "EmpiwíBook Stokh,"ís manned agood 'crew,' nd they wlU ahvays be found on the "quarter deck," ready and wilüng to attendto all withpleasure, v.ko ill favor them with a cali. Kemember the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, Hay, 1860. 7Jg liifíe F actor y! Beuíler & Traver, [Successors to A. J. Sut&rlaad,] Manufacturera of and Dealers iu Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flaslcs, Pouihes Gamc Bags, and Everjother article iu tbat Line. AU kinds of done at the shortest notice, and müie best mauner. a f uil assortment ahvnys kept onoaud and made order. Shop corner Main and Washington streets. Ann ArLor, Oct. 8, 136J. 873tf i. tii TUE PEUPJLE H El JOICE, For Providence has again Crowntd our Arms with Success ! -AK"DA. % C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTITO HOUSE, :u-cnow (.fTpring to thc citiz'ms of fl'ashtenaw countjind the State of Michigan generally, A LAEGEll AXP BETTER SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING & SÜMMEfl GOODS. llian was ever before brouglit to tilla citv. ivliich Jf( wi 11 sel 1 ' Chcaper than ánij House west of New York ! Out stock consLsts of Ready-Made ölothing, HA.TS, TRUNES, VALISES, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.. anil in conclusión we trcroid Bayto all who want tobin GOUD GOODS AT I.OW PRICES, to oall at the Cleveland Clothi?ii House, live doors west of Cook's llolel, and you wUlaaye monej bjAovngfo. A. &C.LOEB. N.B.- Don't forget to cali before purchasing clsewhere. b Ann Arbnr, jray lst.166'3. 3m?02 NEW BOOT SHOE g "& b N. B. COLE, (Snccpsdor to Jfoore & Loomis.) has opened a store in L FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main Street, Ann Arbnr, anl has on band a large I feft] t ment ot' BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufactura! IVmn the best material and warranted to ffive SUti.StuCtiOll, COlJ.Sl.St IJLC dt MEN'S KIP, CALF AND TH1CK BOOTS, DIIUUI.E SOLED MEN-S 11 ÜF FALO OVÈrsUOJEs). of all .1. s.-npUnns. LAMES' C3-.ia?EE,S, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feil Over$hoe,i, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & Thlck Uoots, together wi(h a vnriHv of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I am also BIaiiul"alUi ln WAK1Ï4NTED BOOTs! & SHOES. Men' Fine Freacli Cíílf Jiooís lcged and Sevred. fiivemeaciUl bsfori purdiasing clsewlicra. I-ffl 31 my Koods cheapfor casli, líSPAIRINO NEATLY DONE AND ON SHOHT NOXICE, nn Arl.o,, Jan. i;;il,, lSll:; . " 1! gFor Sale. S5 A.' HES ,r '""' ',U,in l.alf amito OU ol the city ui Aim Arbor, abuut half of r m proveland-losrd,vith a giet f,.„cr. tl. ,"■,■ taul'frcd, aml well watered. Knquirc at tiiit oUicc '13. L am Boimd for lliHla M.GDITERMAN ftOCTSI Dispute tlie fact if you can It takes the TAILOE after all to give appearance to the outer man. If you wish to appear well You must accoitlingly Dres3 Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find things exactly SO. SONDHEIM always ready to tako y our measure, GÜIÏERMAN will eell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in the State, Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The iNDucEMENTS are now greater tbao ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clevcr. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oethnoup, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENT8 espeoially will find it to TH EIK ADVANTAGE, For it takea but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVERCOATSof Clolh, Beaver, áñd Bear, Warranted for ahnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPOKTAÏ1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. 'i nulnfu From Enghind, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can rtand up in, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fanoy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of every grade, We sell thern froïn ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGUT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction. Furniahing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all -we say now, Therefore vre make our bow. Yonrs truly, ever so, M. GUITERMAN. fe Co., RISDON&HEJNDERS(L Ha.-7-o tlxO 13 XT O TS. Eï Y 3E3 GRAIN DRBLL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. rpi-IE VERY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, and better than X iiU others; adapted to sowing Wiieat, Kye. Oats. Bai-ley an'Hirass tfccil . lsí. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. Sd. Wever ounches the Grain éth. Never breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed hroadcast heli ind the Drill. Gth. HashiyJi wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. Sth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. iOtJu It has a self adjusting shut off slide. t is neatly and substantially made. Thorcishardlya Drill offered in the markct but can oast of more or "FIBST PREMIUMS?' hey are about as indiscriminately bestowed as the title f ■' Professor," which is sometimes applied to tlie flddler" or ■' boolblack." They ceasc to convey the dea of ment. The BijcUeye Drill has bei-a on Exliibition at quite a inliet of State and County f'air.s, and without seekin fiivoi -at tlin hands of any Committec, has réceived its full share of Premiums. TESTIMONIÁIS : We give the followmg Dames of a few Farmers in this vitiuity wjo lmvebought anj used the Buokeye Drill : Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacol) 1'oHieraus " .TiicobTreniper, " Thomas White, Northfleld. John Brokaw, ('hrifitian Kapp, " KdivardBoydeu, Webster. James ÏMadwelI, AünArbor, Daniel O'IIara, " " JohnG.Oook, Lodi O. A. Marshall, " h. KilmoiHe, Saline. Georgo Cropsey, Green'oak, Liv.Co. We arealso Agents for the Ohio ïteaper & Mower, acUnotticdged tobe the very best u use. We are jnst in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles WliicU we will sell Clieap. Also alargca.ssortment o Grrass Scythes. AuJ the largest and bost salected sluck 0[ Í'OU CAIUUAGESoTer Lufurc offered in thls market. ■'o aiso koop a large aad futí '.; U :,I.ASS,PL-TTV,PAlNT,aU.lLINSEEi)ÜIL. A aSBortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, ANP KA VE TliOUüHSahvays onhand and put up at the diorLfst üotice. RISDON t HENDERSON. Add Albor. June 29t):,liï. is5ïf ISOO. 1868. ■:■ SFRENG GOODS! AT Reduced Pricesï Just receiving at O. H. MÏLLEN'S mm mm vwm MAIN STEEET, ANN ARBOR. April 17, 1803. 4w900. . 1863. SPRING. 1863. o We are uow opening A, Large and Beautiful assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Goods! LADIES' DRESS GOODS in great variety, ■Oross Trimmings, cfcc. Also a large stock of Goods for Mens' Wear, C'assimeres, Oloths, &c. and a f uil assortment of Ladies and Chiidren's HATS, CAPS, GKOCERIES, CROCKEEY, All of which we will sell at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE MACK & SCHIVilD. Aan Arbor, March 19, '63. 896tf CITY COOPER SHOP. 'Vkolesale imi Kctail, O. C. SPAFFORD Would respectfully announce to tbe citizens of Aon Albor and vicinity, that he ia uoiv manufacturin? andkeepsconstantiy on hp.nd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! aucli as Poi'k and C ISariels, Kegs, Fii-kins, Churas, Well Buckets, &c, TVhich wiíl be stII cheap for cash. CUSTOM "WORK Made to order on short nutice. Kepairing done with ueatneas and ditpatch, 1 would culi particular attention to Jlercliants in want of Bntter Firkins. 1 ain nianufacturing tlic S(w York iítate Firklii, wl.ich isa 1, etter l'irkin tlmn lia;, ever beforé been üffered inthis ■markct. I oüW invite all'who want Firkin.s to Cali and exanine for tbemaelves beforepurchasingeisewhre, and I will ctinvince jon that you have callad at tlie right place. 1 would also cali the attention of Blowers in waut BEER KEGS, I am now prcparetl to manniactuve Eights, Quaiters and half Bbls. iu J.irge or small lots, and of a Setter Quality than can be had n Detroit or elsewhere. t;üTA.ll work warranted to give entire satis 'action. Thanktulfor pistfavors and by a strict attention to bu-iiness, I J,upe to merii a continued liberal bupnlv of the public patronage. 3, Do not furget to cali at the City Cooper Shop O. C. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. jtnn Arbor, Mich. 888yl GREAÏ.GKEATES GSEATEST BAKGAINS E VEE OFFEKED 1859. JPLq159. In this City, are uow beiug offered at the CHEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & Jeveelry storeTHESiibBcrlberwouIdsnytothecitisensolAnnAr. particular, and the rest ot Wnihtenaw ReÍjtLy f;r"Kbpii?ahU8JU8t 1MPOK1' mTremendous Stock of Watchee! All ofwhichhe bindshim8elftosell CHEAPER thn can be bought west of New York City Open Face Cyliader VVatcbes trom $6 'to #10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 HuntingCasn do do do 14 to 15 do do Cylincier do do 9 to o OoldWatehe.from 2Ü to 150 l have also the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WAT CHES wl.ich I wil! sen ttr 35. Iivery Vvatch warranted to perform well.or the monoy eiunded Clocks, Jewelry, PiatedWare Fancy Good: Gold p Mimcallmtrumeiits ani StriD„s Cutlery, &c.( ' and nfantnvarifity of uverythipa uually kept i yjow erscflii beboughtrurtlifioejctninety days nt ydur O W N P R I C E S ! Perjone bying ai.ylhing at this well knpWn establishme nt can rcly upon gptting goods exact'y as reD rcRofltPd.orthPnwncy rrfqndpd. fijJlearljr and se cure the best bsrgains over offorcd in thi; City Ofte word i regard to Eopairing j Wearepreparedtomnkeanyrepsjrsqnflne or common WatcheS,cvon,„mkinj.oer the entre „utch if nBcessnry Repuirinf! of docks and Jewelry as' nsual. Alsüthe miiMufactiirini; I KIN(,'S BROOrH-i O'P'aeM„d,fromGaa5dSfZiS tne;8andT;S!n tUh wi,h„e„t. AnuArbpr, Jan. 28íhI88fl. J ' 7Ïw TS ' Ayr's Cherry Pectoral,


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Michigan Argus