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From Washington

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Washington, Aug. 25. Tlie depurtmeiit anticípate official adrices to-morrow from Gen Gilmore. - It is thouírht that he bus beeu ablc to reach Charleston with shelI frota Parrott guns, henee bis deuiand for the surrender of the place, before attacking the battcries abnve Sumpter. The Richmond Jinquirer intimates that the garrison will be withdrawn from Fnrt Wagner and' Morris Island, when the place gets too hot for tliem, and says the officera in com'msnd at Charleston 1 underátand their profcssion too weH to perinit a battery on the island, to become another of the niuny man-trnps which have done the country so mueh moral as wcll as material injnrv during the war. i We have ncver been able to learn why this battery and this island are considered essen t i al to the sufety of Charleston. The Augusta Condilutionalist dreads lest the Yankees -shculd get hold of Jamos Island, compelling the surrender of the city, and this is probably the secret of the great efforts the rebels are making to fortify Jumes Island. The RicbmOttd Wktg, of the 2Oth, lias a lachrymore article upon absenterism from the Confedérate arni, in whieh it makea a renmikahle s'atement that in the battles around Richmond last June twelvo mon'ths, the number of soldiers on ■ Gon. Lee's roll was 120,000. The largest number present at thesp battles was 48,000. At the batfle of Sharpsburg tlie number on Gen. Lee's roll was 140,000. The number actually present and in the fight was only 35,000; and that at the battle of Gettysbnrg the ratio of absentees was about the same. The Whig dispairingly says: " It is useless to conceal the faet any langer that our cause will, ere long, become hcpelops if the evil of absentecism is not arrestcd." The Whig says that the Yankees are makmg large hospital accommodations at Pensacola Navy yard, and that vessels are eongregating there, indicating that they contémplate moving on Mobile irom that place, direeily or indireetly. The Whig thiuks the matter should be attendcd to The Ealeigh, (N. C.) Standard, of the lltli, has a column of reperts of peaco meetings held in that State. It continuos its defiant tone against the Richmond government. By direetion of the President a court of inquiry bas been appointed to investígate the cireun.slances attending the loss by firc of a large sum of public money in the hands of Major McFarland, of the Pay Department. When Gilmore tftkes possession of Fort Sumpter he will hoist over it the old flag that waved there when Major Anderson comnianded the post, it having been sent to him sonio time sinee. Nearly ono hundred consoripts escaped while going forward to the army yesterday. It is thought that most of them will be retaken. Gen. Meade is determined to vigorously carry out the sentence of doath on all who may be oonvicted of the crimo most of the deserters are professional substitutes.


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