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PRINTING 5F ALL KTÏTDÏ Neatly Executec AT THBARGUS OFFICE WB ARB FREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE O PKINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATE5. We have recently purohased ETTGGLES RÜtARY CARD PRESS and hT addert the nt"tt styles of Cnrd Type, which enables us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS Y1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest styloi, ana as clicap as an5 thtr house in the State. We ars alao pre' parad to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, OiRCULARS, PAMPHLETS Ai BOOK BINDERY Is in charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMEN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufaetured in beststtle at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds EBOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. Í j c All "Work warranted to give entire B satisfaction. ( E. B. POND, Prop'r. Offiee and Bindery, cor. Main t Hurón Sis s Tobacco I Tobacco ! I AM SELL1NG GOOJ FINE CÜT CHEWING " BACCO Atfrom Frfly cents to % per pound. n SMOKING TOBACCO, Trom 1 1 cent lo' 20 cents per pound at retaih M. DETANY. Aon Arbor,M5cfi., Dkc.n, 1862. 883tf " KOWAUD ASSOCIATION, PHILAriKLPIUA, PA. Duwi.rilwX,rvo1K, Seminal, Urln.ry and Stxaal 9r,tems-oew n,I reliable treatt- in Report of the HÜWARD ASSOCIATION- '' bjr mail in aled letter envilcpei, lrce ofrlmn Addr..,, Dr. J. 3KILLLV HOUGHTON, Howïrd Amo7it , N.. J ib Niatb Street, PhH., P [síflji A THE ALL SÜFFICIENT THREE. THE GliEAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Known as " Ilelmbold' " GENUINE PREPARA1I0WS, VI Z.: ÏIEI.MISOLD'S EXTRACT " BÜCIIÜ," _ " " SAItóAl'ARII.I.A, 3 '■ IMPROYK1) ROSE WASII. II ELM BOL, IJ'S GENUINE PEEPARATION, "HICilIMT CONCENTUATKD " C011PWND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Speeific Remedy, Kor Pispases of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3I0AL SWELLINQS. Tliis Medicine IncreMes Lne power of Diirestion and oss.%i?iS!SseSíSSSSS UNNA TUR 4L ÏNLARQ eumStÍ SïfïZc$ ï HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU , FOR WEAKXESSES f Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipntion Enrly Indiscretion, or Abuse, ATTKNDED TPITE THE FOLLOWINa SYMTOMS I Indispoaition to Exerüon, I.ossof Power Loss of Memni7) Difflculty of Ureathing, WeikNervet, Trembling, Horror of D sease, Wakefuliicas, Ihmness of Vision. Puin in the Back, Universal Lnssitmlo of the Flushinf of the Bndy. Muscular íivsteru, Kniptions on tho Face, Hot Hand.,, Pallid Cuuntenance. Drynoss of the Skin. These sjmptoms, f allowed to ga on,whichthis raeuiciue nvai iabi J removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, F4TUITY EPILEPTIC FITS Id one of which the patiënt may exphe. Who can say that theyare un frequently followed by those "dircful dlseases," Insanity and Consumption Manyaroaware of the caufe of their sufferini; but none w!ll confess. ïho records of the inaane AaylumB and themelancliolydeatlisby Consumption, bfaramplo witness to the Truth of the assertion. 1 THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORCANIC YvEAKN-E=S, Requirea the aid of medicine to atrengthen and invienratethesystem, which HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT ü(CLinvariab!y doea. A trial will convmee tbu most skeptical. Females, Females, Females, OI.D OR YODNO, SIXGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEMPLATIXG ÏIARRIAGE, In many affectiona peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu is untquulled by any other remedv, as in Chloroaia or Retention, Irregularity, Painfuínesa or SuppreKsion of the Customary Evacuations Ulcera'ted or Bchirrous state of the Uterua, Leucorrhea, or lVüitea,Sterihty,and forall comjilainta incident to the ex, whethar arising from Indiscretion, llabits of Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change of Life. SEB SYMPTOMS BOVK. ' NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balaam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unploasant and Dangerons Diseases. HELMBÖLD'S EXTRACT BÜCBÜ CÜRES Secret Diseases. In all their atagos ; at little expense ; little or no chn(re in diet ; no incouvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It caaaos frequent deaire, and gives streni;th to Unnate.therebyremoving obstructiona, preventiñi? and cunngfetricturea of the Urelhra, allaying pain and Inflammation, so frequent in thia clats of diseases, and "UT MATTER N0US' DISEASED AND WW Thousands upon Thousand 5VHO UAVK BKEN THE VICTIM OF QTJACKS, And who h.we paid HEAVY FEES tobe curedina short time, have fonnd they were deceived, and that the ■Poison" has, by the use of "Puwerful Astringents " been dried up in the Bystem, to break out in an isutra. vated form,and s PERIXAPS A fier MAJRRIAGE. jTse Helmbold's E tv et Buchu For all Affectiona and Diseases of Th.O XJrinary Organs Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause originating, and no matter Ol' rtOl {; ■Tííni'MG. Diseaaes of these Organs require the aid of a Dicbktic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu Ia THE GREAT DIÜRETIC, And it ia certain to have the desired effect in all Di seases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD ! BlTJcXD ! BLOOD! Helnibold's'Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. ThiB is an alfect:on of the Blood, and nttacks the SexuH Organs, Untas of tho Nose, Ears, Tliroat Hmdpipe, and othor .Mucus Surfaces, making ts anpearance in the form of Ulcera. Helmbold's JixUact SaiapariUapuriaes the Blood, and removej all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and Ilealthy Color. It being prepared expressly forthiscluss of complaints, its Blood-Hurilying Pro. perties are preservad to a grealer extent tLan any otuer preparation of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold's Rose Wash. An excollent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphiltic Nature and as an injection in Diseases of the Urinary Orgaus' arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection' with the Extracte Buehu and Sarsaparilia, in Such dileasea as recommended, Evidence of the most responsible and reliablechaoacter will accomp.uiy the medicines. CgRTIFICATES OP CURES, withna . For Medical Propertie oí BUCHU, see Diapensatorv the United States. J See l'rofessor 1JEWEES' raluable works on ihn Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr PFV 1 CX,Phllallphia. f-ec remarks made by Dr. EPHHAIM McDOJVELL l celebrated Physician, and Member of the lioyal Col' leïeof Surgeons, Iteland, and published I lactions of the KingaRd Queen's Journal. See Mdloo-Cürorgbsal Review, published bv BEN TA Hik TRAVERS, Follcw of the Uoyal College of Sur - ;eons. Sec most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. ÍXTEACI Bl-CHU, $1 0rEnHOTTLK,ORSlXFOR$5 00 J " SahsapahillaI 00 'i n 5 00 MI'ROVKD ROSR WASH, 50 " (i 2 50 5r half a dozen of oach for $1200, which will be suffi:iont to uure the most obstinate casos, i' directicns are .dhered to. Deliyered to any addreaa, securely pacled ] ty Describe pymptoma in all communicationa _ ;uresguaranteed. Advice gratis. A F Í 1 1) A V I T . c Persona-llyappearedbefore mean Alderman of the '' ityof Phtln3elphla,H. T. Hkuiboid, who, being duly worn, doth ny, his preparations contain no narcotic o mercury, urother injurious drugs, but are uureh' o egotablc. - II T. HELMBOUl. I bworn and subscribed before me, this SSd day of OTUDbr,1854. wj[ P. HIBBARD Alderman, Ninth-stieet, above Race, Phila. C Addrcss LetU'rs for informa tion in conlidence H. T. ICHLMBOI.I), Chemist n' Depotl04 South Tentli-Btrcct.below Chestnut, Phila. si BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, 'lm ondeavor to dispose " OF TITEIR OWN " and other" articlesonthc icputation attained by Ilclmbold's üenuinc Preparationa, C " " Extract Buchu, C " Sarsaparilla lr „ " Imprnved Kose Wash. m Sold by all Druggirits everywhere. nc ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S-TAKENO OTHER. Cnt out the n.lveitisement. nd Rfrd for t, tlNT) VOID IMPOSITJOti ANP EXPOSVBB. 1 tKoKJ j SCHOFF & MIL LEK ARESTILLONIIAND at tbeirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost complete asHortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, PANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offercd in this Market ! andthejr would suggest tothosein pursuitcfanythingin SANTA GLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purcbafllng from this slock, as eah purchaser getF. anadditional present of Jewelry, &c., Ranging invalue iroin 50 ets. to $50. 4fy TheytruHt that theirlong experience ínselectíng goods fortliis luarket, and strict attention to the wants of Cuí-tomern, may entitle them tu a liberalsliare o. Patronage. Ann Arbor, ï)ec. 5. 1860 777tf THE HEBELLION ON IHGH PRICES FOR CLOTIIING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE 0LO & RELIABLE CLOTHINC EMPORIUM ! No. 3 PHGENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. I AM now opening a large and varied assortmentof Spring and SummerGoods, and in view of the rebellion on high pricesgenerally, wilt offer tbemtomy friendo andcustonu-rs at the very lo west figures for Cah.Those in want of a superior article oí Cloths, Casairaeres, or Beady-Madc Clothing, -will cali onWM. WAGNER, who has just returned from the East, with a large assortment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which have been purchaeed at the late LOW PEICE8! nd can offer them at a lower figure than erer before. imong my ABsortment may be found BKOADCLOTHS, (JASSIMERES, DOESKINS, VESTINGS of all doscription, together with & superior aasortment of Rcady-aiade Clothlng, BKStTfrTRÜNKSi CARPET BAO?, JÍhM4b ÜMBRELLAS, and llmaGentlemen's Furnishing vrifh nuraeious other articles usually found iu similar establialiments. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, the subscriber flatters blmgelf. that his long experience and general Buccess,will tinablebimto give tlie greatest satisfaction toall whomay trust him in the way oí Manufacturing Garments fco order. WM.WAGER. Ann Arbor, Apiil 9th 1802. 848tf o. BXiina Would take tbis method of informing his old frïends and patrons and all others wbo may favor him with thelr patronage, tbat hehas greatly enlargcd lus Stock and Assortment ! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH INBÜYING &SELLIN6 is proparpd to sell Ooodê at ïtoa.OT5.nV)le iPrloeS, Us stock coDslnts n pnrt ol the foliowing: jj AMERIOAN AND OTHER fyiÉ Watches ! feh i The Cclebrated SETII THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelrj Setts GOLD CHAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLEÜY ! Paiors,Phearn,ScissorBan(i Brnshen, ■ HOGERS PLATEO WARE, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENVEI.OPES, Musical Instruments, Strings SfBooks for Instruments, SPECTACLES, of Oold, Silver, Slccl, and Plaled, kM PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons having difficult wntches to flt witli glusscs ftn be accomodated, as my stücli is large'"anü comilete, P. S. Particular attention to tho REPAIRIKTG f all kind of fine Watches, such as tfaking and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Siaffs, and Oyliniert. Alm 3LOCKS, Sa rE"7H7"EIJI?,-sr eatly repairod and -war-autod, at hie old standoaat ideof Main Street. C. BLISS. Aan 4rbor,NoT. 25, 1862 826ti FOR SALE. J"J ACRES of exoellont tiinborpd land- tlief Y of 5' ' N. W. V of Sec. 2.Town 6 N. Bange 3 W ' clinmTourity. Itlsinagood neigliburhoud, about four li.e frorn DeWitt aud ten from Lansing. For termii iiuire at or address.,iB63. . ftyerÖïenypëctorai


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