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Courting By A Sharp Man

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Potts is íi sharp maD, a man of business tact, and when lie goesintoa store to tracle he alwnys gets tho lowest prico; aud he says: " Well, 111 look about, and if I don't find any.thing that euita me botter, I '11 cali and tnke this." Potts, like all men, is a littlo partial to women, and young ones in particu lar. Now quite lately Potts said to bimself, " Vat getting rather 'long in years, I guess I'll get married." His business cjualities vvouldn't let him wait. 80 ofl' he travels, and calling on a lady friend, opeoed the con vei-pation by remarking that he waulcl like to knovv what she thought aboui his cfetting marriea. "Oh, Mr. Potts, that's an nfïair in which I am not very greatly interested, and I prefer to leavo it to yonrself." " I3ut,"soys Potta, "you aro interes ted, and, mv dear girl, will you márrv me ?" The yonng lady blushed, hesitatedv and finally, as Potts was very welf todo in the world, and morally, financuilly, anti poli.iiuaHy of' good standing in, society, she acceptel tiiin. Wher upon the mattór-of-fact Potts cooly responded : . " Well, wel], I'll look nboat, nacl if I don't find anybody thnt suita rnu bct ter Ünin you, l"J coma back."' j w.i L3T " Ji's!: Brown," siái a, youn man to brisk brunettf , '' I have been ! to learn to teil fort u-nes.. Just lut Die ! tüko your hand; if yoa plciise." ''.Lat1 I Mr. White, h'jw sudden you, are. Well, 20 fiuci ásk father." gy" What do we often drop, yefr ' , never stop to piek up? A Lint.


Old News
Michigan Argus