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The Shelling Of Charleston

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" he editor of the Sayunnuh Nctvt, Vího was in Charleston ilie night that Gilmore 30mmecced shelling the city, thus describes the nñair: Tho citizens, as it seems hy an error in the transmission of Gihnore's answer by tho signal corps, were led to bolieve thut they would have urítil Monilay night Ui remove their families, and vio o Burprised by a second midnight nttack. 'J'he scène, as ihe Yankee ni-endiary pliells camo hurüng throiigh tlie air, erushing Ihrough the chambe'rB f sleeping woinen and children, or Lursting in the stroeta, scatteiing their fragrnonts in every direcüon, and lighting up the darknesa with a sudden glare, was shocking in the extreme. - heil af; er shell folio wed at intervals of Borne ten minutes, each preceded by the roar of the far-off battery. Sooï) tlie streets in the vicinity where they utruck were iilled with men, woraen and children - the former as üremen or oldiers hasteuing to their alarm posts for duty, the latter hastening they knew not Vthele - somewhere for n"afety. - Whilo the streets were thus filled with terrihed families the rain poured down, adding tj the horrors ot the seeno. - The shelling conlinsed ioran hour and u quarter, wheu it ceased. At two o clotik, when vvo retired to our ohamber in the Müls House, Meeting street was compamtively quiet. Frorn the door oi our hotel uvery shell could bj distinctly heard and the point at vvhich it struuk pretty tieurly (ietunnined. - "VVo heard of overal houses and one church ia different parta oí the city which were more or less darnaged by the sholla; but uo instancos oí injury li persons was reported when we luft the city yesterday morning. We heurd f oue very uarrow escapo, a shull haviug pasbed tljiough a cbartiber in which tvM) young giris were eleeping. The bed Was SU uck anda part of ttio mosquito bar toru awuy ; but, providential]y, neither of thu sleepers were hurt.


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Michigan Argus