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f uj üvtúwmmtz. BOOreTsHOBZ NOBLE & RIDER, Havo Juit reivd at the old tand of Wm. S Siiun dtn, itely occupied by W. 3. Sroith, A LARQE STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES, OF THE BEST QTJAXITYI Which they propoiis to ell t LOW PRICES FOK CASH. THEY ALSO UU AND REPAIR, To Accommodale Ciistomers. P!eS9 cil mhI et mdího thrir itock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. LAWRENCE NOBLE, CHARLES R1DKR. Ann Arbor, Spt. 9th,183. t)9S2. FALL GOODS! C. H. MILLEN'S. September, 1863. 922m2 1863. SEPTEMBER 1863. FALL GOODS! AT TnB "Old Corner!" I m noir dily receinng wU lelected ■tock of NEW GOODS I JOB THH C0N81STINQ 0 STAPLE DEY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c. Also a f uil assortment of Family Groceries! iill of which were bought low and aro to be SOLD CEEAP FOR CASH. C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington ets. (922tf) Ann Arbor. Buffalo Testimony, S&i CURE JSïïu "I , troubled Uta Kkeum..tfm for t "" ■uffenng moreor less every day. I haTe ,,k ; ei bottlesofthe'Penples Cure,' and have Bot "2 pain since I left it off more than lour week a " c.nsider myrelfas entirely eured, ard t]]e , P ' bas made me fee 1 very HRht and good-jiist la' youn man tliough I am sixty two yrurs old GODfRKÏ SCHEFrEÏ.. 402 Michigm'st," "My wife has been suff, ring frem Rbi maliii an intiammatory charar.ter ror'about six or ncy,n sometimes very acutely. About the flrat of J,,„' 't' she commenced taking the 'People'í Cure ' .„j tinued to 1ake It oma three weeks. In ten da,, she commenced, tlie welling and stiffnes of J,.". ,■ very m ilcrially leisened, and in three wM[ ' disappeared altogether. ' ?L, CURE ,?zm "Two of oneof thera Hfflicted' a bad Fever Sore. Ihe other with liheumatism-1,,, seen theadvertisement of the 'Pesple'a Cure' in i paper, purcfaated Ihe .Medicine , and tutv mterhui thor oughly tned it, report to us,commondin(t it J heartily as a tborongfc remedy in thcir aasu - M, Christian Advocate b cüre cr,"hr "My faco h;is for more than ten year been.', ]y dmligured by fruptions and bunches, which ut i utenüed over my whole body, and once for trrrej, made me entirely blind ; but h.ring taken two bottl ofthe'l'eope'SCure,'my acquaintances hadlr ognize me - Indeed I hardiy know as I am awellman. Let all wbo aro alike afflicted trt 'i 'People's Cure,- the Med,Cine prepared by the in'nii. Society- and I think they will not bcgrudge tlieir 4 ■gffij CURE L 'I hare uRed the 'Peoplc's Cure' in my fi,mily i great beneñt, n ce oí Sirofula and Balt RhtUB1 bave recommended it frequently to my f -end i'n whom I believe hare besn bünehtted, and most 'of tb, ntirely cured by it. " CHAS. SCHAfFF, 273 Main St., np.lir, m (ÏA CURE c "I have been n feeble health ever since the birt'h my boy, who is n twe'.ve vear old I hatc bi m:iny troublesand difflculties, 11 this time unBtlin me for every kinl of labor, and destroyiug all my .,, fort, Last summer I commenced taking the 'PtoaE Gure,' and have used four boules, and om non ilL awell woman. My difliïnUies have nearly ll iZ peared, and 1 feel cheerlnl nnd happy. "MRS. CATHAKÍNE IiF.WALB Dressmaker, Goodell Allty aboreTuppw il "Bnffulo, Oct. 20, 1-62." iiE PTTT?T? Cures when ,-b, PEOl'I.K'S UUltii, medicine M My wifc has been in poor health for a long tia havmg frequenlly to calla physician to attend ittZ ■he wa recent ly very much worse. For tíve nr' r weeks he had no appetite, lost all her strenglk u wa each day growing orse, She had night 'n'j coughed a great deal during each niht and comiaen bly during the day, and we all upposed she !rago off with the consumpüon, when a irisad adviseii li,n! take the 'Peoples'a Cure. On tajting the medie. ueíli perceived a cbange at once. On the tblrd iay sheb recoveied her appetite. and was last legaining bt strengt h. until, on the eighth day, not yet Ilitídj ü ken oue bottle, she has stc pped taking the mei ayingshe as as well a anybody could be, anil ik bas continued so ev T since. ,., „ "l'Al'L K1.K1S', Gardner,32Pelil. "BnlTafo, October 1, 1862." For ?a!a by all Druggistn. 922yl C. CKOSBY, General Agent, No. 2S5 Mam st., Ba N. T.( to whom all orders should be ddressed. For Ssle by Stebbixs J: Wilso.x, Gbixviub 4 Fcim nd C. EKEiCH & Co. "Asmil wai on her lip- health was in ïer loot, rtrength wi in her step, ad in her hands- PlmUtk Bitttr." S-T-186O-X. Á fw bottlcs of Plantation Bitters Will eura Nerrouf Headache. l( Cold Extrsmities and Feverish I.lpt, 11 Sour Stomach and Ftid Kreath. ■ Flatulency and Indigestión, ■ Nervous Aflectiona. " Excessive Fatigue and Short BreaÜu Vain. over the eyes. w Mental Despondency. " Prostration ; Great Weaknea M Sallow Complexion, Wt-nk BwU, eWlfch are ihe evi dences of IJVKR COMPLAINT AND DYSFEPSU. It is estimated that seveutenths of all adult tilmeai proceed from a diseased a3 torpíí liver. The biiiirt ■ecretios of the liver cTeiflowing into stcmitii poison the entire js-teand exhibit the above Bjm toma UW long research, we areable to present themoitB' markable cure for these horrid nightmaro dÍBeaes, Ik worldhas erer produced. Within one ycar oier lii mudred amïtorty thousand persons hare taken [lx PlantatiunBiiters,aiKl notan instance of compliintb ome to our knowlcdge ! Kis a most efFectual tome and agTe(ble stiaouUit uited to all conditions of life. The report that it relies upon mineral substancei ff ts actire properties, are whoUjr false. For th poW atinfaction, and thst patiints may consult their pb; icians, we append a list of its components. Calisaya Bark - Celebrated for over two hundni earain the treatmeftt of Ferer and igue, Dyspepiiv Weakaess, 4c. It was introdued into Europe by tb Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1640, D"i ii terwardsiold by the Jesuits for tht enormouê pritti itê own weight in êilctr, underthe name of Jetuii'tP ders, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, Kft of Franca, Humbolt makes special reference to Ha frifuge qualities during his South American travel. Cascarilla Babk- For Diarrhtea, cotic and diseue' of the stomach aud bou e's, Da.ndkliu.v- Fur iniUmration oí the loíns and árof sica I ailections. Cuahümile lowkrs- For enfeebled digestión, I.akm)kk FLOWKKfi - Aromatic jstimulaut and tonie highly iuvigomting iu nervuus debility. Wi.ntkkgkkkn - l'ur scrofula, rheuinatinn.&e. - An arniatic ; crea ti Ag ín úsele Juid milk ; inuch iim'ii by mothers nursiug., cloïe-buds, orange, catraway, coriuudtr, íd1 root, tic. S- T- X. Anothfr wonderful u;redientT. of Spanish origioi' partiug beauty to the complexión and bnlliaucy to l mittd, is yet unknown to the commerce of th ir and we withhutti its Dame for the jreaeot IMPORTANT CKKTIFICATES. Korttester N. Y. Decrmber L8, MU Mesiri. P . H . I m a k k k Co --I have been a great u; er f rom i)yspepnia tur three or fuur years aud haá ftbandou my profoswiou . About three nionths g ' tried the flantation Bitterx, and to my great jo,!" iiow nearly a well man. 1 have recommended lUeiB sevaral cases, and,aa i'ar asi knuw, always with bí? Tam'rípectfuÍlyyourB, RFV J. S. CATHROtf. Philadelphia, lOíh Month, Vth 27,186 Respecihd Fkiekd :- toy daughU-r has heen mu beuelitted by the use of tliy Planution Uitteri. Tb"1 wilt uend m i two büttli'K more. Thy Friend, ASA CURRI& Sherman Hou,, Chicago, III. Ftb. 11, 1802llessrs. P.H. Dhakb Co. - l'leate send us anothf twelve cases of your Plantation BitUn. As a mürnW appetizer, they aypear to have superceded everjiin else, aud aregreaily esteemed. Yours, &C. GAGE & WAH& Arrangement s arenow completedto supply an.T raand for this article, which from lack of governtnf111 stamp.- haa Dot heretofore been possible. Tht public may rest asaured that in no cas ' perfectly pure standaid of the rianfation Bitter departed from. Evry boitlt bcars the fac lifyH tignature on a sítlplate engraving, or it ciinnutbeS1 uint. Soldby allDruggist3rGrocers and Dealers throug1 out the country. m P. H. DRAKB & CO. Dissoliition Notice. mHKFIRM OF CHAPÍN. WuOD & CO-, WflB ÍJd XJnnuary 10, lftt-3, by mutual consent. C. cn"F and A. B. Wood will settle the accounts of Ihe firmCA. Chah.v, A.B. ffoBV Chafi, E. Wílü-. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1P63. Coparïnership, TTE UNDERSKÏNED entered into partnorship Jnj HMÏ, by the firm name of Cha pin .m will continue the buKiness of manufacturing Prl and wrapping paper. rwiMH C. A. Chapín, C""5' Ann AtVop, Job Hj 1 f iw


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