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THL ALL SUFFICIENT THHBS. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Küowii iis "Helinbold's" GENUINE PSEPAB.A.1ION8, VI 3.: UELMÜOLÜ'S EXTRACT " BUCIIU," " " SARSaPAKILLA, ' IJll'ROVEIJUOSK WAÏH. HELMtíüLD'S GENUI1Í2 P1EPJJU.TI0H, "HlaUMT COCNTHAVKU" COHPOUND FLÖIO EXTRACT BÜCKü, A PotitÍY and Spoeifi Remetly, For Dls&s of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLINOS. Tlii .fwücin lnorMstb power of üirestinn nd HELMSOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHU FOR WEAKXKSSK3 Arising from Kiees'ei, Habits of Diasipation Enriy Iniiiicretiou, or Abue, ATTKXDID ITH THK fOLLOWlNQ gYMTOMS : IndlApobHion toSxdrtioa, Lossof Power, Ussof Mfmory, Difficultj uf Brsatliing eikXen-is Trembltni, Horror af D soase, WakéfuInMs, Dimnesa of Vision, j'in n the Back, UiiierKl LSiitud of tlie Khisliin, of the Bodj. MusoulM Sjti, Eriiptiou oa the Face. Hol Hanila, Pullid Coutnnee. Iiviu'n.s of the irkin. Til ese symiitoms, if allowed to go on, wliich tliis nedicineiiivaiiahlj remoTca. socn fullow [ MPOTENCT, F 4.TUITT EPILEPTIC FITS c one of whichtho patiënt maj fiphe. Who cn say hut tlicy me nJt freqututly iolluwed by those "dircful useases," Inanity nd Con8umption? Many are avrare of the cause of their iifTerini luit none tvill confias. TUe rMordi of tlie insine Asylum and thmelancholydeatlisby OOBOTmptton, bearainpie witneís to tbo truth of the assertiun. THE CONSTlrUTKIN, OM AFFECTEI1 WITH ORGANIC -WEAKNBg, Requirea the aid of medicine to atrengthen and invis .ratetliesyitem, wliich HELM ItOLlI'S EXTRACT Bircfftinvnriablj doen. A trial will convmce the most skeptical. Femalei, Females, Females, OLD OR YÜUNG, SINGLE, MARÜIKD, OR CON TEMPLATING MARKIAGE, In nunjr alTections peculiar to Females the Extract Biiclm is uueijiuilled by any otlier remedy, as in GhloroBis or Retention, Irregularity, Pamfulness or auppreasionof llic Customary Evacuatiou.s üloeratwj or Schirrou tat of the Ulerua, Leucorrhea, or n tutes, Ststillty, and lor all complaints incident to the sex, whetber ai-ising froin lndiscietion, Habita of Dissipatiun,or in tlie Daclinu or Change of Life. SKK SYMIT03IS AliOVB. - NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam. Mercury, or l'npleaeant Medicine for Unpleasant and Daugerous Disaane. HELÏBOLD'S EXTRACT JüCilU CCIÏB3 Secret Diseases. In all their stajea ; at little ox-penne ; Httlo or no change in diet ; no inconvenienco. AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent dp.sire, tnd gives stronpth to Lrinate, thereb3Tfinovncr obstructions, preventin and curingStricturee of the l re'.hra, ullajing pain aml intl;immatior. ,o fMqüènt in this plas's óf rviBeñae añd JJUta( rOISOSOUS, DISEASKD AND H'ORji Thoursands upon Thoupand WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who h.iTe paid HEAVY FEES tobe cured in a short timp, havefound tliey iri.redeceivcd.and that tho "Poison" bas, hy the du oï ''Powerful Astrlngent " been dried up m the system, to break out inanaggravatcil f:rm,and PEUHAPS Aflcr JIARBÍ.ÍGE. Ü8B Helmbold's Extr. et Buchu Tor all vViTection and Diseases of The XJrinary Organs' Whelher exluting r# MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OF m-rW IOX.G rtNDlNG. Diseases of these Organa rcqnire the akl of a Picjirtic. HehnbolcTs Extract Buchu ÍÁ THE GREAT DIURETIC, Ah(1 it is certain to bave the desired effect n all Di sease.s, fur wiiich it is reconiiuem'.od, BLOOD! BLÖÖD! LOOD! Helnibold's Hkhly Oonceniraled Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is jn aflection of the Blood, snd attaeks the Sexml OrganR, Unmp of the N'ose, Ears, TUront WinJptpe, and other Mucus Surfaces, makmgits apIicararicc in the forra of Dieerf. Helmbold'a Ext.-act SveapariJta purifies the Blood, and remove; al! Scaly EropUOM of the Skin, giving to the Complexión a Cleai and HcaUhy Color. Il beinf; proparpd expre]y forttuscUsB ol compIaintB, its Biood-rurifying f'ropertiea are prewrvcil to a Rreater extent than anv other preparatiuu of BarsapftrillM, Helmbold's Kose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphiltic Nature and as an injeotion in leseases of the Urinary Organs' arisinx from habits of dissi])atipn, usel in connection with the Kxtracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla in Such diseases as recommenrleii. Kviclnnco et the most responsiWo and reliablechacactcr will accompany the medicines. CERÏIFICATES OF CURES, From cight to twenty years standing, with namen knmvn to SCIEXCE AND FAME, For Medical l'roperties of BUCHU, 8ee Dinpenoatorv the United Statca. ■ . Seo l'rofeasor VEWBES' raloable work on the Practice of lhysic. St-e remarks made by the Iale celebrated Dr PETSICK, rliiladolphia. See remarks mado by Dr. EVURA1M Mc.DOWKLL a cc-lebrated Physician, and Member of the Rural Oolleie of Surgeoni, Ireland, and published ooi;iiu.un ui int? i i iij; a mm ".iifuil H lüUrnil, Sec! Meilico-Cirurgieal Reriew, publiihed by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Kelluw uf the liojal College of Surft. -on. fee most of the lato Standard Work on Medicine. EXTHACT DUCUF, tl (0 PKB BOTTtlt, OR IX FOK j 00 t( AR.SAPAR1I.I.A 1 10 " l( 5 oq Improved Robe Wash, 50 " i 'o Or half a doztn of eaoh fiir #1SCO, wliich wil! to suHicient tn cure the most obstinate casea, i' directiens are adhored to. DeliTeredto any addresa, securely pacied from observjition. t-y Peawibe nymjitom.i in all communicatione _ Cures guarantced. AdvUse gratis. A F F 1 D A V I T . PerBonallyappoared before mean Alderman of the city of l'hiladclphia.II. T. Hki.miioi.i, who, being duly sworn,doth say, hiB preparations contain no narcotic nomercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purclv vegetable. H. T.HELMBOI.n. Sworn and subscribid before me, this Ï'M day of Novtmbi r,1854. WM P. HIHBARD. Alderman, Ninth-shect, abote Race, Phila. Adilross Letters for inrormation n confldonce H. T. IlKLMltOW), Chemist Depot 104 South Tenthntreet,below Chcstuut, l'hila. BEWARE OF COÜNTERFEITS AND UNl'RINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endoavor to dispose " OF THEIR OWN" and "other" iirticlesonthe leputation attained hy Helmbold'süenuine l'reparntious, " Extract Uuchu, " Sarsaparilla, Improvpd Rose Wash. Sold by all Drnggists everywheie. ASKFOR HBLMBOLD'S-TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the Rdrcrtisemeot, and nprd for it J?vn 'SCHOFF & MILLE1Í A RESTILLONHAND at theirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block,. ■ Trith theraosí complete assortnient of Booka and Síationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOOBS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSEL8, GILT CORNTOES, CÜRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. í Ever offered in this irarket ! and they wouM auagest tothosei n pUrsuit cf anyíliingin SANTA CLA US' LINE that thoy can aecure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchatilng from tliÍH sfock, as eah purchaser getí an üJilitional present of Jtiwclry, &c , Eanging invalue from 50 cts. to $50. Mtf that thpírlonff experionce inselectinc gnods foi'tliís mHrket, umi strict nUention to the wants of Oiiftomerü,may eutitle tbeni tu a liberalshare o.. I'aironne. ' Aun Arbor, T)pfï. 5. 18C0 777tf THE REBELLION 0X BÍGfl PRIGEB FDR CLOTHING, HAS CtíMMENCED AT THE 0L0 & RELIABLE CL O TH IN CS EMPORIUM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOÜK, MAIN St. f AM noff opening a large and varied assortment of X SpringandSutanerGoods, and in Herw of the rebelé ion on high priees generally, wijl ollbr tbem tn my frifmls and cuBtpnjors at the vory lowëst ftgurós for Casli. - THoge ia want of ;i superior article oi Cloths, C&&8ÍÜíeady-IKCade Olothing, -will cali onWM. WAQNER, who Ikus judt return?! f rom the East, with a. Iargu BrSsortmopí of SPRING &SÜWMER GOODS which have been i:irch;ised at the late LOW ÏRIOES! ánd cámtVer themat a lowor íígúre thaa e verf heforeAmoni? mv Assortment m;iy bo found BllüADCLOTHS, UASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all descripitinos, togotlitr witL a euptrior tssoitmcnt of Rtady-M.itlc llollsli,,;. affcS Wv'l'l'-UXKS, CARÏ'ET BACS, Èsllï T UMDRELLAS, and ffi&ÜaííotilIcDien's Fiiriiisliiiig OOODS, . with niiitn-ieus otlHTJirtíüles aguaily found in similor f establishment.. As an J EMPORTUxM OF FASHION, j the subscribe? flattersbimaelf, that hi.s long experience ( and giMH'ral miccess, will nnable hiin to give the greatest sati-sfnction toall who may trust him inthewaj ol LjT Manufacturing Garmeuts to order. WM.WAGNEït. AnnArbor, Apiil 9tU 1862. 84Sif ■■■■■■HaiMKfiBBniRrawmniniRwiinHnHin O. BLISS Would take this method of infurmlng his old friends and patronsand ullothers w'.ui may favor him vith their patronage, tlat lie has greatly enlarged his Stock and Assortment ani] baving adoptod the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING & SELIJN6 spfeparedjo sel 1 (kaait al e-aasonable 3Fïrlceia? His stock eonslelgin part 01 the tollowiïig: j l AMERICAN AND OTHER P%. -Matches! ■"■■ 1 1 " 8ETH TI-TOMA S ULO.CKS1 Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CÍTAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLEKY ! Pacor, Shear, Scissorpand Hruslics, RdíiKRS l'I.ATKJ) WARK, tlie best in tnarkct, GoJd Fens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and KXVKI.OI'ES, Süusical Instruments, Slrings íf BooJís fnr Instruments, PBCT A.C3XJI.-ESS, of Qold, Silver, Steel, and Platal, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons baring lilDcnlt walclieii to fit with glasses enn be ccomodated. as my stock is lane'anil complete, - P. S. Particular attention to tlie iiEPAiriiiij-aof all kind of fine Watcbes, sucb as Making and Setting new Jowcls, Pinions, Srafft, and Cylimlers. Alto CLOCKS, Sc TEWELRY lt% gtf&.7 wiu"a:itcd' at his M standeaBt C, BLISS. Ann 4rbor,NrOT. 25,183 BSHtf For Sale, Two Dwelling Houses ! 1 TWOSTOKY FRAME DWKLLIJfO HOUSE and Lot 1 4x8, iiowoccnpiod by.J. II Burleson. Possession givon Ocfc. 1 , 1L63. ÍM STORV FRAME DWEI.I.ING HOUSE, BARN and 101, x 8, nowoccupie.l b.v D. R. kéÜéj, possession ilT April Ut, W84,god cellar, cist,n,' and out bniWing about , the pramisea. Property adjUhiii,;.Ml,e ïor iurther partícula rs idqtHreof AnnArbor.MayH.lSSS. ANT)'lirW9B0LToba eco ! Tobacco ! I AM SEI.I.1N0 GOOD FINE CUï CÍIEWING TOBACCO At front Fifly cents lo $1 per pound SMOKING TOBACCO, Fr om 11 cents to 20 cents per pound at retaü. M. DE VAN Y. Ann Arbur, Mich., Düc. 17, 1862. 883tf Ayer 's Cherry Pectoral, I am Bound for M. GUITERMAN CO'S ! Dispute tlie faet if you can, It takes the TAILOll after all to give appearance to tlie onter man. If you wish to nppcar well You must accordingly Ores? Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will flnd things exactly SO. SONDHEIIfulways ready to take vour rnpiisure, GÚITERMAN will sell you Goods with grent pieasuré, At figures LOWER than you will find in i he State, Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The iNDucEMENTS are uow greater than ever, Oiir Clekks you will find übliging aDd clever. We will show you öfood CLOTHING of our own oettino up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS cspecially will find t to THEIR ADVANTAGK. For it takes but L1ÏTLE MONEY to repleaish. 1500 0VERC0ATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for al most ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our Olin IMPOKTAT1ON, Porwarded through our New York relations. Frorn England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up in. or weau, at the dance. Pañis ! Pants ! ! Panis ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of cvery grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO E1OUT. VEPTS, &c., of every description, You will tind it so without fiution, Furokhing aptarels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all -we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Tours truiy, ever so, il. GÜITKRMAJST. fe Co., RIS DON & HENTeIÏSÖA 3B TJ O I3L ES "X" JES CRASSi DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufaotured at Springfield, Ohio. "TUTE VEKY I.ATEST IMI'ROVEMENT, and bettertlian í :M others; uilapted to sowmg Wheat, Rye, Oats iiarlcy and Grass íccd . lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wül sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever lunches the Grain tíh. Never Ireaks the Giuin. 5th. Sows Grass Seed Iroadcast lehindlhe Drill. GtJi. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7h. Has long and wide steel points. %th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tó. It has doublé and single rank dn'lls. lQíh. It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made. Therc is havdly a Drill offeredin the market but can boast of more or lesa u FIRST PREMTUMSP They are about as indi.scriminately bestowed a the title of " Professor," whlch ís sometúnes applied to the "Jiddltr" or "boolUack." They cease to convey the id(;a of merit. The üuclvcye Drill has boen on Exhibition at quite a number of Stateand County Fairs, and without seeking favor at the hands of any Commitlee, has recehed its t'ull share of Premiums TEÖÏIMONIALS : TVe give the followmg Dames of a few Farmers in th's viciuity waohavebuught and uspd tho Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Miller, Sclo. Jacob Polhemufr " JacubTremper, " Thoma White, Korthfleld. John Brokaw, " Christiun. Kapp, Edward Boyden, "Webster. James Treiulwell, AunArboi Daniel O'B&n, ' ♦ John (i. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marsliall, " L. Edmonds, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. We arealso Agents for the Ohio Heaper & Blower, acknowledged tobe the very best in use. We aro just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clieap. Also alargeassortment o G-rass Scythes. Andthe largest and bost selected stock of BENT STUFF FOR CARRIAGEPever before ofTerotl o this market. We also keep a large and full wm oí? w&mm NAII5, GLASS, PÜTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete aesortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, AND EAVE TEOUGHSalwajs on hand and put up at the shortest nutice. RISDON & HENDERSON. Annirbor, June S9tl, 1862. 869U 1863. spring. 1863. We are now opening' A Lar ge and Beautiful aseortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry (jSo&ds! LADIES' DRESS GOGDS in great vnriety, R 3: 33 33 O KT f3 , Also a large stock of Goods for IK ens7 IRTear, Cassimeres, Gloths, &c. and a f uil assortment of Ladies and Children'a HATS, CAPS, GROCEEÏES, OEOCKEEY, All of wLich wc will sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE CA8 2:3: PHICE! MACK & SGHMID. Aon Arbor, March 19, '63. 89Gtf CITY COOPEH SHOP. 'Vholeaalc and Retafl, O C. SPAFFORD Would respcctfully anöouno9 to tlie citizens o( Ann Arbur and vicmity, that )ie is uw manufacturin!; and keeps constant! ƒ on hend a Lnrge Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Pork and Cidcr Rnrrels, Ke-s, Firkins, Ohurns, Well Buckets, &c, Wliich ivili be sold cheap for cash. custom "woirik: .Made to order on short uotic'e. Repairing done witl] and diypatch, I would cal! pavticukir attention to llercüants in ivant of Buffer Firkins liimmnmifactunngtlie twïoik Stat Flrkln, ■rkichisabetter Firkin than bas ever before buen of Mred inthi.s markot. ] would invileall who want Firkins to Gall and exanino for tliemselves before purchashig olsewlin-, art I will convince jon that you have called at tlm right ijlace. 1 would also cali the attention of Btewers in waDl BEEK KEGS, I am nöw piepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls, in lurge or small lots, and of a Setter Quality than can be had in Detroit or clsewhere. iWAll work warranted to give entire satis 'action. Thankfulfor pstfavors and by a strict attention U üusuiess, I liope to meril a conünued libera] supply ol the public patronage. y ' to not forget to callat tb e City Cooper Shop O. C. SPAFFOIID.' Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Jlich. 8S8ïl GREAï.GREATEE GREATEST BARGAIN8 EVER OFFERED 1859. ÍKJ859. In thiaCity, are uow being offereri at the OHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jewelry storerpHESnbserihor wouldaay to the citizensol Ann Arl pnrticulnr, a ml the rest of Wnthtenaw Countv in genera], that hohasiust lMPOUTFn nr RECTLY from EUKOPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! AU of which hn birida himsrlfto sell CHEAPKR than can bo boueht weit af New York City OponFsce Cylir.tier Watches trom $6 'to in do do Lever do do 8 to 21 HuntingCase do do do 14 to 35 do dn Cylinder do do 9 to ob Gold Watchos from on „ iS I have alao tne lo CELE BR A TE D AMEWCAN WAT CUES whichlwlll san ter 35. Rvfiry Vvatch warranted tn periurm well,ortln: morit'y reiunded Clocka, jRwelry, Piated Vare) FancyGoods. Gold Pens, Musicallnstruments aD gtriiur Cutlery, &c, b ' j and infaotayarii-ty of everyhins mmally kept by Jew eleracan be boüghtlorthe next ninety days at vmir OWN P RICES! Peraon buying anything at this wel' known establisnme tit can rely upon getting good'. exact'y as ren rOBented.orthomonpy relunded. Oallcnrly and se cure the best bargains evor ort'cred in thi( City. One word in regard to Repairing : We are pri-pared tomakeany repairs onflne or common Walch(-s.ivi-n 10 mnkinso er the entire watc.h f nncessary. Ropairing of Clocke and Jewelrv aa' usual. Also the mannfacturinir of RINGP, BROOrHS ar auything: desired, from California Gold onehortno;ice. Eneraviic in allits branchesexeented witbneat. aoas anddispatch. J C. WATTS Anti Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. 7J4W Rifle Factorj! Beutier & Traver, [Wuccessors to A. 1. Sutlwrlnnd,] Manufacturer8 of nnd Dealera in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flaslis, Poüihes Game Bags, and Evcrjother artille ïl that Line. All tiudf o done at tho shortest DOtlce, nnil in tue be st manner. a full assortment aln-ays kept nn fiíiñd and made oráer. tfèl. SIiop corner Mam and Washington etreeta. Ano ArbortOct. 8, 1362. r 878tf Trnses ! RUPTURE CAN BE CÜRED BY A TRÜSS of the rigbt kind, f properly flited nnd duly attendod to. This bas been abumluntly demoontr&ted n iiinnnirr;i ble inatanceB by the ue of tlie ilultipt'dnl Trusa of Dr. Ris?, diinns the last few yoars. This Tfusi beinu coveiod witli Hard Rubber, is perTectlv waterprbof, may be used in bathtng, and is alwaja oWnlj na well as niiestructililo by ordinary usnpe. ïf not siïtisfactory at'ter a fair trial of nixty days, it roay bv r - turned. It challengts compjirison with any trusa known. Ir. uffiee, No. 2 BARCLAY Ötreet. KOR " Jt.VKDy SCEOFÜLA AND SCBOFULOUS DISEASES. From Emery Êdea. a wetl-knowib mercliunt of Ürford, Maine. 11 I havo poM large quantities oí your Saupaparilla, but nevcr } et one bonle wliicli failed oí' the dcsired effect and full Mitisfaetion to those who took it As fiiKt as our people try it, tliey agree there lias bcen no medicine like it beí'ore in ourcommunity." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotehes, Pustules, Uloers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From liev. Robt. Stratton, Jiristol, England. " I only do my duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to tluit 30U publish of the medicinal virtues of'your Saksapakilla. II y daughter, aged ten, liad an affiiottng humor in her ears, eyes, and liair íbr jrears, which we were unable to cure until we tricü your Sarsafauii.l.a. She üaa beeu well tbr some months." From Mrs. Jane E. Rice, a weH knoivn and mucheslee.meil laüy i,f DeimisrUle, Capí; May Co., N. J " My daugmer has sull'eied íbr a year past uitli a scroíulous eruptiau, wliich was very troublcfome. Nothingaffordecl any refíef until we tried your Sakbai'auilla, which soou coinpletely cured her.! From Citarles P. Gaye, Esq., oflhe undelg-knoumflrm Qf Gaye, Murraii ir r0., nianufacluiers of enamtUea papan in Nailtua, jv. ƒƒ. " I had lor BSTersl years a very troublesome humor 111 my lace, which grew constantly worse until it distiffured my features and becarae an intolerable affliction. I trled almost everything a man could of both advice and medicine, b'ut without any relief whatever, uutil I tuok your Sahsaparilla. It lmmediately made my face worse, as you told me it migbt ior a time; but in :i few weeks the new skin b'egan to form tinder the blofches, and contiuued until my iace is as ajnooth as anybody's, and 1 am without any eymptoms of the disease that I know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe It to your yAKSAPAItlLLA.1' Erysipelas - General Debility- Purify the Blood. Froih T)r. Holt. San-in, Houson St., JV. f. Dk. Ayer: I seldomíaii to remove Eruplions and Scrafulous Sores by the persevering use of your Saissapauilla, and 1 bae fust now cured an attack of Maliyuant Ersipelas with it. No alterative we poesess equalsthe Saksaparilla yon have supplied to the piofession as well as to the people." FromJ. E.Jolmston, Esq., Walxman. Ohio. "For twelve y care 1 Imd theyellowEij-Hpelas on my riglit arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physiciansl could roach, and took hundreds of dolíais' worth of medicines ']'he ulcers were so bad that the cords becarne visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking yourSAr.SAPAiiiLLA. 'look two bottles, and üonieof your l'lLLS Toïether tlicy have cured me. J am now aswell and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody in tuis community, and excites the wonder of all." From Hort. lienry Monro, JIJ. P. P . of Xeiocastle, C. W., a leadiny member of the ('anadian I'urliament. " I have used your Sap.saparilla in my tamily, for general debilita, and tor purifiinr lite blood, with very beneücial resuii?, and teel cónüdence ia commeiiding it to the afllicted.:i Sfc. ÁTlthnTllí'a TTivii Ttnaa Qnlt T71n os. jinmonys üxre, Hose, Salt Kheum, Soald Head, Sore Eyes. From ITarveij Sickler, Esq., the able editor of the Tuncklian uock Democrat, Pennsylvania. " Our only child, about threo years of age, was attackecl by pimples on lijs ibreíiend. ïhey rapidly 6pread until they formed a loathsome and virulent 6ore, which covercd liis face, and actualiy blinded Dis eycs lor some days. A skillul physician applied nitrate of silver and othcr remedies, without any apÍiarent effect. For ritteen days we guarded his hands, est with them he should tearopen the testering and corrupt wound which covored hiswhole face. Jrlaving tried every thinj; else we had any hope from, we began giving your Sausapahilla, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal when we liad given the first bottle, and was well when we had nni.hed thesecond. The child's eyelashes, which had come out. grew again, ond he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The whole neishborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Iliram Stoat. of Ut. Louis, Missouri. "I flnd your Saksapaiulla a more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of' Siphilis, and for syphilitic disease than auy other we posiess. The profession are iudebted to ybu lor some of the best medicines we have." From A. .7. French, M. Z., an eminent pTiysician of Lawrence. Mo99. vho ie n prominent memoer of the Legislalure ofJJassachusetts. "Da. Aïiiit - My dear Sir: I have found your Sap.saparilla an excellent remedy for SyphilU, both of the primary and secondary type, and effectual in some cases that were too obstínate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can emÍiloy with more certainty oí' success, where a powerül alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Liew, of New Brunswck, JV. J., ban dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuee of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for vesre, in spite of every remedy or treiitment that could bc npplied, until the persevering use of Ayep.'s Saesapaiulla relieved lijm. Few cafes can be lbuud more invetérate and distressing than this. and it took several dozen bottles to cure hint. Leucorrhcea, Whites, Female "Weakness, are generally produced by internal Sci-ofulous Ulceratiou, and are very oiteu cured by the alterative effect of this SaiiSAPA BILLA. Some cases rennire. however, in niel of the Sausapakilla, tile skiJful application of local remedies. From the well-known muf wideïy-celebrated Dr. Jacob Marrill, of Cincinnati. "I have (omid your an excellent alterativo in discases of iemalee Many cases of irregularity, Leuconliosa, Infernal ülcération, and local debility, aiising iïom the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, Ivhen itseffect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, uuvnlling to alloto the publication of her name, writes: "Hy daughter and myself have heen cured of a very debilitating Leucorrhcea of' long standing, by two bottles of your" Eheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dyapepsia Heart Disease, Weuraigia, when oaused by Scrofula in the srstem. are rapidJy cured by tuis Ext. Saesaparilia. ayTrs CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advanta;es over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to nssure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that tliey may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Preparad by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by .. „„, .. i ,, Ar mr, F. Sill-Q Vpilanti, A EWINGj Dexter, WHEtOON HATCH (lu-ls.a. Wholesale byFABRANDSHELBY 4 Co Detroit. C. E. COBUKN, Travelling Agent. "UNIVERSAL Si I - F8---. al '?1 "H 9 '" Wifeas aP1 Tr I S BH-' teS CLOTHiníiÍGIlL n . No. 1. Laríe Family Wiüxoek $10 00 No. 2. Mkdil'íi " í( 7nn n s-'í " " ■::.■■'::■■" é.uo Nü S. Shau. " ■ ";■■ 55Q No. 8.. Laiiue Hi tkl " ........... 14;0O No. 18 MBD1OH I.MWMiY f to run by ) l?'no No. 2-i. Lakuu " -j stoam or I 30.00 Nos. 2J anj 3 have no Cogí. All attiers aro warrantvíd. No. ■ ia Mío sizi. enorally used iu privjite iiimilies. Ora.vge Judd, oítbe "Aniericm Aricullurist '' says oí tile UNIVERSAL CIjOTHBS WRINGER. "A chüd can reudily wrinioul a tubi'ull of cloüies i a few minutes. It is in rwli ■ -. ('LOTIU-S SAVFR ! ATI.MESAVK1Í ! and a üTHMii i ; SAVIC1! ! Tliesaving of garmenta uijl alnc pay :i .]_■■(■ per centage "n its cost. U'e tlinik tho machine mucii mtnv fban 1' VV.S FOK ITftI.K EVf liV YKA !! n ih,. slivin of garrnents! 'Hiero are spviM-al kinil, nrai-l.v alifce n íPQcral ci.ntil Tlir1! If Y Iti4 ï.-i-i nMtS.nVI .i.i + f . . ■ m.UVwvu uuv e tuiiMULT IL ] n I ]) O rt;i 11 1 liiat the Wringer be fltted with Cogy, ntheWise n nKiss „f gár. ments mn.v elog tlie rollers, nn'! the roller upon the crank-shait süp anl trar ihc clo.hes, or the rubbor break fmin the halt. üur owq s one of th'a first malte, itod it ia nesrly M ÖOOD A8 NEW after npiirly FOUa YEABS' OONSTAUT UH " Every Wrirgei with Cog Wheels is Warrani%d in every Particular NO YRIGER m U DFRABLB Y1TI1OLTT COG WOEELS. A goud CAN V VSEk iva itea ín every town. On receipt of the price frsan i.luccf whero no ono is sellit;,, wil! atmá í lic wringer rnt:u of biPEXSK Por particulars nntl circulnrs aitdPSSS 915tf H C. BBOWNINii. :-!! l:n.:,.lwiy, N. Y. FOR SALE. Q ACRES Of xc.elU-ni liinlu-rod tho P. V of O' ' w. v oí Sec.2. Toiv,, ó n RBe 3 w. nintonOoiinty. n is in a . iron,1 beigh'boTno'oa, nbout fnur mi esfnjin DoWilt and ten from Launinj}. ior krm nquire at or addresa. ARUUS OFFTPE Jan Uflth.lSri. RWftf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. SheriflPs Sale. TY VIRTUEof an exeeution issued out of .. JO the hoal of the Court fo, ie Co, U WíWneúaw and Stale of Michigan bearin. 5 -T "' seeorjd day of September A D. 1863 .,nd to L H-tMh and delWerei ,;„, -he goodand 'c "tt kT,?'retlti want thereof lasdsHmi tenoments of John 5L lhe dekndaut (train name,] I d.d on thè 4t ?'k' ph taber A. D. 18K3, levy „pon and Rt, „, ,, ' di of t.tle and interest of tlie raid John Buseñoart "Eht the folí described land and premLeK :XS norlh east ten (10] acres in ,. square ''H aoh-leat oówer of the west half Of the nottï U ïuarfer of seetion number thirteen 1131 in T„ ."' number one snuth raBRf live ea8t in th Co."' Wanhtenaw and Slat., of Michigan which n Ioí 1 l.e front doOT of the Courl House, i„ the CUv o ! Arb.,r, that being the place tor holdinu the n Court f(,r th; Count ofPWashtenaw ongSa7uraï? 34th day of October next, at elevin o'cl"ciI ,'ï' forenoon ot i,aid day. lllth' r, , . . PHIUP WINEGAR ih-HDated, September 10!h, 18i:i. 7)'i Chanoerj Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fouiö, Judicial Circit I 0 f. ha.)c,,-y. Suit I,ra,linïfA the Court, m," Ooirhfy of ifashtenaw, in Chánctry, wh,,,,, Mj II complainant, anrf B.njamin Hillnian i, T il ; at Ai,iiArl,„rCityonll:t-10th.].ivof Se iu ter .3863. It atHfacto-ily appearing t„ ,,„, tL ' prttMT, one of the Circuit Court C,mmi„ ,,"„' Slid Cotin, „i (V„hléBw, by the affijavit 1 V& ow,,l 1 Solicitor for the complainant in the above ai that the uid defendant, licnjamin Hillman is „„. ' reie?t "f Ihe btale of Michigan : On motion of W 1 „w,, 1. .-., „■,!.., for cowpl nant. it ,s orderea that Mi ii'fcadant. Benjamin Hillman, cause his „,„'.' nirc t be entered in said cause witliin two raonthiiiZ thcdatOHf this order, ■ that in de.ault thm'u ,1 b.l.o! i'onipl.-vni!.lilii in said cause, be taken as eonf -d ai,l defendanl. And it is lurthfr orderrt S ivithin nventy days said complainant cause a com „1 tl. is , .r.,ler to bepublished in the Michigan Arel ttwspapei printcdand publishid in the city of AnnAbo,to ftia Countyof Wáshtenaw, and that said „„Í catión becontlnuedonce in ca eb. week lr six suc ' ; r that said complainant cause a civ „', WS order :o be personally servid on said defendait ï least tweut, üny before the t.toe prescribed fur hi „ GEO. nAXFORlH Circuit Crurt Commissioner, Washtenaw Co SIM I-.M l'.'V.Ei.i.,C(,mp's iol. '' "■ 6fedjSépi 1O,1B6. g„m Mortgnge Sale. nEFAÜI.T having been n the conditionot , U cta pladegtuM of Mortgage executed by tmJL thé Regisier , f needs in and for said County of Wa?{ f." ;'" ,th" Íl (1"J of August. A. D. 1660. in -, of Mortgages; on page 182. hy whirli defaull , , ower of sa e contaiix-d i„ s„il fco.tgage became „ ,ral,ve.n,„ the amoutt claimed t„ Í du e on said iT .lemjr of.Xjrtgageat the date „f this noti.e b, , ehthindredandeighty dollars, and do suit or J t recove, the debt .ucured by'8aM itotL „í ■ gr Uttreof: Notice is thereíore hereb, ven th. Wurday tl,. tueniy.firsi „ „f N);v,.rab A li-i,.) ,.t ... o'clock iu the foreooon of thal dar . the South do,,r of the l'onrt House, In the City of Ad, Arbor, „, Í county of Wahenai and State "of i gan, (W ( ,„H being the'place f„r , ]d ' ;---■ said coBty.' líhail feil „rc„LL esnW;tr,„M;ci,ucii„„ in foreciosureol said Mort,, t" tl' bighest bidder the descriad tbm.' .„ -..,„„■„ thereofas shaj be accescary teMtUfjiB ""■'■■■■-' '..■.-f..S'li-bursemeDC ,inl expfnsp of jil l'n.c,,,!,,,,, telaliveto the foreclowre of the , clu.l dï rtas,„,ahlc. cbargee for att.a-neys' service, ,, l;i " i.U,l ni id indenture „f mortgage ; that . to i, A'l di. certai, traci or parcel p? l,T„d 8ituated li? "i Ik "lh8 "tjalt of Lots number Se, ui Dated.Aue 22,1863. MlB' SherifFs Sale. T)Y IP.TUE of one execution, issued ont of the CirIJ cuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, it, tl, ato ot Uichtgao, to me diruoted and dehvered, airamit t'iegoods an-1 chattels, land a and tenements of Pel Schsfer and William SWiwit8f, I d!d on the wvmih I;.J f ugust, A. n. 1863, levv upon and t„ke al! the i-iühL litleand mierest ol the said l'eter Schafer id W lüiain Schwitar, in and to the ene certsin pared ot lot ..f las:d known nnd describe.l as follows ïittulrf intaetownship-of Maochetter, countv of Wafhteni ii.d Müte ,.1 Michigan, bem? the parcel known as the '". ny of letfr Schufer and use.l lor a blackmith Bhop, bounded n the west by ihe Iscds of K. A. Partrulms, on the nonh b, thelanrts ofCohklIn, and on thPnrt and south by landa of E. A l'artridge, beingforty feetin ïdth trom n"rth tosouth and mx1i feet in lmtheit and west, being in a square form ; said land beiiir mor! articularly describeü as follows: Bein part ofsrttion Humoer one in township four south aSd range thre. east, in the State of Michigan, beginning at a stake tn rodsand twp links west of the black.-mith shop, octupiedinlffiS by Conrad Butler, in the Village of Eart Manchester, running thence easterlv parallel with the south line of land heretofore owned by Granar anj Jrantz s.xty ffet, thence Xorth to said south linefortv leet, thencealong said south line weslerly sixty feet' thewte south f.,ityfeet to the place . f b.Ri'nnin.' indo ing the sTiop aforesaid. said , igtl, tille and iatere.-t I -li;ili exp.,se lor sale at public uuction to the Wghent bidder on the seventh düj of October nex' at noun, at the front door of the Court Honse in the City of Ann Arbor, io said countv of Wiisl.tenaw 1-H1I-P W1NB8AR, SheriB, „ , , . B7 Patbick Wjll, Under Sheriff. Dated, August 13th, 1813. fLr FAIRBANKS' 11 Standard IL.8CALES! JWBhp ofallkinds. "=" " AlsOj Warehouse Trucks t Letter Presses, tft. Fftlrbanks, Greenleaf & Co., VU La ko Street, Chicago. Sokl in Deiroit by PARR UD &SHEL!Y. flSTBi! eareful to buy only the genuine.-ga 88öjl P. B A C H Is now receiving A. LAEGE STOCK -OFMew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOB CASH Since the Late Fall, AND WILL BE SOLD VERYLOWFORCASE Cali and See ! Por Rats, Mlcc, 'lonches, Ants, Bed Bng. Motlis In Farg, WooUns, &c. Instelt o" IMnntx, Powis, Ynlmnls Ssc. "Only inCilliblc remedies known." " Frep froni poiwin.s." " Not (hmgiious to the Human Family." " Kan c(jrae out of thcir lii'les to die." Sok! Wlinle.alo in all Urffc c tit1.". Sold by all üruffffists ml Kctailira everywher ! I ! xawabx I I I f all worthlcai imita'tiou. Xö-Sw that "Costau's" name is on eacli Boï, Bottlcand FTiisk, bfort' vm bnv S-Aiidrcs HE1VRY R" COSTAK. ü-fs TJnnoipal Pepct, Kn. 42S Broadwav NTe Torsie Sold by al] the Wholesale id Betiil Drugg"' lan Arbor, Mich. 9J9m3


Old News
Michigan Argus