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Cuiiiiiiisí(iiíc-is lotice. OTATE OF MICHKiA.V, toüTY OF WasiiBaw 88 ' The undeisigmd having bc-wi appointtd the p-J Unte Court lor saio Cuu.ij. I i,mniiiuBt.'r to rttm, examine, and adjust ,ill i:J ... : and demanda of allí' sonsagainsttlieesla:t „; itóiael UHun, lat of I, 'luuLiinp of W'ol-ti'i a -. ..■,,. ilucL-aami, herrt, give noticf tliitt lix nuil!] ;■ ni "cale, are, bt eiil i,l tlif Probate Oiirt. aili.i. d fur crcdit to m their (.laimaagainpi said dectíustíd. and tbat thj wii meetat tBe residence f Mr. .Mnrguret Dillon, 'in 11, Towmbíp of Webater, ín said t ountj, on PaturÁij tk, X wen I ƒ ;ijth duv of Decimber. and Thnriii ')),, Twenty-Fcuith Jay of Marcli ncxt, at dne o'cloek, ja tlie affuraoOD of each day,.o receive examiiipnij'. jiut said claims. JOHSr nEviNK, („ lUNNiS WAUNEH. ( ('ommi"ot(n Datel,Septeml)er 2olh, 18C3. 92Stj Estray. -i AME IXTO the enclosure nf the _„.. O dersigned at Üie tmvn of Soto, Ë Wras tenaw County. One red cow. lTOSfiMÍi ten or levfn venís oíd, lop horn.- BwYff l'liu on-neris rcimestod to pav charges ÜJL_ íná takc heraway. CHK1STIAN KKr.Y Scio, Octobcr 8, 1863. 925w6 ñotice. mlIE Pl-pEl!INTEXnLNTS f the Couatr Toor a X meetatthu Couüty House on TtiESIJAY OCTOBER 6th, to hem and adji:t all claims against the countyforHi lupport of the Couniy Foor during: tlie vear P. IlAVIS, j JAS. McMAHON-, Viuperintendetu NüRMON I'KliLl'S, ) MONITOR HOUSE, BY - ■ . K. GRKGORY, HURÓN STREET, _a.:n:n" aebob, ivrioh.. sst Stray Mare. TVAKFN t,'P by tbe nabacnfeeron the 20th of Septo I ber, a Dark Hay ilare, ibout 8 ycars oíd, huí blitk íirmeaiil tatl. l'lie owner i.s rt'tj ucstfd toproTflprop'ƒ P&y charges, anc takf said Mareaway. JAMES E. GALI.AGHER. Daseí-alie, Webster, Oct fitli , Iá(i3. 923w6 Stray Colt. CTRAYKn or telón from thí Vülage s of Dextoi , na Fridajr evening, Sept. -Jw. IStb, a Isrgc sizod, SSMI Two Year Oíd Bay Colt, Cj GeidÍBg- a star tra forchead and both hind fet whit. A libera! rcward will be given for 1h( return oí iiii "olf, or for information which will his Ttconn. Tofoimatiüu maj be givtn toJOHX DOODY, or JOHN' COSTEL1.O. Doxter, Sept. 22, 1883. 9314 JUST OPENING? Ttio largest Stock and best nssortment of CASINET FÜRNITURE t ever bronght tothis city, inoluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS, CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIES, Ijoolacing CSrlfvsse Gilt Trames and Mouldings, COFFIKTS METALIG CASES, &c, &e, and all othpr goods kept in tht best and laigeot hoaiM in the countrv. Wc ícppno tecottñ hand furnituiMf AuciHjn goods. Cnffns ket contautly on hnnd, made to order My giods are offyred at THE LOWEST CASH PR1CES N. B 1 must liave mcnfy, and respcctful y requ' tliose ■jiU-I.tied, to cali and fix up their old malt'1 without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct.6. 11-63 2ttf BOOT SHOE KT. B. COLS, (Successor to Moore & Loornis ) hm oponed a itortl" FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mam street, Ann Albor, aud lias on linnd a !?"' sortment of BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBEBS, manufactured from the best material and Trarrantri fïive satisfaction. consjfltipg oí MhN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, I(iUIÍT,B SOLED, MEN-S BUlFALb OVERSUO of all dc5cnptions. LiVXDIES GAITEBS, Morocra Booteet, Balmorah, Feit Onershot', Rubbers. Also, Boy' Kip, Cülf & ThlOb Boots, witb a v.iriptv of CHILDKEN" & YOUTH'S SHOES. I nm nlso Mantifat'tiirlng WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOBS. Men's Fine French Caif Boot Peggod and Sewed. Gire rao a cali bcfore purcliasing elsewherf. Sfll mj nood chesp lor Keil. - REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND 0" SHORT NOTICE. c0Li Ann Artor.Jan. lStb,IS3. '


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Michigan Argus