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I FFICÏÈrïT lEHÜ '. i Í8E GfiEAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," SE?íU:PíE PREPAR.VLIQNS, V1Z: , HfeSIBOI D'SEXtRAffT " IUTIIIV ! ' SAli.-Al' lilLI.A, ■ IMl'BOVED HUïE WAS1Í. II KT.M ;O 1.1VS &E 9 UINE FP EP ARATION , ' "ÚÍBIUjY CO.VCBTATKl " Lü.lü'OUXD ' FLUID EXTRACT BUCSÍU, A Positivo and Specifio Remoily, Kor es of tlip BLADDER, (KAVEL AND DKÓP 3ICAL 3W KLLINGS. TMis Vi irihr i i,.-n -i ■ e-. 1 1: powri nf Hiirustinr and - ■ ■■.■■km .1,1 piithTactwin lij whfch tl.' ir.i ■■:-,■)- O COEffOOTiiepositfonandall í.v.v.; ;■(;;,' ■■!. KKLARüFMEWTSw red.iced rs ■' 11 '■ 'l ■ : i 1 1 -i , nuil i goödfor MEV WOMEP OR CHTLDSF.N KELM30LDS EXTRACT BÜCKU fok wEAiufEssea Arising from Ksces-e, Hnbitsof DÍ39Íintiin, Eariv Iiuliscret.uin, ór Abuse, ATlTNnEIl "T1TU THE FOLl.OWlXG KYMToMS: ínisi)Dítit4n tu Kxerüúnj Imsat I'wer, l.ns nf vrmojr, DUKculty oL Uie&thing, VO.k Nene , Tu mbüng, Ilufnir i.i 2 i Wakctdliiüss, DimDesi M í'ismí. Pain in tlio Hack, I u in:,,;l LaMiY4u of the Fluhliinj of the Body. M rt.iiilar Systm, Knrptiíms a tlie Face, lít': llñndfl, I ■ a i 1 i d 'untemiucf . ■ : [.-...i rlic skin. Tíirv,. _ !iitMi'iu. ir nllowed to tro on. which tlii. modiciDo invmiabíy rfmuTcs Boon follón íádPOTÉNCy F4TÜIÏX EPILEPTICFÏT3 Lc nnp of which-tlie paticnl may exphe. Wlio van sav ■ - ■ ■ i t i'requently luiluwed by thuse ''dirt-ful dUoa es." Ins; nity and Coasumptioia? Mfiay ftre.aware of the cause bf thoir sulïi?rinp. but ■mni kvill cdt)!oss. Tlie records of i lie íiishd A) I un ni : ti ir :t f.'iioly deathri b.v ConeoBBption , beur tun;■!" h ittx-ss to tíic i íutii uf tüe ftMsertiun . I'tiE CON'.-TITUTIX, ONrE APFTED WITII 0EGANir WEAKNlí, RéquíreR the aïfl of mi'difne to strengthpn tnÜ inviir .nvu-tlio .stfin,wlMcli HELM f OLÍ ' SEXTPACT BU . II i' av;i iably doe6. A üria' will conviuce th1 moet ski ptical. Fe-males, Pernales, Femalcs, OLD OR VXUflí SI.VGLK., MaHIUí'D, OH CQN tí-;m: l.uím; ma.iuiagk, In m-.ny (t(ToCTii)hs pecuHar to Fcm:ilÓs the Extract i i.s uiicqu tm-ti by áfiy rftit?r rcnn-dv, as iu i bl rusia or UftU'Htion, .TCi;ularit', Pa.iafu neus, oí ■ - i ' ,■! ■■ -.-icii oí i ustcraarj iir-acmiUi us L'lceríitiHt or í clin state f Mie trt run. Leutorfhïa, -i WhiteBj Mi'i'ihty. :i ud 'or all cumjlailils inc.'irnt t, tíie -ex. wír'Uihi ■un.. iis frum lndÍ8(U'ettuB, Üubitsof Iüs.-i [jatiOD, vi' ín i).e Decline or Changa of Liío. Effií ABOVB, SO FAMILY SHOIJLD BK WITHOUT IT. no ft&Uaïn, Morca ry r rnplcaf-nnt KecTicine Tor Un, basanit mu Etengorous Diseñes, íiELMBOLDS EXTRACT 0E CL'KL. Seci'et IDiseasíes I n all tiiir úagm í litth expÓDtw ; üttle or no fihánge m díl ; no me mvcnii noe am) no i-;xfh)SUí;e. Tt cauío-i livqueni 'lt-i'c. and píves strenRth to i'r:n:i etfcer&fy .-■!,■ ií á ■'■f:-u t;i-. jrei enting and nuil) si iciurc.; ot : i ■''-. i' ;i . a:!;i . nj, pain an-i intl i mm 1. 1 ;i . 'I rr'i'iU"iii" in 'l ■ i f ni i V t;;so-. ;í n OUT MAT! EU Thntis ■ T7'1 1 n joh ïhmj undi ArHO HAVE BJEK-N THK V10TIM OF Í,M ' 'K, Anfl wbo li v, I HEAVY FEK.1 to he rnrcfl in a shnrt limo, luivc;1.,! ■ fflíej r !■-- ivM.mi'l lliat tbv l'n'si.n" han, lij ' i. u ■' o f "l'owerful iítriDafeiitfi," bc"n iirifd iif ni the Rwtrn], tu break nut in un üggra pro, uri'l PBRHUPS A f ter HAKHI.1CE. UÍE tielmbold's Kxtrac.t Buchu all AEEectíoaB &ad DiseaMI f Tho XJrinary Or;a,ns vVhcthir èxUtlng in M-ILE Olí FEtiáLE. from v buterec Muse una uu Uííatcr QV íiOW í. (){; riMHG. Dlfleaaeij o f these prgann reqire tlio Hid of a 1 1CBKT1C. Helmbokr.s Extract Buchu IS ÏHE (UlEAT DIL'KEriC, Aad it Í3 cer1;iín to bave tlie desired cfTect in all Di seasod, for which it is recummeiicliid BLOODÍ BlTkI! J3LOOD! lfelmiMlcTs ílúhly Contení mled Compound Fluid Extract barsaparilla tíYPLJ II .IS. ín ait nlírct ..i oí ibevjütiy'íl, :,nd áttackK tbe í?exuii UrgttDR, i.iu n.; oi cb6 Noaft, E&th , l'hrnat, WÍTl'iJííptí . ;iiinil!nr .UncuH ■ ni iiccs, in uiting its npjyi.:rauci- ni tbc lo.m uJ Ulctr Uvmboid'h Lxt.-ct Sarsai ftrülp yififi tfae lilund, a ín i niimve. all -caly Kruitiuüs oí tur Ski, giving tu (.'uniiilüxi'.u a { kiu :tij'l ñeftlth'y Color". H belnp [n-epn red expreslj fui ■.. clttss qI c)oy)iantSj iiri lí;'.-,,.l-: m-üying Proper(ÍC3 are prwerved to a extétrt un y uiht'i p.oimrüliiiu o! Har ajtarilia. HeSmbold's Hose Wasfr; A n use illênt [jOtioh for DioaseK df a rpctili ;c Nnturf, ímVl ns n :..■■ ti-ai in ic:i--f k of ihe Orinar (irgans, ■i i .-..rr' V'fiíi hubitfl of lii'-ijiíUii.i;, Ufied iií counection vtWh i ! ■■ Kx truc fe incluí a ni I Süriíítparillii in 6uch di.i ■ rtci mmeaííed. . ;1 ■; re nf th" m it -i'sjmnsi h V and clfacaoI'-i M'ili nciMimp ny th medicinas. tERTH'ICATES OF C!'1(F., Fntm Pijlit i" Ui-ntv vers ptnnding, vrith nametu .jq to SQ19SCB ASV VAHfE, ■■r iledic.! I i-' fr UUCHC, tíee liisuensatory OÍ tlit! rn.h-i '.iH'h. Bee Professor Jl'CVEEV vfiU.-iblo works on the Vi-.m.1. ice ni l'tiyí'ic. St by tho laie colcbrated ƒ)-. PEYSiCK, PUUadwlpb!. Weeematko wade by Dr. EPHfíAIM Mc.noWRLL, a celebra Lftl L''híc ". ftïid Ueaibi uf the Etoyal Uilee of Surgf-on, liela-nd, anl piLblisbed tu Tntasactiona .t the KlnyHíl Quccn' Journtili Hoe 1!".l--"-!'rnr!;ifal Ueview, ].illish! by BF.8JAMIN TRAV&R8 I-'tUcw I tixe d-ya: Coliege oi" tiur■riii; "cc most -f bite 3tnB3a'rl WhrkÁ 011 Medicina. ICXTRACT BrCUU. $1 t-0 PE BOTTIB, OR HE FOK $3 CO ' Sah.saI'riii-v 1 l O ' " 6 ÜO hlTMlcVEU UL VA:EI. 60 " t( 2 fili f r bftll a èozen uf eacb f r $120, which will bo Bufflcu' ii i tu itrf t'io muit obntinüti1 canetj i1' directi ns art adliibred to Ihílivercd to uny address, Becurely iinclied trora i . ' M . !g Inscribe Pypïptomj in all conimuuícations. - G ares guarantüeil. Adv ce gratis, A F P 1 1 1 A V I T . Persona 11 v (ijipcarcd tjtfti.rc me mi Aldpijnan oí tl" city of Fblíadclphía,!) T. fiEuawiLi), wUo, bciug diiiy l mvnrn. ihitli -y , liis prepaaitipnií cntain no naiclic, I ! no mfuuv'i npuílu-t ínjiíriourt drtign, but are purtiy vegetable. H T.HKLMBOI.T. -wnni :mi subscribtíd Iraforc n;c tliix 23fí day oí N.vcntb r, l-". M !'. IIIIÍJÍAIU). All.-nn;n. Niii'b-s' n-ft . otm ftwce, I'hüa. Addross Letten i r nfutmfltjnu in 0nÖd#f. tí T HËLUROiQ. CbfmUt Depot 1 -4 -outli Tenth streot.bplowí hcstnut, 1 b!U, BRVVAÏiF OP CtMJ VTFRFFITS AXI) INi'KINCII LKD DEA1.I US, Who endeiivor tn dfpftdm " ' ( WN " and i uoth"r"' artfcleí on the i íjMitatíon nttfl Eiwd by Ht'lm'njld'B Ucnuíiii' 1 repara tj qa, " " fittmet Huchu, 1 " SaráRparfllt, " " Tmpr"vrd Roae Wt.pb SoTfl ty all PruiígifitR t;verywhftr. JSK FOR HELMfiOLIVS-TAKE NO OTHER. Ctit out the a-We: t'.s ment . ,ui] d(rd tur jt -JVÍ) APOti) IMPQ81TWN LtfD EZPOWVMB. lytm & MIL LEU RE9TILI.OJÍHAND ut tliétrold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Blcck, riüi themoht complete assortment of Books and Statloneiy, PERPUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL aNÜ W1ND0W PAPERS, 3 HADES, UOLLERS, CORDS, rASSBLS, GILT CORNTOES, OURTAINS, FIOOKS AND PINS, 3TEKEOSCOPE3 & VIEWS &c. Ever offerecl in this IMa.rket ! tn-l tLey wouh] guggeftt tothofjei n pur.snt cfiuiythingui 6' A jf TA CL A US ' L I JY E hat tliey can Recure a Doublé Christmas Present ! iy nnrhasfng Ptoni thimtiock, iw eoih purclianer sjt-tf mi iddittoaal present of Jwelry, W , Ranging n valué trom 0 ets. to $50. Thpytruvit tliat tTieirlong exparieuce in teléctfrig joods Uu thtomarfcet ml triet attentwa to Lhë wnntfl ■!''.;■:; incvN. muy eatitifi Ibein ti. a líberaj sharc n, rt"on;iL"i'. Ahn Arbor,T)fl. 6. 1860 777H 0. Ilion TRICES F'iRCI.OTIIING, HA8.C0MMENCBDÁTTHB 0L0 & RELIABLE c i. p t h i n ó EMPOKIUM! No.:} PHCENIX iü.OCK, MAIN St. 1AM now opexrfng a Inrge and variad wsBortmPntof Sj.rilu, ín t SumnifTÍinods, i-l in view ilf ri'ht'lliou 'ín bili priues genera,! iy, wili offer them to my rttearts aiiil cusiría r ut the verv Iones! (iuros t'or Cnsli. - l'linsiMi) want oí a ftuperíoi uxtjctc ol Clotha, Cassi Beady-Iade Elothir;g, W!W. WAO ER9 wlio bus jui returnud fnftn tte Kart, with a lurgí SPRING & JSUMMER GOODS u-h'Vl, k ,. M iflrohi ed .d tfaelttta LOW FRI CES! apd ennutjpr riitainí aimvcr Roré thau evi i beforr. Amftng tfty. A'wríTOPn' :n;y hr fuund OASSI.WKRES, UO-K8KTNS, VESTÍ X (■}?■ f :ill lc-'T: j'tioüs, inu"''1!) r ui'Jia supi-ííoí (vsur!mrir oí Hly-Ma(le (Jloh)ng. immi . fKüKKS.CAWlíl BAGP, íf'..ila rMP.RKI.I.AS. nnd f 3fcL:í;?jo ftünlonit'ii's Kuruistiiiiü with tiuní mus other aTticIe uauaflj fouml in nímilnt '"'emi'orÍum of fashion, ílie subs'-rihfr flfftters himMlf, tliat his lüog BxperieDC" a?vl neoerlsuooéss,wiH piiaDÍe liini tg ffinn the jtnitrü satiitfftoH ató kil wil ma.v trust him i n tbc wftï 1 !L; Manufactuving iJarments to criicr. AVM. WAGSEÍÍ. AnnAi-bor, Áplil Dtt IB6?. S4KII .■--■''. .-■; ;■'' '.: ■■■'■ ' '' ■ M ■ " CJ. OLÏ Si WühM taketbia methffd ol' -uforming IiÍh okl fpiend auii patnm b.d all.others wbo majr favor him witlj iheii patronage, ttat he has greatly eïarged bis Stock and Assortmfeut ! ami h;ivinff a íojitcfi the CASH SYSTEM BOTfl IN BOTfNG&SKLWNQ h prepured Co sMl (IoaiIi al .ofaonw" Tolo 3P:ï"iC5GQ, Ui-"1 Btüfc conlstr, Jti ]iart 01 ÍHt lüÜUWJng: AMERIOAN AND OTHER (w:i3ygs w atcnesí &33ií"" srvi'íi ■If)r.s CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry SeUn GOLDCIIAINS, TA.BLE AND POCKET CUTLliiiY ! Fazorn, Slie.-irs, ?cijtorifvnd Uruhhes, HOliKRS PUATKl) WAKE, tlie bnst n ni:lrl;pl, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, l'Al'Kli íiii.l ESVKJfiVtS, Musical Instruments, Uiting !f B'mlxS fnr Instruments, 3 X? Xí. C X1 fc. 33 33 , u' Guirf, tiUver, Siul. and Ptatcd, uith PERISCOPIO GLASS, ;i suporiür article. PcrHOP.s havin dilVicnlt wivTchs to fit wttli glusses can be ftcoomodittod, ai my stock In Urge aun coniplwte-, í. S. IVtrticuIar attonlíon tu the oíall kintls utliw Wati'lu's, such ís Makiiiy aixl ISettiug new Jcvvols, Piniana Siifffa, irnU CijliviUrn. Alto CLOCKS, 5s rEAATEIÏS" neatly i-epaired and w uva. mei!, al his oíd btand-ant aide of Main StreAt. C, ELISS. Ann 4itior,Kur. C5, 18' 2 &2GH For Sale. Two Dweliing Houses ! 1TW0 STOnYFRAMKI.Wr.I.UNO HOUSE aud I.ot A X 8, now .K-cupied byJ.H üurltíhun Vüssesuti'n giren Oct; 1, 1S83. tJK -TORY PRÜME-DWET.I.INÖ IJOUSF, BARN and L"'l', 4 x 8. now occniMt'iI l. D lí. Kcllcy. [i.isession ríví-u Apri) lt 18'U.gooii cel. ars, c-isttrns ir.d out puítdlagí about tlit' premises. l'iojiprty adjoiilngtbe lldbve óf L. -6 Risilon un w;il:im sticot, Adu Arbor.- I'ur 1 uilhcr inquire ot ANDKEW BFT.L. Ann Arbor, ílaylt, 1863. 9O4ti Tobacco I Tobacco I i am aBTJJiio GOOÜFINE GUT CÜEWING TO15ACCO Atfrom Fifty Cents to 1 per pound SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 1 cents to 20 cents per pnurtJ at retail. M. DEVANY. Aun Arbor, Vicli., Do .17, 1862. S8Ülf j áyor's öherry Pectoral S. am Üoiiiucl ícr I.GÜIIERMÍÜCO'S! Q Díf)i;U: I lio tact i f yon can, It takos the TA UA U afiter all to give ippcitmirêe to tíie orrtct man. If yon wisli to npppar wcll Yon mast aceuralugly lrcn IVelI. Go to &J. Guitermin & Co's., Thei'e yon will finci things exuclly SO. SONDH E JM )wuyn ready to take voiir mensure, guitkuuan wíii u yoU good. vvith gre:ii jleisnre, At fiijiin-p! LO WEK ílian you will find ir ha Si ate, Tlike lli'l'd CALT. EAKLY, e!s6 V'HI ÍITI too LATE. The iNDUCEMEXTS are novT rro:iter than ever, Our you will find obliging and élever. We wiil tilnv you Lror? CLOTHING of iMir OV.n OETTINO DP, Fiiling owr StorerTrona Bottom to rop. STÜDENT8 espt'chifly will find it tu THK1K ADVANTAQR, Por it tHkes but LITTLE MONEY to replün'utb. 1500 0VERC3ATS of Oloth, Beavér, und Bear, Wurríintt'd l'or atmrist ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Casfimere of our own IMPOItTATION. Forw arded through our New York relations. Froin Engliind, BtílgiiitT), Germany and Flanee, Stieh is you c;,n stam vp ín. or weau, ut the dance. Pants! Faut: - ! ! Pan!!! Funcy C4SSÏMERES and 1)OESKIN of everv prade, We Kt-ll thera (roniONE DOLLAR up tO KIG11T. VETS, &C, of every deseriptinn, You will tiud it su without fictioD, Furni.-hir)ír apparei.s From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS This 1s all we ?a? now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly. Vi?r so, M GIJiTKKM :. & Oo., RlSDON&HEiNpERSO.N Y3. XJ O 331 33 "3T 33 GRAiry DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufacturen iil &pnSgSe!d, Obio. I1HEVBRT HTKSTIVIT.OÍ F.MINT, nuil bttertbD all others; aduptgd to suwmg vVlu'íVt, líye, Oats, Barleyn'lGiiL8sSeeJ. t.E ü í(7.s á Rntary Ftnlr, 2l. WUl soio all kinds of G-rain and Gruw Seed. 37. Never bunchev ihe Gram 4i. Nevér breaks the Giain. MM S'iws Giush S'jc'd bividcast behwidtJie Drill. QtJi. IJiis Jtiyh vjheeh and long Hoes. 7th. Ia lonj and wide steel pointsSh. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and ingle rank drUh. lOti. It has a self adjustmg shut off xlidr. It is neiitly and substantially Triade. Thcrc s lianlly :i iH-:!oíT(Mí-d in tbe mnrket but can boar-t of maté ur U'.s f I HS T P B EMIUM8." Vhp v are a 'unit ns iiwlificriiainaipN best o wed n the title of ' Prnfesnor,'" whirïi is smuflitne i ppüed to tlie 'Jiddhr'' or '' boulhlack .' y Tliey CO&U tb cunvey the iilen otmttrit. Th ■ Buckuye Di'ül lnus b('t;n uu E-tbibition at quite a Numbi-r of Stal (J aiul ( ounty l'iiirs, (iri seekiny; Pavor ai the bao Is of aay Couuaittse, ban rectrived it ruil aliare of l'remiuraa. TfoTOfQMALS : V Lrivt' the tollowmK naniíH of a few Kiimitri in 'h:.s viciaity wad have bougiil tind ued the iiuc-k. yp lirill : Gudfre.v Milltr, Scio. i&cobPolhefuut " .r.-u:.jbTipmij'fr, " Tlvflhan Wüiie, Nortbfleld. John Hrck:iw, " Christian Kapp, ' Ivtward Ilnyk-u, Wobitet Jméa lTMfiwclI, AiuiArboi DuniülO'Uw, " " JohnQ.Cook, Loél. o. A. Ma.rsball. S' I,. Mm, ft. line. George Croptejj Gri'en Oak, Liv. Co. Wt arealso Agonts Tor iha Ohio Heaper & Blower, acknowlcdged t( be the ver}' best in use. "We are jus t in receipt of 100 Gram Cradles YV hicli we wiii sell Cliesip. Also lurge a3tirtracn"l u Grrass Scythes. And the ant] beat solectod stock of 13KTVTT STUFF FOK CARRIACKPfvfr before oftcred ui this market. We alsO keep ;i lirv and fuli ! l J NATT, GT.ASS.rUTfY, PAINT,;ibc1 LINiEFJ) OIL, A complete asHurtuiont of 8TOYE8, TINWAuE, ANnKATFTROUCHSalivayf nnliandand put upatthe shortest nutice. PJSDON ft HEXPJ i:ON. 1863. 5PJIJS& ifcfcS. ! o We nre now opening' A Laige arcd Be&utiful assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Drvj (Joods ! LAOSES' DRESS GOODS ! in great variety, BZ-ZA.TeXiS , Bi I 23 IB O X-iT IO , öioss Trimmings, ?o. A!sd a targe stock of G oods f or Mens' Wear? Casiineres, Clo'hs, &c. nn-d a fu]] tiNsortruent of Ladies anü Ch il dren 's UK W-at f JB.S W9 IATS. CAPS, GROCEIÏIEF, CUOCKEliY. Al! of vdiicli we wil] sell at the LOWEST FOSSIELE 0 -A. m X3T 2? IT-i I O 33 1 ■= fVIAOK & SCHM!D, Ann ArW. Mijroh 1!, '63. 8üGü OITY CO0FEH SHOP. 'Vkuli-Miii,; inil Retail, O O. PAK FORD ■Voulil rofijwctfuJíy HUüoun'.'.' to 1 Ue citiBQiui pi Am. Vi'bni' aii'l vicin tv, that ís uow rcanuiactunii. La-fge Assortinfiitof Gooper Work ! 'ïcfi na Porít alia lÜêr pttrrel, Kcgs, Firkins, Churnêfj Wol! hiu-kets, &v. Wbícti wïïl be fiöif] chpap for casb. CUSTOM W OHK Ufïè to brdöV on .-h-.rt ñóíieo. wPutnëda aïid ilifatch , I woulft cal! particular attention fo h Buttex Pirlítn .uu manu fací uring the cwlo I-i M;.í Pli 1&I n:cu ii bet ter firkiii tUan hftstvtr lit-tcíjp trtéí erecl in tlns f woulö nviij&all wh vvum I .ns to ('all anti cxanii!',1 fwr iIkmüSv Kc 'iprrre[nirc!i;tï:::; oU,. A ,r:.. ;ul(j [ wj)j cnovjcg i ti&t'yoii lirtve caiíed al the rjht place. 1 iv(u,M..]-u ca] Lhe at entioa oí Bïvrern in i ■ f" B R FCIÏ K KC S ; am nnw prcpun-'l to tii.iii.ihiuliue Quarters a tul half !Li in 3 uge or Kiüa'l !"ís. aul oí n Bettei Q;ug!ity lian Ciin be h;i'l in Detroit nr -Ij. ■■■':.-!-.'. ITAll vxoii waruniud tögivi entire satis acfion. ihai.khil !or p M f;iv. rs ynil [ir astrici atteptkn üiisitit'.-, I ho.e lo nierii a íuritm'úíh libeial sujiiIj . ■lu' public patrón:. ge. ■JS Du iiot lurget toi-aildl tkd City. C'onpfi boy. O. 13, Si'AFt)RI DrtroitSt Ann Arbor, Mirli. H.'-S'.l GREAï.C-REAïEE GliÉATEf-". B KG A.IK S F V E R f) F FE V, h I ) 1859. -.1859 löl f5 ; ' ; ' ■ LíO. ■ JLliTJ In tliisCity , ;ire 'xiw beinp; offercd ut Hif CliEAÏ'.CLOCK, WATCH, & J o w tolry Stor esII"trlbscrill'■r wnuldsiiy to citizonf ol Ann Arbr,i-' imi tt:t' reet ií 'iiíbipnMV rnunt. inenner), thm holiapjiut IMPOKl'KD DlRlinXY from K UU O PK.b Tromentlous 8tick nf Watehes! Ali ot whith hn bintlsIiiinb.-lfLr scli CHKAPKH tbai, can hu bnueht wi nf Np York Oity. Oncn Fiv OyliriHor Wsrrlies trom $6 to lf dn lia [,over tïo do 8 to tl Iluntingrnsr ''o do do 14 to 35 do do Cvlinder do do 9 to 2Í Oold W!itr-hp from 20 to 15C I have alsu tne cEtififMiATen AMER'CAN W ATOIII-S, which I wtll sen ttr 43?. EvorJ Vvtób wai"rañ'tHd t( por tor in we 11, tnnn.-v rfil undfci. Ciocka, Jfwrlrv, PlRted -'r, (fncy GooHs 'ïoM Peni, Mu sicwi Instruments hd tHngs, (?i;t!f!ry, &C, and li' l'act vnriety of vtry hir UetiftPj tfpt jy Jew eircnn bp Houi-'dt ior hn rnixt ninnty dayp t vrr O W N ' 11 I 0 E 8 ! Pereoitu buyint; ;n,vtbnie r ihia wcif bown itnï ÜPtinie tit cHn -fly upon ir'-ltinp iouH xiict' HB rep esent, orthemnncy rpiunrird. OiJlrnrly and so curp th1 hes' hareaina i'vrr nrVrreii ip rbiï '"ity One word in regard to Rcpairiiifr : Wp nr preparpd to mafee rti ri'pir? onfini' or com inon Wnfrlif1. ''V' n (■■ m kin v c er trip f.ntirf wntrh if npcppnary. RpnirinEr '( ïnrkp ñvrt .Ipwpfrv h nsunl ftlfS I r!4i)"fí-turM;. nt RiNjQ fï!iOi)rf!,-=, or uyhinjr 1p1r. VomCglIf rni : GoH nrphnrtno tire. KnfrraT!rü in allits '■rHiichüfcixt't'nted wIM nñnt. tií'df and dispatrh. J WATT?. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28th Ifi59. 71 4W Beulier 34 Traver, [Succes-c. rs to A. .( Su'lw-laiii1,] Jlanufacturera of ml UciiUrs in Guns, Pistols, A.mmunition Flasks, Pc. heg Gairu Bags, and Evei'jotlier art le i that Line. All l"n ■., hl XX Eli3 A. X 3TÍ. X 3T C3i done t the shortest nt Je' :i nd m I .ir Ih-j-I manocr a ful! sortinon' drwArii l-1;.! mi tfand fcrirt tóatit (Vnïtr. HPQ,. SIm'i conii-r Main n rul Wa-lnnt' n -Tn'ft-. Airi Arbcr,'ivt $. !-6'. 8T;itf Trw pí's ! RUPTHÍE OAS BK CÜÏtÈf) iV A TUTS „f ilr rijílit Idnd, i f proper] tiLtcd nod d ui v at tended Jo I Thís lias b't'ii abunóantiy' 'li numt n. tcd ir iiinnmprij j bli1 in.ila'iccF! by tbc usf of ti-e Mnïl Í ];ili Trnss i ni Dr. ííííís' dwrwnr tb iJUt few fw 'II ïAi bpinp COVOtPO wftli Hanl Rllbbtr, s pwfp(M h' Klttnprnof, may bo used in bat tune ind is ni.wa wcIeHffty jti we il u indPKtructibl,' by ttrdinary uJtk. If nol s-ir'sfnctory lifter a fuirtvinl nf sity biyt--. il muy b r tariKid. It cbii llftigt e compttHKOD nith JU'.y truw ; 1V Dr. RIGGS' Jffiee, No . 2 BARGLAY Strest. Ner '}) . rI ii i: peculiar taint or j iVv: r-v infection tvhioh we cali I sa fe3 Scrofli.a hirks in aT Xr'á t'!e ronsiitiitions of sZÍ gk wéPfeV niultitudes oí' inen. It ."25. uv'ÍSÍ' citls-T produces or is aíáÍLi X prodttred tiy an cníl i'i-oMt (1, viiiated simo fi'rw3'''''"1' tlic 'l'"0'1' n-'reJn -MÜ"" ÍJ..that Huid beeomes inj- ..Uí-. L, . f ,'V'' 111 !'!.■ i a! brrci iu tlieir "■N jK vij.'oroiis artion, and '. : ' !':■ sy-tem to -_lmt f ; í I uto order anti J"S555í=?Fjt decíiy. Tlie .-.aot'ulons contaminni w ■wiomslv caaeed by nieix'iiritj disense, low K-vfnjr, disorilerecl digestión from un'iealtliy food, impuro nir, filtli and filihy halnts, the dVpréssuyj; vi'-es, and, nhovo nll, hy thc yenereal iiifectiun. Whntever he its origin, t s hereditary in the conetimtjpn. deacendina "fro parents to chililron unto the third and fourth peiieriitMHi ;" indeed, it secnw to lie tlio rod of Ilini vvlio says, " I will visir the i raquities of the f.uhers lipón tlicir rhüdren." 'Iho diseases whieh it oríriiwtes take vari' us ñames, npfordiiiír to ttíu orgaiis it nttaiks. In tlie luns, Scrof'uhi produces tubercies, flnd finally Consumption ; in tita lands, pwèllings whieh suppurate and hecome ulccron sores ; n tite stoniacli and howels, derangameuts which produre indigestión, dyspcpsin, aml liver complnínts; on the skin, eruptivo and mtnneous nífeetions. These all liavin the samr oriuin, rcquire the samo remedy, vi, purifii atioti and invioration of' the hlood. l'niifv the blood, and d mjrerous distemiiers leave you. Wiili feeble, íbul, or coriujited lilood, yon eannot liave liualtli ; wiíh flin.t ' Ufo of the flesli" lieaithy, yon cannot have Bcioíulous dioease. Aysr's Sarsaparilla is COtnpounded from the most cffcrtual antidotes thit nu'diea! science has disiovered for this affli.-titif; distemper, and for the enre of tho disorders it entnils. 'J'hat it is far superior to any othur remedy yct devised is known by all wl'.o have triven t a trial. Tliat it does combine virtucs tiiily cxtraordinarv in their efl'ect npon tlus clasá of c omplaill tu, is indispuiab.y proven by tlie frreat mulliíude of publicly known and reinnrkaMe cures it has mado of the followlhf; di-eases : KÜlg'S tvÜ Or Glandular Spelling-1, Tumor?, Eruption?. Piíaple?, Blotche? and Sores, Erysipelas Itose o: St. Anthony's Fire. Ëalt Bhenm, Scald Heid, Congh? from tubercnious depoát; in the ivings, White Svellini, Lebility, Dropsy, Keralgia, Dyspepiia or Indigestión, Svphilis and Syphüitic Tnfectious, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, illl('. mietd, the whoio series of lompluiuts that mise from impuiity of tlie blood. Minute reporte of individual cases niay be found in Ayer's Amkhican Almvnac, which is fñrnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution. whcrein may be learned tirections for its use, and soroe of the rem irkab'e cures whr h it lias mude wlicn nll otlier remedies h:id failed to nflord reüef. Those rases are purporely faken from all sections of the county, in oider tliat evcry reader may have a'-eess to sonie one who can spcak to hiui of its henchís from personal e.xperieuee. Serofhla depres-ses the vitid eneiLries and tlius lcaves its vietims far more subject to discase and its fatal reults than are lieaithy rónstitUtions. Henee it tends tu shoitcn, mid does pveatly shorten, tlie average dumtion uf human life Tae vat imponanre of' tliese considerations lias led us to speud years in pertectinii a remedy whirli qiiatc lo its cure. This VfC novv oiï'er to t'ic public under the name of Ayer's Sabapabih,a, nltbougtí it is rontpo'ed of iiürredients, some of which CNcecd tho best of Srtr&')iüft'ltt in nberative power. Iíy itsaid yon may protect yourself from thesutleriiiL' and ilaiiL'er of' tliesj disorders. l'urre ont the fon! eo'ru íiions tha! n&t ai d fester in tho biood : purge out the causes of diseae, and vii;onius health will f'ol.ow. By its peculiar virtues this retnedv stimuiatcs thc vital functions, and thus expels tl e distempers which lurk witliin the system or borst out on any part of it. We know tbe public have been deceived by manv coinpouiids of Swsüfwuia, that promised mtic'i aud did up.thing ; om they will ueither 1)6 ; deceived nor dïssippoin'téd ir tliis lts vinues have been proven by abundant trial, nnd there remains no question of its su. passing excellence for the cu e of' the affiictinf; discases it is intended to reacb, Althougli under tlie same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which ha heen before the pcople, and is far more efiectnal than any othur wliich haa ever leeu available to them. AYEB'S CHEURY PECTORAL, The World's Great Eemedy for Coughs, Cold.3, Incipient Consumptioa, and for the relief or Consmnptive putient3 in advaneed stages of the disease. This bas been so lon used and fo universallv known. tbat we need do no more than asstire the ptibfie that its q ility is kept lip to the hest it ever bas heen, and tlmt it may bo relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dr J C. Ayi r & Co., Practical and Aiwtf.;ca ('hmiists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggistó evcrywhere. vi Ov, Vp -i .n-ii a lm;; in!' i. a M i & ii t ii, ,-,.,,. VMii. ,- . ■. ! .11 .HANDSIII ïu ., i etrolt. C. E. ( 01 UKN, lüiv.,1 pg Afce:.:. U X I V É RS ÜT Q-aSaa s T2 J " ''■ ' - -- _J o Xo 1 Lar 'í Ka.mii.y Wiuvgkk $1 n N". 2 Mhl'iu! ■■ " 7. 01 No ï% '■ " " f; (10 Nu 8. I-MJIL " " 5ÍII No 8. J ill;..K II n.l. " M.M) No. 18 MRIWOM Lm'XBKY ( inru!. by ) 1 (o No. .!-. l.-Mi'iK ll Hteam er )- uO.OO i l,u„.i. J fioa. '2}L 'in'! 3 liavi1 no Cogs. Al] are warr;i nti-d . No. '2 s Dip si.i t-mTiiMy u-f n ir vatp tVimiliPs. Okamüc Juuij.qt iliti ".-uivi ie u Agricultuiist ''saya of il-.c UNIVSnSAL WRINGER. 1 A c-ln! ! .: .r: ,Mv r.iur ojt a t 'Uit'.Ul of ci'i'Jiea in i h-wi! mris, i:"is :i r:-ii rv n. CUÜVHKH Í-AY1K ! A TIME iSiVKR ! and a ï-TRNGrH BATK1 I s:i■ving of L■ u;. ■ ■ ■ - : ii'i.c l t'i ■ n u0 'Ó itti tost U e'fïiink lli'o uiiiptiiii m icli uior 111 m HAV-S F" K ITHKLK IV. l:V H.ü fii ihp s rrtj; nl garini nis! Xhere ai e bcverai kin-i-, aefarl.i ia ■ . c"nhirucUon but v e c ii Ipiyijrt nt Uiat 'lie Wringer b? littefl willi L'og, i.-e a iir; i)f iiarrufiit niHv (;■": i !,.' i - :tn t {Ue ro'lcr ■ uprtü 'he cr.inli-sJt;iit ir;ir tha tu farm; -r t tublet blftlk ti M' t'n in 1 In1 f i :il I . Our e n is i-ic n the ílrtmaVé nníl Í: rcarïy ná G0OT AS 5ÍEW fter D -.u-iy i-ui1 ( VW '-H-.1 ('-: '1 W i'-l " Every Wn g"1' -wih Cog Wheete is Warran'ed in ere y P?v:icnar Kfl F,ÍO!'I1 m BS DURABLE wiriioi'T 15 MM, A gonil C, v S vi vi i ) I in evt-i-y uwn. (■n i"ce 1 1 ui' Hu1 rH ; i in i. ;■- i s wheie nn one is sellii ,wi rl ■ n Lne n'ringoi fkeu if .xric sk i ■■ ■ i i r ; .Ti ! ' u 1 1 !;t r-i H'Ti'f Ai f) ñri ií '". hRV [N(j. ; l BroadwRy, V. V. FOK SALE 8. AOE ' ni .■..-■ tl, nl limli. w, r.iu' tl, - i.' n ' N '.ui.-w.: Toni.H' l;,n.;; V..( ,-n : t xi ftniniy . It i.s in nni-hni n. ■' . ábniii friui : mi (■■■ Ti-1 in 1'cWiti aüd ttn tr'.ia L4aiiag Fue ternm in( Iwi a t ir H il'll C-Í-. {í(5t[s m : n E Jnn aoth, if 3. f -i"f Èjefs Cathartic Füïg, MiMirtXs Nale. RY VIRTÜE or .111 execution -suwl out of nd u i the Seal „I tl,, Circuit Court fo, tb, t„ "N(' WHirtrtenaw and ütaie oí Michigan, bc-arini; d.. ,v' ■econd day of September A D. 1863, nnd lo me t' " 11. 1 .Mm red ngamst Mie go-dnand chattlm aod f,,,?1 uant (ütcoC limdsand teneiuems uf John f,,,.' det.n'lant Ilicein ram-d I d.d on the 411, ,','' .-Vpti mbe.r A. il. IRi 3, levy upon and nri7.1t all „ , tit Ie au.; interest ui the i-airi .Inlm Buseubark, in 'jn? tl 10 lollnu'int; ilesciihcfl land and pre misen to-wit ■ 11 ■ the north ei..-t len (10] acies in & f 01 m fn'!!1 in .rtii -ü-t o rncr ci tlie wist half of tl, e nutlh qnar'or of soction nuulber thirteen 11 ] n tun,k" iMimber one suuth tange five eam in tfcüi'ouut '' WH-l,t,.naw uii.l Stnte of Michigan, wl.í.l, ,,rfm;,,, hall i xposn fnr sale at puLiic auctinn au thela din. at the d..or of he Cou.t House, „ the Cit, of !"' Ail, r. tbn.t b.-in.; the placo tor holding the (■!„ , O11M i.,r tl,.. -.,„,,i, Of IVaslit,,,, „n i-miird, ,1 4th da.y ',l(MJriint, at i-livm o'clock ÍÍJ' forenuon of said day. ' I'HIIII' WISECAR, ),„:. Pate.l, 1 loth, 18HS. T9J1 Chsncerv Notice. TATE OF MICIIIi.iN lmirtli Jtiuïdal Circuit i. Clnur;. ry. jui pendingiii the Circuit Court fnu, '' ".v "t A'asKtcmw', ín (hanctrv, whrrt-in llIrr, [1 liman cinpiainui', ii.ii Benjamin Hillmau ,1 .1, !;,!,■ ; al Ann Arbi.r City on the O h dv of sPpt '' nu. m.. It atHfaoio-ily apj,fri"g lome, thu J ei'il'. r, mie ■(■ tlic Cituit, C'o..rt ('. minisioiiirt f,' -ai.i c.,Li,i y .,! Waslltenaw, by the . flitavit ol t, )l i'owell, for the coiniilainimt in the aboye au' tlmt tlie mud delenil ut, IVnjiim n HiHmnn. ia not ' resident t ol Micliignu : On m. tkm,,fl, u .'..wi-il. policilo; !,,,■ H, ■ c.,m;. nant. t w or.leiedj -.i .li tVii-liin:. H.-iii.-imin Hulmán, en'jse hi, %huZ ancetobeente-ed in aid cause within tw. mi-utln ,1OI 'il ■ dnlc ol In, r .-,.;. 11. lint ,1, ni.ult ti.motjg b.l ol comila nt.lile.l be tuben au c„:,fttl tdj.yj.aid, aul. A ml il ia urtlii t ordcriTtiJ .vith ii n'yn'y .lays ,.,i : c mp ainiifit cr.iiw a cnnt j i 1 1 i .-. "nier lo '-. :i'i"! n tïie Mïclitgttti Aigüi , u --, ,;;,(. v, .lililí, .i in int city of A un Ar. Ihh-.ii. sai.i r,,v:i:: . ',:.,liíeiiawaii.í that naid fVt catiiin b.' cor i ■ ' '■■ ■ üi each week I. t ei x aueeei 'i wefka ; 'r.t!ial tomplaiüant rause a c.pj af Chin urPeT o !-■ !,,';■ ,,1, a:% srvveíf un said Oi'fpndNiit i ' tenlj dKjffi b.l. ,,- llie time prescribcd fur u appèaiaweó GJ HANKOHlH, Circuit f'rurt C' tnmissioner, Wasbteuaw Co-.,Miá I.. M I . ui:i 1 .(' ,'s -ol. l'ated, í 1U.1863. e925 Mfrtaage Sitie. DKFAl'I.T l,a vint, netn in .'e n the cnnrliliono( ali deniu' ,'i .Hv'ag 'xe,.,tn(i bv jrtI((J ... and M.lah A I. a., his w '■ ol i eg, .-i .vi, i. Arbor (ei.i.ij (,i a-i , .,„ i.nd btJ M.-hiin,i . aria i.. In d-,i I t i lit) f Newtn oí .,tw btainiK 'ate twen lay ol A,Sul, in n -ar o! ■. ur Lo d onee thnnaij (■hl huii,r...l iiiiomxfy,mi rei-oi-'Jtn n o(6f liftri-tci' f l't'.'liu an.! S.r sid Countv ol Wik ou 11,, 2zv, ,'av , f Auku-1, a 11. Li, . oí, pafc IS- by whirli il-fatll U, tover of FHieconii I jn eaid moitgage becant r., vc, mul liie :,m, ui t clan ,,. ■ „ . i i on íjií II .,B il of Mrlga,i.-è ai date of thi notiie . .shtii ndie'i and cipl tv au., i.o uit or J . . c..iug iiinion b-en ii, si t u-U .tt la, i.r in tlianuij, t', rn-ov: be lebt in-uied' liv ni(-r;jaLl'iii l Ifcereol : Ni.licc is i ln-reforc brrob) ?i!ii Un' ili.rda . tlu teD'j-ara da y of Ño'vemij.r. A. Í 1SÍÍ3, .t tfB i"ci(..-U in tuicr.ot.ii ut da;, il i,,e .-,,.. Ui ,1... i of the ' om t Hmise, in the Cilj f'lu ,rb.,r. iiiMii.l countyof Washu-naw and statp of Mitin ín, (siiid i uurtH iic bnns ;V,epluce f..r hoMir.g ' ircilit i oun or said c.i.nty 1 I hall !! ti cnu-ju be sol-] at public audinn in l'orecliisnre ut wiid lilorlpii, tn tlie h(([liet biditer the pr. mises d( scrib.-d thm' ■ ir -" uiucli liereiifas .hal bt Jirce-süi) t iatis;:f, niounl dunnn sa il m,,i isafc. mili mtírPat. mul il ' . rtHSonü.blc cot.-, di-bursemcnis and expenden oj i! ! PT.nhnp relmiiero ,he ferectowiic of tl, o famt, yln.iinü rejts-oiiable ch ■ip-t tor attcrr.eys' s r-ïiceii pruvultd in said indei tuie of mortjraire ; that mtorf, " A tbal ■■ rl .in tnw ,i parod of land siluated iotii ''i i of Ai-n Arbnr. Inown. bonmlrd. nnd dewflbdt Iplluwy vte; ïi e Ha.-thalf uf I.o'.s S.v.Dinl . lilneK leur oith. Kasge tjn l.nst, in Ijwriio .no Wajnam'a ad it.on." MARIA B. r.(,YCE. llatu-a, A'.ig -2, 18'3. 9. Sul! Sheriff Siile. BV V!rTUF of nuf ext-cuti issm ïi ruit of th Citcuit Cuurj fqr the Gui-nry oi fraabtviiair, iu tate uf Micti giiD, to me diret-ted an-1 delivereti, igiiu: !it'(iiu.!s ani cliatii !s. Struin ai cl itncmeniB ol Pil S. 'ti -.U-v mul W ïliuni S l.tircr. I hd On lhe lui i f ügti.-t. A 1). 1Í63, levj upon and luke all Lb pïv'ht, titítH!.d int-[ési oi the said i'etpr chrfp ih ilii -m .-chiiziT, in nu tu H.e one ccrtoii pwctl t; tut ,,i' a-.rl Krioirn :.u] '(■■rrihp.! - ; Mtui'K in the towQshíp uf ter, county of WatbleHi üii'i, M.iie .n iticlu au, beint; tlie pareel known a Uu üf(pcrty of . !■ r .-cu..;cr Hii.i n.-fr,l ora blackniti hrip-. li.iuinir-,1 , n west hy ■)■.? toüdfi of K A. Puii'i'lsr', on th1 iioitíi b; tli" luirla of ('tmkiiii, an'.i on th'dï. m '1 -nufii t-y ;tn 8 i.f .■ . A l'art:iiige brini fort) f!;L w Klih ttoin n itl' tu MMi'h and kí1 fet-i in !t nit1 ei; ;iti ■: v-. - r. I '■,!!- ir h Rqa;irt fonn ; sail lana beiujr ni lür'iciiiiiriv dewcr.üe a k : teÍDg j .iri ot ti' ïi nu moer onp.ii imnhip four fou11i and nir.gftbw cast, in . ti e ol Wi( higan, bt-ginning t UlMii I luHsíiTiít two links west ut' the black mith sli" . rèil j .-.I !7i,i by 'oniaá the ViljAct Jt"l -"i. i !i line ui land h ivtotore owm-ii bv dranger tai l-'ranlz sixtj ft t . ihwice Nortli to t-aid outb line fon) itet, tbcitci ;i ln % .] notith wehtcrly ni'j ft, tlience BOUtL f ;iv feel tu tho u ace f b g.nn ng:, iceli ii:-: :!.(■ .-!;■ p :if I-Wiid tt h ei] igL , tüï ïi.tój í tervsi I,1irIi t-] mr snic at pöbfic i nel n lo tbt ; hitfhvst d erotitli1 scvntb di_ ot Octuber Mitjü ij . at the tri.nj flKi ol the Court Heuse in tlie Cil; "f Ann A'bor, ;n said couniv t tti siitcnaw. I F! 1. P WIRUAR,Sbtt lïy P.omcK Wall, ünderherif. IVtcï, August 13(b, ]-3. r-r FAIRBANKS' J f Standard iS CALES! T .'í? .l,,y, irareftoiw Trucks, Letter I'rcsits, ittPnirfrinlts, Green lenf S Co, 172 Liike Street, Chiraco. Pold in nejroit by, h'Aïill D &T1ELKT. JQrB" careful fo buy onjy tiie Kemiinp.-g "' P. B ACH Is now receiving. A. LARGE STOCK -orNew Spring Goods, BOUGHT FOT? CASH ISince the Late Fallí AND WILL BF SOLD VERYLOWFOHCASÏl Cali and See ! For !(:.!, ..ju-e. 'iuarli:s, Aul, ü" (1 "" JtlollH 1.1 KlUS. Woolcil. &C. Ill.f " Plants. FnnU, Animáis Sic. "OdI.V mt'lliblR remedies kuown." " Fn1 Ir m loi-ons." (l Xo1 (i.u'tr :ious to tlie IT'imnn FamíiJ. "K;its come nut uf Hieir hele to die." S'.il.l WhclcMilf in all l:npc o Hes. _ 4fgSilil bv :ill llniïïi&lsnild Hvt lilcrs . , J&-iri i:m ! ! ! .il' II K-"in,.-s imit-'tl0"Bil 4SSfe thar. '-fiipTA V" iu on eacli 'ivx' t ■!■ and y!.uk,r.if'Ti' v.mi Kiiï , A(iiiv HKüiiiY R rosTA rt ! Principal l'ep. t, No. 42S BroaflwaT M' ■„, SP Sold bj all the VTiolsftle iD-i H'1 I"1


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