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jípwial pote HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. Tiiis is the most dcligUtful and extraor.Unary artkle ever discovered Itchanges the sun burnt face and hands toa ix-arly =atin texture of ravishing beauty, ïnpartlug the niiirble [urily of youth, and the distingue appearance so invüing in thfl city belle of fashiov lt removes tan, freckles, jsünpte, aHd rougbntss from tbc akia, löaviug i t freah, trau-p.irent and bmooth. - it coniaiDöiio material injurious to the f-kin. I'atron. ized" by Actresses and Ogera tingers. It is what every ■ lady should have. fold everywhere. Deinaa.S Barnes &c Co. General Ageota, 923m6 2O2 KroacLvray, IN". Y. jgcï"1 AH isTEBEariXü I-ETTEK, - Mesan Post & BruCF, Agents X. Y, fanitary Society, Rochester. - Gents .■-i deern it due to you state the magical effect of that one botlle qf People's Curè wliich-l obtaintd from you in XoTember last. Leeing the advertisenient oí your So. ciety offering to give your medicine to clergymcn for the poor of théit paTisKês,I oota-ined a bott.e for n poor girl of vay congregation, who had long be.-n nearly helj. lciis from Rhcumatisra, and Ptrange to By, that one bottle cured her entirely. I write this hopiug it may aid the Society iu ts efturts to introduce the mediciue, and blcss those who may ni?ed such a resat&y ; and 1 use strong terms, as I believe its merits will fully justify the mest saperia live forms of speech. Yours, Reapeelfully, C. K. WILKIXS, Pastor of thel'irst Fresliyteiian Church 922yl fitt&ford, Monroe Co N.Y. ÏTyOTï'S KA.THAIKOIÍ. Kathaïron ia from the Oreek word, -Kathro," or "Kathairo," Mgnifying to cleanse, rejuTinate and restore. This ariiclu is nhat Us n une siguí lies. serving, restoringand beautifying the human hair it ís the moét remarkable preparation in the worïfl. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and i.s noiv made nith íhe same care, skill aud atteution which gave it asaleof over one million bottles per aanum ït is amostdolightful Ilair Dressing. It eraucates scurf and dandruif. It keeps the hcad cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and ü,osty . It prevenís the hair f rom falling offand turuing gray It restores hair upon bald heads, Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head uf hair should use Lynu's Katharion. It is knowii and usedthroughout the civilized world, Sold by all re spectable dealers. 6m922 DEMÁS S. 3ARN'LS & CO., Prop'rs, N Y. HEIMSTREETS ïniiuitabie Hair Hestoratïve. IT IS NOT A OYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplyDg the capillary tnb"s with natura! sustenance, impairtd by age or disease All instavtaneous dyes are cnmpospil of limar caustic, dcstroyin? the vitality and beauty of the hair, and affnrd of ihein-olves nu dressing. Hoimstret'.sInimiiableColoring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, bat gives the hair a Tjiixuriniit Beauty, promotes ita growth, prevenís i ts falling nfp, eradicaten Jandruff. ani impaFtg heaïtb and plaantnesa to the üeftd . Il bas stooö the tist of time, bemg the original HairColoring, and is constaiitly increasing in favor, "üsed bj boih gentleman and ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealera, or can be proeured by them of tM coninn-rcialagents.U.S. Carnes k Co. 202 Broadway New-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6m922 WYNKOOPS ICELAND PETOUAI. Dteeosei '.f the Ühfoat, Obwt and Pulmonary organa are ever prevalfnt, Insidio us and and daugeroua. Tin.1 pr-ope: tics of a medicóle tfl alleviaie, cure aud uproot these somplainta, must be Expectnrant, Anodync and tnvlgoratiog, loosening thejnucua uf the tViroat, and imparting tone to the entire system. No fiiscovery in cuedical scienceevei masterc-d this class of diSeaseHflte Dr. Wynkoop's Iceland Pectoral. It is used wltli the most aatojnshiog cesultfl in all cases of lïniuchitis, In fliienza, Whooping Cough Diptheria or Putrid Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Nervous Irra tability, &c. Tbe Ilev. J.J. Potter certifica, lf I havo ured Dr. Wynkoop's Iceíand Pectoral for several years, myself and m niy family, for severe Pulmonary Cuniplaiut:-, and have recommended it to mauy others, and nevei teen its equal." Eev. J. J. Potter Brooklyn, X. Y. Hundredfl nnd thousands of important testimoniáis could be produce', showing ita remarkahle cures and tbat U nevcr fails It ís compnFcd of pure Tceland Mors, Balm of Oilead Per avian Ualsam, Klfcampaue, Ccmfrey, Burdocknd other iuvaluable expectorant and tonic ingredicnis. ït is barm'ess, prompt and lastiDg. Invalida and Bufferers cannot afford to ncglect a,' trial, üvcry iamily hhould it.ïlt isreiuarkblc for Croup. Full decripüon, iiendations, and directions accompany eacb. bott.e. $o& by all principal ÍH'oggistg, Prepared !'}■ Dr ií. I). Wynkoop, and sold hy f). S. Barnes & Lo. New Ycik, 9Í2id6 áyer's Cathartic Pilis. Cr TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO..a Mu. O. C. BaiSTOL a dislinguished Cbemist and Drug;ist of thociiy of Búllalo, N, Y., invented and manu"actured a compound known as JÏRISTOL'S BALHAM 3F HOARHOUND, which ia a perfect specific for ;oüdHS, coLüSj or auy or luxu difficulties irismg froia dump, cold, or sudden chango of the iveather. Evi-ry person who hs over taken BRISTOVS BALSAM :W HOARHOUND, pronouncos it the best articlo over nvented ; and so j Ubtly celebrated lias it becume , that tbc market is already full of nnitations, counterfeits, uid most dangerous coropounds, under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound. Therefore, alwoy be careful to cali for Bristol's Balsam, and sco that bis WRITTEX , jignature is on the outside label of the bottle. Mark.- Thia invaluable Mcdicfne Las been now some ' ttventy-one years befora the public, and without any sü'ort on the part of the proprietor, i Í3 sale has bpcome very exteusive, and ia dally increasing. The low price it vhlcb the Medicine is soU (5 CENTS) euablea ALL io partake of iu healing qualities. C. CROSBY, BÜFFALO, N.Y. Sole manufacturcr, to whom all orders should be uldreïaod. For sale byall respeclahle druggista. lyooiv92S l'HE-ll1 E Vul K-JU I I Y, SYMMETRY OF F0R1I, YOUR HEALTH, AND MENTAL TUTTERS, By usingthat Safe, Pleasaut, Popular, ai d Specifio Kciiiody known as ttELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Road the Adve.tisemeut in another column, and proüt byit - Diseasea and Svuiptoms Enumerated. Cut it out, and Preserve t. You may not now requir il. lint rnaij at some Future Day " It gíves healtli and vigor to the tramo, An'l blfovn to the alid chc-'ík." It Siivcs Lottg Suffeiln&r and Exposnfê. Beware cf Counter feití ! Cures Quanntecd. D" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWWG TOBACCO at frnm 50 eenïs to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourleen to tweaty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. Soulh side Huron street, a few doors frora Cook's Hotel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 11, 1862. S83tf AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN SY IÏS FRUIT. tío is a good Physician by his Uuccesaru] Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREAT AND CELÉBRATE PHYMIIAX OF THE THKOAT, LUNGS AND CHKST, Known all over the countr.' as the Cfllebrated INDIAN IIERI3 DOCTOR! From South America, wil! be ut his royins, KÜ&SELL HOüSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth andlOth inst-.on the same dale of and cverv tubsequent month during' 180'2 md lcóú, A NE AT PAMl'ULET Of the and eitensive travel! of Dr. Ll'ons can be procured by all whodesireone, free of charge. Dr. L wiü visit Ann Arbur, Jackson.and Adrián, Ann Arhor. Monitor Hottsèi 20th. Jacfceon, Hïbbard House, Sist Adrián, Brackt'tt Il use, 226 and 23d. Mode of Examination. - The Doctor discorns. diseases tytfaeeyes. Be, tfeerefore,asks no questionsnor re lirt-s patiënt to explain syinptoms. Afflicted, come ,nd liave vuur symptoma aud the location of yüur disïiivc explained frce of charge WONDERFÜL SUCCEëS. The atteotion and research of the most i :inguUhed Chemists and l'hysieians for yoars have 1 Lieen devoted tothe jjroduetion of a romedy for these most distressing malatHes Necralgi.i and ;Uter loni study aail maay experiments, a epecific vreparatiov has been disco vercd . WATSON'S N'euralgia Kinfr, an Internat curiut,' thousands of cases where all otber remedies have utterly failed. We are assuredthatit ia uo mere " ANODYNE," reheying for ;bf momntwhiletho cause remains, but is a perfect SPEI ". Il' and CURE íor those fainful disenses. Tbe vast number of Liniments, Fmbrocalinns and External MediciDes, which act as stimulants of the surfacc only, are merelv temporal y in t.heir elfects and of doubtful virtue The NEURALGIA KIXO reache the aonree of alltrouble, and cffectually banishes the dlsease from tbosyatem. Irice- üue Dollar per Bottle. Pvepared by C. R. WALKER, Iy922 Budalo, N.Y., ana Fort Erie,C.W. For Sa!e by SiErniixs & ■ILSCN, Gbenville & Fuller, and C Ej'KtBACH & Co. A FEW KEASONö WH Y THE " American Watch IS THE BEST. It is made on tiie best principie, whiiè ihe foreign watch is genera]]}' made on no principie at all. Let us look at the contrast. The foreign watch is mostly made by women and hoys,by kand. Whiletlieir labor is cheap, their work is dear at any price. Jrucli watches are made without plan, and sold without guarantee. They are irregular in couatruction, and quite as irregular in movement. Tüey are designed only to dell, anti the buyer ia the party most thorougbly so!d. - Thoíe who liavekept " ancres," "lepmes" and "öwiss levers'' in professed repair Lor years wffl appreciate tiie trufa oí' our btiitement. The Plan of the American Watch. Instead of beïng made of severalhundred lil t le jueces, screwed together, the body of tbc Amenciin Watch is formed of SOL1D PLATES. No jar iuterferes with the barmony of its working, and no sudden shock can throw its maahinery out ol gear. SecPbion of one part from nnother is unknown to its constitutionj and in ri ding or any business ptrsuit, it is all heid togethcr as tirmly as a siugle ptr-ce of metal. It is just wiiat all machiriery sbould be - let. ACCUKATE. L-i. SIME'LE. 34 STRONG. 4th. ECOXOMICAL. ( Wonot only secure CHEAPNES by our system, but QtJATJTY. We du not pretend that our Watch can be bought for lessrooney tHan the foreign mafcc-believes but that for its real valué it is sold (or oue half the price OUR SGLDIEIi'rf WATCH (nmned Wm. Ellery) is whnt its name intlicates - Solid, Substantml, and ahvays Reliable - warranted to stand any amouut üí íarching Riding or Fighting. OUH NfST HiGHER QUALITYOF ATCII (named P. S. BARTLEïT) is similar in sizo and (reneral appearance, but bas more jewds aañ k more elabórate finish. OÜK LAD IF.e'WATCH, recently brought out,is put up in a great variety of patterns, many of Ihem of rare beauty aud workmanühii,ii quite small, but warranted to keep time. OÜR YOUN6 GENTLEMAN'3 WATCH is neat, no large and just the thing for the pocketof Young America. THE PROOF of themerits of our Watch tnay be fouïid in'tbe iact that we now employ vr %k-e hundred workmen in our fnctorie, and that wo are still uiiiiblt.' to supply the constantly incrensing deoand. OÜR TflBËÊ-QffARÏEK PI. ATE WATCH U thinncr and lighter tbau the others we have desoribed. lat üne cbronometer hallaace is delicately adjubtei to correct tbe variation cauce d by changes of temperature. These Watches are chrouuinetncally rated, and aielhe frÜHs of the late&t experimenta in chrOttometry and are made by our beat workmen, in a separate depactsbeUt of ourfactory. For tbe fincst titdè Reep ing quahties they challenge comparison with the best works of the most famous Engüah and Swiss makers. Üissolution. Til!' Cnnartuersliip heretofore exiating between W, W. vlues ie Daniel fliscnck, known as the firni'of Winea & Co,, ia thi.s day dissolved by mutual consent. W. W WINKS, D. HISCOCK. Ann Arbor, Sept. 31, 1863. CopartuersHIp IVotlcc CHARLES H. WORDEN haTiug bouRht the interest of Daniel HisCock ia the ünn of Winos & Co., the v.ill lie enntinued at tbe old stand umier tho flrm :md name of Wines & Wordtin, hopmg by strict iittt'iition to b'usinessto receive fl cüntiuunnce oL the very liberal patronage be&tuwed upou the old firua. W. W. WINEri, CHAS. H. WORDEN Ann Arbor, Sept. 2d. 1862. . 931 FOR SALE. q, ACRES of excellent thnbered land-1hf S, % of O' ' X. W. V% of Sec. 2.Towii 5 N. KaBge 3 V.,Cliutoa Oouflty. ItUinagood néigbïktrbood, about four ■om DeWlti an3 teü trom Lanising. l'or term nriuire at or addres.s. ARGÜ3 OFFICE. Jiin. 20b,I863: 888tf Ayefs Sarsaparilla-. IOOTS SHOES ! P) ff! 1 ÏOBLE & RIDER, xve just received at tlie oldtvUnd of Win. S Saun dérs. ately occupied by W. S. SmJth, ALARQE STOCK OF IOOTS SHOES, OF THE BEST QTTAXETY I Which. tkey propose to eeïl at LOW PRICES TOR CASH; Ét ALSO MAKE AND REPAIR, To Accomniodale Customers. Pitase cali üiid ex anime their stock iefore Purchasing Elsewhere. AWKENCK NOBLE, CUARLES 11IDHR. Ann Arbor,Sept. 9th.lS63. t)922. FALL GOODS! C. H. MILLEN'S. September, 1863. 922m2 1863. SEPTEMBER 1863. FALL GOODS! AT THE "Old Corner!" I am now dnily recelving a trell sulected stock of NEW GOODS ! FOK THE :fa.XjX trade? CONS1STING OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TEIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &o., &c Also a full assortment of Family Groceries! 11 of which wero bought low and are to be SOLB CUE AP FOR CASH. C. E. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Maijj and Washington ets. (922tf) Ann Arbor. Ayer's Agüe Cura rO THE LADIES OF AMERICA! dORE VALUABLE ÏIIAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE ÏHAN GOLD ! MORE VALüAULE TIIAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE TIIAN GOLD ! Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S Í 11 E N C II PEBIÖDICAl DUOPS, ï R E K C II PBRIODICAL DROPS, FRENCH PBRIODICAl DROPS, FRENCU PBRIODICAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES. FOR. FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES, Bufferiug frotn Irregularity, or Obstruction of thti Mensos, from wliatever cause, IT IS SURE TO CÜRE ! IT IS SURE TO OURKI IT IS SURE TO CURE ! IT IS SURE TO CURE! lt is impossiljlö to erijoy the bloom of health, and vivacity of spirits, unless the Mensus are regular as to the time, the quantHy, and qttality. When (tboy ftï6 obelructed, nature mak-s ijer eliurtfl to obtain tor iii lome other outlet. and, unless thesu eIToits of untare are assiflted, the patieut usuaüy experiencea Tíespondency. Nervousness, and (inally CONSUMfTlON asaumes ïU sway , and preirjaturyly teruiiaateti a miserable life. IT REMOVES ALL OB8TRUCTIOVS! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ! [T REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS I IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR I IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT IS A PERFKCT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT KEGULATOR ! BEAR IN MIND. BK AR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT IGUARANTEE THAT 1 GUAKANTEE THAT I GUAKANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE lly DROPS TO CURE Suppression of tho Monses from ïhatever cause, thoueh care should be taken to ascev;4lnif pregnancy bc the cause, as these DROPS woulj je sure to produce niiacarriage ; they will also cerfainly PREVENT conceplion, f taken two or tbrec davx before ie monlbly period ; tbetefore, I wish it dutincllv unierstood. that I do uot hold myself reaponsible vhen used undür such circumstanceE. " BUY THE BEST [ BUY THË BEST ! BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST! BUY THE SAFEST BUY THE SAFEST I BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SUR EST! BUY THE SUR EST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WmCH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. THEY ACT LIK E A CHARM, by strengthening and , and restoring tlie ayteip Éo s healihy conditión. It modorates all excess, aud remores all obstructions, aud a spedy curé inav bí relied ou. TO MAR RIED LA DIES, They are peculïarly adapter!, as thoy briug on the monthly period wilhsuch perfect regularity. SURE TO DO GOOD ! SUKE JPO DO GOOD! SURE TO DO GOOD ! SUÜE TO DO G00D1 CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM! I could furm.oh any quantitj of testimoniáis of Us efficacj from my own patiënte, but the practico ot parading bought and lictiiious ouea before tiie public is bo prevalentl do nut deern it advieablc My object e to place my mediciuc before the public, not alone to wake mouey, but t do gcod. It ís proverbially truc of the American I.adics, tbatnot ten periectly healtby oucs cun be found u any oue vicmity. BE WISE IN TIME! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! Let not diseane dostroy rnnr constitution. Try a bottle of my PEH1ODICAL I'EOrs, and you will be satisfip.i that Ï am no impostor. Tell your afflicted frieud what restoreú tbebloom üf hoalth toyour chcc-hs, andtheroljy confer a favor more valuable tliangold. For painful or scanty Menstruation it is juxt the tbing, I havenow in my mimi an mtanee of a Inúy rho had beensulfering from liainíul nxëMtruatiod two or threp years, confining her to her room each time ; she hud applled to several eminent physicians, without relief when one bottle of my DH()PS entirely cuied her, ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ín almoBt every case. D3 NOT BE ÍMPOSED UI'ÜN t PO NOT BE IMPOSED TTpoN DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE lilPOSED UPON ! But cutthisont and Kfnd it (o jonr Drugglit, aad if he has!iotKotit,makehim buy tforyoú'; or, lt'may be obtaiaed oí (he üeueral Agcntsíbr the United States C, d. CLARK & CO., .. TT „ WnOLBSLH DkL'GGISTS , iNEW IlAVEX,Co.VN. ForsaJe by all respectable Drucsistt. rriccíl 00 f"]]kí;"."ü hy Stebbín & Wilson. GreDTille 4; Fullor, EberbarL ft Co. riepared by J.vo. L, Lrotí, M. D, li-M2. "Aamilo waaoiiherlip- lioalth was in her loo!, itrength was in lier step, aad in her hands- Plautation SitterB.'' S- T- 186O-XA few bottlea of Plantfttion Bitters WÜ1 curo NorTouí Headttohe. ■' Colt! Extremilies and Feverish Lipi. " Bfruï Stouaob and Fetid Ri-cath. " FUtukncy md In liyestion, " Nervous Alïections. " Eicessive Fatigue and Short Braath. " Paiu over the eyea. ' Mental Dea pon den oy. 11 Jfrostration ; ürcat Weaknesa " . Sallow Complexión, Woak Bowell, fcl. Which are the evidencoi of IJVER CUMPLAINT AND DYSrEFSIA. It is cstiiiiated tbat sevun-tenths of all adult ailmenis proceed ñora a diflewed and torpid liver. The bïtfary Becritions t f tut; lm r cverflowing inlo tbc Btcmach poifioa the entire systcu aud QXliibit the abovu symptoius . Ifter long research, we are able to present tbemont remarliable euro for these liorriö nightuoare diaeases, the world has ever proáuced. NVKhin ouq year over six liuudred andforty thousand persona have takon the l'lautation Bitters , and not an instance of ceiüpluint has come to our kuowlcdge I Itisa mofiteffectu tome and agret-able stiraulant snit cd to all conditions of life. TJb. report tbat it relies apon mineral &ubtances for lts active propertiea, are wholly falae. For the public satisfacties., and thflt pati&ts iuay conault thcir i'hySioians, we appena a list of iU components. Calisaya Bak e brattd tor over two hundicd yearsin the treaüncïH of Fevcr and igno, a, Weakness, Lc. It was introdued into Europe by the Countess, wil'eof the Viceroyof Peru, in 1C40, and fffterwards aold by tbo Jt-uits or the enormous price of its own wtight in êilvtr, under the name of Jesuii'e Fotoders, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, Kiug of Franje, Humbolt makes special reierence to iis febnfuge qualítiea d uring hia South American tra vela. CahcakiI-la Baük - For iJiarrhtca, cuiic and diseases of the stomach and bowela, Dandijlion - For inflamnwtioa o; the luins and drop , otjlons. CjiaU'.iiihk i-LOwKiui- For enfeobled digcsiton, Lavenulk Flowkbs - Aromatic Klimulani u..l tonic - highly invioratiüg in Q9TVOUS debilitj. WiNTLiiUABLJ4 - Kor ecrofula, rbeuiustisxdj&c, Anck An aromatic carminativo ; creating flesh, ïnuoclu iui'1 miik ; luuch useU by mulhers nurainj. Alao, clovc'butltí, urange, carra way , coriunder, ïiicikeroüt, Iüg. fí- T- 18G0- X. Ano her woniri , . u;r .- u , ui -paniol1 origin, iniparting beauty to tito complexión and briUiancy lo the niind, ia yei unknuwii to the conimerce oL tli would , und Vti ffitnhvld its name for the presentÜIPOETANT CtUTlFlCATL:;. llochtoter N, Y. Dtcrmber 28, 1861. Messrs. P.H. Drake .S: Co ■ - I have been a great suffei er from Dyspepsia Cor three or four years uüd liad t abandon my prófbsston. About thre moaths ao j cried the Plantatión Bitters, aud to my great joy, 1 an iiow nearly a wcU man. 1 have recomm&nded t bem .. nevirnl caaes, aad,Aü far aal know, alwaya witb signa "iam'respectfuily youra, RFV J. S. CATÖBON. Pllladelphia, IWh Month,lltk Day,1g62RssTKCTED Fkiknd : - ivfy öauglitr baa bt.umu]j beuefitted by the use of thy PLaü.ation Bitters iujl ffilt send nu ffvu bottles more. TLy Iriend, ASA CURE1X. Sherman House, Chicogo, JU. Feb. 11, 1802. Slesflrs. P.H. Jíkake Sr Co. - PleftftO senü lis ;.noUier twelve casü:j of your l'luntatiun Bitters. As a morlnng appetizer, Ibey appear to have sui'-erceded everythhig cie , and aregreuUy esteemed. Yours,o. GAGE it WAIÏE. Arraugements are n(tw coaipleted to supply any demandfor tuis artiele, wlnca from lack of govermneut Ktamps has not heretofore been possible. lüt public niay rest a-ssured that in uo casa wil! tlie perfectiy pure at&sdaid oí the Plantation" Bitters bc departud frum. Every bottle bcars the fat: simite of our fisrnoiure on a tttllphttt e.ngrating, or il camwt ie genurne. SoldbyallDruggists.Grocerfl and Doiiera throuih. out tlio country. P. H. DBAKE & CO. 922m6 -02 B ])VVAT,N. Y. BufFaïo Tostimonya the rTTDT? Cures PEOPLE'S yJ tlJj Kheuui;itiim. ltI was truubiert with Rb'euintisni . . . .- ear , sufToring mure or les:; - vci. „„ , tiave tuken t bottlesóf the'Pcóplea ('ure,' and have nut lmd anj pain since I leftit cü more tlian four "weeks aso. mystkfub t.ilirely cured, ai.'l the medicirn hat; madfi me feel very Üglit and good- just like ; youu' man t'i- ih 1 atu sixty two cais old. GuOi-RÜi SCHOFFEL, 402 'Michigan St." "My wife has been suff rimr frnni Rlirumatiem - au inflammntoiw charnctfr i'nr .iljout bïx or seven yes rs hOinot'iQ.;? very acutely. About the örst of June l;i.1k- crnimenccJ taking the 'People's Cure,' and. continued to take ii some three weeks. In ten days aftei slie corameneed, the sw.elling aud stiffnets ofher jointr rery m-iteríallf le -"ti.;.i, aád in three weeks haü disappeared altogether. "-THOMAS I'OIXQCK, (at W, H. GlenDy's.) "Buffaln. Oetobr 1, lSGii," TUE fYT í) I? Cures PEOFLK'g Ks U VJ Fever Sores. "Two of uur subsc l ore of tbem ifílJcteí wit a baJie■c■r gore. iha 'lierwith Kheu&aatism- havii Been the aövertisomeut f the 'l'eoplc's Cure' in th paper , pnrehased the (iedicinc . and now, after bavïi thor ougllly tviuil t, report loin.f ; - heartily as a thorouíh remedy in Iheir case. - Editor Christiaa Advocate. tuk rTTT ï? Cures B888 PEOPLE'S V U xvEj of the Skin. "My face has for more tbafa ten ycars bfengrea ly disfigured by tr ijjUutih a uu uuucii-. .- , iilcuai Lui( extended over'my wUole borty,and once for t! fee áa; made me entirely biïnd but hatiög t&keb Uo bottleof the 'People'íi C ne,1 my acquaintanct-s lia'dly rêc ognize me- Indeed 1 hardly know as ï :tra niv a well man. Let all wiio are alil;e nfllictfd try h 'People'a Cure, - the Medicine preparèó by the Sanitari Siciety and I ihink thcy will not begrudge their duï lar. "JOSFJ '■' - 'i'i;. Turner, 2Iocbauic St ';BuffaIo, Nov. 15, 1802' THJC nTjn 171 Cures Scrofula &. l'EOl'I.FS L U XilLi Salt Kheum. '1 have used the 'leopi's Otire in mj f milj wxth great btíiieíit, n oi Srof'ula aml Sajt JihfUin,ft! d have recummended : Frqufently to my I'-hmhIs, all l whom I believe have been beneötted, and most oi'tJ ern n'iireiy cured bv it. ■ HAS. Si ;iAKFF.2T3MamÈt.)un-sUirs.11 TUE r'TTDT.'' Cures In,a!o PF.O1 LE bUlVD Weaknesse. . "I have been ÍD feeble healtli ever since the birth of my boy, who is now twe've year6 oíd. I havft hud many troubles and iHtficulties. al! this timp, unfitting rae Cor every kin 1 of labor, and destroying all my c;m furt, Lust sumnier ï commenced taking tlie Teopie'3 CuuV .-nul )ac used ' ur tjottïê, áñd a'tn n w ;iim.-t a well womun. My diliicuHios Luvc ueai'ly ftll disap peared, nal fecl eheonul and happy. '■ji'tó Ca'jHAW.NK Iii-V. -U.l',. Pres'maker. ; öéeil Alhy, iibooT.j jier .t " Baílalo, Uct. 20, W 2." THE TTITJT? Cures wlica i.ihcr l(Mv wül' ]ias hpen in poor health t'or tt long time havinV fniinuilly to cali a pursiciuu to .-itiend; but sïe'wae recently very much norse. Fur flve or t' weekt she had no appetite, lost all her struogtli, and waseacb day jrvfióg'5i She liad night sweats, couglu'd a ieftt deui duïïtig ench niht awi oonnidera biy during theiwv, and we U upposed she waa gohig on with the consumptio, wheu triend advised ln-r 1o tako the 'Pooples's Curé. Ou takini; the medicine ,];,, perci'ived u cliango at onco. On the thlrd dayshehad reeoveisd her appetite, and Mas tmi tesaininü her strength, until, on the éigBth iy, riól yetnSWng taken cue bottle, yhe has itopped t.ikinif the medicino saying she was as wcil as anybudy coulú be, and slio bas contiDued so ever sinc-. "l'AUL KLEIN, Gardoer, 32 Pear! rt. "Buffalo, Ootober ljlBCS." For Palo by all Drug-isN. 02;.v1.q C. Cjli : i , ■■ ,i r:il Agent, No. 2.5 Man s'., liulfalo, N. Y , to wiiuru aH erdfefe -houM be ;c!dressed. For Sslo by Sj BBIN3 & WllSOX, Gf.exvh.le & Fclil, and C. ÜEiUUCU k Co. JJisíoiuíIon TVctice, riiHr". riüM ot da; in, wuod & co., j-óiisolwi JL January 16, l&öa, bj inumal consent. C. A. Chapín and A. U. Wood wil] &ettle theaccounts of tlip firm. C Ai iiuriN, A. li. Wood, V Ciunx, K. Wr:iLS. Ann Arbor, June S!, 18153. Copariueisliip. TTK C!inER5I3NF.D éotored Into portnoiMhlj) Jnt 16,1865, by the flrm nnme of Cli.ipin K Co., and wil) coaiinue t io busiueps ol' mauufiuturing puntiug a li "I wrappiog [■ iper. CA Oïuijv, y.CBAriK, ''" ITOf. Aan Art#r, June M, 18(3 ?10tf. f tRtRw ' PAIN CURED! RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Ti tho most important medlcionl curativo- for the medíate relief ot iho sulterur- of ftll varletica of PJIXS, ACÜliri uncí IN'KIUMil ÍES, md the prompt euro of thO' sic!: v.'Iiitc l'.!','!lhor internat or cxterrul, ii u roucouúiant ut' Ihc disOoee, Umi lias cvor bco:i diacovored. IN A FEW MINUTES Aftor tlw appllcation óf the READY MI.IEF eitcrnaliy.Drit.iaiiniiMi.-truiioii Intgrnally, thopatieot- seixad the mo.-t excraolntliig PaIXS, ACHËS. cRAMi-i, ÜHFCil VI 1S! NECBAL6IA.GOUT, LUMBAGO. KKVI.R. AND AGÜE, 8PAS1IS, POSE 'IIIitOAT, INFLUENZA, iüPTHERIAjCüSGHSTION or LN'll.AMlI.VTION, will culoy eaJ3 uüU cotuiürt. RAD WATS READY RELIEF 0V#aS snfor t' artmialátor, and w!U slup 'pain quicktr, fl'iiu all prepiruti un uf Opium, Morphhl, Vcratiu-, Hïosiiiamui, Árnica, Valo.-ian, Chlorof-ina i.r Ether, uniler whutevor nam.; lintiuiiui-licil ;■ i';].i-,iiri'!i 'ti K Uiers r Sviiihinp Loti'int,vmv:li. Kispendsíftí feelingot pain by beuumbiug tho aaHieanBAkiUingtkenena. Thesurgaoii rJrainUtóraChlurofortn, Opium, &o . , rmidcr nu. " Ho UieuorvM of jwreeption- RADWAY KEAITY REIJCT stops Iho mostpxcmclatlng pain,id socorew tlieptieiii the rail possossion of hls buuscs. Tbi ■ U ilio m y ronwily i i general uso tlint will stop pain, so (jolde. Uu la ff trom opiuui, Morphine, or suai; otkor uiavVr-d druj. hurtful to lbo gaper) hoalth. BS VISE IN TIBia. Gaard agatnst slokness. Oa Iha iudkaüno of pait or uneasiDOas, if In the STOMA' II or BOWU.S, uk? a teaspounful óf tho REAOY lihXIKF In a wíqo glaH ui witcr. if 11 tlio LIMBJ, JUINM, HKAI), THAOAT ClIhïiT. BAl.'K, or "tli-r part! of the bid), apply Ihó KttlEF kxtkknaixy- in u nu minuto ail pat and discomort will c-ase. ThU simplo applicatiun may brenk op a formidable divase. It is mucti uojicr tü pievcüt disca:o than tJ cuie il. WEALTH FOR THE POOR. MXAI.TH U tho worklllg capital Hls (Waf man can iil attord to bear ilio burdoiu of si k- ncssorpaydoctor'sbiiM. OnKTWEKTY FlVg t BOiTLKOÍFKAl'WAY'áREAny UEUEF nk.cqrohimqulck.andeuablohintoresiiniohüi ■ UlunUlmsq ime- and, if usod w'.ien (Min H fint ujarienctd, willstóp it immediatoly. Koop tbjs Ki-moJy alwaysin tho house, 'and .use. itwlicn you fooi pain ; yuu ,,; : not to e o ie d y In a yoar by siokupü. nU'OETANT TO FARMERS And otters, restdlng iu sparse'y ROUletl dlilrlcta, wlrera t is diíflouli to secura tho servieci oi: n i.hysici.m, ]UUïAY;a REDY REL1KÏ ia i.iMaible-. It can ba mod with poiKWa assuraneo of duinsguod l:i all nasof where pam disco fm-l n oxpevtaiqcd., or i ícó uiíA f.NZA, lll'lIIKr.lA, -.i: ï:[::OT, BAD Ó :'! :OHS IÍO VB3?VRSS,tHLtOOS CHOUC, IS'FLAMMATl N ■!■' THÍ BOWKLS, SIOiílCH, I.ÜNGS, UVKtt, KIKÍEÍ8, or with PSJAI.L I'OX, Altl.CT FKVEIt ME.SL .TYI-IlOinFIOVER. BI1IOU3 FEVER, FKTbR ,r wth KKURUiíIA. HEADA'HE JU. ÍWLOREUX, TOOTHACHIÏ, EARACIIE. or with til BAOO, l'AIS-IN' THK BACK or RHI.UMATISM or yrilb. DIABRHOSÁ, CIIOI.KHA MOrUitK or 1) Y M 1 ,kV . -r with BUliXS, ?CAt,i 9r BROT?ES, or ribSl.; Ts;. ir Si' ÍÍM3 Thu application of RADWAlf i wiU cure you of Uw worst of tuoo Co jUiuli In a l'.'W li'j .r:. 3 11 IE ÜMATISM. lp.j-i""J iir.i-ifi;l üisëaso !i:is biifflcd Iho most sküflri vil' ii ijfiicj ins au t [íopulá rcmodics. It ii iho m 4 C-iitp d.ffloiilt or disea-ed to vet HADWAY'i Si RF.ADY REI.tEF hl? never falleil inaü'rJng ranjBilmtóroliel'tothesuli'eror ; and Ui aü caseá of Acuw, Iuü imm.Uory or Nervous Rheumatism, to effect a per. mauci.t ouro. (In Oironlc RheumatUm and Gout, RaDWAVS CLEANSING SVRUi', called lienmating Sío'i-en1, should bo lafeaa a, aa adjuuct with tha UKABT KLLIEr.) ACUTE CHRONIC RHEIJMATISM. Tho f' 'lo-.ving is writtoo by tin wcll known cirrospoo4Bt of l tic New York Herald, I)mlon Times (Euzland), New Orioana Pioayune, Delti, Cnarioatou Hercory, ka. : WJÍ. SIDXEY 1IYEK?, E.-Q , HAVAXA, CCBA. IliVixj, Cubï, Jan. 5,155. Htt tri. Iïcüwaï A Co. : ütNii.i'Aiii.v- 1 li ivo been n =uffjrer from Aculo Chronlo. Rheumatism forthé last tweuty . vaars ofmy lifo ; mr ufferings iluving that psriod . noitlicr tongiio uor on can expresa I have speut a liltle fortuno oa Doctors' bilii, vYi'hmitile; ivin2aiiysiib.-tanti:il benefit. liccently Ihad oneof my frequent porioiiical at:aeks. I was vory UI fur ii week, and li id not slept au hour at any one time. A Spaubh i'ricnd, to whoni I re'.ated my'eringi, toid me ho had a remedy wnicJi would givo me -elief, apd he kto'llv presemod m with a botlls of " RADWA '3 KKAliY 'ïiY.UV.V." 'Although skeptica! of deriving auy dvautage from lts u-e, I ihat uigit applied it froely on going to bed, and. to my great amazjment, feit rolieved oadJSlept sound ly. ïhonextniglitlugainapplied Ho liEADY Keiiuf, and awoke in the morning froo from pain, haring only u?.cd about half tho bottle. Heartüy do Irelurn yin my humbio acknowlodgmenta for your iuval'.iablc msdiOMie, v!,:ch niay well b cáiled " a Wessrag t9 man." Tbankingyou, from my soul, for your wumierfu! remody, I havo tuo honor to subscribo myself, Yours, rcsiioctfu ly, W. ïüP-VEY MYERS. NEUR ALGIA. (KXdUISITB PAI5Í,) TIC DOLOREUX, TOOTH-ACHE, FACEACUE, SHARP SUÜDKN FAINS. Persons suflerMK with Nearalgil experieni lbo acim i'f iiKorimiatii'g pain. ïlie paroxysms aïe Sharp. sndtTea, iHoiiging, bUbbiag, induced iu-.tuutly- iiko au electri shock. M-t., ADW'AY'S TxEADY RELIEF is tho only remody t;'i ,-iV hitherto known, that v. lUffo diniiiuHliatoreliuf fiirSv to tHoiü who suftèr with this lortaring CoiuSfc % 'ilaint. (n cases of chrouic Neuralgia, the lea isuigWrBP, talled KEKOVAÏING RIUI,VENT, will expu'l.lo' tiio euro.) In recent attacks, Iho Kh'AiJY RELIEF, appliod cxiernally 10 tlio ]iarts where the p-in strikes, and a têaspoonfül of HEUUt' to a wiue giasn X water, v.litn the paroxysms appear, will eileot a curo. HOW WO CXTE.S A BAD CO LD BteTWKEN 1H1-TWB AND SUXKISli. !fsoz"l v.;i!i SOBETHRAT,Hur3enei=. BadCoagh, dltilcull Breathing, Ueadache. Wtitery Discfcirges from tho Noso awd Ëves, PuiH in tiio bark and .Joints, kc, batlio il) 'ü'.riMi, ('h.-.-i. [load and Jointj with thu READY KE1.IEF, Snd m ku a HOT FcEAD"? RBLIBF SLING, 3v aiMinir ta li;ilf a tnmbler ' I nul wntor, sweolonoo wth su i 8 LUpuoufüVof RADWAY'S KE.VÜY REI.TEK, and drink thls on going lo bed. In a fow minutes ynu wHl p-rejrtre feely, sleep souadly, am ' wake ui l'ho moming cired of your cold. (Fivm the Christian Advocate.) 11 Ve bcg lo present to lbo readers of tho Advcait the folio mg (etter addrossed to Dr. Radway. I,ctthoe afflictod wiïü WEAK LUNÜ-i ANU THREATKNEU WIl'H ( lONSCMPTION', roail The vvrltér, Mr. JAMfS SAOK, ii weli ttowu ia MiciuGisiu a iiopularholel-kceiier." ME-:nn=, Maonmt) Cn. , Micta., Scpt. 4, 18CÍ1. P-t. Hadwjy- Deai-üiri Ah.iut Cour reara sinco, I m vcry muiii .illtMcJ with DISEASKÜ I.UNGA My friciuli. Uioiigbt I had the Comumptwn. I Wn entircly uulit fac bu.-incia, ralicd blond, aud luid eve y sy inplom of tho above fotal dis ■ e. Oncnieht.un gomg tubiul.IthiKigJit I woukl mko a BW(Mt, and took ymir Hbaiiï Kkbh (m bot v,.iL-r) us a rtimulant t sv;at rao. It ciid o. The persplra ii-n was of a slimy substance, and ufRjnstvo Bmcll I foltowed ta Ing iho MBtorRna Fvery othor nigUt for four weeks, and ai the cud of U-t timo whs cntiifly weil. Tbin H a truo statenK'iit of f.icU, wllich l w 11 tcstifv to um'.or oth. Vodih, aio , JAJUü &AUE, Sajo's Hotel, Moinphn,Mlch, PEVER AND AGUE3. A tablo-spomiful urKADWAY'ö ÜKADY tunibter of w.itor, Uikeu cv. tv morriing büt'oro breakfast wlll pruvoul attaeki of Fuvor and no, if eipoauil t.j it inaiariu. 11' ."fizad wilh thu c.'in;lamt, talie lh sanio dosej an1 hqrtie lito [leud, Xcck, Hindi and Spinc Olio h"ur l'oforo tilo Cii lis aro ex:' uied ; ihH wiU. break up aud a; o ihc wór t furau oi .-vguo. ökjfn. KAIíWAY civos yon. for 25 cents, a vno-laüia, vl) 5V '1' '' ul" 1"' in'ittiCiifi' in a few b.iir?, and 'fCll eiireyim iU il.scasosthat,uiidcrthoordinary $Jr t.-, at i ■ ; ■ : iliysioiaus, onW Uy you u for in-, r c tb .t overy bot'lo is romt'Mo v:t.-.i ui purciliso. and piirctmso no READY i.L'Ï.T: F u iiü 3 -J' siirtaïa s;g,Uituro of 1ÍADWAV & CO. n on tin oui.-ide l.tbl,!Ui(l lii ■ ñamo tf KAUWAV & co. blown on Hm Ka.=rt f oaoh I otUo. II [soi i i:v nrt; G(üst AVniMi!r-KKEPERSW rVfRY VÜ.1.A0K AXD TUWX lN' THli LNI1E1) aTAl'l ..N,CAXA,A. EADwAy & E7 Miikleu I;iuo, N. Y. For Sale by BTEBBINS& WILS0I4 Oval Picture Frames LLSIZES, STYLEE and PRICES jufct reaeiTeátu i V fórjale OHOFF de MILLEÏPfi. 1860. Pee. 25, TSOti


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