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Éstate of Robeit Dubois. OUTEOF MICHIGAN1. Oounty of Wwlrtiói M.+. U At a seexipn of the Probate Court fortbe Countv of WaShtinaw, holión'itth; Probate Office in the City of W Arbor, on Wdoeedtty, the twèntj Srt day of Octoj oenn Ihejen out thoiisand eight huudred and sixt. three. Present . Thrnnm NilHl. .Tndge of Probate. In Ihe matter ol the ofKobart Dubuis Hecea'sed. Oa reluling and fllmg ip etitiou, ju!y vtriSed, of Harriet Itaboia, prayiug for the appoiiitiiient ui an ailïr.i: srrafni on the r ia te , r said rleeeaser?. T!iereui,f,i it ordwrtd t'iat Frirtnv, t'io tli irl.-f ntli 'I-i ol Noïern'Jjr jaext aj tap e'cloek m eo forè. sóon. Ij-j a,si;noi! ror the hearing of raid p?rilicm, ad Wat (In !"irs -.a ivv ,,f said d!,-!-:!-.-!. and all other prrioiM. iotorested n ald estáte, are roqurred t" .t)]n':ir :d :i KPwiftn OÍ fiH (Vnirl . Inon Ití be IioMt'n it the 'rotKite Oflk-i!. in lile 'ty (,í .-inu Arbur,in said County . and show caüsttj-ii any tlierfi be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be c;rantei3: .And t is orJetwi, tliat said petitioner (jtve notice to the pefsons íiitcTcnted in said estáte, of the pendency o) said (Wtitiuu, aud ttao hearintr thereof, by eausinga copy of this Order to be pqblished in the Michigan Arí'n-. urspxper printed and rifeuJating insaid (uiuily of Sashlenaw, hree succusive weeks previoua to said day of hearing. (■ trmVojf .) ' ITfüMASNI&DEj ''-' .] !i r!'1 of l'robate. SheriÖ''ö Sale. BY ViBTLE ufan execution issni-.l out o'f an.l under the seal ;f the Circuit Gaart íwr Uta County of Waihtenaw, and ta mr direct ed, bear:ndate,.iuly lóth, A.D 1863, amaina tfle góods and chattles, or ror the WMt ihfreo). tile Jnd ;.■:■} tsmstnssts of J. Oilbert Sniith and William S. Mnynini, I have l his uay ltried upon aaé -srie.i a;l the right tiile aiil mierest oi J . GHliert Stnitli m aöd to tiie foüowiug described premises to wit : Betag all that eertain tract or parcel of Jan.l Ftitaatd In the city of Ann Arbor in the Countv oi WfthjtQBAwand Staic of .Mlciiian, kuowu. bounded aud descrncd as follows, to wit : lieiti T-oi number (4) in block three (8) s'nith cf Haron street in range uumter six [H] east acconiing to the liecrded plat of the Village, nöw city, ot Ann Arbor, eigth [8J roda on Kiftn slreet an.l sit', en [1HJ rods oa William street. All of which premises I sball expose for sale as the law directs, at tlie front door of fue Codrt ll"uïe tn I he City of Ann Arbor that being the jilace for holding the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw, on Siitiirday tlio lifth day of Ilecümb'er, A. D. 1843, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon oí sai'i dav. rilILIP WIXKCAR, Sheriff. October. 5th 1863. CAEPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS ! JU3T RECEIVED AT IIISNION & GOTT'8. Ann Arbor Oot.23d 1363. 927m2 A. $c C. LOEB, Aro happy to announce to their numerous frienda and patrnnn, tnat they huve lately received a large addition to the ir former heavy Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, FOR GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR ! We have also on hand a LA.RGE And "Well Selected STOCK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods IÍATS, TRUNKS, V ALISES &c, &c, And we would rcsiiecttulïy folicit yon to cali and examino our Goods, before purchasing elsewliero, as we are confident that we can sell you Goods CHEAPBR THASÍ THE CHEAPE8T AT TUE Cleveland Clolhing House. A. & C. LOEB. Ann Arlior, Haron Stnck. "ppcii'c Tari, few doorn W(H 'ftoolis' SotJ, Kffinl BOOT SHOE I a$& S N. B. COIE, to Moorc & I.oomis )' FJRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Ann Arbor, Las jast received hij F ALL AND WINTER STOCK! OF BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERs, manufacture!! froru tlie best material and warrattedt give satisfaction, consistiDg of MEN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOT8 DOTJBLB SOLED KEJSTS L UB FALO OVERSSOBS, of all descnptions. X-A-ODIES GAITERS, Monteo Hooiers, Balmoral, Feit Ovtnkott iu Rubbers. Aho, Boy 's Kip, Calf & Thick Boots tnt'tlier wiih a variety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S 8HOE8, I nm iilso SXaiiufacturlng WAERANTED BOOTS & 8H0EB, Men's Fine Freach Calf Booti Peg-ged and Sewed. fiive me a cali before -purchasing elaewher. lrtl sell my oods cheap f'or cash. REP AI RING NEATLY DONE AND 05 SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COLE Ami Arbor, Oct. 23ct, 1S63. 927t[ ' primtingT" OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT TUE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE AKE PREPARE TOFILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINÏ 0? PRINT ING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We bare recently purohastd K.XT C3-C3-X.ES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and hare addedthe ]att ntjTes of Curd Type which enables us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARB6, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, Ac. in the nentest stj-les, and as eheap ■! other bouse in the State. We are alo P'r pared to print POSTERS, EANDBILLS, BLANKS, CiKCULARS, PAMPHLETS At BOOK BINDEEÏ is in charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMEÜ, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNAL HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KIND&, RÜLED TO ANY PATTE And Manufactured in beststyms New York Prices, Periodicals of all kin BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-Bound' All Work warranted to give entir satisfactiou. E. B. POND, Prop1'' Offlc and Dindfiy, eer. Muift Horen S


Old News
Michigan Argus