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"hangsteeferIiall, F RW A Y EVEN ING, OCTOBER 30. THE HOFFMNS' Autumnul tour for l?03, tb an cntire chanSe of programmc. ONE GRAND CONCERT, L'n.l. tI!)p mana?eincnt,of Wm. B. Tliomrison of Y Flirt ai (MiLSippearanM of tho dUtinwnUheU and favorito ártists Madame Charlotte Varían, The Popular Prima Donna, and EDWARD HOFFMAN, Ilie emiüent Pianist and r. TICKETS, . ) COCEXTS. ■ i 'Isratsv.-itbout extra cliarge. A diagram of the Hall may be sen and seats seoured after lOo'clock lbursdayinci-ningat the Ktore of Schoff & Miller ' Doors open at 7, so commenoe at 8 o'clock. Notice of Attachment. rjsïlE CIRCUIT COURTfor tl,,. Couaty of Washtenaw. Thomas L. HumpUreville ) Hugh DoTvuL'y. J Notice ia heveby sivon that on the eiiAtmath dav of September, A. I). 186", i writ of attachment was duh' 1HSUB.1 out of the Circuit Ceurt for ths Countv of IVash tenaw, at the snit of Thomas !., Hi.mplirVi'le the above named plainïiff, against the land, touemécts, id cliattJes.moBejsandefleotsofHughDoipBer cdant namod, for the sum of 6Bx hun ired dollars, whtoh said rit was retum-iblo on tho hieuty aercntk iUiy of Ootobor.A; D. 1863 928w6 ALPHKÜS FEECH. Dated, tbis 29th day of Öotober YÜ, Mesf"' Coaimissioner's Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN-, Coraiï OF WlSHIUMr SS. J-J rhe undersigned having been appointetl by the' Probate Court for said County, Comruissiouers to receive examine, and adjjist all duim and demanda of all per' lie estáte of JamssJ, ülirien late of the '"''■ oahip ol Northfleid in said couniy , deeeased, herehj pive notice that six rnonihs from date are by order of the 'róbate Court, jiknved for créditos f present tneir claimsagainstsaiddeoeased, and that thev will meet ut the residence of Mr. George Sutton, in the rownship of MurmBtld said County, oo Saturday the TwentyThird day of Jaimary, 4nd Satorday, the lwenty-Third Jay of lpril ueit, at one o:clo"ck ia the afternoon of eachday,to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. THOMAS WHITE. „ T1MOTHY PONOVAN. Kommistioners Dated, October 'ifith, 1863. 92Sw4 Estáte of Kobert Dubois. QTATE Oï MICHIGAN, Countyof Washtenaw Ss_ O Al asesaionof the Probate Court for the County'of Washtenaw, holden at tlu Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Weduestlay, the Uventy first day of OctoJ berm the year one thousand eight hundnd and sixtythree. Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Uobort Eubois, .ieceased. J On reading and flling the petition, duly verifled of Hamet is, praying for the apjmintment ofan'adminlstrator on the estáte of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the thirteenth diiy of Narember otxt at ten o'clock in the furenoon, be assignod for the hearingof said petition and that the heirs at of said deaeased umi all other persons i nterested in said estáte, are required to appeaT at a session of said Court, (hen to be holden at the Probate the Citv of Ann Arbor, in said County,and slinnaiiit. ifany therebe, hythe prayer 'idnot be granted: And it is furtiier or.lcied, that eaicl petitioner Sire notice to the persons intewsted in said estáte, of tl. e pesdenoj of said petition, and the hearing thereof nga copy of tl.isOider lo be publishèd in the M ichigan Arguts. a aewspaper prrtrted and circulatins in said County of Washtenaw, three successire weeks previous to saia day uf hearing. ' (A trne Copy.) THOMAS NINDE. 92' Jttdge of Probate. Sheriff's Sale. BY VÍETCE of in exeeution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for tbc Countr of Wasbienaw, and to me direeïed, bearing date, July lMh, A. I) 1863, ai;ainst the goods and chattles, or for the want thereof, the Iands and tenements of J. (Hoert Smltta aml WilliamS. Maynard, I bavo 1his day lrviedupon and soized allthe righttitle and interest ofj. Gilbert Smitb in and to the following described premiBeato wit: Being allthatcertain tract or parcel of laud s-ituated in tbe City of Ann Arbor in the County b tena wan ! State ui' JBohigan, knoiro, bounded mul ilc-cribcd as folloivs, to wit; Bcing Lot number four (4) in bleek three (3) soutb of Huron street ia rauge numtor six [0] east according to the Recorded plat ot the Villaje, now city, of Ann Arbor, bein cigth [8] rodson Fiftb strei-t and six teen [16] rods on William street. All of wbich premises I .shall expose for' saleas the law directa, at tbe front door of the Court House in tbe City of Ann Arbor tbat being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw, on Saturday the fiflh day of December, A. D. 1863, at ton o'clock in tbe forenoon of sai-1 day. PHILIP WINEÜAR, Sheriff. October. 5th 1=63. Family Dye Colors. FOR Dyeing P.'lk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Sbaw'a, Scarfs, HresstM. Ribbons, ciloves, Bonnets, Hats, i'eathers, Kid Gloves, Cbildren's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel 3-A SA VING OP 8O PER CEST-g For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otberwise oost flve times that sum. Various shades con beproduced f:om the same Dye. The proeess is simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect buccess. Directions in Englisb, French onil Germán, inside of eachpackage. For fuiihcr nformation in DyeÍDg, añil giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye over otliers, (witb many valuable recipes,) purchase Howe & Stepbens' Treatiee on Dyeing and Coloriug. - Sont by mail on receipt of price- 10 cents. Manufacturad by HOWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston, For saleby Druggistci and Dealers generally. 926m6 Stray Mare. rpAKEN UP by the on the 20th of SepttinJ. bcr, a Dark Bay Mare, about 8 ycars oíd, has black mano añil tail. The owner is requested to prove propcrty pay charges, auc take said Mare away. JAMES E. ÜALLAGHER. Base Lake, Webster, Oct Oth, 1S63. 925w6 Tobacco 1 Tobacco ! I AM SELL1NG' GOOD FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Atfrom Fifty cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 14 cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. ftnn Arbor, Mich., Dec. 17, 1862. 883tf ïarErvv GOODQ? OAEPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS ! JUST RECEIVED AT HENION & GOTT'3. Ann Arbor Oct . 23 J 1363. 927m2 , áyer's Cberry Pectoral, BOOT SHOE N. B. OOLE, (Successor to Moore feLoomis,); FHANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Ann Arbo, hs jurt received hi, FALL AND WINTER STOCK! OF ' BOOTS, SHOES & EUBBEfig manufactured from the best material and warraattJ give nat.sfaction, consiating of MEN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOT DOUBLÉ SOLED. 1 MJSJT8 MUF FALO OVJESSBO of all descnptions. LA33IES G-AITERS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorah, Feit Otershou'm Rubbers. AUo, Boy's Kip, Calf & Thick Boofe together wiih a variety of , CHILDREN & YOUTH'S SHOEj, I am also Manufacturing WARRANTED BOOTS & 8H0E8, Men's Fine Freneh Calf Boots Vegged and Sewed. Oivemeacall before purebasing clsewhere Ij sell my oods cheap lor cash. ' REPAIRING INEATLY DONE AND, 05 SHORT NOTICE. Anu Arbor, Oct. 23d, 1863. N' B92TS' ATTENTIO1TI A. C. LOEB, Are happy to annou nee to their numerous friendi i patrons, that they liave lately received a large additiot to tkeir foriner heavy Stock of Beady-Made Clothing, FOE GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR! We have also on hand a LARGE And Well Selected STOCK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES &c, &, And we Tvould folicit jou to cali and - amjne our Goods, before purcliasiug elsewhere, u f are confident that we can öell you Gooda CHEAPEB THASÍ THE CHBAPKST AT THE Cleveland Clothing House. A. & C. LOEB. Aim irlior, Huron Street, opposi(c Park, few dom West of Cooks' Hotel. 927m3 P. B ACH Has reeeived J JLiRGE STOCK F ALL AND WINTER GOODS! INCLÜDING LATEST STYLES -OFSh.awls, Dress Goods, and everything for Ladies & G-ents Wear. GOING TAST FOR CASH! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, Oct. 1863. NEW F ALL GOODS! I am now receiriug my FALL STOCK, whlch is latge and well selected and marked at S 3X Alili PROFITS I have as usual DRESS GOODS, in great variety, Shawls & Cloaks, WHITJi GOODS, G-loves & Hosiery BAL MORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. and a full STOOK of all -ANDDHOICE GROCERIES. Buyers for CASH or PRODUCE will always find m if the Stock largoly undor CKEDIT I'KICES. J. II. MAYNABD-nn Arbor. Oc. 18, lSf-3 Mi9M


Old News
Michigan Argus