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HANGSTERFER'S HAL AEBOB. The Four Smallest Human Beicgg OF MATURE AGE, ETER KNOWf ON TUE FACE OF THE GLÖBe POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY . Friday, November 20th, 1863, T11REE GRAND PUBLIC LEVEES romllto 12,3 to4,'í and 7 % to 9 o'clock. Doon open half an hour in advance GEN. ÏOM THUMB AND Hia BEAUTIFUL LlTTLE WIFE The late Ilias Lavinia Warren, THE FASC1NATING QUEEN OF BKAUTY ! COMMODORE NUTT, heFamous "S30,000 N'utt,'' so called, Irom ha?i, received that sum from Mr P. T. Barnum for threo years' services. ELFIN MINNIE WARREN, The smallest Lady of her age ever peen. ERE ARE A MARBIED COUPLE, A BACHELOR AtEly BKLLE, ALL FOÜR WEIGHING BUT ' 100 POUNDS. Perfect in Forin and Features, he World liever saw anytlimg half so WonderW tío Larger than so Many Bables! At the openicg of the 11 o'cloek morning Levoe thj ieneral and his lady wear the Idéntica! Wedding' Cos. urne they wore ai Grace Chuich on their Marriaw Day, Feb. 10 h, 1863. Sitj dollars were offered for a ticket to that modi lere the sanie thing canbe seen for a'trifie. They will appear in a great variety of fascinalinjner, ormances and castumes. - ïhe rich. rare and costly Weidinj Presents.sta ie -Magnificent Jewels presented to Gen. lom ThuiibbT he Crowned Heads of Europe, will be ejthibited at eiti -eree . Admission 25 Cents. 923w2 Children xinder 10 years of age, 15 Centi. Farm For Sale. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN, in the town of RomH, _ lonia County, ilich., in the beat wheat growlrig raion iu the State. This farm containa 16O -A.O3ELE3S, : choice laud witb seventy acres under improyement, ith some three miles of cood oak ience. It is wel] atered, bas a good log house , a frame horse bami GOOD SUQAK BUSH, nd athrifty OrcJiarfl. It is welllocated for school mi ther privileges . The owner having no help of bis ot nd wishing to lócate in the of the Univen would like to exchange for property in or near the citj f Aan Arbor . AddresB P. ü. Bux 6G5, Ann Arbororin uire of Dr. GKO. PRAY. 929m3 Detroit St:-, opjiosite Arksey's ivagon shop. f FAIRBANKS' ï?Ti Standard CÁSCALES! jËHËjüéÊÊk 0F AIX KINDS. wBíjjBf teo, Warehouse Trucks, Lelitr Presses, tfC. Fairtoánks, Greenleaf & Co., 172 Lake Street, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by FARRASD & SHELET. j83TBe careful to buy only thegenuine." 885;! Family Dye Colors. ÏOR Dyeing Silk,Woolen and Mixed Goods, Sbwb, JScarfs, Presses, lïibbons, Gloves", Bonnets, Hiö, "eathers, Kid Glores, Chüdren's Clothing, and all inds of Wearing Apparel A SAVING OF 8O PER CENT- For 25 cents you can color as many goods as woutó tberwise cost five times that sum. Various shidti an be producid fcom the same Dye. The prowssfl imple, aod any oue can use the Dye with perfect suoeui. Directione in Enfflish, Frencli an1 Germán, insíde oí ach package. For further information ín Dyeing, and eriring apíi'ect knowledre what colore are best adapted toíjl ver othersv (with many raluable recipes,) purchw Howe & Stepbens' Treatise on Dyeing and ColoriDgent by mail on receipt of price - 10 cents. Manufactured by IIOWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston, For sale by Druggists and Dealera generallv. 9C6mí Tobacco! Tobacco I I AM SEI.I.ÍNG GOÖD FINE CUT CHEWlNG T0' BACCO Atfrom, Fifly cents to $1 per pouni SMOKING TOBACCO, From H cents to 20 ceafs per pound ' retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbür, Mich., Duo. 17, 1SC2. S8W GOOD8? OARPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS . JÜST KECEIVED AT HENION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor Oct. 23d 1363. 927m2 JIJST OPENING! The largeat Stook and best assortment ' CABINET FÜRNITUEE ? ever brought to this city, ineludin? SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, _, LOUNGES. BED KOOM SETS, CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIBS, Ijoolxins Glasseí Gilt Frames and Mouldings, OODF'13C3NrS METALIG CASES, &c, &c, and all otlier goods kept in tbc best and larest.S in tbc country. Weneepno second hand run" j Auction goods. Cofüns lept constantlj onl" made to order. My goods ;ire offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRH$ N. B. I must havo money, and respMtfo1 J J%gi those cali and flx up tne.r ow o. M. MARTI Ano Arbor, Oct. 8, 1863. 9"'6t


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Michigan Argus