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Thanksgiving Proclamation

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In accordance witli establislied usage, and bocansB it Isemtnentiy (il that au enlightened and Ohristjan peoplo should make Eiequenl and public aekiiowlrdynieiil, of tlieir hjuublo ' dependente bpon Almiglity God lor all tin; blessinga ol' life, I do liereby appoint Thursday, the -üih day of November instant, as a day of praise, Ehánksginng and prayer, and I recointnend that, suspeuding all ordinary business; Hu: pepple of this título du aseinbiö in their places of public worsbip, n thejr lioHsés, and bj tho famiiy flresido, and keep tilia day as boeomes thein with reverènee and gratitude tcwardi our lleavenly i'atbev, and wil b sinccM-eaiul bcarty goud will towards uur fejlow-tuen, Let tb o kindly affections wbieb imite the families together rcceive a new and sirongcr impah'e from tbe good cheer of tbis day; and in the midst of our abundancc, let us not iorget the broken hearted and the poor. .Many of our people will bo absent fioni l!ic religiotis aml social gatherjngs of tbis thanksgiving, dwelliug in ten'tsand in the open field, in anus, gallantly def'eixling our berila-ge f.-f libeTïy, our boajes and property. Lot tbe miited prayers of this whole peoplo arise to tbe God of battle ibi tbem, Ihat He will give tliem victory, and the nation re-estaWished nnity anti peace. That Ho will shield from want and sorrow tbe fainilrcs of :■ iuiroic soldier-i, and that HöwlHcótafort thos? wlio mourn for the heroic dead, in tbe cainp, tbc hospital, and on the battle field. The pooplo of Michigan liare been prospered in husiness döviug tfie year that is past, beyond all prwtous example; Let iheni be tbankful, but put away pride and tlio inordinate love of gain which leads us too often to make mercliandise of the most sacred causes. Let us observe this day with lnimility, trutbfulness and honesty towards ourselve.-), our fello'.vs and our Creator. In te.itinifiiiy whoreof, 1 have hereunto set my band, and caused to bo affixed the great seal of' the State, at the city of [l. s.] Lansing, this 3d day of November, in the yoar of our Lord one thousand eight bundred and sixty-thrc1. liy the tíovernoj.. AÜSTIN 1ÏLAIR. James B. Pobter, Secretavy of State.


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Michigan Argus