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BOOTS SHOES ! NOBLE & RIDER, Hare just received at the oldstanA oí Wm, S Saundera, ately occupied by V. S. Sraith, ALAEGE STOCK OF BOOTS $c SHOES, OF THE i BEST QTJAX.ITY ! Whicli they propose to sell at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. THEY ALSÖ MAKE AND REPAIR, To Accommodale Cuslomers. Pleaae cali and ox aroine their stoek Before Purchasing Elsewhere. LAWKÏNCE MOBLK, CHARLES KTBEIt. Ann Aroor,Sef.t. 9th,1803. 922. FALL aooos! C. H. MILLEN'S. September, 1863. 922m2 1863. SEPTEMBER 1863. FALL COODS! AT TUE "Old Corner 1" I am now dnily receiviog a well seleeted stoek of NEW GOODS ! FOR THE CONS1STINO OP STAPLB DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRÏS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIÜNS, &c, &c Also a full assortinent of Family Groceries! all of which were bought low and are to be SOLD CHEAP FOB CASH. C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sts. (922tf) Ann Arbor. Ayer's Agüe Cure. =N"EW 3OOT SHOE H. B. GOLE, (Successor to Moore k Loomis,) FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mam street, Ann Albor, lias just received his FALL AND WINTER STOCK ï OF BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, nanufactured from the best material and warranted to givo satisfaction, consisting of MEN'S KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLED. MEN 8 BUFFALO OVERSHOES, of all dcscnptions. NADIES GAITEBS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Fdt Overshoen, and Rubbers. Aho, Boy's Kip, Calf & Tliick Boots, togother with a variety of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I um also Mniiuiacturlng WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Meu's Fiue Freneli Calf Boots Pegged and Sewed. Gire me a cali before purcbasing elsewhere. I wül aell my ioods cbeap for casb. KEPAIRING (NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COLE. Ami Arbor.Oct. 23c), 1863. 927tf TTENTION I A. C. LOEB, Are bappy to announce to tlieir numerous friends and patrons, that tliey have latelv received a large addition to the ir former heavy Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, FOR GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR ! Wo bave also on bañil a LARGE And Well Selected STOCK OF Gentlemen's FurnisMng Goods HATS, TEIJNKS, VALISES &c, &c, And we would respecttully folicit you to cali and examine our Goods, before purchasiug elsewherti, as we are confident that we can h? you Goods CHEAFER THAN THE CHEAPEST AT THE Cleveland Clothing House. A. & C LOEB. Ann Arbor, Haron Street, opposic Park, few tioors WestofCooke' Hotel. 927in3 P. B AC H Has received J LAEGE STOCK -orFALL AND WINTER GOODS ! INCLUDINÖ LATEST STYLES -OFSh.avls, Dress Q-oods, and everytbing for Ladies & Gents Wear. GOING FAST FOR CASH ! o Cali and Sëe ! Ann Arbor, Oet. 1863. NEW FALX GOODS! I am qow reeeiving my FALL STOCK, wÜtcb is laige and wel! selecttd and m.irkcd at I bave as usual DRESS GOODS, in great variety, Shawls & Cloaks, WHITE GOOÜS, Grloves & Hosiery BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. and a full STO 'K of all -ANDCHOICE GROCERIES, Buyer for CASH or PRODUCK will always Pind mos of the Stock largely undcr CREDIT PRIOES. J. IL MAYNARD. Ann Albor, Cct 16, 18C3. 60il8S9 DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. NEWLY DISCOVERED PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION DR BADWAT'S PILLS ARE THE BEST PÜKGATTVB Pilis in tho World, and the only Vegetable Substituto for Calomcl or Mcnury ever discovered. Composcd of Vegetable Kxtraets oIGirai, Plants, Herbs, Roots nnd Flowers. Tlicvl'urgc- Clcan-ic- l'urify- lleal- Soothe- Cairo- Streng'then- Invlgoratc- and Kogulato tho System. 1JT SUDJOEJV .TlVfCKS Of INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWKLS, BILIOUS CHOLIC, BILIOUS FEVER, ERYBIPELAS, CONGESTIVE FEVEB, SMALL POX, MEASLES, SCAKLET FEVER, gXX TO EZCrHT 7IÜLB Will purgo the disease from tho systom in SIX HOUES. If seized with cithor of tho a'iovc-uamod diseases, let eix or eight of Dr. Radway's PILLS bo taken at once. This single dose will carry tho patiënt out of danger. riieir oontinued use, in smaller doses, will work a curo. COATED WITH GUM, rhey are ploasaot to take. Thoy operato pleasaotly, aaturally, and thoroughbj. Every doso that is taken imparts strengtk to tho enfeobled system. Being perfect purgatives they do not leave the bowels coshve, or the patient wedlt. ONE OR TWO OF DR. KADWAY'S PILLS Will securo a good appetito and healthy digestión. TO THOSE WHO TAKE PH.I..S, )R P VDW VY'S PlIiS will bo round an improvement on ill purgativo or cathartic pills in uso. One or two pllta ill be found suffleient to fceep tho bowels regula. ■ ; and In caaes whoro a brisk operation is desired, SIX to EIGHt will iu six hmrs thorouyhly purge. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE COSTIVENESS, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, MBASLES. CONGESTIÓN, - MELANCHOLY, HEART DISEASES, HYSTERICS, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AMENORRHCEA, AND BLADDER, FAINTING, DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINESS, B1LIOUSNESS, ROSH OF BLOOD TO TYPHUS FEVER, THE HEAD, SHIP FEVER, OBSTRUCTIONS, MALIGNANT FEVER, RETENTION OF TJRIN8 LOSS OF ArPETlTE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, INFLAMMATION, HEADACHE, PALPITATIONS, BAD BREATH, SCARLET FEVER, INFLAMMATION OW BILIOUS FEVER, THE INTESTINES, JAÜNDICE, APOPLEXY, CONGESTIVE FEVER, ENLARGEMENT Oí SLEEPLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBILITY, BCÜRVY, DIMNESS OF SIGHT, WH00PINO COUOH, FITS, WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QÜ1NSEY, PLEURISY, As also all Complalnts of Women, sn Ilygtcrla, Leuconrhcea or WlUtes, Weakenlne Discharges, Clilorosls, Irregularltle, Suppiesslo of tlie Menses, Inflmmatloii of the Womb or Bladder, Difficult Menstrontlon.and all othcr Diseases or Complaints produced by excessiv-o discharg03 or suppression of the Menses. Ladies who desiro to avoid the saffonoga and .neonvenioncea of these rrogularities or nrgan.o obstra.tions should not omit to regúlate their systemsDy means of one or two of RADWAY'S PILLS, ouco or twiw a weck, and thus bc free from tho many and great toeonvenieSces to which ladios are generally Bubjoct. p WEIGH FACTS. DOCTOR UADWAY invites tho attention of the Intelligent reader to the facts here presonteil, showiug the superiority of bis PILIS, as purgatives, over uil other pills or purgativo medicines iu use. THEIR GREAT COMBINATIONS. They are Aperient, Tonic, Laxitive. Alterativo, Stlma knt, Counter Irritant, Sudorinc. AS EVACUAXTS, They are more cortaiu and thorough than the Drafitlo Pills of Aloes, or Crotón and Harlem Oil, or KJatörium ; and more soothing and healing than Senua, or Khubarb, or Tamartads, or Castor Oil. AS ALTERATIVES, Tbey eserciso a moro powerful iulluencc over the liver ant its secretions than calomel, mercury, blue pill, henee their importance in cases of Livor Complainta and Spleen Difficultieá, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bilious Attacks, Headache,&c. In the treatment of Fovers, eithcr Bilious, Yellow, lyphoid, aud other reduci'g Kevers, thoy aro superior to quinino. Thoir lnfluence exteuds over tho entire system, controlliug, Btrengthenlng, and bracinï up tho relaxed and wasting cnergios, and rcnnlatir)g all the secretions to the natm-al performance of tlicir dutios , Gleansing aud purifying tho blood, and purglng from the eystem all disoased deposits and impuro huours. THE CAUSE OF PU-ES. A largo dose of th.e Drastic Pills wül, by irritating ths mui'.ous membrane, produce a violent expulsión of tho contents in the bowels. but in so tloing otliur secretiona aro suspended. In sucn cases, tho siools will be found to bo light-coloreil and walery , aiul attendod with cramps, griping pains, nausea, sickness. By t is increased un natural action of tho b.iwcls, tho secretions of tho kidneys and pancreaij arcdiLaini3hcd,fol!oweil by affectiona of the kidneys, bladder, uretbra, pslra, tcnosmus, general prodtratiou, coáliveness, aud indigestión. Why Kadway's Pills Cure Small Pox. InSmall Pox, Scarlet i'ever, Krysipelas, Yellow, Typhoid and other redudng levert, pukuatio.v is hiyhl) essential. But to administer a dose oí Drastto Piiis the irritation they would produce, und the relaxation and depletion that would fotlow, would be likcly to ))rovi) fatal. If physiciaus, in theso cases, would givo RAÜWAY'S PILI, they would aï.waya cure thoir patienta. In these diseases a mifrf, soothing, he.tling aud gentiy stimulating laxitivo is requirod, wuich is secured by itADWAY'd PILLS. Why Imperfect Pilis Gripe. The causo of griping. nausea, Bioknes, teuefluaus and debility, that is induoed by a dose of drastu: pilla, is owIng to their imperfect operatiou. if with the facees, the diseased humors, leftcirculatiag in tho system, wero expelled by these puls, ihorc woüld be but httlc pain or griping. It is the alsc-ace of tho bile and pther humors which the imperfect [ills fail t" purge out of tho systoru that occasions the pain. By eSHmmlüg the stooU evacuated after severe griping they wil! bo fouad tïlin aud watery. THE THUB PILLS TO TAK3. The only safe pills to Utke are Dr. liadway's, becauw they are ihe only pills that secure purgattnn without dopletion, aud expel Uiseased bumors from tho systóm. CASE 0? DYSPEPSIA CÏÏRED. ï"or many ycars I havo been amtctód with our national coinplaint, callcd Dyspepsla- my suiTerings have been a cousUnt SUOOessiol) oí horrors. I have spent tliousands of dollars with the hope of realizing a liuio comfortand tránqtlillity. AU modication l'aücd to relieve me, until 1 oommenceu to iet upoii the judicióus advico I you gavo me on tlu! of April, 185S. And now, afier usingyour Pills, I feel liko a ni'W ïn.iu. God bless yon, and may t'ais letter iaduce othor enifibrtag victima to this aocursed malady, to try the eamo itimuH, Vours fervently, W. CARPENTER Carpex-tkrvili-e, N. .T. , April Kith. 1869. ilessrs. Radway L Co., -V. T. (iiy. Letter from Dr. Salmón Skinner. New Yokk, January, 18C0. Dr. Radway t Co. : I have, dunng ttio past four yoars, uscd yonr romedies, and havo reconimendod them to others f. ir Biuora CoJll'LAINTS, iNDtQKSTlOH, DTÖPItPSIA, &C. 1 CUKsider tho Ready Koliof and lUBulatjog Pills uoequalad. Tho Rogulatins PMla are mild in Iheir oporatious ahd ihorougUly effectivo. ■ The flrst doso should bo largo ononph to puree, say four or five, and each succossive dosèbodiminisUcd ono pij, until reducod to oue, and then rJepeatu 1 pwry day for a wcok or teu days. A gormwiout cu bu.eiy i follow. Y0UTS.4C, DR. P. SKIXXEB. Dr, Bniln-ny's PIUs nrc solsf by 57inc;glstsniKl Siure-K opeis In genern!. Kmli ) Bol coiuains JO PIUs. Prlco Ü3 ets. per lioi. For Salo by STEBBINS& WILSON 3STÖTÏC 3B3. THE Partosrihin hetebofore f xHing betwecn the nndersigned nul Israel Carr, undcr tne Br'm aud style of DuBoi & CSarr, in flrsolvwl hhi( s.-ttlcmMit ol (Witnershin matters will b 1941de with tho uiadFriiin' 4. t X. DrBOK. Ann Arbor, Oct. 12th, 1 63. VS 1 Ayer's Cathartic Pills


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